One Last Run, Brother!

Watching Hogan

  • Yeahhh Brother!

  • Nope he might break his hip on live TV

  • Can't be arsed either way

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Oh yea because coming out after a match, jumping in a guy's spotlight and fumbling around on the mic giving him some empty praise is putting Sabin over. How many times has Hogan lost clean without doing that stupid bullshit kickout right after the three count to make it look like he only barely got beat? How many times has Hogan used his status, his accomplishments in this business, to lay down and let an up-and-comer pin him and get the rub of his career? That's putting someone over.

Dude I like you as a poster but your Hogan hate is nauseating. The 3 pin kick out was the norm in the territorial days. They did it aplenty.

Case in point: The Iron Sheik did the 3 pin kick out at MSG when Hogan won the strap after his Leg Drop.

Everyone has used their stroke to stay relevant as long as they can in this business or any other entertainment business. Austin did the same (rightfully so) in 2002. He did so by walking out before his character was buried even deeper, according to him. Hogan is astute and knows the business. Sting did not have the business sense to accept the role as nWo's 3rd member. As far as I have read, watched and heard, Sting was first choice but he was scared being cast as a top heel. Hogan was floundering true, but any other old timer would've still clinged onto the last hope of being the top face, as Nash said: Hogan saw the gravy train and said, thats not going too fast, I can still get on brother.

Am I saying he isn't a backstage politicker? No. Maybe the biggest. But almost everyone on top was and, get this, still is.
I have respect for the Hulkster and what he has done for wrestling and the fans. But, I don't want to see him wrestle again. This guy is going to be 60, he don't need to be out there and thinks he is in his glory days. Don't get me wrong, I was a huge Hulk Hogan fan when I was a kid. But to me, he should of retired wrestling after that match with the Rock at WM18, That would of been a great way to end his career.
Just to break up the tension real quick:


Funny stuff. It's not just Hogan and Sting though. Most of the big names in TNA are on the fast track to the Over-the-Hill Club. Kurt Angle is 44. Chris Daniels is 43. In-Shape Bubba Dudley is 41. Abyss/Joseph Park/Penn Jillette is 39. AJ Styles is 36. Bobby Roode is 36. Austin Aries is 35. Jeff Hardy is 35. Kazarian is 35. They're all getting up there and none of them represents the future. And while there are plenty of younger guys on the roster, I don't think Chris Sabin, Garrett Bischoff, Crimson, or Gunner have what it takes to lead TNA and be a big draw for them. They're welcome to prove me wrong, but they won't.
I despise Hogan. Always have, always will. But, I understand why they might try this. When you're in the underdog position, you have to fire every bullet in your gun, even the blanks.
Dude I like you as a poster but your Hogan hate is nauseating.

It's a thread about Hogan and in my very first post in this thread, I stated that I've always hated Hogan, even back in the day when he was relevant and could actually work a match. He has a long history of not putting anyone over and using his creative stroke to bury guys while pushing himself. It's one thing to be invested in your own success as a wrestler, but it's a different kind of animal to be trying to influence things that don't even have anything to do with you. Hogan had his hands in every pie in WCW, just like he does now in TNA. That's what bothers me about this whole "one more run, brother" because it feels too much like history repeating itself. Triple H has done his share of backstage politics, but now that he's older, he's looking at the bigger picture and working with a guy like Curtis Axel. He isn't booking himself in the title picture, having one more run just for the sake of one more run. At some point, you have to take a step back, realize that the world doesn't revolve around you, and pass the torch. Give back instead of continuing to take. That's something Hogan has yet to do. Now, if he wins the belt and then loses it clean to AJ Styles, my opinion of Hogan will shift a bit.

he should of retired wrestling after that match with the Rock at WM18, That would of been a great way to end his career.

I absolutely agree there. That should have been his one last run, retiring in the house that built Hogan, passing the torch. But instead we've got a replicated Randy "The Ram" Robinson act coming up and it churns my stomach.

It's a thread about Hogan and in my very first post in this thread, I stated that I've always hated Hogan, even back in the day when he was relevant and could actually work a match. He has a long history of not putting anyone over and using his creative stroke to bury guys while pushing himself. It's one thing to be invested in your own success as a wrestler, but it's a different kind of animal to be trying to influence things that don't even have anything to do with you. Hogan had his hands in every pie in WCW, just like he does now in TNA. That's what bothers me about this whole "one more run, brother" because it feels too much like history repeating itself. Triple H has done his share of backstage politics, but now that he's older, he's looking at the bigger picture and working with a guy like Curtis Axel. He isn't booking himself in the title picture, having one more run just for the sake of one more run. At some point, you have to take a step back, realize that the world doesn't revolve around you, and pass the torch. Give back instead of continuing to take. That's something Hogan has yet to do. Now, if he wins the belt and then loses it clean to AJ Styles, my opinion of Hogan will shift a bit.

Ye...maybe Hunter isn't the best example you should bring up. He is probably worse than Hogan without the dime to back it up.

Hogan is giving back. His giving back isn't like what Jake The Snake wanted. He wanted to be part of creative and writing. Sadly WWF didn't hire him. Hogan has to be on TV in some proportion because thats what he does best. He can still sell emotion. His reaction at the end of Lockdown is proof. There are a few storylines heading into BFG. AJ's ascension, Bubby and Hogan, Angle and Rampage. All I want is a Storm vs Hardy match and that would make a stellar PPV.
Ye...maybe Hunter isn't the best example you should bring up. He is probably worse than Hogan without the dime to back it up.
There's no denying Hunter has been a backstage politician ever since he got enough stroke to pull it off, but Hogan has had a much longer reign as the king of backstage politics in every company he's worked for. At least Hunter is now looking to the future and is bringing young guys up like Curtis Axel, the Shield, and the Wyatt Family. Given Hunter's past though, I am worried about how his feud with Axel is going to end but at least the guy is finally getting the rub in the first place, even if Axel still does look kinda weak. I want to see Hogan pay it forward too but I'm not seeing any evidence of that happening. How does his last run end? Does he just win the belt from Bully and then vacate it the next night on Impact? He certainly can't hold it until Bound For Glory. Who's the guy who's going to end up with the belt after Hogan? That's what I'm wondering..

Hogan is giving back. His giving back isn't like what Jake The Snake wanted. He wanted to be part of creative and writing.
Except Hogan -is- a part of creative and writing in TNA. He wasn't just hired in an on-air capacity and he's getting paid more than anyone else on the roster. What exactly is he giving back? Media exposure like the sex tape scandal?
Who gives a shit about all time? You dont see Bruno Sammartino getting a title shot in WWE just because he was relevant at some point.

It's funny you bring that up. I don't remember everything that has ever happened to me. I struggle to remember some things that others would find highly important and memorable but I remember seeing an over 50 Bruno Sammartino smack the shit out a young Macho Man. He humiliated Macho. It was great, I loved it. The action had inherent themes of not just violence and revenge but also mortality, legacy, respect, honor, and destiny. It was also something I hadn't seen from Bruno. I remember this 25 plus years later.

Under your logic Bruno should have been retired but there he was humiliating the future of wrestling. I loved it and it resonates with me today.

Maybe you're not capable of enjoying something beyond the realm of reasonableness but soooo many of us can. Sammartino did that years ago for me years ago and Macho was still able to move forward and succeed. Hogan may be able to do the same.

I'm talking about the biggest in TNA and he's not the biggest. Jeff Hardy is bigger. Or at least he was until the show's booking became all about Hogan.

Just stop now. Please. Jeff Hardy compared to Huml Hogan? Today or any day just stop.

Yea just like it was WCW's problem, not Hogan's, right? If TNA hasn't been able to build a superstar it's because every potential candidate has to sit in Hogan's shadow, including Kurt Angle, one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time.

Except plenty of guys including Angle get plenty of TV time. Do you put any blame on people not named Hogan, Dixie, or Bischoff at all?

Instead of building everything around Hogan, it shouldve been AJ Styles, or Jeff Hardy, or Kurt Angle, or Samoa Joe, or even Anderson. But instead they built it around the AARP Wrestling Division with Hogan and Sting.

Do you really believe any of those guys are going to get you more attention than a retiring Hogan? And please don't pretend that those guys haven't gotten their shots. Titlee runs, storylines, promos have all been plentyful for everyone you mention. It's just that none of them could get to the point where the fame and fortune could make it so Dixie could keep Hogan out of the ring.

What does he have to do with the booking? You didn't know that he and Bischoff were brought in to run the show?? Bischoff runs the production aspect of producing the TV show itself and Hogan sits as head of the creative team. Or have you been living under a rock?

And yet you have such a high opinion for the other performers. Shouldn't they all be complete shit because Hogan is calling the shots?

Oh yea Hogan is making a great sacrifice, Saint Hogan the Martyr. Give me a fucking break. He's doing this for Hogan and nobody else. He needed the money because he was dealing with a divorce at the time he joined TNA and Dixie appeased his ego more than McMahon ever would. He takes a pay cut so he can be center of attention again.

How do you know Hogan's motivations to wrestle again? Is he getting that much extra money? Can he stop doing Rent A Center commercials?

Oh yea, because Jeff Hardy isnt over. Kurt Angle isnt over. Samoa Joe isnt over. AJ Styles isnt over. Austin Aries isnt over. Bobby Roode isnt over. James Storm isnt over.

Over with TNA fans but that doesn't amount to much. These are all guys who have been big parts of the ring action, title runs, and storylines for the past three plus years and yet you continue to blame Hogan for declining ratings.

Seriously, can't you put any of the blame on these guys?

Put Hogan out to pasture. Sting too. Build the show around the younger guys. Make it about Total Nonstop Action again instead of Total Nonstop Hogan. The company was slowly, yet steadily growing before Hogan/Bischoff came along. Just because Hogan is a household name doesnt mean the company is somehow making more money. Most of the wrestlers arent even making minimum wage.

This plan sounds like Hogan going out to pasture. He is going to bring in more eyes and money on the way out than anything else TNA can put together right now. It is up to the rest of the company to keep some of those eyes and money around. Be thankful is you truly want to see TNA succeed.

You do know that they post the ratings for Impact every week here on this site, right? They keep declining. It's not a narrative I'm inventing to support my argument. It's a cold hard fact.

But with all the guys you mentioned that sooo over how is that possible?

Nevermind, you're just going to say Hogan.

Oh, and it doesn't have anything to do with American Idol lol.. Hogan and his crew are running the product into the ground by focusing less on what first put TNA on the map and focusing more on the Hogan Knows Best bullshit dramafest.. he's the general manager yet he has way more segments than any other general manager ever. He doesnt deserve to be on camera that much just because he used to be relevant decades ago. He doesnt deserve the belt anymore than any other guy on the roster either.

No, he deserves it for the attention and money it brings in.

All he can do is Hulk up and punch a guy and thats somehow supposed to be enough to beat Bully Ray? Even if you don't hate Hogan like me, you have to admit that the whole concept is beyond absurd. At least when the Rock came back for a title run to bring media exposure, the guy could actually still go in the ring.

Tell young George Steele's Barber about the absurdity of an over the hill wrestler turned announcer smavking the shit out of WWF's most promising up and comer. Young George Steele's Barber will tell you, "to go fuck yourself" and then continue to appreciate wrestling for another 25 plus years.

Thanks for helping me get my non-spam post count closer to 1,000 with your ridiculous Hogan hate.
I'm glad you like watching flabby dinosaurs hobble around in the ring. Maybe you've just got a thing for old dudes past their prime ripping off their shirts. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I personally think the blind Hogan fan boy fanaticism is ridiculous, but you're entitled to your opinion.
Put Hogan out to pasture. Sting too. Build the show around the younger guys.
I'm so sick of hearing people whine about youth. Youth means NOTHING in pro wrestling. It takes a good 10 - 20 years to really know this business. If youth was the answer every backyard fed in the world would be the size of WWE.
Make it about Total Nonstop Action again instead of Total Nonstop Hogan. The company was slowly, yet steadily growing before Hogan/Bischoff came along.
But now it has grown far more quickly. Where before it was a little local promotion based out of Nashville, it's now a world wide company that has more viewers than ever before. If you base your judgement just on the U.S. ratings, then you admittedly don't have all the facts.
Just because Hogan is a household name doesnt mean the company is somehow making more money.
Oh, but they are. Thanks to HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN'S name TNA now has more and greater sponsors who otherwise wouldn't have any interest in TNA. They have more TV deals and higher ticket sales.
Most of the wrestlers arent even making minimum wage.
There's no such thing as a wrestler minimum wage. Wrestler's aren't paid by the hour. You just lost even more credibility with this argument.

You do know that they post the ratings for Impact every week here on this site, right? They keep declining.
So do WWE's. They have beaten their own 10 year record low multiple times in the past year or so. The entire wrestling business in general is in decline because there is no competition.
Hogan and his crew are running the product into the ground by focusing less on what first put TNA on the map and focusing more on the Hogan Knows Best bullshit dramafest.
On the map??? TNA has NEVER benn "on the map". That's it's biggest problem. No one knows it even exists. But they know that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN exists so TNA is right to use him to the best of their ability to get people to tune in.
he's the general manager yet he has way more segments than any other general manager ever. He doesnt deserve to be on camera that much just because he used to be relevant decades ago. He doesnt deserve the belt anymore than any other guy on the roster either.
The biggest draw ALWAYS deserves the belt.
All he can do is Hulk up and punch a guy and thats somehow supposed to be enough to beat Bully Ray?
But intercepting the Ace's & Eights ball peen and cracking Bully on the head with it is enough.
Even if you don't hate Hogan like me,
So you admit that you are just a hater. Your argument is now officially dead.
you have to admit that the whole concept is beyond absurd. At least when the Rock came back for a title run to bring media exposure, the guy could actually still go in the ring.
There you go, making double standards. A guy who hasn't wrestled in 8 years was somehow perfectly capable of beating WWE's top face and World champion? At least HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN has continued to wrestle at least one match a year.
There's no denying Hunter has been a backstage politician ever since he got enough stroke to pull it off, but Hogan has had a much longer reign as the king of backstage politics in every company he's worked for.
EVERY wrestler who gets into a position of having a lot of stroke uses politics. Hunter, Hart, HBK, Austin, Nash etc... even The Rock who was once considered one of the boys was politicing all over the place during his most recent run.

At least Hunter is now looking to the future and is bringing young guys up like Curtis Axel, the Shield, and the Wyatt Family.
Oh... and HIMSELF. Come on... show the hate.
Given Hunter's past though, I am worried about how his feud with Axel is going to end but at least the guy is finally getting the rub in the first place, even if Axel still does look kinda weak.
WTF? you mean getting the rub is good? But when it comes from HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN you claim that it's spotlight hogging. Stop being a hypocrite.
I want to see Hogan pay it forward too but I'm not seeing any evidence of that happening. How does his last run end? Does he just win the belt from Bully and then vacate it the next night on Impact? He certainly can't hold it until Bound For Glory. Who's the guy who's going to end up with the belt after Hogan? That's what I'm wondering..
There are many possibilities. He could lose it right back to Bully Ray in the rematch thus setting up a feeling of hopelessness (if HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN couldn't stop Aces & Eights then who can?). He could drop it to Matt Morgan, a man who could could actually benefit from beating the greatest of all time for the belt). He could just vacate it as you say and let the winner of the BFG series win the title (although I don't really like that option). Point is that we don't know. So sit back and enjoy the ride. It's going to be fun.

Except Hogan -is- a part of creative and writing in TNA. He wasn't just hired in an on-air capacity and he's getting paid more than anyone else on the roster. What exactly is he giving back? Media exposure like the sex tape scandal?
It's still far more exposure than TNA has ever gotten before. And as they say in Hollywood, "there's no such thing as bad publicity".
Hulk Hogan doesn't need to do anything when it comes to actual wrestling participation ever again. Sure he'll be a noted talent to wrestle for TNA, but there's so much risk involved with Hogan getting back in the ring again. He has nothing to prove and TNA's long term well being will not improve because Hogan decides to wrestle again.

I'm hoping this doesn't happen, but once Hogan's mind set on something, it's going to happen whether the fans want to see it or not.
So you admit that you are just a hater. Your argument is now officially dead.
I started off my very first post in this thread with the statement that I hate Hogan. I then went on to say exactly why I hate Hogan multiple times already ad nauseum. Of course all you card carrying members of the Hogan Fan Boy Mark Brigade can't handle the basic concept that not everybody gets high off Hogan's old man farts like you do.

I've given multiple reasons why the guy is bad for the world title picture, bad for TNA, and bad for the business. I've presented my views with plenty of reasons beyond just simply stating, "I dont like Hogan." My side of the argument isn't even my side, as if I'm the only one who doesn't like the man. Hogan's legacy is forever tainted despite all the Hulkamaniacs who can't get over the fact that, for all the good Hulk's done for the business, he's done just as much bad to the point where the good just doesn't outweigh the rest. Of course, you dont have to agree with me. It's called an opinion.
I started off my very first post in this thread with the statement that I hate Hogan. I then went on to say exactly why I hate Hogan multiple times already ad nauseum. Of course all you card carrying members of the Hogan Fan Boy Mark Brigade can't handle the basic concept that not everybody gets high off Hogan's old man farts like you do.

I've given multiple reasons why the guy is bad for the world title picture, bad for TNA, and bad for the business. I've presented my views with plenty of reasons beyond just simply stating, "I dont like Hogan." My side of the argument isn't even my side, as if I'm the only one who doesn't like the man. Hogan's legacy is forever tainted despite all the Hulkamaniacs who can't get over the fact that, for all the good Hulk's done for the business, he's done just as much bad to the point where the good just doesn't outweigh the rest. Of course, you dont have to agree with me. It's called an opinion.

Just becaue it's an opinion doesn't mean it can't be full of shit and completely false. Have your opinion, it won't change its validity.

What you have done for I believe three whole pages, is tells us in so many ways that you dislike Hogan. That's alright. Hate him all you want. However, arguments such as "He is bad for TNA" are what makes your IQ go through the fucking floor. There is literally no proof you can provide that he is indeed bad for TNA.

You can sit there and tell me how the ratings are low, but there's no way to prove they're low because of Hogan. By this logic I can blame the ratings on Mike Tenay and Taz who certainly get more attention and time than Hogan, because their voices are throughout the entire show.

TNA's ratings weren't much better before Hogan either. TNA draws 0.9's and 1.0's now. Except for 2009, the ratings were in the same range. Some minor variation week to week doesn't prove anything. It only shows that TNA is doing something bad right now compared to, let's say, 2009. Whatever it is, I highly doubt that one single individual holds ALL the blame for a minor decrease in ratings.

If you believe that, then I'll believe this - Hogan is responsible for the signing of Jeff Hardy who, as you claimed, is the biggest thing in TNA. Hogan is responsible for TNA going on the road. Hogan is responsible for TNA doing great in the UK. Hogan is responsible for TNA going on a semi-live basis. Hogan is responsible for every single cool moment on TNA television. Hogan s responsible for Austin Aries. Hogan is responsible for Bully Ray's rise. Hogan is responsible for the great match Taryn and Gail had less than two weeks ago.

The way I see it, Hogan is responsible for everything good in TNA. Why? Because he was ALIVE when this all happened. Therefore, following your logic, I can attach any praise to him without considering his real connection to matters such as booking and idea creation, without knowing a SINGLE FACT, without knowing ANYTHING about TNA's backstage operations and mechanics.

When I say that Hogan is responsible for the aforementioned positive turn outs for TNA, what goes through your mind? "No fucking way", right? You can't see the connection. WELL NEITHER CAN I WHEN I READ YOUR GARBAGE!

Your opinion is shit, your hate is based on knowledge that is likely false and fabricated, springing from bullshit dirtsheet reports, biased WWE DVDs, screwed up shoot interviews of people telling THEIR side of the story and half-truths.

Nothing you say makes any sense, nothing you say can be proven, nothing you say has any validity. In the end, it is not even an opinion. It's just some smark trying to seem like he knows something. The minute I saw you refer to him as "Bollea" was the minute I almost puked my guts.

I hope Hogan wins the TNA World Title just to see your hollow head pop like a grape. Saggy man tits and everything.
Just becaue it's an opinion doesn't mean it can't be full of shit and completely false. Have your opinion, it won't change its validity.

What you have done for I believe three whole pages, is tells us in so many ways that you dislike Hogan. That's alright. Hate him all you want. However, arguments such as "He is bad for TNA" are what makes your IQ go through the fucking floor. There is literally no proof you can provide that he is indeed bad for TNA.

You can sit there and tell me how the ratings are low, but there's no way to prove they're low because of Hogan. By this logic I can blame the ratings on Mike Tenay and Taz who certainly get more attention and time than Hogan, because their voices are throughout the entire show.

TNA's ratings weren't much better before Hogan either. TNA draws 0.9's and 1.0's now. Except for 2009, the ratings were in the same range. Some minor variation week to week doesn't prove anything. It only shows that TNA is doing something bad right now compared to, let's say, 2009. Whatever it is, I highly doubt that one single individual holds ALL the blame for a minor decrease in ratings.

If you believe that, then I'll believe this - Hogan is responsible for the signing of Jeff Hardy who, as you claimed, is the biggest thing in TNA. Hogan is responsible for TNA going on the road. Hogan is responsible for TNA doing great in the UK. Hogan is responsible for TNA going on a semi-live basis. Hogan is responsible for every single cool moment on TNA television. Hogan s responsible for Austin Aries. Hogan is responsible for Bully Ray's rise. Hogan is responsible for the great match Taryn and Gail had less than two weeks ago.

The way I see it, Hogan is responsible for everything good in TNA. Why? Because he was ALIVE when this all happened. Therefore, following your logic, I can attach any praise to him without considering his real connection to matters such as booking and idea creation, without knowing a SINGLE FACT, without knowing ANYTHING about TNA's backstage operations and mechanics.

When I say that Hogan is responsible for the aforementioned positive turn outs for TNA, what goes through your mind? "No fucking way", right? You can't see the connection. WELL NEITHER CAN I WHEN I READ YOUR GARBAGE!

Your opinion is shit, your hate is based on knowledge that is likely false and fabricated, springing from bullshit dirtsheet reports, biased WWE DVDs, screwed up shoot interviews of people telling THEIR side of the story and half-truths.

Nothing you say makes any sense, nothing you say can be proven, nothing you say has any validity. In the end, it is not even an opinion. It's just some smark trying to seem like he knows something. The minute I saw you refer to him as "Bollea" was the minute I almost puked my guts.

I hope Hogan wins the TNA World Title just to see your hollow head pop like a grape. Saggy man tits and everything.

I like how Hogan marks start a Hogan suckfest thread and immediately gang up on anyone who doesn't agree with them. What's the point in a discussion thread if you don't want to have a discussion? You can't prove that Hogan is good for TNA because the PPV buyrates havent increased and the ratings havent gone up. That's all information that's released to the public. I can blame Hogan and you can blame everyone else in TNA, but both of our differing opinions will remain subjective. That's kinda what makes it an opinion.

I refer to him as Bollea because that's his name: Terry Bollea. Of course, he forgot his own name about 20 years ago and actually believes he's the character, Hulk Hogan. It sounds like all you Hogan marks believe he's actually Hogan too. "Say your prayers and eat your steroids little Hulkamaniacs and one day you too can be world champion and a card carrying member of the AARP at the same time, brother!"

Maybe the ratings suck because they've been centering the major storyline of the show around old has-been's and doing more talking and less wrestling in a feeble attempt to mimic the E in WWE. Maybe TNA should go back to putting the A in TNA which was the only thing they were good at.

You've got just as much evidence supporting your opinion as I've got supporting mine. It's all conjecture in a discussion forum. You don't know what Hogan is really like behind the scenes so how can you blindly defend him? By the same token, I don't know what Hogan is really like behind the scenes so how can I blindly bash him? It's simple. There's far more credible people who have worked with the man that have said the same negative things than there are people who say positive things.

It goes back to my Michael Jackson analogy from an earlier post. Everyone but Jackson's fans were saying the same thing about him over and over for decades; his fans were the only ones who stuck by him despite all the unfounded rumors. Since I was never a fan of Jackson, and the guy looked like he shouldve been on an episode of X-Files, I was more inclined to side with the negative viewpoint. I was never a fan of Hogan's so I'm more inclined to believe the negative viewpoint about him as well. Nobody on the outside knows if the rumors about Jackson were true. Nobody on the outside knows if the rumors about Hogan are true. And guess what? Everyone reading this right now is on the outside looking in so everything you can present to support your argument is anecdotal at best.
just because ratings and buy rates haven't increased isn't the fault of Hulk Hogan. how about blaming Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Sting, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, ect ect. the overall product has been inconsistent. I think there have been some really good things, and some not good things at all. Hogan has had his share of really good, and not so good.
if Hogan had never gone to TNA where would they be right now? I wouldn't be surprised if they were still doing regularly taped episodes out of the Impact Zone and never traveling anywhere. not how you build a fan base.

professional wrestling is a TV show. if you had almost all wrestling, I bet my balls the show wouldn't last on TV. general/casual viewers don't want to watch ALL wrestling. it's also not the quality of wrestling either. have a wrestler with a few big spot moves and he can be a star. promos are crucial. story lines are very important. a look/image is also important. quality in ring "wrestling" is good, but not absolutely necessary.
I understand that if Hogan were to win he title that it would generate a bit of buzz, but I cannot see any buzz beyond that of an article on some dumb web sight like TMZ. Also, why is it that ever single week Impact has to open with Hulk Hogan. I hated it when WCW use to do that too. Open with a match get the adrenalin running and then have some talking. I hate when any wrestling show (except on a rare occasion) opens up with talk and not action.
If Hogan wrestles Bully for the title, it needs to be on an episode of Impact. It would be bad if it headlined Bound For Glory. The winner of the series should face the champion at Bound For Glory. Maybe a month or so before BFG, Bully vs Hogan could happen. I don't mind seeing Hogan do the occasional match, but please don't let him headline Bound For Glory.
I like how Hogan marks start a Hogan suckfest thread and immediately gang up on anyone who doesn't agree with them. What's the point in a discussion thread if you don't want to have a discussion? You can't prove that Hogan is good for TNA because the PPV buyrates havent increased and the ratings havent gone up. That's all information that's released to the public. I can blame Hogan and you can blame everyone else in TNA, but both of our differing opinions will remain subjective. That's kinda what makes it an opinion.

I refer to him as Bollea because that's his name: Terry Bollea. Of course, he forgot his own name about 20 years ago and actually believes he's the character, Hulk Hogan. It sounds like all you Hogan marks believe he's actually Hogan too. "Say your prayers and eat your steroids little Hulkamaniacs and one day you too can be world champion and a card carrying member of the AARP at the same time, brother!"

Maybe the ratings suck because they've been centering the major storyline of the show around old has-been's and doing more talking and less wrestling in a feeble attempt to mimic the E in WWE. Maybe TNA should go back to putting the A in TNA which was the only thing they were good at.

You've got just as much evidence supporting your opinion as I've got supporting mine. It's all conjecture in a discussion forum. You don't know what Hogan is really like behind the scenes so how can you blindly defend him? By the same token, I don't know what Hogan is really like behind the scenes so how can I blindly bash him? It's simple. There's far more credible people who have worked with the man that have said the same negative things than there are people who say positive things.

It goes back to my Michael Jackson analogy from an earlier post. Everyone but Jackson's fans were saying the same thing about him over and over for decades; his fans were the only ones who stuck by him despite all the unfounded rumors. Since I was never a fan of Jackson, and the guy looked like he shouldve been on an episode of X-Files, I was more inclined to side with the negative viewpoint. I was never a fan of Hogan's so I'm more inclined to believe the negative viewpoint about him as well. Nobody on the outside knows if the rumors about Jackson were true. Nobody on the outside knows if the rumors about Hogan are true. And guess what? Everyone reading this right now is on the outside looking in so everything you can present to support your argument is anecdotal at best.

Yes, let's go back to your original Michael Jackson point. I made a sarcastic comment about how well you must know Hogan to have such an insight into his off-camera character.

Your reply was that you didn't know Jackson but still wouldn't leave your kids with him.

That's such a ridiculous comparison that it's not even funny.

Michael Jackson was charged with molestation twice. That gives you a fairly good insight into Michael Jackson as a person.

However, you have a serious hatred for Hulk Hogan based off of interviews, shoots and "insider" reports made by people who you have NEVER met about someone you have NEVER met.

If Hogan was charged with kicking the shit out of an old woman and leaving her in critical condition then your level of hatred for Hogan, like the MJ comparison, would be somewhat understandable if not to be expected.

There's a big difference between judging someone over the accusations faced by Michael Jackson and judging somebody based on "insider" reports. Making a comparison between the two is completely ridiculous.

Your hatred of "Bollea" is based on what? He didn't put over your favourite wrestler? You must have very little else going on in your life if that evokes this level of emotional response from you. Dude, you're clearly far too emotionally invested in wrestling and I'd suggest you find something else to obsess over.

I don't like how Axl Rose treated the other GnR members. If I had the same level of hatred for Rose, whom I have never and WILL never meet, that you do for Hogan (based off of what 3rd parties have said) I would genuinely seek help from a therapist. I'm not saying that to belittle you or your argument, I'm being genuinely honest.

I don't like that Axl Rose broke up one of my favourite bands but I've never met him, never heard his side of events and wasn't there when the events took place. As such, while I can certainly dislike Axl Rose, if I were to possess a blinding hatred of him I would seek help.

This thread showcases my biggest pet peeves with the IWC:

1: Thinking you have an insight into the workings of someone's mind, know their intentions, know their off-screen character, etc, etc based off of dirtsheets.

None of us know these guys. 'Nor will we ever know these guys. As such, while it's fair enough to say "I don't think such and such will like it if that other guy is brought in", it's different to start making broad accusations about someone's character. Someone you DON'T know.

I could read every tabloid article about Rihanna every day for fifteen years. Will I know Rihanna after that? Will I have an insight into her mind and know exactly why she does the things she does? No. I've never met her, I don't know her whatsoever.

This is the biggest problem with our generation, imo. You think you're above celebrity culture and the mindset of the teenagers reading gossip magazines. However, you seem to possess the same mind-set as them: "I read third party information and thus know that person intimately".

Our generation is socialised into making snap judgements about people we've never met. You're no different.

I bet you, like many people my age, roll their eyes when they hear pre-teen girls talking about One Direction and all of the bandmembers personalities, etc. Like me, you may wonder why they feel so intimately close to and feel they know these people they've never met so well. You're doing the exact same thing but approaching it from a different angle.

Moving swiftly on.

I know what you're going to say about me. I'm a Hogan mark. Nothing is further from the truth. I loved the NWO and Hogan when I was six years old, not so much anything afterwards. I just don't like his work, I'm not interested by it. Unlike you, however, I'm not arrogant enough to think that because I don't like something that it isn't a good idea.

That's my IWC Pet-Peeve 2:

Many of them cannot take a step back and analyse decisions based off of anything but their opinion, likes/dislikes on the product. There is little to no understanding/attemp at understanding the underlying business, social trends, any other relevant factors. Wrestling is not black and white. Try looking at things objectively.

After my last post I said that Hogan winning the belt makes for a good journalism piece/story. Your reponse was that the fictional "Wrestler" was a good story.

I think you're failing to see the differece between fact and fiction, son.

TNA's biggest problem, as has been noted here, is exposure. The product is good and they're getting their act together with every day, imo.

Do you think appearing in every tabloid newspaper, every celebrity blog/news site, etc, etc is bad for business? That gives exposure. Appearing on the front page of TMZ gives you exposure. Appearing in the Daily Sun/Mirror, etc, etc, gives you exposure.

Wrestling fans (that used to be a collective 10 points in Monday Night Wars days) that have fallen away from the product might go "hm, might tune into that" and find they enjoy TNA's product.

I can assure you that nothing short of Hogan winning the belt, and to make it even more of a juicy story breaking the record for oldest WHC an aforementioned poster mentioned, will make mainstream media outlets pay any attention to TNA. There is nothing else they can do to achieve that.

Hell, having Brock Lesnar win the big one wouldn't translate into as much media coverage for the WWE as Hogan would for TNA.

Sorry to sound big headed but I'm going into my 3rd year of journalism I think I have a better understanding of PR/media than most people on this site.

You don't like Hogan, that's fine, but don't compare a fictional tale to a PR move. That's what this is. This isn't giving Hogan a pat on the back, stroking his ego or anything else other than a big, fat publicity move with the only trump card they possess.

Kurt Angle, at one time, was a part of American pop-culture. So was Sting, to a much lesser extent. Their influence and star power, from a mainstream point of view, has greatly diminished. Hence why putting the title on either of them will do nothing.

Hulk Hogan, like him or not, is still a huge pop-culture icon. Both Stone Cold and he are the two most recognisable faces in wrestling history, both are still relevant to mainstream pop-culture. Maybe he got there by being a politicing prick, maybe he didn't, but the sheer fact is that he IS an Icon.

TNA would be stupid not to cash in on that.

And on a final note, CMAmbrose, to reitterate a point that I know got under your skin: Dixie Carter knows far more about the wrestling business than any single member of this site. She's worked in the industry, under people who you class them as "WWE cast aways". Those cast aways who she works with have forgotten more about this business than we'll ever know.

Neither of us know Dixie, neither of us can prove what she does or doesn't know. Logic, however, dictates that she has learned more about this business than we have.

Oh, and your argument of her being able to waste "Daddy's money" with little to no repurcussions is interesting. Do you have as much insight into the Caster Family's (and Dixie in particular's) finances as you do into the inner workings of Hulk Hogan? Thanks for imparting your insider information to us!

My main point, brother, is that you can critique the things about wrestling that you do know. If you don't like a show or a character then by all means voice your opinion. Just be aware that you, like the rest of us, know FUCK ALL about the inner workings of either company or anybody that works within it. Stop pretending you know these people intimately. You don't. It makes you look like an angry little teenager.
By the logic in your argument, you can't prove Hogan isnt a total piece of shit. How do you know he isnt? Do you know him? Or do you live in this fantasy world where people are generally decent and selfless people? Stop pretending you know these people intimately. You don't. It makes you look like a blind little Hogan mark.
Actually, dear sir, I think you'll find that I never mentioned anything personal about Hulk Hogan one way or the other way in either of my two posts. I avoided the subject of his off-screen character altogether because, not only is it irrelevant to the topic, but I also practice what I preach: I don't know Hogan so I have nothing to add to any conversation about his personality.

No, I can't prove that Hogan is the nicest person in the world. Like you I am only privy to third party information about Hogan and, unlike you, I take all of that with a pinch of salt. Do point out to me where I claimed Hogan was an incredible person because I can't see it in any of my posts.

I think I know Hulk Hogan about as well as I know Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and Mitt Romney. While I can comment about how I dislike Rihanna's music, Kardashian's celebrity image and Romney's policies I strive to avoid judging their personalities. I don't have to prove they're a good or bad person, I critique the ideas that are actually relevant.

I also think it's funny you're calling me a Hogan mark. If you'd called me a Jeff Hardy mark...I'd say fine, I won't deny the truth. However, I haven't been a Hogan mark since I was 7 or 8 and a staunch NWO supporter.

I'm commenting on what I believe should be commented on: Hogan winning the belt. I'm taking an objective step back and commenting on why I think it's a good idea, what I think would happen and why I think it is a viable option for TNA. I'm looking at something that doesn't really excite me as a fan from an objective point of view and evaluating what it could achieve. I have deduced, and stated as such, that I think the ends (the publicity) justify the means (putting the title on Hogan). I've stated my POV without pretending to know anything about any of these people's personal lives.

That's what I'm getting at with you, dude. Try looking at things from an objective POV when commenting on wrestling. Just because you don't like something, and I CERTAINLY don't want to see a Hogan title run, doesn't mean it's not a very good idea.

Back on topic.

If, and let's face it IS a big if, this is an option they're contemplating then I think we all know Hogan isn't going to put on a 60 minute clinic 'nor have a 6 month title reign. I don't think it's meant to "pop" an Impact rating either. I think it's in the hope that out of the few million fresh eyes on the product that even a few of them will hang around. A "pop", to me, implies getting an extra .2 or .3 of a rating before things go back to normal. Exposing potential new fans to a product, imo, is different and would be the intention of this (atm) hypothetical situation.

As such, I think the belt will only be on him long enough for the media outlets to cover it. However, if it starts making waves amongst the mainstream media then they would need to keep the belt on him long enough for him to keep the story "rolling" and have him do a few interviews with the belt.

The trouble with that is timing. They're lucky that they're not doing monthly PPVs, that would severely limit how long they could milk the stunt. They certainly couldn't have Hogan defend the belt, realistically, and would have to make a serious decision if Hogan was still doing media tours with the belt.

I won't deny that, storyline wise, it affects the Bully Ray/AJ/Hardy 3 way that I think we're looking at for BFG. The logical conclusion to that match is a Styles title win. This stunt DOES fuck with the story arch there and, even if Hogan drops the belt to Styles, it just won't "flow" properly as a story.

The idea of Hogan winning the belt is FAR from an ideal one. However, while it's not the best idea creatively, the ends more than justify the means. I'm sure there's a way of keeping it as part of an engaging storyline but I just don't see it myself at this stage.
It's my opinion that majority of what's been said about Terry Bollea the man is true. That's my opinion. I never said it was an objective truth. I presented it as an objective truth from my opinion. I believe it to be true. It resonates in my gut. You don't have to agree with me. This opinion was never the sole reason I gave for not wanting to see him with the belt; it's just what the Hogan marks in this thread have latched on to and attacked me for, so I defended my position. It's as if they take it personally that I'm not saying my prayers and eating my vitamins just like them. I've got plenty of other reasons to not want to see one more Hogan title run.

Objectively speaking, building a wrestling show around a 59 year old man who's body is so broken down that he can't even wrestle anymore isn't justified because it may or may not generate some extra publicity. It's just not logical. When the Rock came back for one more run, it generated interest because not only does the Rock connect to a wider audience, but he's also still in top physical shape, doing blockbuster action movies. The casual fans wanted to see the Rock win the belt. Does the casual fan want to see Hogan win the belt? And I want to point out that I don't consider anyone reading this right now to be a casual fan. You're on a wrestling forum talking about wrestling. Cut your casual fan card in half if you haven't already; it's null and void.

Casual fans are going to wonder what a 59 year old man is doing in the ring, let alone winning the title. There's no room for the suspension of disbelief, and that's crucial in fake wrestling. That's what makes fake wrestling work. You can't make me believe that a 59 year old man in terrible shape can possibly beat someone who's 20 years younger. Bully Ray is 41. Even after you factor in all the outside interference, which detracts from a Hogan win anyway, it's just not believable. Hogan's not exactly Jack LaLanne, who at 54 beat Arnold Scharwzenegger in a body building contest when Arnold was only 21. Hogan's had more body parts replaced than Darth Vader.

Casual Hogan fans who can remember his glory days are going to be disappointed too. Here's their childhood hero hobbling down to the ring, having younger guys do the work for him so he can win the belt one more time. He is a shadow of his former self in the ring, which is saying a lot considering he never had that deep of a move set to begin with. Hogan winning the belt is a novel idea and would've worked ten years ago maybe, but he's just too beat up to do it anymore.

Case in point, here's a very recent tweet Hogan made that contradicts a statement he made earlier this week about returning to the ring. When a fan asked Hogan on Twitter to return for one more match, Hogan replied, "my body is too beat up my brother HH". So there you have it. All the mental energy expended in this thread has been wasted. The guy admits to the world that his body is too beat up. Let's hope he remains this honest with himself. For all you who were fans of Hogan at some point or another, do you really want your last memory of the guy to be him in the ring hobbling around?

I'm a Ric Flair fan, but I don't want to see him in the ring either for similar reasons. At a certain point, these icons of the business have to stop chasing down the memories of their younger selves and just hang up the boots already. After giving their lives and their bodies to wrestling, they've earned their retirement and shouldn't be encouraged by us to risk what's left of their health just for us to see one more match that will pale in comparison to their glory days. It certainly won't do enough for TNA to justify it in my eyes. Do you really want to see one of the all time greats chasing down one last sniff of glory in some low rent bush league promotion? If you genuinely do, then go watch the movie, "The Wrestler" because that about sums it all up.
It's my opinion that majority of what's been said about Terry Bollea the man is true. That's my opinion. I never said it was an objective truth. I presented it as an objective truth from my opinion. I believe it to be true. It resonates in my gut. You don't have to agree with me. This opinion was never the sole reason I gave for not wanting to see him with the belt; it's just what the Hogan marks in this thread have latched on to and attacked me for, so I defended my position. It's as if they take it personally that I'm not saying my prayers and eating my vitamins just like them. I've got plenty of other reasons to not want to see one more Hogan title run.

So you admit there are plenty of Hogan marks out there. Good, they will pay money to follow this storyline and watch him wrestle. This gives all your other TNA favorites a chance to make some new fans if they are so over.

Objectively speaking, building a wrestling show around a 59 year old man who's body is so broken down that he can't even wrestle anymore isn't justified because it may or may not generate some extra publicity. It's just not logical. When the Rock came back for one more run, it generated interest because not only does the Rock connect to a wider audience, but he's also still in top physical shape, doing blockbuster action movies. The casual fans wanted to see the Rock win the belt. Does the casual fan want to see Hogan win the belt? And I want to point out that I don't consider anyone reading this right now to be a casual fan. You're on a wrestling forum talking about wrestling. Cut your casual fan card in half if you haven't already; it's null and void.

Don't you see what you are doing here? You're writing the damn story for yourself. It's the most interesting sounding thing in TNA history since Hogan first arrived. This is what pulls casual, old, and new fans in: big names in big stories.

It's the movie Rocky Balboa combined with Cal Ripken Jr. breaking the consecutive games played streak combined with John Elway in the Super Bowl. Say what you want about Brett Favre's last few years. The stories were everywhere, but they got people's attention. They helped make Aaron Rodgers a bigger star. Hogan and TNA are not on this level but at least it's something compared to another chance for AJ to draw his first dime.

Casual fans are going to wonder what a 59 year old man is doing in the ring, let alone winning the title.

Duh! You hit the nail on the head. Why are you making my argument for me? They are going to "wonder", that wonderment is going to turn in to viewership. That viewership is going to turn in to opportunity for others to make an Impact and earn new fans in the long run. I'm not saying the rest of the roster can do this, they've failed so far, but the opportunity is there. There will be other stories to tell leading in to BFG. Can TNA capitalize?

There's no room for the suspension of disbelief, and that's crucial in fake wrestling. That's what makes fake wrestling work. You can't make me believe that a 59 year old man in terrible shape can possibly beat someone who's 20 years younger.

Because you have no soul.

Bully Ray is 41. Even after you factor in all the outside interference, which detracts from a Hogan win anyway, it's just not believable. Hogan's not exactly Jack LaLanne, who at 54 beat Arnold Scharwzenegger in a body building contest when Arnold was only 21. Hogan's had more body parts replaced than Darth Vader.

Great line, maybe Taz can use it to help sell Hogan's underdog story.

Casual Hogan fans who can remember his glory days are going to be disappointed too. Here's their childhood hero hobbling down to the ring, having younger guys do the work for him so he can win the belt one more time.

So you admit that they would watch. I win and so does this idea and TNA.

He is a shadow of his former self in the ring, which is saying a lot considering he never had that deep of a move set to begin with. Hogan winning the belt is a novel idea and would've worked ten years ago maybe, but he's just too beat up to do it anymore.

Case in point, here's a very recent tweet Hogan made that contradicts a statement he made earlier this week about returning to the ring. When a fan asked Hogan on Twitter to return for one more match, Hogan replied, "my body is too beat up my brother HH". So there you have it. All the mental energy expended in this thread has been wasted. The guy admits to the world that his body is too beat up. Let's hope he remains this honest with himself. For all you who were fans of Hogan at some point or another, do you really want your last memory of the guy to be him in the ring hobbling around?

Some people love seeing car crashes, others love underdog stories, other love watching something they have appreciated for years come to an end. This has all of that. Tell me I'm wrong.

I'm a Ric Flair fan, but I don't want to see him in the ring either for similar reasons. At a certain point, these icons of the business have to stop chasing down the memories of their younger selves and just hang up the boots already. After giving their lives and their bodies to wrestling, they've earned their retirement and shouldn't be encouraged by us to risk what's left of their health just for us to see one more match that will pale in comparison to their glory days. It certainly won't do enough for TNA to justify it in my eyes. Do you really want to see one of the all time greats chasing down one last sniff of glory in some low rent bush league promotion? If you genuinely do, then go watch the movie, "The Wrestler" because that about sums it all up.

But wasn't Flair's end story terrific? Did anyone get that damaged in the process of him winning over and over again before Michaels finished the job that they couldn't bounce back? Is there any reason why Hogan can't give TNA a similar story?

Please don't comment on his health. Twitter bullshit or not, these guys hype up their health all the time for sympathy and storyline purposes. If I hear another UT banged up story in February next year my eyes will roll so far up in my head they'll get stuck in my skull.
First of all, whatever happened to actually believing something when you actually see it for god's sake? I mean EVER since Hogan debuted in TNA, there were fans up in arms saying ridiculous bullcrap like "Oh, it's WCW 2.0!", "Hogan's going to kill this company like he did World Championship Wrestling!", "Hogan's going to get all of his old buddies in, and they'll take over the company!". Don't get me wrong, of course Hogan had buddies like The Nasty Boys, Jimmy Hart, and some of the other performers from his 2009 Hulkamania Tour, but they did not run roughshod on the organization. Not even close, to be perfectly honest.

Let's also keep in mind that Hulk Hogan has been with TNA since 2009, that's going on four years ago now, and how many World Title reigns has he had since he arrived? The simple answer, none. How many matches has he actually wrestled in? About three, if I recall correctly, that's not even a complete handful. His first TNA match was a tag team bout with Abyss vs Ric Flair and AJ Styles, most of that match consisted of Hogan and Flair brawling outside, while Abyss got the winning pinfall on Abyss. No harm, no foul there. The young guys took center stage in that match. Then there was the match against Sting, where I might add he tapped out to the Stinger. His ONLY one on one match in TNA, that much I do know. And I believe he had an appearance in a non-televised six man tag team match.

Plenty of times, even with his injuries, Hogan has had opportunities to position himself as a champion in the organization. We've yet to see it happen, I am not saying that it's going to. But let's just wait until it actually happens. Let's not use previous rumors for this current course of speculation. Because I've heard time and again that Hogan was supposed to win the TNA title from both Sting and Abyss at one time or another. Those occasions never came to pass. And right now, much like those two aforementioned wrestlers, the idea of him wrestling Bully Ray is just a HUGE matter of rumor. I mean there are allusions to this possibly happening. But again, let's actually see it be announced officially before we jump to conclusions.

Call me a Hogan mark for saying this but fuck it. There's no crime in being objective here on these boards, and despite my fervent support for a guy like Hogan, I believe I am objective. And I also stand by what hasn't happened via the rumor mill to support my argument about what has yet to happen. A lot of you gullible morons in our collective IWC inner-circle could benefit from doing the same.
Since Hogan has been with the company, ratings have gone up; ratings have gone down. PPV buyrates have gone up; they've gone down. One step forward; two steps back. Just like before Hogan joined. Hogan's "fervent supporters" say Hogan isn't to blame, that it's the rest of TNA with its crappy booking and wrestlers who can't get over. So according to you guys, Hogan can't singlehandedly turn the company around. Hogan, even with his past relevancy and media exposure, can't give the company a sustainable boost. So that tells you how much of difference a Hogan title run will make. Thanks for supporting my argument guys.

So if Hogan wins the belt, the outside world might say, "oh that guy's still wrestling?" and TNA might have slightly higher ratings, a slightly higher PPV buyrate, for a short while. But history shows that it will quickly fade and people will go back to tuning out. The Hogan marks can shirk all the responsibility on the rest of the company if it maintains the pristine image of their childhood hero. Whatever. TNA's most successful PPV to date was the ECW reunion at Hardcore Justice in 2010. Let's see if Hogan can out-draw the Bingo Hall Brigade.

At this point, I'm interested in another Hogan title run just out of sheer scientific curiosity. The Hogan marks have won; you've convinced me. Let's go spam Dixie's twitter trying to further the cause. I want to see just how much of a draw Hogan is nowadays. What do you guys have to lose? Even if Hogan can't outsell the ECW reunion and TNA goes back to its usual slip-n-slide ratings and buyrates, at least you can blame TNA for being overall garbage. Just remember, that includes Hogan too, brother.

This is my last post in this thread. "George Steele's Barber" has been flaming me with how I apparently "have no soul" because I'm not a Hogan fan. I doubt the mods will do anything about it either. It's apparent that people here don't want to have a discussion; they just want a one-sided circle jerk where everyone either agrees with them or they flame them if they don't. But thanks for giving me some insight into the future. When Cena's fans grow up, they're going to be just like you guys. A scary notion for sure, but at least now I'm prepared for it. Thanks.

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