One Last Run, Brother!

Watching Hogan

  • Yeahhh Brother!

  • Nope he might break his hip on live TV

  • Can't be arsed either way

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When Hulk was in his prime, I hated him just like I hate John Cena now. I just hate that character archetype in wrestling, the good guy who always panders to the ten year old's. Even when Hulk went Hollywood and joined the nWo, I hated him. I always thought it shouldve been Macho Man who first joined Hall and Nash, even if it made more business sense having Hulk be that guy. I dont even respect what Hogan has done for the business because I truly do believe that McMahon wouldve found the same success with a plethora of other guys besides Terry Bollea. He was at the right place at the right time.

And to make all of that even worse, the guy thinks it was all him instead of being grateful for the massive opportunity he was given. That's one thing I'll give to Cena: at least he appears to be grateful for McMahon making him the star that he is, even if it comes off as ass kissing. It's a heck of a lot better than wandering around for the last 30 some years acting like the entire wrestling world should revolve around you. After stabbing McMahon in the back and sucking WCW dry like a vampire hooker, he's now in TNA doing the same exact thing: making it all about Hogan. One last run? He's had far too many runs. He doesn't deserve it, not after how much he has taken from the business just to return so little, so very little. When you're given the world, the right thing to do is give it back and pass it on, making it a little better. Hogan has never done that and never will do that. He is a human parasite.

Your dreams of him putting AJ Styles over clean are indicative of how little you truly know Bollea as a person. He will drop the belt due to outside interference or something so that no matter what, Bollea doesn't actually lose, doesn't actually put anyone over. The only times he has ever put anyone over clean, he was paid an exorbitant amount of money to do it, and TNA just doesn't have that kind of money to satiate Hogan's ego. Even if we suddenly teleported to Bizzaro World and a younger guy like AJ Styles beat Hogan fair and square in the middle of the ring, what would they actually gain? Congratulations, they beat a geriatric senior citizen who's one bad leg drop away from permanently being in a wheelchair?

The only thing someone achieves by beating Hogan at this point is somehow pulling it off backstage, despite Hogan's massive ego and Kung Fu Grip on Dixie's pocket book. Of course that will never happen. Even when he can't wrestle, he shoves himself down our throats all the fucking time on Impact. No General Manager has ever been that overexposed for no logical reason other than making the show about him and his useless moron of a daughter. One more run? Don't make me sick. Get him off TV completely and watch TNA's ratings go back to what they were before he came along. His run with TNA has been detrimental to the company because a lot of people don't want to watch Hogan Knows Best in a wrestling format.
I know Bully Ray is the TNA fanboy heel-flavor of the half-year but how does that make for a compelling final match? The casual or former fan may find interest in Hogan's This Is It tour but when they see Bully "Bingo Hall" Ray as his opponent they are not going to buy. I am not against Hogan wrestling again but if they want to do it right they should bring back one of his famous foils like Flair or Nash or Goldberg. Even Warrior.

That being said, one Hogan match will only help TNA since it will bring in more money and more eyes. If Hogan fights it gives the rest of TNA a chance to impress more people. If he can do it, then TNA is crazy not to let him.

And for anyone saying they don't want to see Hogan again, you have no soul. Plus it's probably only about 20 minutes out of your wasted life that you're giving up to watch it so don't pretend like you are so important.
And for anyone saying they don't want to see Hogan again, you have no soul. Plus it's probably only about 20 minutes out of your wasted life that you're giving up to watch it so don't pretend like you are so important.

Hogan fanboy alert! Good lord, you sure did drink the Hulkamaniac kool-aid, brother. I presented my case as to why I think Terry Bollea is an unredeemable piece of human excrement that should do the right thing for once in his career and retire from the spotlight, but you can't seem to muster up a compelling counter-argument. The best you've got is insults because not everyone wants to bow down and worship your false idol? I'd expect someone with a soul to do better than that.
I think if you break it down its good and bad for the company, and here is why...

Bad- If Hogan does what him and Sting did where Hogan took no bumps and Sting and him are so out of shape they wear their t-shirt (You know like Sting does every month) I don't see Hogans one more match being worth it...

Good- Hogan if he is even in shape enough to pull off a decent match to where he lets Bully Ray carry him, and takes a couple of bumps, and advertises the hell out of it for a months and I dunno goes on the Hogan media tour he does I can see the payoff in this match...

Think about it we mark out every year when Undertaker has the streak on the line, but Taker stays in constant ring shape, were not worried if he can bump or not. Hogan won't take a bump unless theres a few thousand people watching and with his last injury he didn't take one bump with Sting the worst thing he took was the Stinger Splash. A healthy Hogan can be a profitable Hogan, but a worn down Hogan in t-shirt and cannot move will be a worthless Hogan and would be like spending 50 bucks to watch the UFC match of the year and have it end in a 10 sec knockout in the first round, not worth it...
Hogan fanboy alert! Good lord, you sure did drink the Hulkamaniac kool-aid, brother. I presented my case as to why I think Terry Bollea is an unredeemable piece of human excrement that should do the right thing for once in his career and retire from the spotlight, but you can't seem to muster up a compelling counter-argument. The best you've got is insults because not everyone wants to bow down and worship your false idol? I'd expect someone with a soul to do better than that.

Yes, your "Hogan is a jerkface argument" is tremendously compelling, I don't know how my opinions about the money and attention his last run as a wrestler will bring in can hold up in comparison. It's like I was assuming TNA was a business that was trying to grow and make money. Forgive me for my ignorance.
Yes, your "Hogan is a jerkface argument" is tremendously compelling, I don't know how my opinions about the money and attention his last run as a wrestler will bring in can hold up in comparison. It's like I was assuming TNA was a business that was trying to grow and make money. Forgive me for my ignorance.

Oh you mean like all the money and attention his presence in TNA has brought to the company so far?? The more screen time Hogan gets, the lower the ratings drop. Hmm I wonder if there's a correlation. All Hogan's bringing to TNA is a giant straw plunged deep into Dixie's bank account so he can suck it dry like the withered husk of a geriatric vampire that he is..

Besides, Hogan can't even do one more run. The guy can barely walk. He's going to do one match at a pay-per-view and win the title and we'll all see the buy rates barely budge an inch, if at all. And then what? Is he going to work another match and drop the belt to someone and put them over? That'd be the day that Hell truly freezes over. He'd probably vacate the title and hold some stupid tournament on an Impact that less than a million people will watch.

So basically this entire sequence benefits nobody but Hogan and any increased revenue won't be enough to justify appeasing Hogan's ego and paycheck, let alone the fact that it once again forces an entire company to live in the shadow of a man that hasn't been relevant since 1996.
Your dreams of him putting AJ Styles over clean are indicative of how little you truly know Bollea as a person.

Thank God we have you, someone who has worked so intimately close with Hogan to let us know exactly what the man is like behind the scenes in TNA.

I know Hogan's history as well as you do. However, you should realise the danger of reading one or two wrestling autobiographies and making stark judgements about a guy. Those guys constantly fall out and ALWAYS have their own version of events. I've heard more than one version of how/why Sting/Hogan happened.

Sorry, but that's one of my pet peeves about the IWC. We've never met ANY of these guys, stop making stark judgements about their character based on an "insider" report or another guy's book. I'll cite the differences between Bret Hart's and HBK's books as a case where history and characters have been distorted.

People change. You can't judge Hogan circa 2013 by Hogan circa 1997. You've never worked with him, never met him, don't pretend you know his intentions.

I'm not Hogan's biggest fan and I'm not gonna deny the negative impact he's had in WCW or the WWF at different points. However, to say anybody could have done what Hogan has done or that he "doesn't deserve" another run is a bit ricockulous.

People here don't seem to get TNA's reasoning IF they're going with this. It's not to give Hogan a big thank you, it's not to give Hogan a four month long title run so it' all about Hogan. It's amazingly clever marketting.

If Hogan is to challenge for the strap at an Impact he won't be going over. However, he'll still have the match hyped up across media platforms that actually matter to companies. It'll be all over TMZ and some tabloid print publications such as the English Sun would likely run with it too. I'm studying journalism and I know what makes for a good story, one last big Hogan match or title win would make for a good story.

A three month Hogan run is not going to happen. Say what you want about Dixie Carter but she's been in the business for quite a few years now and has been working closely with people who know an awful lot more about wrestling than any internet wrestling fan does. I don't think she's the "dumb woman" some fans seem to think she is. Neither her 'nor the creative team are stupid enough to put the belt on Hogan for any extended period of time.

A Hogan title win/match is not aimed at a ratings "pop". It's to get sorely needed publicity.
And this is why professional wrestling needs an Old Timer's day.

You know Old Timer's day right? For us Yankee fans, it's one of the coolest days of the year. Players from the recently retired to the almost dead return to Yankee stadium to be honored with applause and adoration and the ones who still move around without walkers go out there and scrimmage for a couple of innings. It's all good fun and the fans are entertained by it, but an hour later, the fogies leave the field and the players on the actual team go out there to play a game that matters. That's where wrestling gets it wrong.

Obviously it's scripted entertainment, but if you're putting stories on TV that lead to matches, the matches matter for something. To put guys out there that are shells of their former selves simply because their names isn't helpful in my opinion. Think of it this way. The Cleveland Indians have the worst home attendance in baseball this year despite being pretty good. Perhaps Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry would help attendance as he's one of the best pitchers ever, but do you think Perry could still strike anybody out at 74 years of age? Me neither. That's what we're dealing with here.

Yes, Hulk Hogan is the greatest of all time, but he's also old. When you put on matches in wrestling, the idea is for the audience to believe that either man has a chance to win. Why should anybody believe that a broken down Hogan who can't move has a chance of beating any wrestler that's close to their prime? Do I believe Julius Erving is a better basketball player than current Knick Chris Copeland? Absolutely. But do I think Erving could beat Copeland right now with Copeland being 27 and Erving being 63? No way.

That's the problem here. Lets say there is a Bully/Hogan match. The story would build up to Hogan winning right? So what good does that do Bully? He just lost to a man who is old and can barely climb into a ring. Doesn't exactly lend you credibility.

My opinion is that if you think Hogan is a draw still (debatable), then let him be a GM. However, he IS the show right now. The main story revolves around Hogan and that's not the best course of action. It's like when WWE's top story last September revolved around Vickie and AJ. The payoff in wrestling is a match and who wanted to see a match between them two girls? I know a few people might argue they want to see Hogan fight Bully, but Bully is the champion and it would weaken the title severely to have him lose to a semi crippled man. Let Hogan be a GM like Booker T. Come out for a couple of minutes each show, get your pop, make a match, then go backstage and hang out. Seems to be the best course of action to me.
Oh you mean like all the money and attention his presence in TNA has brought to the company so far??

I'm sorry, I missed the part where I raved about how Hogan has been used over the past 3 years or how this conversation had anything to do with Hogan in a non-wrestling capacity.

The more screen time Hogan gets, the lower the ratings drop.

Prove it.

Hmm I wonder if there's a correlation. All Hogan's bringing to TNA is a giant st
raw plunged deep into Dixie's bank account so he can suck it dry like the withered husk of a geriatric vampire that he is..

And yet Dixie continues to sign him to new contracts and pay him even though he is a waste according to you. I don't think highly of Dixie but I'm guessing she has more data on this topic that you.

Besides, Hogan can't even do one more run. The guy can barely walk.

Then this conversation is bunk.

He's going to do one match at a pay-per-view and win the title and we'll all see the buy rates barely budge an inch, if at all.

Sounds like you are warming to the idea that there is more money to make. Good, I'm glad we're on the same page.

And then what? Is he going to work another match and drop the belt to someone and put them over? That'd be the day that Hell truly freezes over. He'd probably vacate the title and hold some stupid tournament on an Impact that less than a million people will watch.

Look, you just showed interest and speculation about a story and you hate the man. Imagine what interest others would show.

Hogan gets TNA a bump, after that it is TNA's problem to keep audience and continue to grow. If they can't capiltalize on the attention Hogan putting himself in the ring gets them that is TNA's problem, not Hogan's.

So basically this entire sequence benefits nobody but Hogan and any increased revenue won't be enough to justify appeasing Hogan's ego and paycheck, let alone the fact that it once again forces an entire company to live in the shadow of a man that hasn't been relevant since 1996.

So you agree that Hogan gets you a bump but TNA can't benefit from it. I think you're problem is with the ineptitude with TNA, not Hogan.
No. No, no, no, no, and no. And I'm putting aside, completely, my feelings that Hulk Hogan has been a bad investment for TNA.

I am absolutely not saying Hulk Hogan shouldn't perform in another match; I'm sure there's some money left in that. But Hulk Hogan today is not Hulk Hogan twenty years ago, ten years ago, or even five. I don't know how many of you have noticed, but he isn't walking around too well, which is what a lifetime of falling onto your assbone will do. Physically, how credible is it that he goes out and pins or submits someone in peak physical condition? Or, for that matter, Bully Ray?

If you want to cheapen the moment, you can always do some kind of title-on-DQ stipulation, but then what? Hulk Hogan is a great supporting cast member these days, but watching him express physical dominance over athletes half his age would be a bit much for me to swallow.

On the other hand... one more heel run... that, I could see working. I just don't see Hulk Hogan signing on for that at the end of his career.
People change. You can't judge Hogan circa 2013 by Hogan circa 1997. You've never worked with him, never met him, don't pretend you know his intentions.

I never met Michael Jackson either but I'd never let one of my kids sleep over at his house. But then again, maybe he changed. Maybe everything that's been said about him is a lie. Or maybe he was just a creeptastic pedo.

I'm not Hogan's biggest fan and I'm not gonna deny the negative impact he's had in WCW or the WWF at different points. However, to say anybody could have done what Hogan has done or that he "doesn't deserve" another run is a bit ricockulous.
What exactly has he done to deserve another run with the world title as the face of the company? Why does he deserve it more than (insert any young guy's name here)?

If Hogan is to challenge for the strap at an Impact he won't be going over. However, he'll still have the match hyped up across media platforms that actually matter to companies. It'll be all over TMZ and some tabloid print publications such as the English Sun would likely run with it too. I'm studying journalism and I know what makes for a good story, one last big Hogan match or title win would make for a good story.
It's not a good story. It's a tragic story about a broken shell of a man who just can't let it go, kinda like that movie "The Wrestler." The only time the media is interested in Hogan is when his son is making vegetables and his best friend is putting his sex tape on the internet.

Say what you want about Dixie Carter but she's been in the business for quite a few years now and has been working closely with people who know an awful lot more about wrestling than any internet wrestling fan does. I don't think she's the "dumb woman" some fans seem to think she is. Neither her 'nor the creative team are stupid enough to put the belt on Hogan for any extended period of time.

A Hogan title win/match is not aimed at a ratings "pop". It's to get sorely needed publicity.

Dixie is nothing more than a money mark plain and simple. She's been in the business of employing has-beens and nobodies and investing money for ten years in TNA with absolutely nothing to show for it. She's daddy's little rich girl, wasting money she never had to earn so there's no risk for her. She can bankrupt her company hiring senior citizens and WWE castaway's and never have to pay the personal price for it. The people she surrounds her with know she's a money mark and they're milking her for every dime they can get.

If the kind of publicity you think TNA needs is putting a crippled geriatric has-been who's only relevant when his life is in complete shambles in a match for a fake belt with a scripted outcome, then I can't believe you're actually a true fan of TNA. The only times TNA was ever noticed was in the early days when the focus was on the X-Division and when Kurt Angle debuted. Now look at the product since Dixie got in bed with Hogan: Angle's forced to take a back seat and the X-Division is in shambles.

Hogan is the Galactus of wrestling. He just consumes and devours everything and everyone he comes in contact with, draining them dry and killing any momentum they had going for them. Around Hogan, nobody is allowed to outshine Hogan. When everyone he's ever worked with has been saying the same exact thing about the guy for 30 some years, there's got to be some truth to it. They said it when he was in WWE. They said it when he was in WCW. And they're saying it now that he's in TNA.

Who should I believe: Hogan or the countless guys calling him a snake in the grass? Oh, everybody's just jealous of his success, right? That's what every Hogan mark says. Maybe some of the guys, but all of them? C'mon. Hogan is either wrestling's Second Coming of Christ and everyone else is just a jealous blaspheming liar, or Hogan is the devil in disguise and everyone else was right about him all along. Which is it? I'm putting my money on the latter because that many people don't say the same thing about you for that long without there being some truth to it.
Like honestly Hogan is how old? He is like pushing 60 years old and this guy wants one more run, and who is the one with a massive ego? Like why can't Hogan just step away from the spotlight, these are the superstars of today's time, this is their time their spotlight and Hogan is hogging their spotlight and he needs to realize that his time, that Hulkamania is over, time has passed Hogan by, it is just a little thing called evolution, evolution has passed Hogan by, this is not the 1980s and 1990s anymore, this is the 2010s
And this is why professional wrestling needs an Old Timer's day.

You know Old Timer's day right? For us Yankee fans, it's one of the coolest days of the year. Players from the recently retired to the almost dead return to Yankee stadium to be honored with applause and adoration and the ones who still move around without walkers go out there and scrimmage for a couple of innings. It's all good fun and the fans are entertained by it, but an hour later, the fogies leave the field and the players on the actual team go out there to play a game that matters. That's where wrestling gets it wrong.

Obviously it's scripted entertainment, but if you're putting stories on TV that lead to matches, the matches matter for something. To put guys out there that are shells of their former selves simply because their names isn't helpful in my opinion. Think of it this way. The Cleveland Indians have the worst home attendance in baseball this year despite being pretty good. Perhaps Hall of Famer Gaylord Perry would help attendance as he's one of the best pitchers ever, but do you think Perry could still strike anybody out at 74 years of age? Me neither. That's what we're dealing with here.

Yes, Hulk Hogan is the greatest of all time, but he's also old. When you put on matches in wrestling, the idea is for the audience to believe that either man has a chance to win. Why should anybody believe that a broken down Hogan who can't move has a chance of beating any wrestler that's close to their prime? Do I believe Julius Erving is a better basketball player than current Knick Chris Copeland? Absolutely. But do I think Erving could beat Copeland right now with Copeland being 27 and Erving being 63? No way.

That's the problem here. Lets say there is a Bully/Hogan match. The story would build up to Hogan winning right? So what good does that do Bully? He just lost to a man who is old and can barely climb into a ring. Doesn't exactly lend you credibility.

My opinion is that if you think Hogan is a draw still (debatable), then let him be a GM. However, he IS the show right now. The main story revolves around Hogan and that's not the best course of action. It's like when WWE's top story last September revolved around Vickie and AJ. The payoff in wrestling is a match and who wanted to see a match between them two girls? I know a few people might argue they want to see Hogan fight Bully, but Bully is the champion and it would weaken the title severely to have him lose to a semi crippled man. Let Hogan be a GM like Booker T. Come out for a couple of minutes each show, get your pop, make a match, then go backstage and hang out. Seems to be the best course of action to me.

people wouldn't believe that Hogan couldn't beat Bully in a fight? I think it's believable. Bully wronged his daughter. how many fathers would love to get their hands on the guy that wronged their daughter. it's not just Hogan saying he wants another match with "whoever" and there isn't anything behind it.

how often has Vince McMahon come out and had a wrestling match/fight with someone?

nobody at all is expecting Hogan to have any good wrestling moves. he doesn't have to. this wouldn't be to put on a good "wrestling" show.

the fans in attendance still POP to see Hogan. whether it's as GM or in the ring like he was to fight Sting at BFG. I could understand people having a problem seeing Hogan in the ring if the crowd was booing and not wanting to see him. obviously that isn't the case.
If its just a one off appearance to put over bully ray than I have no issue with it. Its not like he wrestles often, In fact if I remember correctly he has only had one match in TNA.

Also, before anyone says "Hogan won't job, he is only in it to make himself look good and inflate his ego", they need to remember in Hogans one match in TNA he was beaten bloody and tapped out.

While it would be appropriate for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to have a match at WrestleMania 30 it won't happen. In fact he's not been at any of the big numbered Manias. 10? Nope. 20? Nope. 25? Nope. And he won't be at 30 either. The reason? Those "special" numbers are selling points on their own and therefore HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is not needed.

Therefore let him have have this moment of glory in TNA. The TNA World title is not only the only World title that he's never won, but winning it will also break the record of oldest World champion (currently held by Verne Gagne at 57).
Like honestly Hogan is how old? He is like pushing 60 years old and this guy wants one more run, and who is the one with a massive ego?
The oldest World champion of all time (Verne Gagne) was 57. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is only two years older. Records are made to be broken.
The oldest World champion of all time (Verne Gagne) was 57. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is only two years older. Records are made to be broken.
I see where this could go. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wins the TNA title, but out from the crowd, pushing himself ahead on his walker and assisted by his nurse- wait for it-


The crowd, being TNA, yells "This is awesome!", and Bruno challenges HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to AGE IN A CAGE at Bound For Glory. The winner gets to be the OLDEST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF ALL TIME!

Records are made to be broken, brother!
people wouldn't believe that Hogan couldn't beat Bully in a fight? I think it's believable. Bully wronged his daughter. how many fathers would love to get their hands on the guy that wronged their daughter. it's not just Hogan saying he wants another match with "whoever" and there isn't anything behind it.

how often has Vince McMahon come out and had a wrestling match/fight with someone?

nobody at all is expecting Hogan to have any good wrestling moves. he doesn't have to. this wouldn't be to put on a good "wrestling" show.

the fans in attendance still POP to see Hogan. whether it's as GM or in the ring like he was to fight Sting at BFG. I could understand people having a problem seeing Hogan in the ring if the crowd was booing and not wanting to see him. obviously that isn't the case.

Vince McMahon gets his ass handed to him in every match he has. His last one was against Bret and he didn't get a single punch in on him. If you can't see the difference in being a heel that gets his ass kicked because he's old but is a jerk and deserves it, and a near 60 year old man wrestling a man who's supposed to be his son in law that's 20 years younger, then I can't help you. Hogan would be booked to get vengeance and WIN that match. Thus, you are taking the guy you have on top of your company right now and jobbing him out to Hogan. Please tell me you can understand the difference.
Vince McMahon gets his ass handed to him in every match he has. His last one was against Bret and he didn't get a single punch in on him. If you can't see the difference in being a heel that gets his ass kicked because he's old but is a jerk and deserves it, and a near 60 year old man wrestling a man who's supposed to be his son in law that's 20 years younger, then I can't help you. Hogan would be booked to get vengeance and WIN that match. Thus, you are taking the guy you have on top of your company right now and jobbing him out to Hogan. Please tell me you can understand the difference.

He had that no holds barred match against CM Punk where he got a lot of offense in, and Punk was the WWE Champion at the time. In fact he beat up Punk so bad that Punk had to take out his frustrations on an audience member.

I said it a few months ago, and I stand by it: it would do no harm to have Hogan wrestle again. I'm not necessarily for him getting the TNA Championship, but it'd bring the company attention. It would definitely bring the company more attention than in-shape Bubba Ray Dudley. I would be sure to watch Impact regularly just to see the lead up and follow through, and I haven't watched regularly in about 2 years. I'd buy Hogan beating up anybody on the roster, but I'm more willing to suspend disbelief in the name of just having fun than most I guess. I get the "this guy is too small/old/etc." mindset, but to me it's one that causes self-inflicted frustration. It's fiction. Anything can happen.
My oh my we luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv the Hulkster don't we?

Here's the deal, having the biggest superstar wrestle one-off at your grand PPV makes sense. No harm. But they have to have the booking sense to protect his obvious flaws. But I''l say this, if this is Hogan's last match, it kinda sucks that its with Bully Ray.

Blasphemous? Not really. I like Bully Ray, funny man, GREAT with the crowd, but its B-B-B-B-Bully! I don't want this to be Hogan's last match BECAUSE it is with Bully Ray. Aside from that, this makes a lotta sense from the storyline perceptive. I can buy into it and thats what wrestling is about, making sense and making you believe into the story they are telling.

Bully vs Hogan for the strap...Sure. I might even watch the whole PPV.
Here's the deal, having the biggest superstar wrestle one-off at your grand PPV makes sense.

If Hogan was the biggest superstar, maybe.. but he's not. He's a nostalgia act getting nostalgia pops. Where's the long term payoff? At least Sting has been able to reinvent himself and connect to the younger audience. Plus he works far more often and tries to put over the younger wrestlers. Hogan does none of that. TNA's looking for another short term revenue boost like the ECW PPV they had awhile back. You can shave a sheep for its wool countless times in its life but you can only skin it once. TNA's booking is all about skinning the sheep.

Hogan facing Bully Ray makes sense from a story line perspective because that's exactly what they were aiming for all along. It was always Hogan's long term plan to build this Aces and Eights crap up just to give Hogan one more run. The same storyline couldve been done with ANY OTHER GUY. The last year or so of television has been all about Hogan yet I don't see the ratings going up. They're actually hitting all-time lows, lower than before Hogan and Bischoff even came to TNA. Go read the ratings reports.

What a waste. Instead of investing in the future of this business, they're investing in an old man that can't even work a decent match anymore. Hogan's best days have been behind him for so long that I can't even remember the last time he could actually walk to the ring. At this point, it's not even about some of us hating Hogan. It's about business. How is any of this good for the long term benefit of TNA? The Rock came back to WWE for another run, one the belt, boosted ratings and PPV buys, went away, and now the ratings are back down to what they were. There's been no retention whatsoever and the Rock is a much bigger draw than Hogan.

And what is TNA going to do with whatever revenue increase they get from this Hogan run? They're going to buy more bubble gum to try to patch the hole on the Titanic. It's a sinking ship and Hogan's trying to make off with as much as he can carry before it finally goes down. Dixie should've hired Paul Heyman when she had the chance.
If Hogan was the biggest superstar, maybe.. but he's not.

Now you are losing any credibility that you may have had. Where does Hogan fall on your all time biggest superstar ranking? If he's not at least top 3 logout and never log in again. Regardless, whether he's three, two or 50,365 he is still a bigger name than anyone on TNA's roster.

He's a nostalgia act getting nostalgia pops.

Pops are pops. Doesn't matter where they come from, they still equal attention, excitement and money.

Where's the long term payoff?

That is TNA's problem, not Hogan's. TNA has not been able to build a superstar. There are 2 hours of programming every week, Hogan only takes up so much. Other guys have had chances and they've been anywhere from a failure to fine.

No one is arguing that TNA doesn't need a long term payoff or to build a superstar but who is the guy? What is the concept? What is the story?

At least Sting has been able to reinvent himself and connect to the younger audience. Plus he works far more often and tries to put over the younger wrestlers.

But according to you the ratings are plummeting. Should we blame Sting who is also all over TNA?

Hogan does none of that. TNA's looking for another short term revenue boost like the ECW PPV they had awhile back. You can shave a sheep for its wool countless times in its life but you can only skin it once. TNA's booking is all about skinning the sheep.

What does Hogan have to do with the booking? He's had two matches in over 3 years. Again, your problem is with TNA's awefulness, not Hogan.

Hogan facing Bully Ray makes sense from a story line perspective because that's exactly what they were aiming for all along. It was always Hogan's long term plan to build this Aces and Eights crap up just to give Hogan one more run. The same storyline couldve been done with ANY OTHER GUY.

First off don't pretend you know how any of this is going to end or play out.

Second, what other guy? Who on that roster is going to get you the attention that you want? Who is worth the time? Who is going to get the ratings moving in the right direction?

Hogan is sacrificing his legacy for this crap company (and money) because this crap company can't do anything right on their own.

The last year or so of television has been all about Hogan yet I don't see the ratings going up. They're actually hitting all-time lows, lower than before Hogan and Bischoff even came to TNA. Go read the ratings reports.

Which has nothing to do with the time change and going up against American Idol, Big Bang Theory, Two and Half Men, and NBC's Thursday comedy block?

And it has nothing to do with the fact that the guys who actually wrestle can't get over with the audience? Come on, I watch enough to know that it really isn't the Hulk Show. He does his part but he isn't nearly as much of the problem as you make him out to be. Stop making Hogan your scapegoat.

What a waste. Instead of investing in the future of this business, they're investing in an old man that can't even work a decent match anymore. Hogan's best days have been behind him for so long that I can't even remember the last time he could actually walk to the ring. At this point, it's not even about some of us hating Hogan. It's about business. How is any of this good for the long term benefit of TNA? The Rock came back to WWE for another run, one the belt, boosted ratings and PPV buys, went away, and now the ratings are back down to what they were. There's been no retention whatsoever and the Rock is a much bigger draw than Hogan.

And what is TNA going to do with whatever revenue increase they get from this Hogan run? They're going to buy more bubble gum to try to patch the hole on the Titanic. It's a sinking ship and Hogan's trying to make off with as much as he can carry before it finally goes down. Dixie should've hired Paul Heyman when she had the chance.

The ship isn't sinking. But it is Hogan that keeps it afloat as much as anyone.
So what is your solution? Please be specific (something more than hire Heyman). Do you suggest the world revolve around AJ Styles? Who or what is the long term solution?
I really really doubt TNA spent the last YEAR creating/using Aces and Eights just so that Hulk Hogan can eventually have some type of match with Bully. that's just insane. I think it's much more about capitalizing on the heel Bully. when Roode was heel champion, heel Bully was right there in quality with him. it was also much more on trying to do a similar story line to the nWo, and why not, it was one of the biggest story lines in wrestling history.

some hard core TNA fans would probably go crazy to bring back some ridiculous garbage piece of shit 6 sided ring, but to have the biggest name in wrestling history in a match is stupid?
would there be at least a small percentage of people that would enjoy seeing the legendary Hulk Hogan in a good story line match that makes sense? absolutely. would anyone not watch the PPV/Impact at all just because Hulk Hogan is in a match? doubtful.

I think with everything Hulk Hogan has done for the wrestling business, he can have a match anytime he wants. whether he would be 60, 70, or 80. he has earned that. even if there comes a time when he is 80 years old and in a wheel chair, if he can get wheeled into the ring and muster up enough energy to stand up out of the wheel chair and do a very weak leg drop on someone passed out in the ring, people should still mark the fuck out because it's Hulk Hogan.
Oh yeah that old 'OMG Invest in the future' chestnut. Ye what has Hogan done the whole of last year? He has put over talent. Hogan week after week does all the media junkets to promote TNA because he is OVER to a degree with the normal populous. He praises wrestlers and is forwarding a storyline with a stable that need all the rub they need.

Not just wrestling fans, but people in general know Hogan and he brings more eyeballs to the product. It would be fool hardy not to capitalize on that as long as he is breathing.


If Hogan was the biggest superstar, maybe.. but he's not. He's a nostalgia act getting nostalgia pops. Where's the long term payoff? At least Sting has been able to reinvent himself and connect to the younger audience. Plus he works far more often and tries to put over the younger wrestlers. Hogan does none of that. TNA's looking for another short term revenue boost like the ECW PPV they had awhile back. You can shave a sheep for its wool countless times in its life but you can only skin it once. TNA's booking is all about skinning the sheep.

Why did he need to put over a "vanilla midget" like Chris Sabin? Why does he have to work with a mid-40 tag team specialist who is not even in Hogan's league in popularity? TNA is looking to make most of a guy who has got some degree of mainstream attention, they have not always used him wisely (and vice versa) but its finally working
Now you are losing any credibility that you may have had. Where does Hogan fall on your all time biggest superstar ranking? If he's not at least top 3 logout and never log in again. Regardless, whether he's three, two or 50,365 he is still a bigger name than anyone on TNA's roster.
Who gives a shit about all time? You dont see Bruno Sammartino getting a title shot in WWE just because he was relevant at some point. I'm talking about the biggest in TNA and he's not the biggest. Jeff Hardy is bigger. Or at least he was until the show's booking became all about Hogan.

That is TNA's problem, not Hogan's. TNA has not been able to build a superstar. There are 2 hours of programming every week, Hogan only takes up so much. Other guys have had chances and they've been anywhere from a failure to fine.
Yea just like it was WCW's problem, not Hogan's, right? If TNA hasn't been able to build a superstar it's because every potential candidate has to sit in Hogan's shadow, including Kurt Angle, one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time.

No one is arguing that TNA doesn't need a long term payoff or to build a superstar but who is the guy? What is the concept? What is the story?
Instead of building everything around Hogan, it shouldve been AJ Styles, or Jeff Hardy, or Kurt Angle, or Samoa Joe, or even Anderson. But instead they built it around the AARP Wrestling Division with Hogan and Sting.

But according to you the ratings are plummeting. Should we blame Sting who is also all over TNA?

What does Hogan have to do with the booking? He's had two matches in over 3 years. Again, your problem is with TNA's awefulness, not Hogan.
What does he have to do with the booking? You didn't know that he and Bischoff were brought in to run the show?? Bischoff runs the production aspect of producing the TV show itself and Hogan sits as head of the creative team. Or have you been living under a rock?

Second, what other guy? Who on that roster is going to get you the attention that you want? Who is worth the time? Who is going to get the ratings moving in the right direction?

Hogan is sacrificing his legacy for this crap company (and money) because this crap company can't do anything right on their own.
Oh yea Hogan is making a great sacrifice, Saint Hogan the Martyr. Give me a fucking break. He's doing this for Hogan and nobody else. He needed the money because he was dealing with a divorce at the time he joined TNA and Dixie appeased his ego more than McMahon ever would. He takes a pay cut so he can be center of attention again.

And it has nothing to do with the fact that the guys who actually wrestle can't get over with the audience?
Oh yea, because Jeff Hardy isnt over. Kurt Angle isnt over. Samoa Joe isnt over. AJ Styles isnt over. Austin Aries isnt over. Bobby Roode isnt over. James Storm isnt over.

Who or what is the long term solution?
Put Hogan out to pasture. Sting too. Build the show around the younger guys. Make it about Total Nonstop Action again instead of Total Nonstop Hogan. The company was slowly, yet steadily growing before Hogan/Bischoff came along. Just because Hogan is a household name doesnt mean the company is somehow making more money. Most of the wrestlers arent even making minimum wage.

You do know that they post the ratings for Impact every week here on this site, right? They keep declining. It's not a narrative I'm inventing to support my argument. It's a cold hard fact. Oh, and it doesn't have anything to do with American Idol lol.. Hogan and his crew are running the product into the ground by focusing less on what first put TNA on the map and focusing more on the Hogan Knows Best bullshit dramafest.. he's the general manager yet he has way more segments than any other general manager ever. He doesnt deserve to be on camera that much just because he used to be relevant decades ago. He doesnt deserve the belt anymore than any other guy on the roster either. All he can do is Hulk up and punch a guy and thats somehow supposed to be enough to beat Bully Ray? Even if you don't hate Hogan like me, you have to admit that the whole concept is beyond absurd. At least when the Rock came back for a title run to bring media exposure, the guy could actually still go in the ring.
Why did he need to put over a "vanilla midget" like Chris Sabin?

Oh yea because coming out after a match, jumping in a guy's spotlight and fumbling around on the mic giving him some empty praise is putting Sabin over. How many times has Hogan lost clean without doing that stupid bullshit kickout right after the three count to make it look like he only barely got beat? How many times has Hogan used his status, his accomplishments in this business, to lay down and let an up-and-comer pin him and get the rub of his career? That's putting someone over.

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