One Last Run


Shawn Michaels is one of the best wrestlers and performers in WWE history. He is a former 4 time World Champ and the First Ever Grand Slam Champion in WWE history. Since he came back in 2002 he has held a World Title once for 28 days, but has had many World Title matches. In that time, Edge has been an 8 time World Champ, even The Great Khali had a World title reign and surprisingly CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, RVD and Chris Jericho held World Titles (I mean this is a good way, no way do I mean to say they didn't deserve it.).

With all this being said, will HBK get his last World Title run before he retires that last more than a month? Do you think he deserves it? Would you like to see him as World Champ? Or will he leave with his last reign being a terrible one?

I am not trying to say he hasn't been great and all, just that he hasn't held a World Title in a long time. He has been in great feuds, I just think he should get the World Title for one last time.

Your Thoughts.
I'm sure there is a thread on this every week.

Anyway, No! He doens't need the belt to get over. Neither does Taker. There job is for high profile feuds that give a rub to the people feuding against them. On Raw and SD you have your big feud over the title, then your other one involving HBK/Taker.

If you were going to give a title run out of loyalty, it would be to Kane! But that is a ridiculous thought, as is HBK getting another title reign. He is happy with his role, and so are the fans.
honestly no i dont think he should. his legacy and his career has always been about more tyhan the title he has so much more to offer, and his lengend isnt based on him being champ like say a triple H. im glad the HBK doesnt ant the title and hasnt had one. he doesnt need it to put people over. a feud with him almost guarenteed to put you over. i like the fact thjat the younger superstars are getting there runs. as long as HBK is gold in the ring he doesnt need gold on his waist
No, there's no need for him to do so. Michaels is one of those guys who makes everyone else seem better by letting them beat him in title matches. He'd be no more of a draw if he held the belt, whereas giving it to somebody like CM Punk means that Punk seems like far more of a bigger deal than he already is.

Shawn Michaels would gain nothing from it either. One more reign isn't going to send him into the higher echelons of reing numbers, nor will it improve his legacy. People will remember him as a man of two careers, and this second career has been defined by his lack of championship success.
As much as it would be nice for HBK to get one more run and a treat for his fans, it just won't happen, he doesn't need the belt, he's regarded as one of the top 3 in WWE so a world title run isn't needed..

HOWEVER I do think WWE should go with HBK winning the IC Belt (kind of like when he had the European title) and give the belt that rub of a main eventer who never would normally go for it.. much like putting over a young talent he's putting over the stepping stone title.

When HBK won the world HW Title back in 2002 he only won the belt to give it that rub, it was new and HHH alone couldn't hold it for 9 month and make it feel like a world title so they give HBK the win and the belt only for HHH to look good in regaining soon after and go on to hold it 9-10 months in 2003
As much as it would be nice for HBK to get one more run and a treat for his fans, it just won't happen, he doesn't need the belt, he's regarded as one of the top 3 in WWE so a world title run isn't needed..

HOWEVER I do think WWE should go with HBK winning the IC Belt (kind of like when he had the European title) and give the belt that rub of a main eventer who never would normally go for it.. much like putting over a young talent he's putting over the stepping stone title.

When HBK won the world WH Title back in 2002 he only won the belt to give it that rub, it was new and HHH alone couldn't hold it for 9 month and make it feel like a world title so they give HBK the win and the belt only for HHH to look good in regaining soon after and go on to hold it 9-10 months in 2003

This isn't that bad of an idea. I like, have HBK as IC Champ. It has been brought up many times, in these forums. But I would still love to see HBK as Champ for one last time. Like in his last match he won it, then retired, like what Trish did. But him winning the IC belt probably is more likely to happen.

Also, some have said that Taker doesn't need the belt, but he still has won it , twice, so why not HBK?
This isn't that bad of an idea. I like, have HBK as IC Champ. It has been brought up many times, in these forums. But I would still love to see HBK as Champ for one last time. Like in his last match he won it, then retired, like what Trish did. But him winning the IC belt probably is more likely to happen.

Also, some have said that Taker doesn't need the belt, but he still has won it , twice, so why not HBK?

I think Taker won it as it survived it's purpose he hadn't held a title since 2002, so Taker winning the world title was fresh and Taker and Batista on the same show coming up to wrestlemania it was special it had that big match feel, so taker winning at mania23 served it's purpose also the way Edge won the belt from him just had that feel of Undertaker regaining the belt from him, I doubt we'll see Undertaker with the belt anymore now.

HBK see he won the tag belts 2 years back with Cena now I generally don't consider this a title run as they only defended the belts once or twice? but a singles run would be cool, but the world title is a lock on Edge/Cena for the future, HHH/Orton will lead into Backlash (as will Edge/Cena) I just don't see HBK in any world title plans for a long time, if WWE had any intentions of giving him the belt Mania23 would of been the best bet, he was RED HOT going into that show I thought he was going to get the title but no..

see the tag belts getting unified, I could see the Diva's/women's getting unified (keeping the Diva's belt) and I could see the IC and US getting unified so say that happens and JBL/MVP do that, I generally think MVP is going onto the main event stage this year so have JBL win unifies them belts, now HBK/JBL can have good matches so straight away they have history so a match wouldn't be to hard to storyline, and also HBK could job to JBL so HBK gets the rematch so it's making the belt look strong HBK could win and defend the title against the lines of Shelton, Kendrick, Morrison, Miz, JBL, Rey, see title matches these days are face vs heel, imagine a face vs face or the ic title? it's different and special, WWE should really push this idea IMO
I think itd be nice to see HBK with the IC belt 1 last time but I feel he needs a proper run as a heel to go with it freshen him up a bit as he's gone a bit stale
Oh god no.
IC maybe. World title ,,,,,,, no. I guess you must have mised the thread the other day asking who was the least deserving main eventer. It was an HBK hate fest. And I loved every bit of it. HBK should retire. He only has good matches at WM and is so damn lame to watch the rest of the year. I seriously hope time is winding down, and winding don quickly for old HBK. yes have him in the IC picture, build it back up, the have him retire by putting over Kendrick. Kendrick is his boy, so that shouldnt be a problem,,,,,,,,, and then. for the love of god............. Retire HBK.... id rather have Flair still out there than you.
Shawn Michaels is one of the best wrestlers and performers in WWE history. He is a former 4 time World Champ and the First Ever Grand Slam Champion in WWE history. Since he came back in 2002 he has held a World Title once for 28 days, but has had many World Title matches. In that time, Edge has been an 8 time World Champ, even The Great Khali had a World title reign and surprisingly CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, RVD and Chris Jericho held World Titles (I mean this is a good way, no way do I mean to say they didn't deserve it.).

With all this being said, will HBK get his last World Title run before he retires that last more than a month? Do you think he deserves it? Would you like to see him as World Champ? Or will he leave with his last reign being a terrible one?

I am not trying to say he hasn't been great and all, just that he hasn't held a World Title in a long time. He has been in great feuds, I just think he should get the World Title for one last time.

Your Thoughts.

Meh, give him one measly run. I dont know what many people see in HBK.. Ya hes Mr.Wrestlemania, hes the showstopper the headline blah blah blah..I just dont see him as main event material anymore..I mean, if the WWE wants to give him a "thanks for everything" run then sure, but if u think about it really hard, if they do this to all retiring legends, we would've had a 17 time world champion right now...

Edit: I also dont think you should confuse the run you're offering michaels to Jeff Hardy or CM Punk..this is a HUGE difference..Jeff actually had a great shot of remaining main event not a big fan of Punk but again, these are main event pushes..this is to see if these guys can pull in money for events, and give a great show..and for the record, The Great Khali is the worst World Champion of all time, I think that was a mistake more than anything else!
Meh, give him one measly run. I dont know what many people see in HBK.. Ya hes Mr.Wrestlemania, hes the showstopper the headline blah blah blah..I just dont see him as main event material anymore..

How can't you see him as main event material, he always in the main event.

I mean, if the WWE wants to give him a "thanks for everything" run then sure, but if u think about it really hard, if they do this to all retiring legends, we would've had a 17 time world champion right now...

I believe there is a difference between Ric and HBK. HBK can still wrestle and put on matches, when Ric retired, he hadn't been seen in weeks, then he came back, wrestled a couple of matches and was done. HBK still has gas in the tank, he can still steal the show and put on a great match.

I also dont think you should confuse the run you're offering michaels to Jeff Hardy or CM Punk..this is a HUGE difference..Jeff actually had a great shot of remaining main event not a big fan of Punk but again, these are main event pushes..this is to see if these guys can pull in money for events, and give a great show..and for the record, The Great Khali is the worst World Champion of all time, I think that was a mistake more than anything else!

I agree, but one last run couldn't be enough. HHH gets the title every month, can't for once the other DX member get the World Title.
Undertaker won the belt two more times because it was a vital part of the storyline.

I just don't think HBK should carry it again because he doesn't put on the same caliber of matches as the rest of the (top) main eventers. He was excellent 10 years ago, but now he's just bland.. again that's just my opinion.
ABSOLUTELY YES!!!! He was the most important wrestler and champion in a time WWE really needed him to keep from going under from the WCW. He carried the WWE banner and worked a hell of a schedule. In the ring he is still my favorite performer in the ring. I think his story lines could be better if the booking was better. I think a world title win would make him a more credible main-eventer. I think most ppl know that he'll loose if he's involved with a world championship. I personally don't think it's good buisness to make any superstar look weaker. I applaud HBK for putting younger stars over but I don't think he needs to job every single match. So let's see him with one more title run!!!!
dont think so they gotta put the tittle on other up incomin stars like orton, hardy, punk, nd christian. hbk will be like flair. fliar came back nd had no tittle run but was way over with the crowd nd had one of the best matches in wm history
dont think so they gotta put the tittle on other up incomin stars like orton, hardy, punk, nd christian. hbk will be like flair. fliar came back nd had no tittle run but was way over with the crowd nd had one of the best matches in wm history

I would love to see a short title run, maybe taking the title off a top heel, it would be nice to see it happen as a suprise, sort of a edge like, but not by turning heel. he would get such an ovation, the arena would blow the roof off. maybe chris jericho could win the title, keep up with his legends stuff, and then beat up a legend, say "i'd put the title on the line against any legend" and hbk's music hits, and he twists CJ's words enticing him to accept his challenge(maybe it would take a retirement stip) and wins the title one more time, putting on one of the best matches out of that old fued, and poss retiring anyways

i cant believe someone said they would rather see the nature boy more than HBK. all past matches and loyalty aside, hbk has much more left in the tank than nature boy does.
A great thread idea, i've only got 8 posts.....
would HBK belong in the H.O.F if he only showed up in 02? (no age difference, only not including any prior acheivements)
Why in the world have I not posted in this yet? I'm sure I had actually. Anyway.

I would love for Shawn to have another title run, a legit one which isn't in the middle of the Monday Night Wars. Yes, he does deserve it. He's one of the best athletes in the business, he's in his forties and can go longer and have better matches than guys half of his age, him retiring will be a sad day for the WWE.

It makes me laugh when people say he's 'boring' now. Well done, Shawn Michaels is that amazing, you believe him. His feud with JBL was nothing to do with him being his flamboyant self, he had to change for that, and he did an excellent job. He was supposed to be this depressed old man, and so many people believed it to be him, which proves how great he is. Shawn deserves a title run, if only to further a feud with someone else, I think he could have a good feud with the belt included, in comparison to his usual ones which are quite personal.
I'm kinda disappointed to hear so many people so strongly against giving HBK one more title run before he retires. I agree he doesn't need a title to be over and I'm sure Shawn is happy with his role but it's not like he is unable to put on a great match. Shawn is responsible for some of the best matches of the last few years and he is more than capable of having a strong title run. Is it really gonna hurt anyones character to give Shawn the belt for a couple months? I don't think so...for everything Shawn has given the fans and the business over the course of his career I think he deserves one more run for sure. If HHH can hold the belt still and Taker can have a run still, why can't Shawn? I am betting that Shawn and Taker will steal the show at Mania and HBK will once again prove that the moniker Mr. Wrestlemania isn't just a catchy's the truth and I would love to see him get the gold one more time. I am all for pushing the younger guys like Orton, Edge, Punk, Hardy and Christian and it would be a great rub for Shawn to win the title and fued with one of them only for them to beat him after a few month long fued. It would be good for HBK and great for one of them to beat the Showstopper.
I think one mroe run could do the title good, to diversify the scene a little bit, and also he can lsoe it to someoen they want to elevate, which will put them over in a massive way...
Whether he deserves it or not, it really wouldn't help him getting the belt. Why? It's simple, it's wide known that HBK himself denied world titles ever since 2005, he just didn't want to have a run as world champion.

That's primarily why he was beaten by HHH, Cena at WM 23, and numerous attempts at world championship matches even though he gets screwed out of it.

He's just pushing new talents now, and he doesn't want anymore world titles on his waist.
He doesn't want the belt, so why give it to him?

Pretty much sums it up. You want to give the belt to someone who would actually be happy carrying the belt around. After he won the belt in 2001 he asked someone else to bring it to the shows for him, because he didn't want to carry it around. Lazy fuck. Furthermore, Shawn works a reduced schedule which he wouldn't change at all. If he were champion, would he go full-time? No. Why have the champion of your show missing frequently? You wouldn't. Simple. Therefore, no, he shouldn't have another run.
He doesn't want the belt, so why give it to him?

Pretty much sums it up. You want to give the belt to someone who would actually be happy carrying the belt around. After he won the belt in 2001 he asked someone else to bring it to the shows for him, because he didn't want to carry it around. Lazy fuck. Furthermore, Shawn works a reduced schedule which he wouldn't change at all. If he were champion, would he go full-time? No. Why have the champion of your show missing frequently? You wouldn't. Simple. Therefore, no, he shouldn't have another run.

even though he didnt return until 2002? but yeh he doesn't want the belt, doesn't need the belt so there is no need to give it to him. he works an reduced schedule to spend time with his wife and kids that hardly makes him a lazy fuck! but i mean he prefers putting over other younger wrestlers and his name, legacy and skills are big enough and solid enough for him to successfully do that so why change that?
I don't see why not. It's pretty clear that Shawn is still having the best matches and the best feuds out there. If I'm not mistaken, he won Feud of the Year and Match of the Year with Jericho last year, and certainly he contributed quite a bit to that. He and JBL had a great series of promos and even pretty good matches together, and now he's looking to have the most anticipated and possibly the best match on the 'Mania card. Pretty much anytime Shawn tangles with a main event caliber wrestler, you know it's going to be good - he had several with Cena on Raw that stick out, and hell, even his match with Kane on SD was pretty good. In the post draft Raw, you'll probably have Orton, Cena, Edge, and maybe Triple H all together there, and you know Shawn can put on a top rate match with of them. Meanwhile, factor in that since returning Shawn's been built into a big legend and would certainly draw far better as a champion nowadays than he did back in the day. I'm certain a Shawn vs Edge feud on Raw, lasting the same time Shawn vs Jericho did, could be absolute gold. Basically, he'd have top rate matches, top rate promos, and would draw as champion really, why not?
After he won the belt in 2001 he asked someone else to bring it to the shows for him, because he didn't want to carry it around. Lazy fuck.

Why would he carry a prop around with him? That's silly. When he first won the belt years ago, he told of how he just sat in his hotel room looking at it in awe. That was the realisation his boyhood dream had come true. However now all it is is a prop on the show, it doesn't actually mean anything, this isn't a real sport. Actors don't carry props around with them, so why is this different?
I don't see why not. It's pretty clear that Shawn is still having the best matches and the best feuds out there. If I'm not mistaken, he won Feud of the Year and Match of the Year with Jericho last year, and certainly he contributed quite a bit to that. He and JBL had a great series of promos and even pretty good matches together, and now he's looking to have the most anticipated and possibly the best match on the 'Mania card. Pretty much anytime Shawn tangles with a main event caliber wrestler, you know it's going to be good - he had several with Cena on Raw that stick out, and hell, even his match with Kane on SD was pretty good. In the post draft Raw, you'll probably have Orton, Cena, Edge, and maybe Triple H all together there, and you know Shawn can put on a top rate match with of them. Meanwhile, factor in that since returning Shawn's been built into a big legend and would certainly draw far better as a champion nowadays than he did back in the day. I'm certain a Shawn vs Edge feud on Raw, lasting the same time Shawn vs Jericho did, could be absolute gold. Basically, he'd have top rate matches, top rate promos, and would draw as champion really, why not?
because he doesnt want it! besides edge, Orton, Triple h or cena dont need to be built up any farther if it ever did happen he would feud with punk of some other young gun that the WWE is wants to push to the main event status for the future!

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