[Official] X Marks the Spot: Xfearbefore Xclusive Thread

Question for you all:

What's your opinion on Orwell's 1984?

I'm at page 23 right now, and I'm loving it.
One of the greatest books ever written, that book completely changed how I view the world. Orwell is a fucking genius.
Nice dude, that's fuckin' badass! Good work.

I wish the medicine man would hurry up and get here. I have aches, and pains! I need herb for Summerslam damnit!
shit yes X do it in style, do I have pizza or nachos whilst watching Summerslam?
What about NACHO PIZZA? That sounds delicious :lmao:

I'm going to do the Norcal thing (I see you viewing this thread), and get a shit ton of junk food, I've got a fresh 24 rack of Corona in the fridge, pickin' up some fine herb shortly. Should have a fun time watching tonight.
Xavier, your gonna be all drunk and emotional at the end of the show for my last PPV LD :lmao:

Haha probably. My original plans of meeting up with Krissy died because she got called into work, so I'll be doing the lonely-drunk-stoned-pizza-Summerslam-WZ-LD thing. I may get weepy when Punk wins...:(

I can't watch SummerSlam :(

Streamy-stream-streamertons are fun.

Who schedules meetings on Sunday night?

What about NACHO PIZZA? That sounds delicious :lmao:

I'm going to do the Norcal thing (I see you viewing this thread), and get a shit ton of junk food, I've got a fresh 24 rack of Corona in the fridge, pickin' up some fine herb shortly. Should have a fun time watching tonight.

A Nacho pizza sounds fantastic, I've gone for a good old meatfeast though, got a nice few bottles of cider and gonna enjoy me some summerslam.
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Metal Gear Steve AKA the fucking shit...

obviously the forums put me over as the shit too.
Advice: Don't listen to Nirvana Unplugged at 4 AM. Only bad things will happen.

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