One less thing i can be made fun of for.

DirtyJosé;3330090 said:
Be honest, there's more than just KB's touchy temperament. It's this kind of shit. The same shitty attitude that people like Sully carry around here.

"Oh, well, if I'm not gonna be liked then I'm just not gonna give a fuck and just keep on being hated".
Not at all.

It's more that I'm not going to change who I am just to fit in on a wrestling forum. I would love to be liked by everyone but if I have to go around pretending to be someone/something I'm not then fuck all of you.
It's more that I'm not going to change who I am just to fit in on a wrestling forum.

No one asked you to change who you are, just to shut the fuck up once in awhile. How many shitty pointless threads do you have to start? Even when a thread was made for you to post in, where those who wanted to could find you, you resort to starting more shitty threads. Why? Simple, because you know that you'll get SOME attention doing this as opposed to keeping it in one spot. Be who you want to be, dude, just quit acting surprised that no one really wants you back.
Milenko, don't worry about it. Just let this thread fizzle out. You set yourself up for a trap, no biggie. No use explaining your case.

Just know that I like you. Just like CM Punk is the voice of the voiceless, I am the friend to the friendless(though their are a few others who certainly don't mind you.)

Find a thread to discuss some wrestling!!!
Where's that thread we were discussing last weeks RAW MVP at? We need an MVP for last night. But please, choose CAREFULLY!
Here's the thing.

It's well known here that you haven't had a ton of luck with ladies. We know this. Now, that's changed. The way you play it off is "oh well it happened once and I didn't even have to pay for it. Probably thought I would have but I don't so that's good right?"

It comes off as all down and mopey and such. That's why people get annoyed with you: everything you say comes off like "my life sucks. Even when good things happen to me I still have such a horrible existence." People get annoyed by that, myself included. Quit being all sad and take charge for once. If someone doesn't like what you said or did, don't be all sad about it. Screw them and move on.

Also, this isn't something you just broadcast. You bring it up in context. Someone mentions that you've never gotten laid and you say something like "I haven't?" Makes things seem more upbeat and people won't run you down for it even more.
Milenko, don't worry about it. Just let this thread fizzle out. You set yourself up for a trap, no biggie. No use explaining your case.

Just know that I like you. Just like CM Punk is the voice of the voiceless, I am the friend to the friendless(though their are a few others who certainly don't mind you.)

Find a thread to discuss some wrestling!!!
Where's that thread we were discussing last weeks RAW MVP at? We need an MVP for last night. But please, choose CAREFULLY!
I wasn't home to watch RAW last night so I missed it.
Here's the thing.

It's well known here that you haven't had a ton of luck with ladies. We know this. Now, that's changed. The way you play it off is "oh well it happened once and I didn't even have to pay for it. Probably thought I would have but I don't so that's good right?"

It comes off as all down and mopey and such. That's why people get annoyed with you: everything you say comes off like "my life sucks. Even when good things happen to me I still have such a horrible existence." People get annoyed by that, myself included. Quit being all sad and take charge for once. If someone doesn't like what you said or did, don't be all sad about it. Screw them and move on.

Also, this isn't something you just broadcast. You bring it up in context. Someone mentions that you've never gotten laid and you say something like "I haven't?" Makes things seem more upbeat and people won't run you down for it even more.
Thank you for the advice I will take it to heart
It's more that I'm not going to change who I am just to fit in on a wrestling forum.
But you're not a virgin anymore and I can only assume that this is so you can fit in on a wrestling forum. This thread certainly adds to my case. So does Sign Guy's testimony that during the sex in question, you kept mumbling something about how if it weren't for those meddling kids and their dog that you totally wouldn't need to do something this yucky.
I shouldn't be laughing at that because i know you're being an asshole but it is funny.

Just when I thought you couldn't come across as any more pathetic, and go & make a thread like this :disappointed:

Pretty sure no woman really is going to ever appreciate it much when they have sex with a guy & he runs off & brags about it to a bunch of people on an internet wrestling forum.

Dude have a little self respect, & show a little respect for the poor girl who was willing to lower her standards enough to let you violate her, & act like you've been there before. Nobody needs to know nor cares if/when you ever get your dick wet.

Just when I thought you couldn't come across as any more pathetic, and go & make a thread like this :disappointed:

Pretty sure no woman really is going to ever appreciate it much when they have sex with a guy & he runs off & brags about it to a bunch of people on an internet wrestling forum.

Dude have a little self respect, & show a little respect for the poor girl who was willing to lower her standards enough to let you violate her, & act like you've been there before. Nobody needs to know nor cares if/when you ever get your dick wet.

Wanna know why I love this post? Ya wanna know, boys and girls? Because I can literally smell the smoke rising from that keyboard. I can hear him screaming at his monitor.

I love it.
Jesus motherfucking christ. Yes that was needed, I'm sorry dude. If you think we need to know what you do in your spare time... this is sad. I've been here just as long as you Cory. The only thing I've took from the time I've known you is that you strive for acceptance.

This is a wrestling forum, bro. Not a hey call me Akon forum because I just had sex. I've seen jokes about people having sex on here. Alot of them, but no one makes threads just to brag about it. Cool you had sex Cory, that's sweet dude. I hope it was worth it. Sex just for sex in the end is rather pointless. You could be a 40 year old virgin and still command respect from your peers and friends.

You need to find a hobby, because this hobby of Wz is not working out for you. It's sad to say it, but even putting you in the prison did'nt work. You need to just say fuck it, and stop coming here for a while. If this chick is your girlfriend, spend more time with her. Make that your "hobby", because with the reputation you have here it woud literaly take a bomb dropped on all the regulars houses for you to gain back respect.

Not trying to be mean, but you say you spend less time on here. And you do, but that's just because you can't do shit outside of the prison. If you were outside, you would still be getting shit on.

Sorry dude, it's just time to move the fuck on.
Dude is proud he had sex.

This is Zach Ryder. This is a book. This is the WWE. This is Zach Ryder not on the same page as the WWE.

'Cept if you replace Zach Ryder with whatever my username is and WWE with everyone else posting in this thread. Way more people make way more unimportant threads way more often. This is Milenko syndrome. The rationale being 'HE MAKE THREAD! = HE DUMDUM'.
1 - Was it with the girl you claimed was your girlfriend before? The one who's picture you posted.

2 - Are you sure it was a girl?

3 - If it wasn't with the girl from question 1, you probably should post a picture of the poor lass so we can either salute you or punch you in the face.

4 - Did you were a condom?

5 - Did you pee in her butt?

6 - PICS or GTFO!
1 - Was it with the girl you claimed was your girlfriend before? The one who's picture you posted.
no that one dumped me after a week and a half. Worked out because that bitch is crazy.
2 - Are you sure it was a girl?
3 - If it wasn't with the girl from question 1, you probably should post a picture of the poor lass so we can either salute you or punch you in the face.

4 - Did you were a condom?
5 - Did you pee in her butt?
Why did you post a pic dude? If people would have asked you to post a naked pic of her, maybe you would have done even that.

On second thought, maybe you wouldn't. Not that you care for the girl but because posting porn is not allowed on WZ.

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