Ok, that's it... I'm sick and tired of...

I never, ever get tired of him talking about how arrogant those who argue with him are. Pot, kettle, black?
What an ass hole... please feast your eyes on this nice PM exchange that he and I just had...

Lord Sidious said:
D-Man, I don't really care if you lost a ton of respect for me or not. I don't necessarily post to earn the respect of people. I post because I like wrestling and contributing my overall thoughts on the business. You are free to agree or disagree with them all you want.

Just like my moniker says, I am not a Registered User, I am a "Tell it Like it is" User. I call things exactly the way I see them. I always have ... and I always will. Fact of the matter is that I have actually not changed a bit since I have arrived here. I have always stuck by my principles in doing just that. If you don't like what I have to say ... tough shit.

When I look at analyzing the wrestling business and sharing my views on it, I do so through the eyes of a Casual Fan. When I shared my views that I thought people were over-reacting to the Mickie/Gail Kim finish, I didn't attack anyone. Rather, I simply provided my honest opinion because I know damn well that Casual Fans aren't going to nitpick things like that, if two people have one bad match once in a while. And they don't.

I also asked people to answer why IF two talents have one, single bad match ... why they are immediately calling for their "resignation". How would you like it if you Fucked up something insignificant on your job one time ... and the whole office was calling for your resignation? Would you like that?

Instead of actually answering the question and providing your own views in response to my post on the forum to have a discussion, you decided to be a chicken shit and Red Rep me. Well, good for you. Don't you feel all badass?

I find it amusing how people Red Rep others simply for sharing their opinions. And I do feel that when I post, my opinions are well thought-out, because I strive to explain my reasoning in doing so. I only Red Rep people that:

1) Aren't coherent in their posts
2) Provide outrageous claims that aren't supported by any evidence
3) That Red Rep me simply for providing an opinion

That's it. I never Red Rep people simply for providing an opinion that I disagree with, because that is the point of the forum ... to promote discussion.

Like I said, I didn't attack a single person in that post. All I said was that I thought this criticism of that match and people calling for their resignations was a overblown. So instead, you have a temper tantrum about the whole thing.

As far as you telling me to "Get my priorities straight" ... with all due respect to you, Grow the Fuck up. Do you know how stupid you sound? In the big scheme of things, you are talking about a wrestling forum, of all places .... we aren't talking about anything earth-shattering as it pertains to our lives.

Given your message and the outright immaturity contained in it, you are one of the last people I would consider taking advice from.

The D-Man said:
You could return the red rep back to me all day if you want. It doesn't change the fact that I've lost a ton of respect for you on this forum over the past few months. You preach about how terrible Raw is and how you are the Messiah that knows how to fix it, yet you knock people like me for critiquing a botched divas matchup? With all due respect (and I mean this to help you and not hurt you) you'd better get your priorities straight... you're just making yourself look like an idiot. Even though your posts are well thought out and intelligent at times, you're just contradicting your own views.

Take my advice - Just the way I've done with your millions of negativity posts... if you don't like what other people say about specific pieces of the WWE product, just ignore it and move on.

First of all, I did not red rep you because I disagreed with you. I red repped you because YOU disagreed with YOU. Your "holier than thou" posts are growing extremely tiresome, but they become even more meaningless when you contradict yourself.

You spend hours writing long, articulated, well-spoken posts (that's a compliment, by the way since I also "tell it like it is") about how the product is dogshit, yet when someone jumps onto the Sidious freight train, you jump ship by finally praising something about the product. Furthermore, I never agreed that a "resignation" was in order for anyone that participated in that match on Monday, but I'm sure that comment was meant for someone else.

I'm simply referring to the fact that you change your opinion like you change your underwear and stick your two cents into things that aren't fully relevant to the conversation. The thread asked if anyone else noticed a botched match... not your opinion on others' views of it.

And finally, you've never been a "casual fan." You're a smark, just like most of us on here. You think you know better than the WWE writing team... i.e. men and women with lifetimes of writing experience more than you. A casual fan watches a television program and judges it on a weekly basis, as per each individual show. They don't break down the entire product as a whole and devise ways of changing it's entire format to fit their own needs. So don't sit there and actually try and convince me that you're anything other than a glorified, biased, opinionated smark. (Not that there's anything really wrong with that besides not admitting to it).

And for the record, dickface, I gave an explanation after I red repped you. If the order of my events didn't work to your liking, then you could kindly go fuck yourself. I could give two shits about what is convenient to you. Now I see where your shitty reputation has come from, as of late.

And another thing... telling you to get your priorities straight is considered "immature" to you? If you don't want to take my advice, then fine. You're entitled to do what you please. But don't sit there and talk down to me like I'm one of those little teenagers that post on this site. If I should respect the opinions from the "casual fan" that you claim to be, then you should respect my decision to red rep you for being a loudmouth, outspoken and boisterous little ass hole.


I hate when people think they're better than everyone else. What a dickbag.
Meh. The guy had an opinion, you red repped him for it, he red repped you for red repping him, you're even. I'm not seeing the problem.
Meh. The guy had an opinion, you red repped him for it, he red repped you for red repping him, you're even. I'm not seeing the problem.

The problem was the insulting message that he left in my rep. So "meh" that one.

Besides, battles with that guy always wind up being entertaining for everyone, so I figured I'd post it.
The problem was the insulting message that he left in my rep. So "meh" that one.

Besides, battles with that guy always wind up being entertaining for everyone, so I figured I'd post it.

I'm starting to figure out that people insulting each other is just the background noise of the forums around here. No one really means anything by it and they're over it 5 minutes later. I took it personally at first because I didn't get it, but I get it now.

But yeah, your'e right, it kinda is entertaining.
Sidious is a jackass. Anyone conceited enough to include in their signature their ideas that would "fix" the WWE can't be taken seriously.
I'm sick of him by now.

By the way, it was the greatest G-Mod on the planet (swax1) that was calling for Kim's resingation.
The only good thing swax1 has done was be mentioned by Tenta in a funny post.

And he wasn't calling for his resignation, he was asking whether she would resign. Jeez.
Pretty sure it was resignation, I'll check though. His post is nearly impossible to read.

hey.because of the events that happened on Monday Night RAW,i predict that a resignation will be coming soon from Gail Kim.first,after one week that Gail became the #1 contender for the Divas Championship..the WWE 'had' to book a Divas Championship match on RAW only six nights away from a major PPV.second,no matter how the match went on RAW last monday..Gail was supposed to walk away as the new Divas Champion.third,Gail has been on WWE television for six months now and not once has the WWE put a Championship Title around the waist of the most dominate female wrestler in professional wrestling.so,i predict that Gail will approach Vince McMahon with her resignation from the WWE very soon

Definetly meant resignation, not re-sign
I can't tell when you're being serious, sometimes.

He was asking whether she would resign from her job because of the shit match and the fact that she doesn't have a title. He wasn't screamng "RESIGN YO ASS, KIM! GTFO!"
I can't tell when you're being serious, sometimes.

I'm always serious, except for when I'm joking.

He was asking whether she would resign from her job because of the shit match and the fact that she doesn't have a title. He wasn't screamng "RESIGN YO ASS, KIM! GTFO!"

Whatever he was trying to say, it was stupid.
Seriously people, stop insulting swax1. His posting skills are irrelevant, he's a member of the staff, show some fucking respect.
Sidious annoys me too. He can post, but you're right: all he does is bitch about WWE being awful. He does post well though, but DAMN man, mix it up every once in awhile.

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