Oh This Generation

Again, they played loud music, danced, and cursed in front of you. You may have been annoyed by it, but as far as I can tell it didn't stop you from accomplishing what you wanted to at the gas station: either filling your vehicle up with gas or purchasing something from the store.

If you were on a train or airplane with this group of people and they were acting this way then, yes, it would be a problem. If they were cursing like that in front of a young child, again, I'd grant you that that would be a problem. But you're a grown man, and they were at a gas station close to midnight. There are a lot worse things that could have happened to you at this time than being privy to some teenagers acting like teenagers.

They were probably in their mid 20s. If they were teenagers I wouldn't have thought as much of this.
They were probably in their mid 20s. If they were teenagers I wouldn't have thought as much of this.

Doesn't really make much of a difference, all that changes is it went from teenagers being teenagers to being young adults acting immature. Either way, doesn't really give you the right to sit on your throne and pass judgement on the common folk.
Just left the gas station where I had to listen to some horrible rap song because four guys in their car insisted on having it so loud that you could hear it with all of their windows rolled up. I also got to see them dancing in the parking lot to roughly 15 F bombs in the span of 30 seconds. But I guess I'm just too old to understand why that's such an awesome thing to do. At least they were having fun though right? Because that's all that matters. Also, has rap always been a very simple rhyme and then repeating the same three word line about 15 times in a row?

Were they ghost riding? The literal practice of dancing alongside a still moving vehicle.
:rolleyes: I don't listen to crap, so I stopped.

It's all context. If this scenario happened at 4 in the afternoon, someone should have addressed it. Happening at midnight? Nothing good happens after midnight.
My favorite conversation tactic is totally "Joke's on you, I was just trying to get replies". Absolutely great stuff, top notch. Definitely not backpedaling at all.

Also X I'm gonna fight you about dubstep. Most dubstep is pretty garbage but there are some really good tracks out there, especially when they start crossing over with house or drum'n'bass. Just gotta know what to look for.

:rolleyes: I don't listen to crap, so I stopped.

If you honestly think there is no good rap music out today you're out of your mind. Pick up a Random album, Heroes Vol. 1 is one of my favorites. This is coming from a guy who isn't even that well-versed in the genre, there's tons of great stuff out there.
My favorite conversation tactic is totally "Joke's on you, I was just trying to get replies". Absolutely great stuff, top notch. Definitely not backpedaling at all.

Also X I'm gonna fight you about dubstep. Most dubstep is pretty garbage but there are some really good tracks out there, especially when they start crossing over with house or drum'n'bass. Just gotta know what to look for.

If you honestly think there is no good rap music out today you're out of your mind. Pick up a Random album, Heroes Vol. 1 is one of my favorites. This is coming from a guy who isn't even that well-versed in the genre, there's tons of great stuff out there.

Tell me how I'm backpedaling while factoring in that it's my job to get replies.
You're backpedaling.

This is the part where I ask you for details so you don't say one or two words and then leave, allowing you to live off your reputation as a great poster and seemingly giving some grand statement without really saying anything other than a nod or a shake of your head.
Tell me how I'm backpedaling while factoring in that it's my job to get replies.

Your "job".


Serious question, are they actually paying you now?

Either way, it's irrelevant. You're backpedaling because it's the exact same tactic any garden-variety talk show host uses when they get called out on bullshit. By saying you were being deliberately transgressive to drive up traffic you're invalidating a lot of what you're actually saying by admitting it's all bullshit. By doing that, you remove the actual gravity of the conversation because no matter what someone says you'll retreat to the old bastion of "I'm saying this to piss you off! If you react, it's your fault, not mine!". This means it's difficult, if not impossible, to reasonably discuss any actual point you were trying to make. It actually stops being a discussion at that point and more of a game. "IF you get angry, you lose!". It's a very "I am morally superior to you and it's ~my job~ to be so" viewpoint. Lame, man. It's super lame.
A recurrent theme with you is a tendency to fall back on "I'm driving conversation" (which incidentally translates directly as "I really wanted attention") as an all purpose, get out of jail free card, whenever you are highlighted being a prat.

Given the number of times it has arisen before in similar circumstances, it's about as convincing coming from you as it would be from Milenko.

Enough for you?
A recurrent theme with you is a tendency to fall back on "I'm driving conversation" (which incidentally translates directly as "I really wanted attention") as an all purpose, get out of jail free card, whenever you are highlighted being a prat.

Given the number of times it has arisen before in similar circumstances, it's about as convincing coming from you as it would be from Milenko.

Enough for you?

No, as the "I'm driving conversation" part was in reference to the title alone. I'll settle for it though.
My favorite conversation tactic is totally "Joke's on you, I was just trying to get replies". Absolutely great stuff, top notch. Definitely not backpedaling at all.

Also X I'm gonna fight you about dubstep. Most dubstep is pretty garbage but there are some really good tracks out there, especially when they start crossing over with house or drum'n'bass. Just gotta know what to look for.

If you honestly think there is no good rap music out today you're out of your mind. Pick up a Random album, Heroes Vol. 1 is one of my favorites. This is coming from a guy who isn't even that well-versed in the genre, there's tons of great stuff out there.
Mainstream. I don't like mainstream rap/hip hop. I work ten hours a day 4 days a week, so it's not like I have the time.
Mainstream. I don't like mainstream rap/hip hop. I work ten hours a day 4 days a week, so it's not like I have the time.

I have no idea what this post is talking about. Are you implying that working 40 hours a week means you have no time? No time for what?

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