Official Unoffical Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament 2 Discussion Thread

Plus post like that and statements like that pretty much guaranteed one of the smart ass mods is going to split the outlaws just to spite people.
Let me be REALLY clear. I agree with this entire post save for the part I bolded. NEVER - under ANY circumstances - does one of Shockey's tournaments EVER lose credibility, for ANY reason. I am sick of hearing "if ______ wins / gets in, then ______ is a joke." I heard that shit with the music tourney, and Shocky's got more patience for it than I am. When anyone puts as much work into these as Shocky does, they EARN the right to criticize or make snide remarks. From now on, it's red rep.

So if Queen didn't get put into the Music tournament, you wouldn't have called it a joke?

Also, let me be REALLY clear about something, me saying what I said was in no way trying to dismiss Shocky's work and creativity into this thing. I was just stating an opinion that if there's a Wrestling Tag Team Tournament and the fucking Smokin' Gunns of all teams get a shot to win it over the New Age Outlaws, then it's a joke, TO ME, just like I'm sure it would be a joke TO YOU if Good Charlotte had a chance to win the Music Tourney and Queen didn't.
Plus post like that and statements like that pretty much guaranteed one of the smart ass mods is going to split the outlaws just to spite people.
I am begging all Mods (and Skullz) who have yet to pick to not do this. As the NAOs Campaign Manager I do not agree with the negative statement made by my fellow NAO fan.
I just finished reading through this whole thread and I am going to end this whole NAO/Smokin' Gunns bickering.

My pick is going to be the........Smokin' Gunns, It was a tough choice, but I believe that the NAO already had their shot in the last Tag Tourny, so the Gunn's deserve a shot at this one.
I just finished reading through this whole thread and I am going to end this whole NAO/Smokin' Gunns bickering.

My pick is going to be the........Smokin' Gunns, It was a tough choice, but I believe that the NAO already had their shot in the last Tag Tourny, so the Gunn's deserve a shot at this one.
That hurts, it really does.
What happens if say one admin wanted a team like the Smokin Gunns in but another admin wanted a team like the NAO in. An admin gets a guaranteed pic but if a member of a tag team is on another team that another admin voted in then what happens??
I've decided that My new Team That I'm gonna Back Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) They have all the makings of a good Heel Tag Team. Ever since they started teaming up I've hated the 2 of them which is what makes them a great Team. Whipping LAX during the great feud these two teams had. If they met in the Tag Tourney that would be EPIC.
I just finished reading through this whole thread and I am going to end this whole NAO/Smokin' Gunns bickering.

My pick is going to be the........Smokin' Gunns, It was a tough choice, but I believe that the NAO already had their shot in the last Tag Tourny, so the Gunn's deserve a shot at this one.

Thank you Skullz. I'm getting you a stripper.
I've decided that My new Team That I'm gonna Back Beer Money (James Storm & Robert Roode) They have all the makings of a good Heel Tag Team. Ever since they started teaming up I've hated the 2 of them which is what makes them a great Team. Whipping LAX during the great feud these two teams had. If they met in the Tag Tourney that would be EPIC.

Oh, come ON, Cory. I could understand you backing NAO, but what in the HELL makes you honestly think Beer Money deserve a spot in the tournament?! They're two months old.

Besides, AMW is already in it.
Another 80s team that wasn't together that long that I think deserves some consideration is the Collosal Connection made up of Haku and Andre the Giant. They weren't together long and Andre was at the tail end of his career, but these were two big powerful men that had amazing power. They beat Demolition clean for the belts which is saying something. To me, if the Nasties can be in, so can these two.

You might be able to use that if it's not to big.
no but people should vote for them the NAO weren't confirmed when Juggalo was campaigning for them. I think we can all agree that Miz and Morrison should be in in fact Monkey_mania is prez of the morrison fan club so he should use on of his admin votes to put them in.:icon_smile:

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