[Official] X Marks the Spot: Xfearbefore Xclusive Thread

I told you the clocks were evil FTS. Once 4AM hits, they become possessed by demons.

Fuck you clocks. And time. And life. And all that bebop jazz.
You know you're drunk when you start busting out the Flair icon.

Should I get a drink? Probably not. It's 4 AM and sleep could be a possibility tonight maybe. Then again perhaps a drink or three would send me to sleep quicker.

Here's to having a few shots at 4 AM!

Remember kids, the only thing that can fill that gaping hole in your soul is alcohol.
Doing shots of whiskey at 4 AM to Slayer...always fun.

Norcal, my brain is doing one of fthose confusion things again. I'm rather scared and excited at the same time right now over the prospects of me and Krissy. I have no idea if I'm doing the right thing or smart thing or not.

Fucking A AAAAA. Whiskey. Pain. Ouch. Fight til Death!

My two night streak of two different girls has ended barring a late night phone call. I'm good though. A night without blue balls will do me some good.

Blue Balls....FTL....someone sig that shit. Pump Iron bitches.....!!!
why would you not be doing the right thing?

Not that I'm not doing the RIGHt thing or anything like treating her wrong or something, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm making the right choice. This will be somewhere around the 90000000000th time we've gotten back together and it always ends with one of us getting hurt somehow, drifting apart, becoming friends again, and repeating the damn process. Its been like this literally for nearly a decade now, since I was like 13-14 years old. I definitely WANT to try it again, but I just don't know if its fuckin futile, ya know? She's crazy, but so am I, so I guess that doesn't really matter. Every time I see her though man a big fat fucking grin comes over my face and I just love her to pieces. It's been a damn long while since we last did this again though, like a year and half or so now.

I'm excited as fuck again but at the same time kind of scared, because damnit I want it to work this time but I dunno whats gonna happen.

Im just confused man, ya know me and my 4 AM thing. I'm gettin to that point in my life where I want somethin serious again, I'm sick of being fuckin single. DOn't get me wrong I love coming on here with you motherfuckers but somtimes a man just wants to fucking cuddle with someone they love. :blush:

Right. Theres your revealing xfear rant of the night kiddies.
I'm anti-sober-drunk-face.

I'm going to go eat some sleeping pills, attempt sleep and whatnot. DAMN YOU NORCAL FOR ABANDONING ME IN MY TIME OF NEED!

I'll hit your thread up tomorrow David, I'm too melancholic for that hullabaloo.
Im just confused man, ya know me and my 4 AM thing. I'm gettin to that point in my life where I want somethin serious again, I'm sick of being fuckin single. DOn't get me wrong I love coming on here with you motherfuckers but somtimes a man just wants to fucking cuddle with someone they love. :blush:

Right. Theres your revealing xfear rant of the night kiddies.

Haha... alright, well here's my two cents that you won't read until tomorrow when you're all well and sober.

I know your a Boy Meets World fan like myself. One of my favorite episodes is when Cory and Shawn compare Topanga and Lauren, to see who would make Cory happier. This sort of seems like the same situation. Just write down the positives of getting back with Krissy, and the negatives about it as well, and then compare the two. Whichever outweighs the other, go with that one. It's simple, sure... but there's no better way of finding out what you really want. Just be honest with yourself when you're writing everything down.
Lies Norcal. Vicious lies. You cuddle with your M-16 every night, don't lie.

Thanks JMT, appreciate it.
Not that I'm not doing the RIGHt thing or anything like treating her wrong or something, but I'm trying to figure out if I'm making the right choice. This will be somewhere around the 90000000000th time we've gotten back together and it always ends with one of us getting hurt somehow, drifting apart, becoming friends again, and repeating the damn process. Its been like this literally for nearly a decade now, since I was like 13-14 years old. I definitely WANT to try it again, but I just don't know if its fuckin futile, ya know? She's crazy, but so am I, so I guess that doesn't really matter. Every time I see her though man a big fat fucking grin comes over my face and I just love her to pieces. It's been a damn long while since we last did this again though, like a year and half or so now.

I'm excited as fuck again but at the same time kind of scared, because damnit I want it to work this time but I dunno whats gonna happen.

Im just confused man, ya know me and my 4 AM thing. I'm gettin to that point in my life where I want somethin serious again, I'm sick of being fuckin single. DOn't get me wrong I love coming on here with you motherfuckers but somtimes a man just wants to fucking cuddle with someone they love. :blush:

Right. Theres your revealing xfear rant of the night kiddies.

Fuck, dude...Well, you gotta ask ourself is it worth it goin through all that stuff just to love that person. I'm no expert on love, but I'm pretty sure thats a question that can be applied to that situation.

Fuck, I need to cuddle too! :banghead:
Who is that girl on the right of your sig? the one in green? She reminds me so much of an X of mine, its fuckin uncanny. Dead ringer....
I have no knowledge of this cuddling you speak of

Pssh... four play and cuddling are the best parts of sex, for me. The actual sex is good, don't get me wrong, but there's pressure and expectations to live up to, and that takes a lot of the fun out of it. You're too worried about making sure she's satisfied, that you forget about yourself.

And Norcal, that chick's name is Lupe Maciel.

And fuck the Yankees. Red Sox FTW.
Well, dont do it that way. Just go crazy. If your good, she will be taken care of. LOL.

Ok, not my ex. She wouldve had to die her hair blonde, and put a shit ton of makeup on all her ridiculous tattoos. But yea, the face and body are spittin image
Pssh... four play and cuddling are the best parts of sex, for me. The actual sex is good, don't get me wrong, but there's pressure and expectations to live up to, and that takes a lot of the fun out of it. You're too worried about making sure she's satisfied, that you forget about yourself.

Sex is great, but I'm a sensitive guy who likes to wear turtle neck sweaters and listen to Nick Drake. So I love cuddling. Seriously, fuckin' love it. Don't know why, I just love relaxing in bed with someone you love, all cozy and wrapped around each other.

Hopefully I should be doing some of it later tonight. :D

I started that list JMT. So far, positives are leading 8-4.

And fuck the Yankees. Red Sox FTW.

Listen to this man. He has Gina Carano in his sig, he tells no lies.

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