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[OFFICIAL] Percy Watson / MVP Discussion Thread

I wasn't too excited about Percy tonight, he was decent, not as much over the top as I had expected from his little promo video (I guess it's cause he was entering alongside Darren Young, god what an awful pairing).

Decent guy in the ring, decent guy on the microphone, a decent finisher (nothing spectacular) and I'm actually just a bit excited to see more of him.
WWE took the "Showtime" nickname from TNA with "Showtime" Eric Young. I don't have a problem with this, but everytime I hear someone say "Showtime," I immediately think about Eric Young. I like Watson so far, I feel like he can go far on this show.
I liked this guy from the second he came walking out. I loved the mannerisms, the way he talked, and the way he wrestled. Being teamed up with MVP will probably be a great benefit to him, and it will be interesting to see how far he actually goes. With all the talent on this new roster I don't necessarily see him winning NXT or being around for too long unless the fans get behind him and use the 50% vote to keep him on. WWE doesn't seem to mind showing us comedy acts but they seem to rarely keep them around, or if they do, do anything useful with them. Unless they find a very interesting way to get this guy involved he is on one hell of an uphill climb.
Somehow I can see his gimmick getting almost Vickie Guerrero type heat with the E universe. It seems to be the most...make that only controversial gimmick on season 2. Based on that, I think he'll automatically get reactions.
He'll just have to adjust his game to the reaction he gets...resounding cheers or deafening "get the f out of here" boos.

I don't see him going to far in NXT, but who knows. This season's competition should be a lot less predictable than season 1 though. I can't see this gimmick going to ME level unless he has a sadistic streak in there somewhere. I'm just wondering if we're missing out on some great comedy skits by him not being teamed up with Ryder as his pro.
He has the most original look, and the character was very interesting. I want to see more of him, and I hope he goes far on NXT. He could be a sleeper, and he wasn't as annoying as I thought he would be. He actually got a decent reaction, and has a believable finisher. Looking forward to his next appearance on TV, and I'm curious to see how he would work in a feud.
oh man, i LOVED percy on the first episode. let's see:

-fought a pretty good match with a decent finisher
-wears glasses while he wrestles
-was hilarious on the mic, and it seemed like the crowd ate it up
-that facial expression in the ring when he's not doing anything is HILARIOUS. i don't know what it's supposed to be, but i think it's awesome. he's like urkel or something.
I have to say I think Percy Watson has a lot of charisma and that was something that was really lacking in NXT season 1, (aside from Wade Barrett)... I don't agree that he sounds like Darren Young, hell Darren Young can't even speak on the mic.
I think NXT will be a 4 horse race this season, Kaval, Riley, Watson and yes McGillicutty (Joe Hening).
Ok, ok, ok... this guy's funny as hell.

Every time he's about to speak and makes that squinting face, I can't help but laugh out loud. Simple things like this are the reasons why he's obviously won the audience over already. His charisma is so unique, overdone, and hilarious that you wonder how long it's going to take for it to burn out and he begins to annoy the WWE Universe. However, thus far, he's been very agreeable with his pro and has been playing the part of a full-blown babyface. I especially enjoy the interaction with MVP as he constantly tells Watson to calm down and chill out.

I can see Percy getting to the final three.
aah Percy Watson, the lovable gay guy... I dont see him in the WWE officially after NXT, but I can see him in TNA for some reason. I would actually rather see him in TNA, as he is not the best wrestler and i dont often watch TNA. The only way I can see him staying in the E is maybe as a kind of Santino, More of a comedian than a wrestler, as he is great on the mic. Cant see WWE letting a guy like Watson win
Week after week, Percy turns me into a bigger and bigger fan. His promo tonight was so much fun, and really entertaining. The crowd still loves him, and so do I. The guy has energy that's off the charts and it really just makes me happy to watch him talk. He's a fantastic character.

He's not so bad in the ring, either. Not the best, but hardly the worst. I see him maybe adopting a solid role in the midcard, putting people over except for the occasional win, with the crowd still behind him because of how likeable he is.
Percy is an entertaining guy, very animated and lively, alas I see limits as to what he can do. He has comedy gimmick written all over him and I don't see him gaining much success.

With that said, he did get a nice pop and they seem to love his vibrancy. His promo was great and probably the best of the night out of all the rookies.

He needs to desperately work on his ring ability; his selling is atrocious. Plain and simple, he doesn't sell well and looks like Santino out there. I haven't seen much o his offense, though.

All in all, he's got a fun gimmick and is pretty entertaining. I like him but I don't see him going far.
I enjoy Percy Watson some, but other times he just gets on my nerves. is it really necessary to say "Ya know what I sayin' " after every sentence? I just see him as Kofi Kingston in his early days, except happier. I don't think anyone will ever be able to take him as a serious threat until he learns how to get serious during some of his promo's.
Well Percy was just electric tonight. His promo at the end was simply awesome. He seems to have unlimited charisma. Everything from his glasses to his dancing and other wacky motions just fit so perfectly together with his attitude and gimmick. He impresses me more and more week in and week out and he is quickly climbing the charts of my favorite rookies.

Unfortunately, he isn't the best in the ring. Like Doc said, he doesnt have the "future main eventer" title. I dont see him assuming a big role. He might win some US titles in the future. Maybe even reunite with his former tag partner in FCW, Darren Young, and win a few tag team championships. But stranger things have happened...
What do you people see in this clown? Seriously?!

I don’t mean to be harsh but I am very annoyed by him already and it is starting to put me off of the show. Sure, at first, I was very much like everyone. I liked the guy and thought that he was quite entertaining but now that the real action is beginning to pick up, there is little room for him in my mind. He comes out doing the funky chicken and wearing stupid glasses that make him look like fucking Nutty Professor having a stroke or something and it is beginning to annoy me.

The way I see it, he is only using over the top gimmicks and accessories to cover up the fact that he hs very little offer both inside and outside of the ring. I mean, I like the guy and give him credit for going out there and trying to be entertaining but I would much rather see what he could do in the ring, to be honest. He did a diving splash last night that quite impressed me but apart from that, nothing really stood out about him other than his awesome pair of glasses. He has become somewhat of an IWC darling already and the fans are cheering for him in the arenas, which is good. However, I think he needs to seriously think about his gimmick and how hard it is going to be to transition into serious feuds if he ever makes it to the WWE roster after this show is finished.

At the end of the day, I was just looking for more from Percy. He is a bit of fun but with people like Kaval, Riley and O’Neill around, you need to be on top of your game and not just an entertainer. You need to have what it takes in the ring and I don’t think he has shown me anything to make me believe that he has it yet. If I was the WWE pros I would be cutting him next week.

Sorry, Percy fans.
No offense to those who like this guy but.... PERCY WATSON IS VERY ANNOYING!!!!

I really dislike him. When you get a negative reaction and aren't a heel.... something is wrong. He needs to drop this weird persona and focus on improving in the ring. Watson is decent on the mic, but he has GOT to tone it down when it comes to how strange he's acting. I don't like it at all. Oh, and MVP is his pro.... What's MVP going to teach him, how to be a midcarder for life? Yeah, I honestly don't care about that.... Watson should be one of the first eliminations alongside Cottonwood because I just do not care for either one of them. Watson is by far my least favorite rookie so far, as he is incredibly annoying.
Once again, Percy Watson was just too damn entertaining and charismatic this week. His vignette was fun, energetic, and entertaining, but it also really humanized his character, showing that he's way more than just a dancing fool. I love to listen to the guy talk, and it seems the crowd loves him too. He could really be the next big thing in his own way, never going for the big championship, but being over, entertaining, and possibly even having a few small title reigns. He's routinely my favorite part of this season, and depending on how things go he could even be a dark horse pick to win, or at least make it to the finale.
I remember when he was announced that I said I was going to hate him and I was wrong. He's as charismatic as anyone on either season of the show and he grabs your attention which is the most important thing. His in ring work is passable, but he isn't supposed to be the kind of guy that goes out there and has a 20 minute Angle/Benoit style match. He's flashy and eye catching which is just fine. Watson has a future to him and if they manage to work him right he could be something solid. Not a serious wrestler or anything, but something like Hillbilly Jim for instance. He was never involved in anything serious, but he was never not getting great reactions. I could see Watson being something similar.
Like most of you, I've been finding myself very entertained by this Percy Watson character. His being voted as #2 just fully legitimized the fan poll in my opinion. But what really impresses me is that he managed to make it to #2 with freaking MVP as his pro! If that isn't a great accomplishment then I don't know what is.
I was glad to see that Percy was #2. The guy is just entertaining and there is nothing more to it than that. I actually logged onto WWE.com and voted for him, and it looks like he has a decent following thus far, so the voting is legit. He is my favorite character this season, and I hope he either wins or at least moves on to the main roster. With a little more character development I can see him being more of a "serious" type of character, but still keeping his flashiness and being entertaining.

I want to see more of him.
I've been somewhat enjoying Percy Watsons work so far. In some ways, he can get quite annoying, but he is very funny. The people seem to like him, but if he doesn't adopt somewhat of a more serious persona, then I can't see him doing anything more than being comedic relief, which he would be fantastic at. I've seen some of his in ring stuff and it isn't really too bad, he does a flawless float over ddt and seems to be pretty smooth, and charismatic out there.
watson is VERY funny with the glasses the over the top persona and party attitude i also like his finisher that step over ddt is great and with mvp as his pro he has alot of potental. watson is my second favorite rookie along with kaval. i hope showtime does not turn heel with his pro and he will go vey far i think

Man, I love Watson. I can't wait for his talk show next week. Everything about this guy makes me smile. He's just so funny and entertaining. He was pretty good in the promo challenge this week, and he did a good job in his match with Hennig.

One criticism I have though is that soon all of his promos are going to sound the same. I think he had a good thing going with his glasses talk, but he needed to calm down slightly and stick with the topic at hand. THEN he could have done an OH YEAH!!. Pretty good though, and he's still one of my favorites. He's a big reason I look forward to tuning in every week, and that's a good thing.
So Percy gets his own show next week. It should interesting and pretty fun to watch. I expect myself to laugh a bit next week. They advertised that the Nexus would be on NXT next week and it will be interesting to see if anything happens during Percy's show. Maybe a little interview.

Percy is by far, the most over of any of this season's rookies. The audience loves the amount of charisma and energy he has. Tonight, it really showed and I expect it show for the entire season. Unfortunately, his time on the show could be ending soon. He seems to be one of consistent losers in the ring right now and it could end up costing him in the next pro's poll.
Another entertaining outing by Watson. By far my favorite character on the show, and the most charismatic and entertaining worker this season. I was a little disappointed that he didn't win his match, but I'll get over it. The crowd lost a little bit of energy when he lost, as they were pumped up after him winning the challenge.

Next week should be a good segment with him getting his own talk show. He's is one of the main reasons I tune in to NXT. I'm going to continue to vote for him through out the season, as I think he deserves to win or at least get called up to the main roster. He would be a great fit for Smackdown.

Percy Watson, I can't wait to see his talk show next week, as it is sure to be entertaining. Percy is awesome on the mic, and he is decent enough in the ring to get by in this competition.

Obviously, he can not be a main eventer with the gimmick he has, but if talk show goes well, I think he has a future in that aspect of his career, as well as being a solid midcarder.


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