Ok then


Getting Noticed By Management
Since a bunch of people are so mad at me for being an idiot and all that kinda stuff, I decided I am tired of being the unknown gender, love sick teenager named Jane. So now I will make my confession.

I, the mysterious Ayatollah, am a male. My name is William. I am 14 and from Ontario. That is all. Deadman, you suck.
HAHAHAHA william from Ontartio.

You should call yourself TheOneLittleWill
It was fun while it lasted... I will always remember my year as Y 2 Jane...
You know, I'm almost not surprised that your name is William. Drama must run in the name. Questioning one's own sexuality though, I've never had that issue. Especially as a 14 yr old boy. I always knew I had a penis, and liked it that way. :p
Why would you pretend to be a girl.. over the internet.. does anyone else just find that weird??

I once went into a lesbian chat room pretending to be one. It was a bit hard explaining why I had a penis, but I made 2 believers.

I then went into a gay chat room, and convinced 10 guys to follow me into the lesbian chat room to start a battle of the better sex. I was quite possibly the only straight guy in the group. It was funny stuff.
It IS weird, but this account started as a joke, stalking Y 2 Jake, hence Y 2 Jane. I then just rolled with it for a year, till now.
Haha, ya, it was pretty split. I play the roll well.

I guess I shouldn't be very proud of that...

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