OK need help

Random Drawings will work. Course, that also runs you the risk of losing some big names early on, while not so big names get lucky and keep drawing against other not so big names.
I like the idea of seeding them like Ech did for his women's tournament with the lower seeds going first but i have no idea how to do that.
Well, I thought Ech was a bit biased with his seedings. Just seed them based on how "legandary" they are perceived. Naturally, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair would probably be the No. 1 seeds in their perspective brackets.
Well, I thought Ech was a bit biased with his seedings. Just seed them based on how "legandary" they are perceived. Naturally, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair would probably be the No. 1 seeds in their perspective brackets.
I've asked Shadow to do the seeding because he has huge amounts of knowledge about The legends of the wrestling business. I don't know that much about most of these people which is why I needed so much help. If I did it it would be just as biased.
If you don't know anything about legends, then why are you doing a legends tournament?
Because I think it would get good Convo going in the Old School Section which is where this should go. And I didn't say I know nothing I did research before I added them to the list and by doing this I'm learning more about The people who paved the way for today's Superstars which is what I want to do with this tournament.
Idk man, it just kinda makes it sound like you wanted to do a tournament just because everyone else was doing one. I mean, it's cool if want to do one, but shouldn't you have have picked something of which you're a little more knowledgeable?
I know plenty. I asked for help so Legends that people wanted in would be in and they would participate. Also Shadow is doing the seeding because of his vasts amounts of knowledge

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