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[Official] Scream 4 Thread


Twitter -- @FightOnTwist
I went and saw Scream 4 tonight. First let me preface this by saying that the Scream series are some of my favorite movies. I realize that other people might not like them, but I was in my formative teenage years when these bad boys were originally released. I was chomping at the bit to see this new trilogy and even more so because Craven and Williamson were back on the project.

The basic premise of this movie is that the film's protagonist, Sidney Prescott has returned to Woodsboro long after the events of Scream 1. Upon returning to Woodsboro, Ghostface begins killing again and the town erupts in a frenzy.

Let me just say that the film opens with some interesting twists that I won't discuss for those who want to see the movie, but I thought that they were a nice deviation from the original trilogy. The movie addresses the current state of horror films and the clichés that are present in today's movies. The meta aspect of the second and third films is present in this film, but it's done in a new and refreshing manner. For those who don't know what I mean, the film Stab plays a role in this film, but it's not done like the second or the third.

I really felt that a fresh new cast of characters brought the series back to life. Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettiere provide a fresh and vibrant set of characters that have their own personalities and nuances. I really felt that, while Sidney is still the protagonist, the film did not center around her to the point that you felt it was the same old garbage. I thought it was really awesome that Courtney Cox, David Arquette, and Neve Campbell allowed a fresh set of new characters to shine on screen.

The twist was actually something believable and interesting. I applaud them for taking a risk on the twist and I think that it panned out very well. Nobody in the theater saw the twist coming and everyone was pleasantly surprised and happy about the twist.

The "major" stars such as Anthony Anderson, Anna Paquin, Kristen Bell, and Adam Brody were hilarious and serviceable in their roles for this movie. The humor from the first film is back in spades for this fourth installment and made those moments in-between "scares" absolutely memorable.

Again, this *IS* a Scream movie so don't expect much more than that when you read this review. I'm solely basing my review off of what you *should* expect from this film genre. If you walk into the theater thinking you're going to see a cinematic achievement unlike anything you've seen before, you're going to be let down.

This is, at the end of the day, a comedic slasher flick and all criteria have been taken into account in this final review. The deaths of characters got more violent, but nothing so over the top that it changes the style of gore that they were going for from the very outset of this franchise.

Overall I would give the film an 8.5/10. I give it that score because I felt the ending of the film was a bit belabored and I felt there were some plot holes that were never explained. My understanding of this is that this is what Williamson and Craven were going for because it's a commentary about the current state of horror films, but I really feel like these plot holes took away from the ending.

If you have seen the movie and wish to discuss the specifics of the film or ask for clarification, feel free to PM me and I will explain things further. I would rather not spoil the film for those that are waiting to see it.
I saw ITGG's thread on Scream 4 but I am to lazy/loyal to this thread to post in it. I saw Scream 4 on Friday and let me preface this by saying I am one huge fan of the Scream franchise, even the lackluster third one. Needless to say I was super pumped when I learned that a new one was coming out. I was also very worried because I didn't know where they were going to go with it and what they could do that hadn't been done yet. But, for once in my life I will admit that a sequel/reboot did a great job of respecting the original classic while firmly putting its name alongside it.

It was great to see the original trio back again. Neve Campbell is such a great victim, Courtney Cox is a great bitch, and David Arquette is just.....well great. I love the dude and I can't really explain why. However, I fully expected one of them to finally die. The new cast was also incredibly hip and cool, much like the first one which definitely took me back and made me excited. Hayden Panettiere did a great job with her character, as well as Emma Roberts and Rory Culkin. All of the new characters embodied a character from the original, though whoever was supposed to be Stu didn't do a great job considering he was my favorite. Anthony Anderson and Adam Brody were hilarious as the dim witted cops. Anna Paquin and Kristen Bell had a great cameo at the beginning. And, my girl Alison Brie did a very good job with such a small role.

The story itself was different then the original but still very similar, probably because it was meant to look like the original. The killer was believable, the reason behind the killings was solid, and the movie kept you guessing. It was great to see Scream 4 stay so loyal to the original. Also, the new rules were tremendous. I especially loved the number one rule about remakes, don't fuck with the original. Very good stuff. So as the end credits began to roll I couldn't help but love what I had just seen. Scream 4 probably has the second best writing in the series, though I still prefer the original and 2 over it.

Overall I would give it a solid 8.5/10
Much like Jon I too went and saw Scream 4 this weekend.

I freaking loved it. I read ITGG's review and pretty much agree with everything he said, just like him I grew up with this franchise and seeing the latest film was like relaxing with an old friend for a few drinks. Great script, some great acting from most of the cast, the gore was AWESOME and probably the best in a Scream film yet. The whole thing was just so well written with how they made you suspect everyone in the cast, planting seeds for each of them and giving them motives just like the original films.

And the ending was great. I wasn't crazy about Jill being one of the killers at first, but once Jon pointed out to me that the "Sid and Randy" characters this time around were the killers, I thought that was a pretty great twist on the original formula. Rory Culkin was AWESOME, when he snapped at the end he was incredible in how psychotic he was, he reminded me alot of how awesome Matthew Lillard was in the original film in a similar role. I was SHOCKED that none of the original cast was killed in the film though, I thought for sure atleast one of them was going to get the axe this time around. I thought the whole point of the film was to introduce a new cast for a new trilogy? But most of the "new cast" is dead...in fact they all are. Are we going to continue with Sid, Dewey, and Gail now?

Yeah, all in all, awesome film. One of the best modern slashers in years and a worthy addition to the great franchise, definitely a big step up from Scream 3. I'm just bummed that Rio beat it out in the Box Office this weekend it looks like, fucking stupid family films, fuck that shit. I want Scream 4 to do as well as it possibly can so we can get some more films in the franchise. Great job from Wes and Kevin, extremely pleased by this film and I already want to go see it again!

Rating: 4/5
Scream 4
“One generation's tragedy is the next one's joke”​

So, yeah, that is not the catchphrase for the movie but I thought it was pretty fitting, considering how bad a press this movie was getting before it came out. Now that it has been out for it's opening weekend in the UK I suppose people have changed their minds. You know why? Because this movie basically blows everything out of the water and all that was said is left in the wake of a fantastic movie that certainly lives up to the hype both personally and on a much more general basis.

So, let me get my thoughts out on this movie.

I took a girl to see this tonight and let's get the first things straight here. Horror movies are supreme for dates. Not only does it cause them to cuddle up to you, horror makes them more vulnerable. But that is another story for another time. That being said, this movie hits all of the right spots for me. I guess when it comes right down to it, it is all about what you are expecting from this movie and how invested in the earlier movies you are. Let's face it, if you don't like the first three movies, then there is very little change that you are going to enjoy this one. That being said, if you are going to like any of the movies, then this is the one that is going to get you hooked. It's unfortunate that this will probably be the last one though.

The plot, although quite confusing at the beginning, seems to come together and gives a really rewarding pay-off when the film comes to it's conclusion. To avoid spoilers, I will not talk about who is the killer or what happens at the end but what I will say is that it kept me off guard for the full time. Starting from the beginning, I was constantly questioning what was going on but it wasn't that I was confused with the plot. It was more along the lines of trying to come to terms with what was becoming a more entertaining watch. The finale of the movie was very rewarding, I will say that much. I am also sure that people will state that it was dragged out a little more than it needed to and I suppose I can see that. However, it will keep you guessing, no doubt about it.

My main gripe with this movie was that they played on the mystery caller shtick a little too often. If that is the way that they wanted to play it, then I suppose it's OK. For me though, it could have done with being a little more varied. Also, I would have liked the movie to have been a little more thrilling. I could have used a lot more jumpy moments. There wasn't one moment in the movie where I jumped or was legitimately fearful. Still, it is a great movie that many people will legitimately enjoy if they give it a chance. I suppose it comes down to what you are looking for from a slasher movie but I did think that this was one of the finest I have seen in a long time.

I'm with you on this one. I had a great time watching Scream 4 and would recommend it to any fans of the franchise. It possessed many of the qualities that made the first film so successful and was wonderfully self-aware (as always) and the humour really blossomed from that.

The deaths of characters got more violent, but nothing so over the top that it changes the style of gore that they were going for from the very outset of this franchise.

Totally and I was so glad they didn't try and make it gorier/more realistic/whatever to appease the newer generation. The kills were exactly how they should be, in all their cheesy, blood gargling glory. So many elements of those scenes remained true to everything we've seen in the Scream series thus far - Sidney always being able to put up a hell of a fight, Ghostface being clumsy as fuck at times, victims acting brave (and stupid) in the face of danger because they've seen it all before, etc.

My irrational loathing for Emma Roberts forbids me from complimenting her although she's a decent choice for an ingenue. I just thought she lacked the bite it required, especially in the final act. I did love Hayden though. I thought she did an excellent job and ended up being one of my favourite characters, much to my surprise. And I loved the fact that all the classic archetypes were present and were played by a new generation. It made me feel like I could predict what was going to happen and kept me invested.

It lost a bit of steam for me on the second viewing because some of the plot holes became more glaringly obvious but it was still a good time.

To anyone thinking of waiting for the DVD, I'd say go out to the theatre and experience it with an audience. The energy of the crowd is what made it fun for me (I went opening night) and if you've got an audience of Scream fans, be prepared for some applause. And don't spoil yourself! It's so much better to go into it knowing as little about the plot as possible.
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Yeah I went and saw Scream 4 also this weekend and absolutely loved it. I thought it was a very good movie and I was really suprised at who one of the killers were, an I bet you guys know which one I'm talkng about. The only thing I really didnt like was before the movie came out I was reading on the internet that they were planning on making another trilogy of Scream but I dont see how they could now, I just dont think they would be able to make a good plot for another movie.
I also forgot to mention all the great throwbacks/easter eggs from the first film that got me so excited, like Charlie being taped to the chair while Kirby had to answer "trivia," and the garage door making another appearance (Rose McGowan's sequence in the first movie is one of my favourite parts) with the first girls were attacked. It gave me serious deja vu.

Oh and the first "Stab" movie by Robert Rodriguez? Genius.
Pretty awesome, exactly what a Scream movie is supposed to be and exactly what the first was a classic.

It's a horror that has a little side commentary on modern horror movies. Comedy, gruesome kills at time (but not over doing it), bad acting, and an intriguing storyline.

I give it 10/10 because it did it's job. I think they could have had a cooler ending but I'll wait to share that once more people have seen it.
I should have watched this movie in theaters instead of a shitty stream, then maybe I would have had a better viewing experience. It was cool to be reunited with the older characters. It felt like the 90's all over again, before the horrible slasher spin offs like:
I Know What You Did Last Summer. I didn't care really care for the new cast of characters, except for the luscious Hayden Panettiere.

The gore and death scenes were good, not too over the top. There weren't any real scary moments that made me jump since the movies are so predictable at this point as far as deaths go. The ending was a total surprise, but a head scratcher too. I might be in the minority saying I found the ending kind of a letdown. I will say that this movie was better then the last few sequels.

I probably would have enjoyed it more in the theater. I am all for slasher movies coming back, I just hope Scream doesn't turn as stale as Saw does with their never ending sequels. Anything different in horror is an improvement compared to lame zombie, paranormal, and exorcism movies that have come out over the past few years.

I went to watch it earlier today and i absolutely loved it. Much better than the 2nd and 3rd films and IMO better than the 1st part of the Scream franchise.
I was expecting either Sidney, Gail or Dewey to finally die but was actually glad that either of these 3 didn't die. Particularly happy Sidney didn't die because without her there carnt be another Scream film and also it wouldn't be worth watching without her. I also liked the fresh new of characters and how the film wasn't all about Sidney.

I loved the start to the film and loved the ending to the fim. Someone said earlier in this thread that they were disappointed with Emma Roberts performance towards the end, so was i, the bit where she revealed her self as the 2nd killer I Felt she could of put more effort in her performance but other than that i give this film a strong and well deserved 10/10. And i hope there will be a 5th film.
The only thing I really didnt like was before the movie came out I was reading on the internet that they were planning on making another trilogy of Scream but I dont see how they could now, I just dont think they would be able to make a good plot for another movie.

If anyone can pull it off and do it right, its then combination of Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson. First of all I remember back when the 3rd one came out Wes himself stated he would not over-do this series. He would not go past 3 movies unless it felt right and there was a way to bring in new stars and turn the franchise over to a new set of faces. With that being said, apparently and I agree this 4th edition was done right, however as far as the new faces go, as already stated and spoiled, none of the new cast is left.

As far as the reasoning behind the killings, the main killer was probably the craziest killer ive seen in the franchise, I mean this killer was absolutely looney toons crazy once you realized who it was, and the reasoning made absolute sense.

Continuing the franchise shouldn't be hard for the likes of Craven and Williamson for the simple reason that this 4th edition has opened up other avenues for them to go down as far as who is pissed off that a friend or family member is dead because of Sydney Prescott. Thats the obvious and easy route, and I would hope Kevin can come up with something more original like a complete lunatic who has no ties with anyone in the previous installments who just wants to see the wonderful Sydney dead and will do whatever they can to make it happen.

Anyway I also gave this movie an 8.5 and was very much pleased when I walked out of the theater.
Yeah, I mean, Scream is probably my favourite franchise of the horror world and it is because it has been so well-written, Not only that but the mystery continues to build with every passing movie. It was like the Halloween movies when Jamie Lee Curtis would, again, be haunted by Michael Myers. You knew that she would never be able to escape it and that is why people kept coming back for more. With every movie, the mystery and the desperation on the part of the killer became better and that what Scream is becoming. Every single movie has been worth the wait and that includes the latest one.

That being said, I was a little hesitant about creating new trilogy and that still might not happen. It opened with a weekend of $19 million and that isn't actually setting the heather alight. It is not bad but it is not good either. Considering Rio managed to get double that, you have to think that Scream would have projected higher opening weekend figures considering it has a history and the die hard fans would have come back no matter what. Then again, I have seen movies that have an indifferent opening weekend and then go onto make a bundle because of word-of-mouth. I haven't heard anyone saying that this movie was a poor showing and I think it might rub off on a few people as they go to see what all the fuss is about.

The reason I was hesitant was because I didn't think that they could create a new trilogy that would equal the first three and that would only sully the memory of the original trilogy. However, having seen the fourth instalment, I can tell you that I have high hopes for the next two, should they happen. I happen to think that they will and I think the fans now deserve them after being teased about it for so long. Although the writers didn't leave it open for another sequel, I think that is where everyone sees it going. I am hoping for a good weekend at the Box Office this week to at least meet it's budget in the first two weeks. That, to me, would signal that there is definitely room for more movies in the series.
I wonder if they are seriously going forward with a new trilogy. I hope they aren't. After seeing the fourth film and how neatly everything tied together and ended, I assumed that rumours of a trilogy were just to mislead the audience into thinking the new cast wouldn't all get killed off in this movie and that some of them would move into the next film like the transition from Scream 1 to 2. It wouldn't be the first time Scream's marketing has intentionally mislead the viewers, like having Drew Barrymore on all the promotional images and posters for the first film making it seem like she'd be starring in it meanwhile she gets killed in the first ten minutes.

Saw it yesterday and I've already pretty much forgotten what happened in it. I think they mentioned the Saw series in it at some point and stated that it was just elaborate death scenes and no character development. Scream 4 had very little character development and forgettable death scenes. They really should better the modern franchises they're trying to deconstruct.

What Scream 4 was lacking was balls. I've forgotten how to do spoiler tags so I can't really say much, but I though any additional instalments had a lot of potential after the killers identity was revealed. I thought they'd be going in a completely different direction for any sequels but then the boring status quo was restored towards the end. Can't see any need for Scream 5.

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