From the 2012 Republican Party of Texas platform:
Can you say "brainwashing"? Anyone? What a bunch of jackasses.
There's more, I'm just tired of copying and pasting. Here's the link if you wish to read their ridiculousness in full.
Nothing surprising really, just amusing anyways.Homosexuality ― We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans.
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Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values.
Pornography ― We encourage the enforcement of laws regarding all forms of pornography, because pornography is detrimental to the fabric of society.
From the state that executes more people per year than any other state.Right To Life - All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death;
Not surprising, just fucking hilarious when you read the next section:Controversial Theories – We support objective teaching and equal treatment of all sides of scientific theories. We believe theories such as life origins and environmental change should be taught as challengeable scientific theories subject to change as new data is produced. Teachers and students should be able to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these theories openly and without fear of retribution or discrimination of any kind.
Unbelievable. Basically, the Texas Republican party doesn't want schools to teach critical thinking. Combine that the previous paragraph, and it's pretty obvious they don't want anyone to challenge their "God created the world" mentality. And they certainly don't want any of those poor people to learn something which could improve their lot in life.Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Can you say "brainwashing"? Anyone? What a bunch of jackasses.
Once again, undermining public education for the sole sake of pushing the "God created the world" mentality.No Taxpayer Paid Lobbyists – We support the prohibition of any paid public school employee or contractor to lobby the legislature or the SBOE, unless on an unpaid basis and in an unofficial capacity. No registered lobbyist should be allowed to run for SBOE.
Yes, let's keep practicing Abstinence Only education, even though statistics have proven it doesn't work.Sex Education – We recognize parental responsibility and authority regarding sex education. We believe that parents must be given an opportunity to review the material prior to giving their consent. We oppose any sex education other than abstinence until marriage.
There's more, I'm just tired of copying and pasting. Here's the link if you wish to read their ridiculousness in full.