[OFFICIAL] Percy Watson / MVP Discussion Thread

Percy Watson is my favorite rookie. The kid is entertaining and charismatic and he really knows how to put on a show.

Percy was second on the Pros Poll last week and won the Talk challenge to get his own show next week. He did a great job in this challenge and was only really challenged by Alex Riley.

I believe that Doc said that Percy acts like Eddie Murphy and I could not agree more. Percy is funny and interesting and you can't help but watch this kid when he's performing.

Percy has the body and the athleticism to be taken seriously in this competition. I believe that Percy said that he was a former football player and from what I read from his tweets, the guy loves to workout. So Percy definitely has the look that VKM loves.
While he may like to party and bring his own brand of flashiness and excitement to the ring, Watson’s athletic background is quite impressive, giving MVP a great deal to work with. Watson boasts experience in professional football, formerly playing in the NFL for the Green Bay Packers and the Washington Redskins. He brings his experience on the gridiron to the inside of the squared circle, where becoming WWE’s next breakout star on WWE NXT would certainly be the greatest accomplishment of his athletic career.

Percy has the look, charisma and mic skills to not only challenge Kaval and Riley in this competition but to even win it all. If Percy can ride his popularity all the way to to the title of the best rookie, I don't think many people will complain and I know that he is more than capable.
Last night, Percy had his show that he won from the "Talk the Talk" Challenge. It was really good actually. At first, he didnt draw much of a reaction from the crowd. But he worked them pretty good during his opening and he is starting to get over with his catchphrase, OH YEAH!!!

His guest on the show was MVP. This part was pretty important to me. I had a little laugh when he asked him if he could borrow 20 dollars, but he actually spoke seriously for once. Most of the time, Percy is just the charismatic and energetic fast talker, putting "baby" in between every sentence. But when he was talking about advice with MVP, he showed me that when needed, he can tone it down.

Then we have the end of the show, with Percy having the rest of the season 2 rookies go after his pro. There are most likely some people thinking this is a heel turn. I dont think this is anything close to a heel turn. It was just creating a little drama, especially with the Nexus on the show. Next week, we'll be back to the usual NXT and Percy will be back to his usual as well.
I just watched the Percy Watson Show on wwe.com, and I must say, I'm impressed. I mean, Percy Watson was already one of my favorite rookies, but as TPP said, the fact that he managed to calm himself down when he was talking to MVP really helped out his character. He managed to exude likability (until he tried to make an impact) even when he was acting completely serious, much like in his interview/vignette the other week. He showed versatility and the ability to calm down when it's necessary, and that will help his energy from burning out and getting annoying.

The crowd is getting more and more behind Watson every week. I think he is really catching on in the WWE and can make it farther than I imagined. I just hope they keep him face, as he's just the type of person I'd love to cheer.
I dig this guy. I like his dropkick, his rotating ''Rock'' type ddt is awesome, He's already got a catchphrase, and we havent had a wrestler with that in a while.

I think his charisma is something alot of NXT rookies dont have. His fun loving attitude is refreshing and hilarious on the mic.

Besides Kaval, and Hennings kid, Percy is a favorite of mine.
I love this guy, has me glued to my screen every week, he will continue to get my vote every week. BTW, did anyone else notice that during his turn on the obstacle course this week, as he ran the balance beam, a fan shouted '' Slip and Fall....Oh Yeah'' Just thought it was hilarious :D
Just noticed a story revolving around a John Cena comment on Twitter.

Seems Mr Cena was a bit critical of Percy's facial expressions. Problem I have with his comment is that even if Watson's facial expressions are pathetic since when is John Cena a pro on NXT season 2? He is such a huge star we would never see him as a Pro on NXT so where does he get off saying that he would eliminate him if his facial expressions didn't improve. Correct me if I am wrong but I was under the impression that only the pros were allowed to vote. Now I know that that really isn't the case, NXT is far from legit I just don't like the premise of him saying he himself would eliminate one of the rookies.

Edit: I haven't seen much of season 2, so let me know if Percy does really suck that bad.
Percy impresses again this week with a very good promo and an entertaining match with Alex Riley. Percy is one of my top two rookies on NXT and again I say that he's one of the main reasons I watch the show. Everything the guy does leaves a smile on my face. His reluctance to kiss the fat chick tonight was hilarious, and when he did the serious promo it really worked for his character.

I mentioned in a previous post that I thought Watson should occasionally tone down his promos at the risk of them all starting to sound the same. Well he did that tonight and showed that he really is versatile on the mic. If he can find the perfect balance of when to be over-the-top and when to be serious, he can go really far. He gets more and more popular every week, is very athletic, and has so much natural charisma it's unreal.
Percy Watson is getting old fast. You can honestly see it in MVP as well. When he first started, Watson was a little goofy to MVP, but he went with it. After he started picking up votes and likeability MVP was backing him a little more. But yesterday you could see MVP was getting sick of it as well. This doesn't just go for MVP. It's seeming like a lot of people. Yes Watson has a personality, but they guy has to learn to tone it down now and then and be a little more "real" if you get my meaning. Especially in the ring though. He's got great ability but how can you take him seriously when after every move he hits he does some gay dance like move? Part of me just wants to walk in the ring after he does one and punch him in the face and tell him to grow up.

Honestly I see those damn glasses he wears as his way around his personality. You could kind of go about it 2 different ways.
1) He could take off the glasses pre-match and have it sort of be like a personality change/alternate identity. Not saying anything stupid like Festus or Hurricane Helms. Something a little more down to Earth. This would only be temporary as if he really turned into someone he could eventually start coming out without the glasses at all and have a more serious demeanor.
2) Remove the glasses mid match as sort of a Kurt Angle/Undertaker way of pulling pulling down the straps. It could be his way of "pulling out all the stops" in a match. I know his glasses sometimes come off mid match now, but if you sort of turn this into a segment, as in getting the camera in on him while the 2 are separated it would eventually develop into something more obvious.

I'm not saying this is how it HAS to be, but geez this guy needs some sort of intervention in his personality. He's getting to the point where I'm wondering if his next job is going to be a motivational speaker.
Percy Watson started out as little more than a novelty. He was a fast talking happy go lucky dude with a weird look that totally worked for him. When we were first introduced to Percy, I thought, "I like this guy, he's got charisma and he seems kind of funny."

A few weeks later, we saw a little depth into Percy's character. Until The Percy Watson Show, I had not taken Percy for a schemer; he seemed more like a live and let live type of guy. But Percy went and proved me wrong when he organized an ambush on his pro. I was not happy with Percy's behavior, but I was impressed with his character's depth.

Percy came out the next week and apologized to MVP, and it seemed as if the fans had forgave him, but much of the Percy Watson Pop that he had been getting was gone, the side-effect of a one week heel turn. However, it's hard to NOT cheer for Percy for very long. In mere weeks he won back the fans through his excited speeches, fun dancing, and work ethic. This is a true testament not only to the Percy Watson character, but to the charisma of Nick McNeil.

I think Percy Watson is one of two people who deserve to win NXT. Plenty of these guys deserve to go onto the WWE, but, in my opinion, only Percy and Alex Riley are worthy of winning the competition at this point.

The last point I want to make is about MVP. MVP looks like he is DONE. By this, I don't mean that he's going to get canned as soon as NXT is over, but he did not look happy to be there at all last night. I was surprised how emotionless he looked, especially standing next to a confident and boisterous Percy Watson, and across from the much hated Miz. I'm not sure if he's mad because of his reduced role on Smackdown, or if maybe he's not happy about having to do NXT, but either way, he needs to step his game up, because it's his job to help sell Percy Watson to the world.
The last point I want to make is about MVP. MVP looks like he is DONE. By this, I don't mean that he's going to get canned as soon as NXT is over, but he did not look happy to be there at all last night. I was surprised how emotionless he looked

He totally looked even less interested last night. I've never really been a fan of MVP, but I do recognise that he was pretty hot when he first arrived. His gimmick suited him perfectly, and i thought his recent return to Smackdown would revitalise him. But clearly not. He is done!

But back on to the topic of Percy 'oh hell no! Watson.
I don't see his appeal. At all. If he survives two years in the WWE he will be viewed as the black version of Satino.But without the I.C title reign.

I honestly don't think he will be viewed as a serious threat. Santino is a far greater wrestler than Percy, and he is stuck in comedy jobber hell, so Percy should be worried about what they have planned for him.
Another thing going against him is his race. The writers are going to be so stereotypical with him, and the evidence kind of suggests he won't get a serious push.

On a slightly unrelated point, I found it amazing when Percy was doing hand gestures that Alex Riley talks too much. That is hypocrisy at the highest order!
At least Alex Riley can string along a sentence without having 'ya know what I'm saying?' in the middle of it.
This guy is the funnyiest guy on the whole NXT. He has bucket loads of Charisma, too bad he doesn't have a very good move set, I think he will go next week in the double elimination.
As Beast said, Percy has a whole lot of charisma and has a fan favourite look.He can go in the ring and has great mic skills which get the fans into the segment or whatever he is doing.
I think Percy is definately a future star. I just think he needs to tone down his personality a little bit and he could be more than Santino is now. I like how he seems aggresive sometimes in the ring and I think if his whole character was like that he would go farther than some people believe. Other than that, he's the total package. Very charismatic, great look, good in ring skills, ad good on the mic. Percy is getting my vote this week.

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