Ok, that's it... I'm sick and tired of...

Absolutely not. Boogeyman matches > Bret Hart matches because Boogeyman is a gimmick.
So, I'm reading his post and did he just say that there's no reason to cheer Goldust and boo The Hart Dynasty?
Anal Fissures > Tony Atlas

In terms of importancce...

Me Going Out to get the Mail > Tony Atlas Winning the Tag Titles
Didn't you guys know? All the WWE has to do is follow the directions in Sidious' signature and BANG another wrestling boom begins!

The man is a genius!
Oh yeah, DUH!

NewECW doesn't need fixing, thank you very much. In fact, I'm not entirely convinced the WWE needs fixing. Maybe some more promos or storylines wold be nice, but I happen to quite like how it is right now. Live RAW feels like a huge event, ECW is extremely entertaining, and SD has good wrestling and good promos. Maybe there isn't much difference between SD and ECW except for talent and length, but I like it.
Oh yeah, DUH!

NewECW doesn't need fixing, thank you very much. In fact, I'm not entirely convinced the WWE needs fixing. Maybe some more promos or storylines wold be nice, but I happen to quite like how it is right now. Live RAW feels like a huge event, ECW is extremely entertaining, and SD has good wrestling and good promos. Maybe there isn't much difference between SD and ECW except for talent and length, but I like it.

I'd rep you for this if I could. Good post.
Why wouldn't you cheer a face and boo heels? What am I missing here?
They're only heels, speaking of the Hart Dynasty, largely because they fight faces. We rarely get to invest in who these guys are. I'm not saying we need over the top gimmicks around the block, but look how much giving a guy time to show his character has shot Punk's stock through the roof. Most of the time you can't just send Local A and Local B to the ring and create a story people want to invest in. Yes, one can heel it up but it's not the same as having a character or angle the people are invested in.

I don't like Sid's stance on a lot, but we should be given more of a chance to invest in these characters within the context of a wrestling show.
I enjoy Smackdown right now, definitely. ECW is enjoyable as well.

Raw on the other hand has been pretty fucking atrocious for quite some time now.

I'm not going to say I love what the WWE is doing right now, because I don't, but there's still plenty of stuff to like about what they're doing on Smackdown & ECW.
same I don't get why people think PG has ruined WWE...I was a fan BEFORE the attitude era when it wasn't about kicking up a fuss, so I'll be a fan AFTER the attitude era when it's not about kicking up a fuss.
I know ST. I mean, those guys, what were their names? Stone Cold Austin and Teh Rock? They got a LOT of pops as heels, they uh, never ended up being too successfull though. That Brock Lesnar hack too, he didnt end up being a draw at all....
same I don't get why people think PG has ruined WWE...I was a fan BEFORE the attitude era when it wasn't about kicking up a fuss, so I'll be a fan AFTER the attitude era when it's not about kicking up a fuss.

This. Now I won't say that I don't miss the Attitude Era sometimes, because I do. I really enjoyed it, and I had the most fun watching WWE during that time. But that doesn't mean I hate it now or anything. I still enjoy the product.
I enjoy Smackdown right now, definitely. ECW is enjoyable as well.

Raw on the other hand has been pretty fucking atrocious for quite some time now.

I'm not going to say I love what the WWE is doing right now, because I don't, but there's still plenty of stuff to like about what they're doing on Smackdown & ECW.
Sid's usual comeback is to say that because Raw gets higher ratings, what we like doesn't matter.

Of course there are so many reasons why Raw gets higher ratings that his theory is easy to shoot down, but he'll never admit defeat on that point.
I like being easily entertained. I like marking out to everything, as X so rightly observed in the LD last night. I'm not saying I don't have problems with the WWE from time to time, because I do. I think that they should have separated Helms and Hurricane, kept Zeke face, given Kizarny the creepy heel gimmick, and not split up Deuce and Domino. But i disagree that RAW ha been "atrocious". Even if the guest host sucked, there have been redeeming factors in every episode, and when the guest host is good the episode as a whole is usually good. Plus, because of the guest host concept and the fact that it is live, RAW feels like a huge event to me.

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