Lord Sidious

I think most of the time that he is against pure wrestling, he advocates for more promos and seems to me that he doesnt want to have anything to do with wrestling styles, take for example brian danielson, he talks about ROH fans and Brian llike they are a virus and that if he joins the WWE they are going to spread corrupting the minds of the whole WWE universe and to me that sounds abit biased, has he ever watched a ROH show?
Why do people make threads about who they've red repped and who's red repped them back?
I never usually do this but the guy pisses me off, when a person acts like a an arrogant dick and expects you to not state an opinion then it causes people like me to make a thread stating as such
For those that have complimented me in the thread, like General Disarray, I appreciate it very much.

Badboydesign, no I do not post to "stir shit up". I post my comments because I enjoy stating my opinion. It helps me get things off my chest and is somewhat therapeutic. However, when people bounce back at me simply because my opinions are different than theirs, and they give me static over it ... you damn betcha I am going to defend my opinions. I will not be brow beaten into adopting a certain mindset "just because that is what everyone else on the Internet thinks".

Degeneration Deej, why you even created a bitch fest thread just because I red repped you back, is beyond me. Seems like we can't go one week in the Bar Room without one thread coming up on me, as of late ... which I think is sad. I never knew I meant so much to so many people.

I do agree that it is pointless Red Repping people simply because you disagree with their opinions. And I won't stand for it. If one can state their opinion, and defend their opinion with logic and common sense, then there is no reason why someone deserves to be Red Repped. If someone Red Reps someone because their post is absolute garbage, umteen spelling mistakes, poor grammar, or other miscellaneous flaws .... then that is more understandable.

For the record, I am not arrogant. Here is the definition of arrogant:
* Main Entry: ar·ro·gant
* Pronunciation: \-gənt\
* Function: adjective
* Etymology: Middle English, from Latin arrogant-, arrogans, present participle of arrogare
* Date: 14th century

1 : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner <an arrogant official>

When have I ever claimed I was important? I am not. You are clearly confusing arrogance for being very opinionated. I do admit I am very opinionated. And I will stand by my opinions. Can my opinions be changed? Yes. But it is going to take a special kind of poster and a tactful debater to get me to change an opinion.

I do not act like I am better than anyone else. I simply state opinions. What gets you upset is that the opinions I state, are opinions that you do not agree with. So instead of simply stating that "I can not stand this guy because his opinions and mine are polar opposite", you have to instead insist that "I am arrogant".

Your post below is very warm to my line of thinking (the part I highlighted):

I think most of the time that he is against pure wrestling, he advocates for more promos and seems to me that he doesnt want to have anything to do with wrestling styles, take for example brian danielson, he talks about ROH fans and Brian llike they are a virus and that if he joins the WWE they are going to spread corrupting the minds of the whole WWE universe and to me that sounds abit biased, has he ever watched a ROH show?

I don't have a problem with different wrestling styles.

Hell, you are just so offended that you think I "bashed Bryan Danielson" .... tell me where I bashed Bryan Danielson. I did not bash Bryan Danielson. Bryan Danielson is a fine worker. However, as far as your comments about how I feel about ROH and its fanbase ... in a way, yes I do view them as a virus of the wrestling industry. And I use the word "virus" because they spread. And they are attempting to force their views on the WWE fans.

And people say like I sound like a broken record ... I agree. It frustrates me to no end that I have to keep repeating my position as it relates to ROH. So let me go through it one more time.

The ROH product is a niche wrestling product-- very much like what the original ECW used to be. ECW focused on hardcore wrestling. ROH focuses on technical wrestling. My beef with ROH is that it only focuses on technical wrestling. And to me, that is boring IF it does not come with intriguing characters and storylines to go along with them. The WWE should never revolve itself around a niche product. I would say that one of it's 4 shows is fine. However, that still isn't good enough for these fans. They had ECW at one point. Now, they have Superstars and they still have Smackdown. And it still isn't good enough for them.

I derive my entertainment out of wrestling from characters and gimmicks, feuds and storylines ... and then seeing the big conflict on PPV between the two parties. I am definitely more pro Entertainment than I am pro wrestling. Wrestling has its place, however the best wrestling matches, I feel, should be reserved for PPV's. I strongly feel that the weekly TV should be used as a tool to develop interest in characters and build feuds/storylines.

I take no interest in Amateur Wrestling. I take no interest in watching scripted wrestling matches with pre-determined outcomes by themselves, with no characters, storylines, or entertainment to accompany it. I want wrestling to be marketed as an Action/Drama soap opera for guys. I don't want it marketed as somewhat of a sport.

Given how many years I have supported WWE, I would like you to tell me what is wrong with my philosophy and tell me why, in your opinion, I should not have that philosophy.
Ive told you time and time again but your too arrogant to listen, you keep advocating for more promo time and more attitude era like product, Ive stated before that you need to understand other opinions instead of just stating your own and berating anyone else who has an opinion different form your own.

Secondly i didnt say that you berated Brian Danielson, you berated the IWC for liking the guy and the silly thing is your apart of it, if you have an issue with ring of honor maybe you should stay clear from the pro ring of honor threads.

Degeneration Deej, why you even created a bitch fest thread just because I red repped you back, is beyond me. Seems like we can't go one week in the Bar Room without one thread coming up on me, as of late ... which I think is sad. I never knew I meant so much to so many people.

Again berating someone just because they have an opinion on you, poor boy you must hate it when people call you out.

If you don't like what people post then heres an idea dont reply to their opinions, I red repped you due to the fact that your opinion on the IWC and ROH was pointless, you shouldn't have used the brian danielson thread to berate the promotion and you where warned to stay on topic, but thats where your arrogance comes in you feel that the rules do not apply to you and you would rather berate then debate, which is sad

I take no interest in Amateur Wrestling. I take no interest in watching scripted wrestling matches with pre-determined outcomes by themselves, with no characters, storylines, or entertainment to accompany it. I want wrestling to be marketed as an Action/Drama soap opera for guys. I don't want it marketed as somewhat of a sport.

Pro wrestling has amature wrestling components incorperated, they use psycology and wrestling techniques to help shape the story of their matches. so if you have a problem with it then why watch?, its a wrestling forum but yet you seem to keep advocating for a non wrestling product?.
Amateur wrestling is fun. You should try it some time.

You should also post a picture of yourself. Just because.
All of this bullshit about ROH only focuses on technical wrestling and is boring---have you ever seen Delirious? That's not a character? Really?
All of this bullshit about ROH only focuses on technical wrestling and is boring---have you ever seen Delirious? That's not a character? Really?

furthers my point that the guy has never watched the Ring Of Honor product and should really stop berating it before he has even watched the damn thing.

pure arrogance
I know I'm bit late on this, but I definitely gotta call bullshit. Sidious is the only poster who has red repped me in months. The only one who matters anyway. Was it for my grammar? No. He says it was because I was kissing up to X. All I said was "I have to agree with X here." I have always respected you Sidious, green repped you multiple times. But I wouldn't describe you as arrogant as of late, more of a hypocrit. If you come back in here, I will explain.
I'm telling you, man, the simplest thing to do is just yell right back. It works on MisterRob, and, although I actually like Lord Sidious, I'm pretty sure if you got heated with him in a thread, he'd back off (as long as you didn't troll him after).
I'm telling you, man, the simplest thing to do is just yell right back. It works on MisterRob, and, although I actually like Lord Sidious, I'm pretty sure if you got heated with him in a thread, he'd back off (as long as you didn't troll him after).
Lol. That's close to what happened actually. I happen to like Sidious too. But he blatantly insults ROH fans calling them "obnoxious" and such. Then when someone calls him out, he goes to the "I have a right to speak my opinion! If you can't accept dissenting viewpoints then get the fuck out of here" defense.
Ive told you time and time again but your too arrogant to listen, you keep advocating for more promo time and more attitude era like product, Ive stated before that you need to understand other opinions instead of just stating your own and berating anyone else who has an opinion different form your own.

First of all, you can dispense with the "I've told you time and time again" like some parent. I don't give a shit how many times you've told me. So I will re-iterate. You can try to brow-beat my opinions to reflect your points of view, and it will NOT happen. My opinions will stand. And you will either respect my opinions, or you simply will have to deal with them. Do I make myself clear?

Fact of the matter is that I "understand" what your opinions are. And I don't agree with them. I do not, under any circumstance, want to see WWE become Japanized or reflective of a Ring of Honor-type product. Now, you can be upset that I simply won't "go along with the flow" and adopt your vision perhaps for the product, but my mind is not changing. Removing the Entertainment out of wrestling to market the WWE as a "sport" simply based on technical wrestling will not get over with the audience, and will only further alienate the mainstream, casual fanbase.

Just so you know, when I post, that is my motivation.

My position is that I would not be upset if the technical wrestling fans had one show within WWE. However, you don't want that. For people like you, all of the WWE's shows have to be technically based. And that reeks of absolute selfishness and disregard for other fans out there who have enjoyed wrestling for years, who still want to enjoy the product.

Secondly i didnt say that you berated Brian Danielson, you berated the IWC for liking the guy and the silly thing is your apart of it, if you have an issue with ring of honor maybe you should stay clear from the pro ring of honor threads.

You did say that I berated Bryan Danielson, the wrestler. Here were your words ....

He does, but alot of the time overshadows it with his IWC bashing and negative comments towards anyone who likes a certain promotion that is not pre attitude era or non indie, he totally bashed Brian Danielson and called anyone who liked him an internet Mark, I dont mind opinions but he really needs to stop forcing his own and maybe actually allow people to contribute.

So now, you are a liar.

So let the record be clear. I have never bashed Bryan Danielson the wrestler. I think he is a great wrestler. However, I have stated that he will have difficulty getting over with the WWE audience based solely on his wrestling, if they do not allow him promo time and perhaps a character/personality to get connect with the fanbase. That is just a fact.

I have also stated that I worry about WWE becoming a more technically based promotion in adopting the ROH style across the board (as they have to an extent for the past year ... especially on Smackdown and Superstars). That again, is not "bashing Bryan Danielson", your hero evidently.

Again berating someone just because they have an opinion on you, poor boy you must hate it when people call you out.

You can call me out on whatever you want to call me out on. It doesn't mean its true. However, I did clearly point out your hypocrisy in your initial comments. You want me to understand/respect your views on wrestling ... however you evidently don't want to respect mine. In your vision, it's a one way street. I just don't play that game.

If you don't like what people post then heres an idea dont reply to their opinions,

See again, here is the clear hypocrisy you demonstrate. I voice my opinions. You don't agree with them. So you respond to me. Pot? Kettle? Black?

If you don't like something I write, and if you are such a mark that my opinions bring you to tears, then maybe it's best for you to follow your own advice and not respond to me.

I have no gripe with others who may respond to me. That's their right to do so.

But I must say, have you contacted the Mods yet to get their opinion on your train of thought that "people who disagree with others shouldn't respond to their posts?" That certainly doesn't make for a lively discussion forum, now does it?

I red repped you due to the fact that your opinion on the IWC and ROH was pointless, you shouldn't have used the brian danielson thread to berate the promotion and you where warned to stay on topic, but thats where your arrogance comes in you feel that the rules do not apply to you and you would rather berate then debate, which is sad.

Ah, yes. Once again, the "Arrogance" buzzword. No, sir ... I am not Rick "The Model" Martel. Sorry.

Also, just to let you know, Slyfox put those comments in there as I was already formulating my next post. So, when I posted my comments, I did not see his warning before I posted my next set of comments.

It's not that I feel the "Rules don't apply to me". As soon as I saw his request, I asked for my next post to be deleted. And it was. Why did I bother doing that? Because I wanted to follow the rules. What a concept.

Pro wrestling has amature wrestling components incorperated, they use psycology and wrestling techniques to help shape the story of their matches. so if you have a problem with it then why watch?, its a wrestling forum but yet you seem to keep advocating for a non wrestling product?.

No, sir. If I were advocating for a Non-Wrestling product, then you would have to classify the Hogan Era, New Generation Era, Attitude Era, and Post Attitude Eras all as "Non-Wrestling products".

What you are seemingly advocating is an entirely wrestling based product with no characters/gimmicks/storylines/promos and nothing but technical matches. That is where my problem is, in that I do not advocate a product like that under any circumstance.

What I advocate is for what the WWF/E has always been, up until this point. And notice how I even said "Hogan Era" and "New Generation Era". It isn't the PG rating that has me upset. It is Japanizing the entire product which is what my biggest problem is.

I explained this before and I will explain it yet again .....

I advocate for the Development of characters and storylines so that the fans will form a connection with the talents and be smoothly drawn into the feuds. The best platform for this to occur is on weekly television-- Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. I feel that 3 or 4 matches is suitable for a 2 hour period. However, anything more than that, you run the risk of blowing opportunities to develop characters/storylines to draw the fans into the feuds.

I am all for Long Term booking and feel that WWE should have a rough outline of the feuds they want for an entire year. In doing so, in the months leading up to any feud, the two superstars should be separated from each other as much as possible to preserve the novelty of the feud.

If any two superstars are feuding at an upcoming PPV, then they should not be in another one on one match at any point leading up to that PPV. Tag matches are okay if two opponents are involved, but this stuff for example with Triple H and Orton feuding on Raw one week, and then wrestling at the PPV later that same week, is unacceptable.

Wrestling has its place in the product. And a very important place, mind you. However its place is where it actually counts ... and that is on the PPV's. There is nothing like seeing an outstanding feud on television between two superstars, and the novelty of seeing them wrestle for the first time on the PPV in a head-to-head encounter. The wrestling audience is simply getting too much of that on a weekly basis, which is deteriorating interest in the overall product. Plus, the additional time now spent on matches is preventing the development of characters and storylines, to draw people into the PPV matches, from taking place.

What I advocate is absolutely nothing new from what Vince has done before. So for you to make me out as any less of a wrestling fan because of that, simply proves my point about fans of technical wrestling and the mindsets of many ROH fans.

BTW, just from looking at other posts of yours and at the risk of this being classified as being "arrogant of me" ... it is spelled "Orton", not "Ortan".
First of all, you can dispense with the "I've told you time and time again" like some parent. I don't give a shit how many times you've told me. So I will re-iterate. You can try to brow-beat my opinions to reflect your points of view, and it will NOT happen. My opinions will stand. And you will either respect my opinions, or you simply will have to deal with them. Do I make myself clear?

I lol'd.
First of all, you can dispense with the "I've told you time and time again" like some parent. I don't give a shit how many times you've told me. So I will re-iterate. You can try to brow-beat my opinions to reflect your points of view, and it will NOT happen. My opinions will stand. And you will either respect my opinions, or you simply will have to deal with them. Do I make myself clear?

Fact of the matter is that I "understand" what your opinions are. And I don't agree with them. I do not, under any circumstance, want to see WWE become Japanized or reflective of a Ring of Honor-type product. Now, you can be upset that I simply won't "go along with the flow" and adopt your vision perhaps for the product, but my mind is not changing. Removing the Entertainment out of wrestling to market the WWE as a "sport" simply based on technical wrestling will not get over with the audience, and will only further alienate the mainstream, casual fanbase.

Just so you know, when I post, that is my motivation.

My position is that I would not be upset if the technical wrestling fans had one show within WWE. However, you don't want that. For people like you, all of the WWE's shows have to be technically based. And that reeks of absolute selfishness and disregard for other fans out there who have enjoyed wrestling for years, who still want to enjoy the product.

You did say that I berated Bryan Danielson, the wrestler. Here were your words ....

So now, you are a liar.

So let the record be clear. I have never bashed Bryan Danielson the wrestler. I think he is a great wrestler. However, I have stated that he will have difficulty getting over with the WWE audience based solely on his wrestling, if they do not allow him promo time and perhaps a character/personality to get connect with the fanbase. That is just a fact.

I have also stated that I worry about WWE becoming a more technically based promotion in adopting the ROH style across the board (as they have to an extent for the past year ... especially on Smackdown and Superstars). That again, is not "bashing Bryan Danielson", your hero evidently.

You can call me out on whatever you want to call me out on. It doesn't mean its true. However, I did clearly point out your hypocrisy in your initial comments. You want me to understand/respect your views on wrestling ... however you evidently don't want to respect mine. In your vision, it's a one way street. I just don't play that game.

See again, here is the clear hypocrisy you demonstrate. I voice my opinions. You don't agree with them. So you respond to me. Pot? Kettle? Black?

If you don't like something I write, and if you are such a mark that my opinions bring you to tears, then maybe it's best for you to follow your own advice and not respond to me.

I have no gripe with others who may respond to me. That's their right to do so.

But I must say, have you contacted the Mods yet to get their opinion on your train of thought that "people who disagree with others shouldn't respond to their posts?" That certainly doesn't make for a lively discussion forum, now does it?

Ah, yes. Once again, the "Arrogance" buzzword. No, sir ... I am not Rick "The Model" Martel. Sorry.

Also, just to let you know, Slyfox put those comments in there as I was already formulating my next post. So, when I posted my comments, I did not see his warning before I posted my next set of comments.

It's not that I feel the "Rules don't apply to me". As soon as I saw his request, I asked for my next post to be deleted. And it was. Why did I bother doing that? Because I wanted to follow the rules. What a concept.

No, sir. If I were advocating for a Non-Wrestling product, then you would have to classify the Hogan Era, New Generation Era, Attitude Era, and Post Attitude Eras all as "Non-Wrestling products".

What you are seemingly advocating is an entirely wrestling based product with no characters/gimmicks/storylines/promos and nothing but technical matches. That is where my problem is, in that I do not advocate a product like that under any circumstance.

What I advocate is for what the WWF/E has always been, up until this point. And notice how I even said "Hogan Era" and "New Generation Era". It isn't the PG rating that has me upset. It is Japanizing the entire product which is what my biggest problem is.

I explained this before and I will explain it yet again .....

I advocate for the Development of characters and storylines so that the fans will form a connection with the talents and be smoothly drawn into the feuds. The best platform for this to occur is on weekly television-- Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. I feel that 3 or 4 matches is suitable for a 2 hour period. However, anything more than that, you run the risk of blowing opportunities to develop characters/storylines to draw the fans into the feuds.

I am all for Long Term booking and feel that WWE should have a rough outline of the feuds they want for an entire year. In doing so, in the months leading up to any feud, the two superstars should be separated from each other as much as possible to preserve the novelty of the feud.

If any two superstars are feuding at an upcoming PPV, then they should not be in another one on one match at any point leading up to that PPV. Tag matches are okay if two opponents are involved, but this stuff for example with Triple H and Orton feuding on Raw one week, and then wrestling at the PPV later that same week, is unacceptable.

Wrestling has its place in the product. And a very important place, mind you. However its place is where it actually counts ... and that is on the PPV's. There is nothing like seeing an outstanding feud on television between two superstars, and the novelty of seeing them wrestle for the first time on the PPV in a head-to-head encounter. The wrestling audience is simply getting too much of that on a weekly basis, which is deteriorating interest in the overall product. Plus, the additional time now spent on matches is preventing the development of characters and storylines, to draw people into the PPV matches, from taking place.

What I advocate is absolutely nothing new from what Vince has done before. So for you to make me out as any less of a wrestling fan because of that, simply proves my point about fans of technical wrestling and the mindsets of many ROH fans.

BTW, just from looking at other posts of yours and at the risk of this being classified as being "arrogant of me" ... it is spelled "Orton", not "Ortan".


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