Official WrestleZone Mania Thread

What Feud Has Been Written the Best?

  • JointDC vs Jonny B

  • Downward Spiral vs Y2Jake

  • Abyss vs Luther Hull

  • Impactplayer vs Wrestledude1232

  • Big Ace vs the Enforcer

  • UltraviolentIcon vs Pastie1545

  • Team Jake vs Team Jonny

Results are only viewable after voting.
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What could be a good idea is having a different thread for each match... so you can have promos and stuff like that, get some feed back not only from mods but from just people that wanna take part in it (not literal, writing the match, but reaction toward that person.) May add a little more of a "crowd favorite" so to speak... Maybe even having the mods just PM their opinions to better monitor feedback on all the matches... so when someone cuts another promo, they might be able to garner more heat/support
A separate forum would be good actually. It keeps this out of the Bar Room which it shouldn't really be in and it makes things a little easier to navigate through. I would like to see a thread for each match though.

Oh and Luther and Wrestledude, I hope you can write a good hardcore match because you could do some awesome spots.
Impact Player vs WrestleDude212 LAst Man Standing Match! What do you think?

Impact Player vs WrestleDude212 LAst Man Standing!

Should I Proceed With my Writing if oyu guys are Interested?
me and luther will sort everything out in my promo in book this, if you like luther. I have some good twists that I will PM you.
me and luther will sort everything out in my promo in book this, if you like luther. I have some good twists that I will PM you.
Hey Abyss you will have to pull me out of the bar room battle royal because i cant write worth a crap.
oh... last man standing sounds fun, hmmmmm, yeah i could defanitly do that. Oh by the way since me and impacts match has stakes on it, were gonna write the match wit someone getting a pinfalll, then people are gonna vote on who wrote better
Ok guys. I'm back. Sorry about being gone for awhile as I had some things to take care of. If we're still doing what we originally planned, you guys should have your promos in by saturday night. Then you'll have another week to get your matches ready. I'm going to go do my promo now. BTW, where the hell are you guys posting them?
are the rest of the guys in the main event even gonna mention anything? Cause I have been waiting for some kind of word for someone... but, as far as I know I have nothing to talk over with anyone else involved in the match or anything... someone PM or something...
I don't think they are really that concerned with the match, but I hope I don't have to write it. As a start JointDc, if you are up to it, try writing the backstory.
Okay, the innovators of WZMania (me and Big Ace) have decided the teams that will be taking part for Team Jonny vs the J team. Once this list is here, you can't change it because it has to work with heel and face alignments. To have a clear face on the heel team and vice versa, is pointless, so to keep with the storylines, the teams are as follows:

The J Team:
Sexxy Jakey

Jonny's Team:
Jonny B
Downward Spiral
Big Ace
Luther Hull

(Luther will be added in soon.)

That is the way it is going.
Okay guys, I know a lot of you are enjoying the WZMania, but from now on, there are no more changes to the matches. You won't be allowed to add yourself in to a match unless Big Ace or I decide you can because it is getting too confusing, and you can do whatever you like to singles matches, but please don't alter matches like Team Jake vs Team Jonny dramatically, like adding stipulations and taking people out.

And please, Big Ace is the one that came up with this whole idea, so please show him some respect. He has put a lot of time into this thing, and I hope he gets the appreciation he deserves. Some rep points for him would be nice because without him, we wouldn't be allowed to make awesome promos.
Hey guys I have a suggestion, since a lot of people are doing some side matches and stuff like that to build hype for themselves and stuff... I'm taking a wild guess that this event is gonna happen around the same time as Wrestlemania, what I think would be a good idea... is to have a set date for an offical WZMania press conference like the Monday and end Tuesday before WWE Mania, in which everyone involved in all the matchs, can cut one last promo. This can also be used to have the voting start. Once the voting ends on Tuesday, winners will be decided, and told to the individuals involved in the match via PMs, and then they can write it out from there. And then hopefully, everyone can have their Mania matches up and posted by that Friday. This is just an idea, to maybe make the voting easier, and to have a set time to when people will have to stop having side matches and stuff like that, let me know what you think.
A new poll has been added.

Here is the final card and the feuds that haven't even gotten off the ground have been scrapped.

Main Event: JointDC vs Jonny B for the WZ Championship

Match 4: Downward Spiral vs Y2Jake

Match 3: Big Ace vs The Enforcer

Match 2: Team Jake (Kfowlkes, Y2Jake, Abyss, St Joe, The Enforcer) vs Team Jonny (Jonny B, Big Ace, Downward Spiral, Luther Hull, Ultraviolenticon.)

Match 1: 30 Person Battle Royal for the WZ Intercontinental Title (Kasey vs Kaedon vs Snyper vs Pastie1545 vs Shadowmancer vs Wrestledude1232 vs Deathisaright vs realblackhart vs justinsayne vs Showtyme27 vs Wotdoiput vs LaLakerz vs DK999 vs drofthuganomics vs xfearbefore vs trunksjmd vs themostelectrifyingman vs HellboundPower vs Prax vs platynumx vs Shining Wizard vs RVDGurl vs Suzymbc vs 3Nigma vs JamestheWolf vs MrESteel vs Cyric vs Capt Charisma vs The Dragon vs Old School #1.)
Myself and Big Ace will decide who goes over before people post their matches. Everyone can still make promos and can decide to write their match whenever they want, although I am trying to finish most of the ones I have control of off. If you want to know who is going to win the matches (although there is only a few) just PM me.

WZMania Officials have declared that we will be posting WZMania NEXT WEEKEND. Everyone get ready for a press conference that we will be having shortly, and I will be informing all of you more on that later this week. With that in mind, All of you, get ready to write the matches!
its going to be sweet bro!!! i cant wait. I have honestly been looking foward to wzmania for a while. Looking foward to the press conference too!!
Hey guys i've been following the Y2Jake vs DS feud and I find this whole thing to be highly entertaining, just wanted everyone to know i've checked out your promo's and I think you're all doing an excellent job and I can't wait to check out WZMania, i'll review in full when it's up, Good Luck everybody!
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