Oh This Generation

Well race is either relevant or it isn't. For NorCal, it clearly is, and that's fine. For you, you're saying its not but then you're making it an issue which is pretty much racism in a nut shell.

The reaction someone such as me saying people are acting like a bunch of idiotic hicks and me saying people are acting like a bunch of ghetto morons would be infinitely different.

The difference is, the hip hop culture (which is predominantly black) glorifies and encourages acting like this much more than many others.

People can act as if that isn't the case because it makes them feel uncomfortable, but its the truth.
So you were upset by how the media reported your experience in the gas station?

I wasn't upset by anything. Annoyed at people being stupid and inconsiderate, then talked about it on here, then felt racist for being annoyed about people who happened to be black doing something stupid. That transitioned into thinking about the ridiculous coverage of the recent shootings and then into posting it on here with no real focus other than seeing how people reacted to it.
While I appreciate what you're saying, I hope you understand that it is because there is still a more than negligible proportion of people who are actually stark raving bigots.
While I appreciate what you're saying, I hope you understand that it is because there is still a more than negligible proportion of people who are actually stark raving bigots.

MUCH more.

Still doesn't absolve people from just and legitimate criticism, and MOST OF FUCKING ALL, utter and complete lack of accountability.

This is the way things have become though.
I do so love hearing about the natural disadvantages that come with being white.

Is what I described above fair, or unfair?

Does that culture devolve or improve our inner cities and race relations?

Do unfair ratio of one's ability to criticize or hold accountable someone else for their actions hinging on race improve or devolve race relations further and further?
Literally nobody of significance has ever stood up and said that a white person is disallowed from criticizing a black person. Blacketly laying into a large economic substructure of an entire race of people gets one onto shakier ground - whether their choice of language is '******s' or 'ghetto culture'.

The whole "I'm being censored because I'm white" myth is mostly predicated on people getting angry that others call them out on bullshit insensitivity, stereotyping or outright racism.
Also, does that sort of attitude not permeate exactly what im saying?

"Oh, well you are white so you are not allowed to complain or make a dissatisfied statement about anything, ever"

If someone is acting like an asshole, I should be able to address that, and our races should not matter.....If everyone is equal, as it should be.

If someone is a little roach of society, they should be held accountable, no matter what our races are....If everyone is equal, as they should be.
Literally nobody of significance has ever stood up and said that a white person is disallowed from criticizing a black person. Blacketly laying into a large economic substructure of an entire race of people gets one onto shakier ground - whether their choice of language is '******s' or 'ghetto culture'.

The whole "I'm being censored because I'm white" myth is mostly predicated on people getting angry that others call them out on bullshit insensitivity, stereotyping or outright racism.

You don't get a ton of western media these days out there, do ya.

Its ok. I can relate. Not currently, but yea.

I am laying into a large economic substructure, but it has little to do with race on that particular point. I would say the same of (the many) white people who act in such a way and belong to the same culture.

The difference is, no one would automatically assume rascism if I were to do so.
Saudi Air Radio reports this week included how science had conclusively proven the existence of god, and an analysis of how the power of prayer could be used to deflect comets (3,000,000 people would be needed based on the math). We should be rather prouder of the Western media than we are.

Nobody is saying, "Oh, well you are white so you are not allowed to complain or make a dissatisfied statement about anything, ever". The only people who ever come out with comments of that nature are sarcastic, dissatisfied white people wanking off one another's persecution complex.

I am laying into a large economic substructure, but it has little to do with race on that particular point. I would say the same of (the many) white people who act in such a way and belong to the same culture.

The difference is, no one would automatically assume rascism if I were to do so.

If you were to do so in a controlled, diplomatic and adult manner without making a bunch of references to skin colour, ghettos or rap music then you would be demonstrably fine. But that's not what happens. Here we have the monumental story of "youths play loud music at a gas station" which KB felt the overwhelming urge to make into a racial question. When the strangeness of this was highlighted we immediately get twelve choruses of 'I'm not allowed free speech because I'm white'.

You can criticise anyone you want as long as you're not a dick about it. Almost nobody on the planet is going to tell you differently.

I will say that you probably shouldn't be firing grapeshot into an entire economic class though. That's not someone being accountable for acting like a roach of society - that's thousands of people you've never met being responsible for someone acting like a roach of society.
Saudi Air Radio reports this week included how science had conclusively proven the existence of god, and an analysis of how the power of prayer could be used to deflect comets (3,000,000 people would be needed based on the math). We should be rather prouder of the Western media than we are.

Nobody is saying, "Oh, well you are white so you are not allowed to complain or make a dissatisfied statement about anything, ever". The only people who ever come out with comments of that nature are sarcastic, dissatisfied white people wanking off one another's persecution complex.

If you were to do so in a controlled, diplomatic and adult manner without making a bunch of references to skin colour, ghettos or rap music then you would be demonstrably fine. But that's not what happens. Here we have the monumental story of "youths play loud music at a gas station" which KB felt the overwhelming urge to make into a racial question. When the strangeness of this was highlighted we immediately get twelve choruses of 'I'm not allowed free speech because I'm white'.

You can criticise anyone you want as long as you're not a dick about it. Almost nobody on the planet is going to tell you differently.

I will say that you probably shouldn't be firing grapeshot into an entire economic class though. That's not someone being accountable for acting like a roach of society - that's thousands of people you've never met being responsible for someone acting like a roach of society.

The bolded portion is were you are quite, quite incorrect my friend. Proven as much by the fact I originally laid out the situation for everyone, in a calm, logical perfectly fair manner, only to be assailed by you and Tasty not moments after I posted it.

First of all, im not sure if the both of you missed were KB said neither of them were youths.

Both individuals were living up to the stereotypes of a certain culture, which are reprehensible, regardless of skin color or country.

KB then felt that by complaining about said individuals, people would assume that the individuals involved were black, because by their own admission, the majorty of said culture is made up by black people.

It would then be assumed that KB had some sort of racial bias motivating his complaints, thusly bypassing the original reprehensible behavior.

I say that's fucking bullshit, no one would care if he was criticizing people of another race, but they do only because he is white, complaining about blacks.

You then come in and insituate neither of us have any right to complain about anything because we are white. Hilariously re-enforcing every point that is being made here.

You also proceed to not answer my direct questions of

Does one race being absolved of criticism or accountability from another race help race relations?

Does a culture of reprehensible behavior and blustering lack of care for the peaceful living of others break down the enviornments of those who comprise a majority of it and further break down race relations

If you are being a piece of shit, im going to tell you that, however I see is fitting. I don't need to use any sensitivity when YOU are the one acting like a reprehensible asshole. Our races are entirely fucking irrelevant, and should be entirely irrelevant. THAT is equality.
I will say that you probably shouldn't be firing grapeshot into an entire economic class though. That's not someone being accountable for acting like a roach of society - that's thousands of people you've never met being responsible for someone acting like a roach of society.

You are sincerely going to tell me the majority of reprehensible behavior, lack of accountability, and an ongoing proliferation of such does not belong to a certain economic class now?

Doesn't matter that much anyway. Just as we should not mix up race and culture, we should not mix up class and culture. One comprises a majority of the other, but they are still entirely different things.
The bolded portion is were you are quite, quite incorrect my friend. Proven as much by the fact I originally laid out the situation for everyone, in a calm, logical perfectly fair manner, only to be assailed by you and Tasty not moments after I posted it.

First of all, im not sure if the both of you missed were KB said neither of them were youths.

Both individuals were living up to the stereotypes of a certain culture, which are reprehensible, regardless of skin color or country.

KB then felt that by complaining about said individuals, people would assume that the individuals involved were black, because by their own admission, the majorty of said culture is made up by black people.

It would then be assumed that KB had some sort of racial bias motivating his complaints, thusly bypassing the original reprehensible behavior.

I say that's fucking bullshit, no one would care if he was criticizing people of another race, but they do only because he is white, complaining about blacks.

You then come in and insituate neither of us have any right to complain about anything because we are white. Hilariously re-enforcing every point that is being made here.

You also proceed to not answer my direct questions of

Does on race being absolved of criticism or accountability from another race help race relations?

Does a culture of reprehensible behavior and blustering lack of care for the peaceful living of others break down the enviornments of those who comprise a majority of it and further break down race relations

If you are being a piece of shit, im going to tell you that, however I see is fitting. I don't need to use any sensitivity when YOU are the one acting like a reprehensible asshole. Our races are entirely fucking irrelevant, and should be entirely irrelevant. THAT is equality.

That's not what happened. This is what actually happened:

KB posted what happened under the title "oh this generation".

Someone said "is this a hip hop thing or an age thing"

He said it was not a hip hop thing. It was about people being inconsiderate.

I said he didn't understand the culture of people younger than him, which these people are whether they are 16 or 25, and that since time immemorial that is what Young people have done.

You said it was about acting like a twat and it's still not ok. That's a completely valid opinion.

Then, out of absolutely nowhere, KB brought race into it.

So no, I didn't jump in to white knight for black people, it was a conversation that had absolutely zero to do with black people in my eyes until KB brought it up from absolutely nowhere but then later professed that the race of the people didn't matter.
Then, out of absolutely nowhere, KB brought race into it.

So no, I didn't jump in to white knight for black people, it was a conversation that had absolutely zero to do with black people in my eyes until KB brought it up from absolutely nowhere but then later professed that the race of the people didn't matter.

Im going to be honest.....

I had prior knowledge of what this was all about before he posted it (and you can put the whole deal together too if you travel to the moon, so to speak). He did a somewhat poor job of converying it before I got into what this was actually about

I have no idea were he was going with the whole police brutality comparison. I suppose they are vaugley, loosely connected, but yea.
Saudi Air Radio reports this week included how science had conclusively proven the existence of god, and an analysis of how the power of prayer could be used to deflect comets (3,000,000 people would be needed based on the math). We should be rather prouder of the Western media than we are.

In Saudi? Really? I expected a lot more of them. They still have Al-Jazeera right?
You are sincerely going to tell me the majority of reprehensible behavior, lack of accountability, and an ongoing proliferation of such does not belong to a certain economic class now?

No, I tell you the opposite. The majority of criminals are poor people. I can show you statistical evidence proving this to be the case. I can show you equally compelling evidence that the majority of poor people are not criminals.

This is the distinction you don't seem to be getting. NOBODY, in this this thread, or on this planet, is telling you that you can't criticize a black person for acting like a twat. Or a poor person. Or a police officer. Or a giraffe.

What people say is that you shouldn't, as you put it, lay into an entire class, race or other denomination of people due to your perceptions based on a portion of said community. That's prejudicial, and does infinitely more to undermine cross cultural relations that a nonexistent subsection of society silencing you becuase you're white.
Someone said "is this a hip hop thing or an age thing"

He said it was not a hip hop thing. It was about people being inconsiderate.


This is were people assuming he was talking about black people because he is a racist was to come in. He felt he was made to feel guilty by today society jumping to such conclusions.

I am sympathetic to such concerns.
NOBODY, in this this thread, or on this planet, is telling you that you can't criticize a black person for acting like a twat.

This. Is. WRONG. This is what YOU seem not to be getting. Its anything but non-existant.

I don't know any other way to say this.

If you are sincerely telling me that people are not overly sensitive when someone who is of the white race says anything critical of people of other races, especially black people, and furthermore when they are living up to ugly steretypes 100%, then I don't know what else to say to you other than that is simply incorrect.
Modern rap is genuinely terrible. I like the odd money and girls song but when that's all you do it's boring.

What I find most interesting is there are people who will still call out rock music as some decadent thing because a there's a video with a girl in a gas mask carrying a knife or something while talking about abuse or something but it's totally ok for rap videos to have several women shaking their ass while the rapper talks about how many he's going to bang.
Well, no, he laid into rap music under the umbrella of a thread about age.

If you look the first few posts are about the decline of rap as a music form.

Literally nobody brought race into it until KB himself did.

It seems like he was hoping for a reaction of people calling him a racist, nobody did that, so he brough in the verbal RKO of his own.
In Saudi? Really? I expected a lot more of them. They still have Al-Jazeera right?

I would imagine so. Actually, I know so, since I work for Al-Jazeera - they do a lot more than just broadcasting. They're also in the teaching and paint selling industries (Saudis love buying paint). This was Saudi Air Radio, English language station - which is actually produced in UEA because they play music, which is still technically prohibited here.

I will say that, of the nations of the Middle East not gripped by civil war or under IS control, KSA probably deserves the least benefit of the doubt. It's probably the most orthodox and intolerant of the Arab societies - and positively alien when compared to somewhere more open like Egypt or Iran.

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