[Official] Wrestlezone Tournament Award Nominations Thread


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Ladies and Gentlemen, we crowned a 3rd Annual WZ Tournament Champion earlier today.. and now it's time to bring forth your nominations for the WZ Tournament Awards!

Your Categories Are:

Best WZ Tourney Poster:

Best Individual Post:

Best Match:

Match that changed the Tourney:

Biggest Travesty:

Biggest Upset:


Worst Poster:

Nominations will be looked upon, and those who receive the most will be added into an official poll later on (by Shocky) to determine the Winner! Please list nominations for each category while you still can!
Best WZ Tourney Poster: jmt225

Best Individual Post: Gelgarin on Thesz over Sting

Best Match: Not nominating

Match that changed the Tourney: Edge vs. Lesnar

Biggest Travesty: Edge over Taker

Biggest Upset: RVD over Macho and Triple H

Worst Poster: Not nominating.
Best WZ Tourney Poster: Will :/

Best Individual Post: Erm the one that got me lots of red rep about hating WHAT

Best Match: edge v taker

Match that changed the Tourney: stevie richards v verne gagne

Biggest Travesty: Benjamin being in the tourney

Biggest Upset: edge > SCSA


Worst Poster: Mine were pretty shit
Best WZ Tourney Poster:

My selections for nomination are; Shocky, JohnTenta4HOF, Gelgarin, NateDaMac88 & tdigle. (I'll refrain from nominating myself - and allow others if they so choose to)

Best Individual Post:

My selections for nomination are; JohnTenta4HOF, (for his Undertaker debate) Gelgarin (for his Lou Thesz debate) & LigerBomb. (for his Jushin Liger debate)

Best Match:

Unsure if this is meant to be best match - as in Edge vs. Lesnar, persay. Or poster v. poster. So I'll refrain from this.

Match that changed the Tourney:

My selections for nomination are; Edge vs. Brock Lesnar & Jushin Liger vs. Shawn Michaels.

Biggest Travesty:

My selections for nomination are; Undertaker d. Sting, Booker T d. Bruno Sammartino, and The Rock d. Kurt Angle/Muta

Biggest Upset:

My selections for nomination are; Edge d. Steve Austin, Edge d. Brock Lesnar, Edge d. the Undertaker, & Jushin Liger d. Shawn Michaels

(hey, I explained WHY he should win those matches - never said they wouldn't be considered upsets. :lmao:)

Worst Poster:

I'll refrain on this - but will likely scan back through the Tournament and pick out crybabies and whiners.
Best WZ Tourney Poster: Tasty

Best Post: Gel on Lou Thesz over STing

Best Match: Rock/Hart

Match that changed the Tourney: Hogan/Benoit

Biggest Travesty: Edge/Austin

Biggest Upset: Edge/Austin

Worst Poster: 1C3 M4N
Best WZ Tourney Poster:

TheOneBigWill, Tastycles, Liger Bomb, Tenta, tdigle, Shockmaster

Best Individual Post:

Liger Bomb's post in the Lesnar/Liger thread in which he joked about Lesnar having a metal alloy head and tdigle's post on why John Cena would have bombed in WCW in the Cena/Danielson thread.

Best Match:


Match that changed the Tourney:

Liger/Michaels and Edge/Austin

Biggest Travesty:

Edge beating Steve Austin

Biggest Upset:

Liger beating Michaels, Edge beating Austin, Misawa beating Yokozuna

Worst Poster:

Some dude who responded with "blah, blah, blah" to the points that Liger Bomb and tdigle made in the Liger/Michaels thread.

Edit: Forgot to add Shockmaster to Best Poster!
Best WZ Tourney Poster:
Sly, Tastycakes, Ligerbomb, tdigs
Best Individual Post:
Ligerbomb on something, Sly on another thing, Tasty's entire body of work in Warrior v Foley, tdigs v Lesnar
Best Match:
Lesnar v Liger
Match that changed the Tourney:
Edge over Lesnar, RVD over Trips and Savage
Biggest Travesty:
Benoit over Hogan, Taker over Sting, RVD over Trips and Savage, Foley over Warrior
Biggest Upset:
Foley over Warrior, Cena over The American Dragon
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Best WZ Tourney Poster: tdigle, Will, Slyfox, ligerbomb, shakattak

Best Individual Post: Gelgarin: Liger masterpiece, Will: Saves Edge against Lesnar, TM' Santino lovin', Tdigle: Liger lovin', 48.7: At least he tried for Edge v Hart.

Best Match: Bret Hart vs Edge, Justin Liger vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, The Big Show vs Andre The Giant vs Vader, Randy Orton vs Ultimate Warrior.

Match that changed the Tourney: Mick Foley vs The Ultimate Warrior, Edge vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, Edge vs Undertaker, Bret Hart vs Harley Race.

Biggest Travesty: Antonio Rocca vs Matt Hardy, Edge vs Undertaker, Kane vs Curt Hennig, Mick Foley vs Ultimate Warrior, Rob Van Dam vs Triple H vs Randy Savage

Biggest Upset: Edge vs Undertaker, Edge vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam vs Triple H vs Randy Savage, Mick Foley vs Ultimate Warrior

Worst Poster: cherries, Captain America, ad21k, Lee, Headbanger
Haha, you are probably right. I jest in here, but I've done nothing but praise the work of the Liger camp everywhere else. It's too bad I'm too much of a Brock mark, because I would have loved Liger to go further.

TDigs, you had Liger as your #2 on the top 100, and pushed him hard, and I'm guessing next year, he gets to the sweet 16. A whole year of momentum building could do wonders.
Best WZ Tourney Poster: tdigle, Will, Slyfox, ligerbomb, shakattak

Best Individual Post: Gelgarin: Liger masterpiece, Will: Saves Edge against Lesnar, TM' Santino lovin', Tdigle: Liger lovin', 48.7: At least he tried for Edge v Hart.

Best Match: Bret Hart vs Edge, Justin Liger vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, The Big Show vs Andre The Giant vs Vader, Randy Orton vs Ultimate Warrior.

Match that changed the Tourney: Mick Foley vs The Ultimate Warrior, Edge vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, Edge vs Undertaker, Bret Hart vs Harley Race.

Biggest Travesty: Antonio Rocca vs Matt Hardy, Edge vs Undertaker, Kane vs Curt Hennig, Mick Foley vs Ultimate Warrior, Rob Van Dam vs Triple H vs Randy Savage

Biggest Upset: Edge vs Undertaker, Edge vs Brock Lesnar, Justin Liger vs Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam vs Triple H vs Randy Savage, Mick Foley vs Ultimate Warrior

Worst Poster: cherries, Captain America, ad21k, Lee, Headbanger

I didn't post in that thread?
Savage made it to the sweet 16, that's not bad. He just got a crap draw with splitting the votes with Triple H. RVD snuck that bad boy right on by.
It was bullshit that it even got to a triple threat. Didn't Savage v RVD precede it? Yeah, that's bull.
I say next year, we cut out Triple Threats and just have "redo's". Especially since we get the following excuses..

1. I voted for the wrong guy.

2. I would've voted for so-and-so because you debated and proved to me he should win, unfortunately I foolishly voted before allowing anyone to change my mind.

If a tie happens.. a rematch should happen, making everyone vote all over again. Simple as.
I say next year, we cut out Triple Threats and just have "redo's". Especially since we get the following excuses..

1. I voted for the wrong guy.

2. I would've voted for so-and-so because you debated and proved to me he should win, unfortunately I foolishly voted before allowing anyone to change my mind.

If a tie happens.. a rematch should happen, making everyone vote all over again. Simple as.

Yes, because this tournament NEEDS to be longer. I say 7 months out of the year, minimum.
First of all, I just marked out loud to what Will and TDigs said. That actually means a hell of a lot to me. Thanks, folks. Anyway:

Best WZ Tourney Poster: I don't see how it can't be Will. He singlehandedly got Edge to the finals. That's even more impressive than IC25 and Vader (sorry, IC.) Close runners up are Tdigs and Xfear. Both of these men had some of the absolute best posts that few talk about. Xfear's defense of the Funker and Tdigs of Stone Cold were phenomenal. Special consideration for The Lariat when Stan Hansen was around

Best Individual Post: Gelgy's Lou Thesz post, Will's post in Edge's match with The Undertaker, and Tasty's defense of The Rock against Bret Hart.

Best Match: I'd say the finals were damn good. Otherwise, you had HBK VS. Liger, Brock VS. Liger, Taker VS. Funker, and Kane VS. The Rock

Match that changed the Tourney: Had to be Edge VS. Brock. ThAT MATCH

Biggest Travesty: Probably Hogan VS. Benoit. All of Edge's matched got carried by Will, and for that, I can't pick an Edge match. Benoit.... Well, he won by process of a gimmick match

Biggest Upset: Probably Edge VS. Austin


Worst Poster: cherries

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