[OFFICIAL] The Macho Man Randy Savage Campaign Headquarters

The thing with Benoit was he was born a little too late. In the era he's was in he really should have been able to cut a decent promo, even Batista could do it better than him. Big Dave isn't the slightest bit intense, but he can simply talk to you about a match and get it over. Benoit drew people in with his wrestling ability alone. Imagine how good he could have been if he could do just a simple 5 minute speech.
Yeah, if Benoit had just a little more mic skill, it would have been different. I also feel that If Curt Hennig was born ten years later, he possibly could have been the best fit possible for a feud with Austin during the attitude Era. He did well against a big guy like Hogan, but if he was in their in his prime against guys like Rock, Austin, Angle, Triple H, Taker, you would have some beauties of a matchup. Plus his promo skills were so damn good for the early 90's.
Looking back Henning's carreer was incredibly short. I'm not sure how long he was in the AWA. But in WWE he was around for two years or so until he stopped in 1991. Then on and off again until he went to WCW. Pretty short career there and then he was a part timer. But yeah he had all the tools. I still think fans would have accepted him in the late 90's if he hadn't piled on so much weight.
A name change maybe in order for the support Savage cause, maybe Stephanie Loves Slim Jim's.
What the hell is up with the RVD-Angle Ultimate X Match? 70-30% no way. RVD too much of a spot monkey but he's being voted on. Dammit. The best wrestler (except for maybe Benoit) is going to be eliminated.

And, like I've explained, the situation doesn't even favour Van Dam.

But yeah, Savage has my vote.
Kane > Savage


ROFLMAO :lmao:

Randy Savage is 1,000,000,000,000 times better than Kane.

With Hart out, Hogan almost out, and Austin almost out, Savage is really the best choice left in the tournament (better than HBK). It would be absolutely dumb if HHH goes over Savage. HHH has absolutely nothing over him.
ROFLMAO :lmao:

Randy Savage is 1,000,000,000,000 times better than Kane.

With Hart out, Hogan almost out, and Austin almost out, Savage is really the best choice left in the tournament (better than HBK). It would be absolutely dumb if HHH goes over Savage. HHH has absolutely nothing over him.

Well, HHH has already gone over Hogan and Andre, so I'm guessing he'll have no problem running threw Savage.
Even with Hart and Hogan in the tournament, Savage should have got to the finals. I was pulling for either Angle or Austin to face him, which is what the next match up should have been IMO. Savage in his prime was as big a draw as Austin or The Rock in there primes, and he edges Hogan out on in ring ability and even charisma for me anyway.
Well, HHH has already gone over Hogan and Andre, so I'm guessing he'll have no problem running threw Savage.

I know. I expect HHH to win, even though he doesn't deserve it. There's just too many 16 year old HBK, HHH and Undertaker marks here, who probably don't know much about wrestling before 1998. Which is why one of those 3 will probably win.
ROFLMAO :lmao:

Randy Savage is 1,000,000,000,000 times better than Kane.

With Hart out, Hogan almost out, and Austin almost out, Savage is really the best choice left in the tournament (better than HBK). It would be absolutely dumb if HHH goes over Savage. HHH has absolutely nothing over him.


Savage = selfish egotistical prick, Kane = saint, one of the few veterans left that doesn't seek to better his own career at the expense of others

Kane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Savage


Savage = selfish egotistical prick, Kane = saint, one of the few veterans left that doesn't seek to better his own career at the expense of others

Kane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Savage


So your argument of why Kane is better is because he's a doormat?
I know. I expect HHH to win, even though he doesn't deserve it. There's just too many 16 year old HBK, HHH and Undertaker marks here, who probably don't know much about wrestling before 1998. Which is why one of those 3 will probably win.

I know, no one in there right mind over the age of 20 would vote HHH over Andre. That was a robbery.

Savage = selfish egotistical prick, Kane = saint, one of the few veterans left that doesn't seek to better his own career at the expense of others

Kane >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Savage


Name one Kane match that is even 1/10th as good as Savage/Steamboat.

Can't think of one? Thought so.

Savage was one of the best ever at putting others over and making them look like superstars. Kane's a pile of crap who's been stale for 9 years.
Name one Kane match that is even 1/10th as good as Savage/Steamboat.

Can't think of one? Thought so.

Savage was one of the best ever at putting others over and making them look like superstars. Kane's a pile of crap who's been stale for 9 years.

:lmao: Well that "stale piece of crap" as you put it is a future HOF, he's had just as many memorial angles as Savage, both good and bad. And Savage wasn't the god of the squared circle you make him out to be, he had his fair share of baggage. Yeah savage may have been a better wrestler than Kane, was more experienced and more traveled, but when you really look at it, theirs nothing that Savage ever did that kane didn't get a chance to do while in the WWF.

You could name a dozen memorial Savage matches, and I could name just as many for Kane

I fact there are plenty of things that kane has to his credit that Savage will never have,

Kane has won every major title their is to win in the WWE and is a former Triple Crown Champion, can't say the same for Savage.

Holds the record for most eliminations in a single Rumble as well as most consecutive appearances in the Rumble.

Kane has his own book, does Savage? Nope

Kane stared in his own move, Savage can hardly stumble through a simple promo, let alone act in a movie.

Its all about taste really, I never cared for Savage that much, Kane's my favorite wrestler, so theirs nothing that you can say that would make me change my opinion, which is

Kane > Savage
Name one Kane match that is even 1/10th as good as Savage/Steamboat.

LOL, Undertaker vs Kane, WM 14

*waits for the "thats the only good match that Kane has had in his carer"* :rolleyes:

I have no idea that when I posted that Kane was a saint backstage and Savage was a douchebag, that you equated that with Kane being a better in ring performer than Savage. For the life of me I just don't get that leap.
Benoit can take care of HBK, we jsut got to get Savage to take out HHH. It can happen.
but when you really look at it, theirs nothing that Savage ever did that kane didn't get a chance to do while in the WWF.

Savage was a 2 time WWF Champion and held the belt overall for 18 months.

Kane was WWF Champion for 1 day.

You could name a dozen memorial Savage matches, and I could name just as many for Kane


Do you really believe what you just said?

I fact there are plenty of things that kane has to his credit that Savage will never have,

Kane has won every major title their is to win in the WWE and is a former Triple Crown Champion, can't say the same for Savage.

Savage was a great IC Champion and gave that belt tons of credibility. Kane's IC runs were completely forgetful.

And I've already mentioned the difference in their WWF Title runs.

All the other title runs Kane's had (tag, hardcore etc) were either insignificant or unmemorable or both.

Holds the record for most eliminations in a single Rumble as well as most consecutive appearances in the Rumble.


Kane has his own book, does Savage? Nope

Very Impressive. Explain how that has anything to do with how good they are/were as wrestlers?

Kane stared in his own move, Savage can hardly stumble through a simple promo, let alone act in a movie.

Once again, very impressive. :rolleyes:

LOL, Undertaker vs Kane, WM 14

Far from a great match. Not even in the top 25 best WM matches ever.

*waits for the "thats the only good match that Kane has had in his carer"* :rolleyes:

That's the only good match Kane has had in his career. Just joking.

I have no idea that when I posted that Kane was a saint backstage and Savage was a douchebag, that you equated that with Kane being a better in ring performer than Savage. For the life of me I just don't get that leap.

You were saying that Kane doesn't seek to better his career at the expense of others, I just said that Savage made each and every one of his opponents look like gold inside the ring. It's nice that Kane's a "saint" backstage, it really is, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a crap wrestler.
That's it. I'm starting the Big Show Campaign Headquarters.

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