2012 WZ Forum Awards- Nominations

Best Non-Wrestling Poster

Best WrestleZone Mod
Dagger Dias.

Best Minority Poster
Ain't DirtyJosé Meskin? I pick him.

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most
Nick mentioned Zeven_Zion and I haven't verified it, so him.*

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year
Wrestlezone Mod Election

Most Improved Poster

Best User Name
Nick Pagleeno

Biggest Try Hard

Funniest Poster

Best Spam Poster

Best Troll

Worst Poster of the Year
awesoem_miz or however it was misspelled.

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap
Doug Crashin

Rookie Poster of the Year

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance

Best Barfly

Best Return
The Lariat - nothing flashy, it's just nice to see a heavyweight from my early forum days again.

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award
Wrestling Memes starring Chrome

Best Tournament

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing.

Best Spam Thread
Nick Pagleeno's Wrestlezone Exclusives

Best Feud

Debate of the Year
Milenko's Dead: Too Soon?

Best Wrestling Poster
Best Non-Wrestling Poster: JMT

Best WrestleZone Mod: I don't see the mod logs, wouldn't know.

Best Minority Poster: Big Sexy, he is black?

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most: Sully

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year: Milenko dying in the Army.

Most Improved Poster: Not sure.

Best User Name: FrozenTrash

Biggest Try Hard: Spawn, since his account shows activity this year. He wins for 2012 just for being him.

Funniest Poster: Dirty Jose or SNS.

Best Spam Poster: Dirty Jose

Best Troll: Milenko

Worst Poster of the year: Todd.

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap: Todd.

Rookie Poster of the Year: Tax

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance: Not sure.

Best Barfly: JGlass

Best Return: Milenko

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring: Killjoy, considering the way he came to Wrestlezone.

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award: Don't know.

Best Tournament: Don't know.

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing D-Man and Killjoy.

Best Spam Thread: JGlass' thread.

Best Feud: I haven't been here for most of the year.

Debate of the Year: Slyfox696 vs Shattered Dreams. The Lance Armstrong scandal.

Best Wrestling Poster: Jack Hammer or The Brain
Best Non-Wrestling Poster

Best WrestleZone Mod

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year
-Dagger Overcomes the Odds

Most Improved Poster
-Me? :shrug:

Best User Name
-Haiku Hogan
-Nick Pagleeno

Biggest Try Hard
-Dagger Dias

Funniest Poster
-Uncle Sam

Best Troll

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap
-Anyone on the main page comments section

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance
-That one Ryan-something guy. Showed up and pissed off a bunch of people with that anti-Punk thread. Left.

Best Barfly

Best Return

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award
-Sly's CM Punk troll thread.
-John Cena vs. The Rock thread

Best Tournament

Best Spam Thread
-KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Debate of the Year
-Dagger vs. The World
Best Non-Wrestling Poster: Ty Burna

Best WrestleZone Mod: Jack-Hammer

Best Minority Poster: LJL

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most: Sully, just for the general LULZ

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year: Bearded FunK (FunKay & Theo as WZPOC's tag champs; I know, bit lame, but that section never gets a mention and it looks like I won't this year either so may as well kill two birds with one stone)

Most Improved Poster: Pancake

Best User Name: Fireman Sam was last year...ugh...Haiku Hogan it is!

Biggest Try Hard: Doug Crashin

Funniest Poster: Tastycles has to be up there

Best Spam Poster: Lee

Best Troll: Slyfox

Worst Poster of the Year: FalKon for the fucking ponies

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap: Ming, don't hate him, just sometimes needs a fucking good slapping

Rookie Poster of the Year: Yazloz

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance: Lord Sidious (The former General Disarray)

Best Barfly: justinsayne

Best Return: Tastycles...if he returned. He did, surely?

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring: Killjoy

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award: The Randy Orton one Sam came up with. You know, the one he already nominated.

Best Tournament: Because I was a judge, Debaters League...if it counts

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing: Killjoy and D-Man by default I suppose

Best Spam Thread: Lee's Front Page Reports

Best Feud: D-Man vs. Coco's becoming pretty interesting as of late

Debate of the Year: hateshabsforever vs. KillJoy - Debater's League Final

Best Wrestling Poster: Sam

You mother fucker. I thought we were friends man, I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!!!!!! :disappointed:
Best Non-Wrestling Poster: Mustang Sally

Best WrestleZone Mod : IDR & Jack Hammer

Best Minority Poster : N/A

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most : N/A

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year : Bearded Funk finally losing the WZPC tag team titles.

Most Improved Poster : Me

Best User Name : Haiku Hogan

Biggest Try Hard : Awesome_Miz

Funniest Poster : GSB

Best Spam Poster : N/A

Best Troll : N/A

Worst Poster of the Year : Todd

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap : Awesome_Miz (nothing personal just a few of your posts have made me wish I could) also gotta throw Mack Swagger in here.

Rookie Poster of the Year : Mack Militant

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance : :shrug:

Best Barfly : :shrug:

Best Return : N/A

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring : Killjoy

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award : N/A

Best Tournament : no idea I didn't pay much attention to any of them.

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing. : I don't even know who is paired with who.

Best Spam Thread : KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Best Feud : N/A

Debate of the Year : N/A

Best Wrestling Poster : Anything IDR posts in the TNA section
I don't pay attention enough to really say them all, however I'll throw in the ones I give enough of a crap about here:

Best Non Wrestling Poser: Sally

Best Mod: Jack-Hammer

Best User Name: Haiku Hogan

Best Troll: Sly. No one can match him in all of trolldom.

Funniest Poster: CoCo

Worst Poster: Todd. Todd. A thousand times Todd and add an extra three Todds in there for good measure.

Poster You'd Most Like to Bitchslap: Can I choose Todd again? Yes? Good.

Best SPam Thread: KB Answer Wrestling Questions

Best Feud: Sly vs The Idiotic Internet Horde
Best Non-Wrestling Poster: Mitch Hennesy( or whatever his name is now)

Best WrestleZone Mod: Jack Hammer

Best Minority Poster: N/A I can't tell minorities over the internet

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most: Talon was a riot

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year: Election

Most Improved Poster: Since some others have said it, me.

Best User Name: Nick Pagleeno

Biggest Try Hard: Awesome Miz (sorry man but sometimes you overdo it, oh the irony right? :rolleyes:)

Funniest Poster: Coco

Best Spam Poster: Too many to choose from

Best Troll: Any no name user who makes a thread in the WWE section

Worst Poster of the Year: N/A

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap: SNS

Rookie Poster of the Year: Yazloz

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance: Todd's threads seem to get people angry

Best Barfly: Too many to choose

Best Return: Haven't been around long enough but Norcal or Milenko seemed to be big.

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring: Killjoy Crock or Dagger

Wrestling Thread of the Year Award: N/A

Best Tournament: Wrestlezone Tournament after WM.

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing: N/A

Best Spam Thread: N/A

Best Feud: Dagger vs the Bar Room regulars

Debate of the Year: Bugs Bunny vs Iron Man

Best Wrestling Poster: Jack Hammer, only guy who still cares about the long lost WWE section.
Best Non-Wrestling Poster: Sally, Mitch

Best WrestleZone Mod: The Brain

Future Endeavored Poster we Miss the Most: Talon

WrestleZone Storyline of the Year: The Election

Best User Name: Orton Pose \__0_/

Worst Poster of the Year: Wrestlemania 20-0

Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap: JGlass

Rookie Poster of the Year: Diet Soda, Yazloz

Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance: Mr Ferguson

Poster that Finally Grabbed a Brass Ring: Killjoy, Dagger, Crock

Best Tournament: Debater's League

Best Mentor/Mentee Pairing: D-Man & Killjoy

Best Feud: Dagger VS The Hate Crusade

Debate of the Year: Battle Zone

Best Wrestling Poster: Jack-Hammer
I noticed you skipped the minority one, Dagger. Why is that?

Because I'd rather view posters equally rather than focus on who may be part of a minority or not. However since you are inevitably going to insist on an answer, women are a minority here, so....

Best Minority Poster: Sally

Happy now?

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