[Official] X Marks the Spot: Xfearbefore Xclusive Thread

I can easily see the hate for Kruger but Sandow? C'mon! The guy is great! He's changed himself so much from idol Stevens to Colonel to the flamboyant, educated man of the people. I see something in his future.

Also Remix what happened to your liking to Ambrose? You said not too long ago that he was your #4 guy. What's been dissapointing about Cesaro also?
Honestly Sandow and Kruger do absolutely nothing for me. If you're going to shit on Rollins for not having personality or ability to connect with the fans, those two are just as clueless.

On the other hand, Kruger's given more wrestlers their best matches to date than anyone else in FCW and Sandow hasn't put out a match that wasn't at least solid in months. Also, Kruger's commentary was pretty awesome.

They're so bland and cookie cutter, it's like they just trotted them out of the Create a Wrestler mode in one of the Smackdown vs. RAW games.

At the time period you're watching, yes. Sandow is between gimmicks (he wears a robe and has a beard but that's it) and Kruger's title reign was absolutely terrible on so many levels. His personality shrank like a boner exposed to Mae Young and an ice cold shower. Both can display one though.

Atleast Rollins has a unique moveset and some intensity and charisma in the ring.

lol at the stuff in bold. Also, Kruger barely has a moveset. He's got a massive arsenal of moves he can do, but the only two he uses in every match are his snap suplex and sleeper hold. Kruger changes his shit up based on what's happening in the match and who he's facing. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. Watch his first match against Dalton (should be on one of the upcoming episodes) and tell me with a straight face that he doesn't have a decent moveset. Sandow's similar in that he uses the bare minimum of wrestling moves (preferring just to out maneuver his opponent and then pound on them) but again, he does that shit to perfection (as did Kruger back when he was wrestling 5 minute matches).

When I watch Kruger and especially Sandow I usually find myself thinking "When is this match going to end?" to be honest. They're not bad workers or anything, they just have nothing interesting about them though that would make me want to see them get called up to the WWE over the 12,000 guys exactly like them on the indies and FCW right now.

Better than my reaction to Rollins' matches (what the fuck was that? Why the fuck did you do that? Why are you ignoring what's been happening in the match so far? USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN YOU TALLENTLESS PIECE OF SHIT!) I know which I prefer. Also, both Kruger and Sandow can show personality when given the chance (case and point Kruger vs Leakee where the former has a fucking meltdown). Just because they aren't doing it doesn't mean they can't. Justin Gabriel can wrestle a technically based match, but has regressed to spottiness I haven't seen out of him since he was in South Africa (which is annoying, he doesn't need to and he's better when he doesn't).

I can easily see the hate for Kruger but Sandow? C'mon! The guy is great! He's changed himself so much from idol Stevens to Colonel to the flamboyant, educated man of the people. I see something in his future.

I can. Kruger spent 90% of his title reign being utter dross, and I can't remember Sandow doing a damn thing with his medal. Except his match with Kruger which was pretty good.

Also Remix what happened to your liking to Ambrose? You said not too long ago that he was your #4 guy. What's been dissapointing about Cesaro also?

Ambrose is my number 3 guy. He started out in the "why do you have hype" wagon, had three shitfests with Rollins and then justified his hiring and got out of it fairly soon afterwards thanks to his sheer charisma. Cesaro just hasn't done anything to impress me. He hasn't done anything bad, per se he just hasn't done anything especially good either.
***** you need to watch these guys work 20+ minute matches with no restrictions, i.e. their indy work before FCW. Then you'll see why guys like Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, and especially Claudio Castastognoli have so much hype.
Well X I have been watching a lot of FMW and WAR lately and I have been loving it! I was wondering what you thought of those two promotions and if you could give some suggestions on matches to watch.
Awww, the old thread. Forgot about this. I've been back rating WWE stuff maybe a month or two now again, want to eventually sit down and get back into reviewing once I have free time, as most of my time is occupied by work or my girlfriend. I live in Boston now and am loving it. Really into comics these days, almost obsessively so, much to my wallet's chagrin. But my love for wrestling has been reignited by the great stuff Daniel Bryan and The SHIELD have been doing in the WWE this year.

How is everyone? Did I miss anything big in the, oh, eight-ish months I've been absent? Looks like KB is still keeping the ship afloat and doing his thing.
Awww, the old thread. Forgot about this. I've been back rating WWE stuff maybe a month or two now again, want to eventually sit down and get back into reviewing once I have free time, as most of my time is occupied by work or my girlfriend. I live in Boston now and am loving it. Really into comics these days, almost obsessively so, much to my wallet's chagrin. But my love for wrestling has been reignited by the great stuff Daniel Bryan and The SHIELD have been doing in the WWE this year.

How is everyone? Did I miss anything big in the, oh, eight-ish months I've been absent? Looks like KB is still keeping the ship afloat and doing his thing.

NXT has become the best weekly wrestling show on the planet. That counts as big, I think. If you haven't had a chance to yet, you've got to watch it. Cesaro vs Sami Zayn (the wrestler formerly known as El Generico) happened. 'Nuff said.

On a personal note, I've discovered not all indie wrestling is crap. PWG is positively enjoyable.

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