[OFFICIAL] Percy Watson / MVP Discussion Thread


Gone but never forgotten.

The next pair to be announced was Percy Watson and MVP.

First of all, Percy looks... um... fabulous. Well, you know what I mean. He's extremely animated, at first glance, but I'm still on the fence as to whether I'm irritated by him or not. I have a feeling this guy is going to get either cheered like crazy or initially booed out of the building.

I'd be one to assume that MVP would be a good mentor for Percy. I've always been a fan of MVP's work on the microphone, and his in-ring skill has really been catching up with that since he's finally rounded out his game with a decent looking finisher.

These two seem to be very opposite, yet very similar in a lot of ways.

Let's keep all of the discussion on these two in here.
I don't know much about Watson, but it seems to me that he is just a Darren Young ripoff. When I watched his promo, he sounded very similar to Young, same taunt, same attitude, party boy, etc. However, that's because Watson and Young used to team together in FCW.

Pairing him with MVP is pretty cool, and if MVP turns heel, this could be pretty fun to watch. A cocky superstar being paired with a party boy, that could turn out to be good or bad for Watson. However, whether MVP is a heel or not, it will be fun to see this pairing.
Let me be the first to say that I FUCKING LOVE Percy Watson. Even his obnoxious, over the top entrances in FCW crack me up. He's the ultimate south beach party boy, and he's teaming up with MVP. This should be a good pairing, although I do expect a reasonably early elimination. One of the first three or four eliminations, mostly because Percy won't be able to do is awesome dancing glittery shiny entrance that he can do in FCW.
These two should be a dynamic pairing. I don't know if Watson can go in the ring, but he sure is flamboyant. He has charisma and looks pretty funny, I just wonder if his persona will wind up making him look like Santino in the end. Then again, he could be the next Rock or JYD if the audience catches on.
"Hahaha, I love this guy!"

That was my initial reaction to Percy's initial vignette. He was so over-the-top, and so insane, that it was hilarious. I think Guy described him best as "Darren Young on speed". A South Beach Party Boy that actually ACTS like a South Beach Party Boy? Crazy! Plus, the name Percy is just an inherently funny name.

His interactions with MVP should prove to be good TV. MVP is more down to Earth and street smart while Percy just seems crazy. This is going to be great.
I like the character because while it is probably intended to be a face, it will generate heat like a barn fire because its over the top, obnoxious, and flamboyant. Alternatively, he can turn out to be another Santino, where his over the top character makes for some great comedy matches and segments. Let’s just hope he is good in the ring.

I see many similarities based on the initial vignette to Rhett Titus of ROH. I don’t see him going far, but if they do this right it can make for some very entertaining segments.
Please for the love of everything WWE, please please please get rid of this guy first!

I'm not one to hate on a wrestler being over-the-top as far as his character goes, whatever gets you over, go for it. But damn, the 10 seconds this shitstorm was on tv just plained annoyed the hell out of me. He would've been better paired with Ryder, at least then he would have a reason to be annoying and bothersome.
I'm not really sure where I stand on this guy yet. I feel partially excited by the guy's animated character and, simultaneously, I'm already feeling a little bit annoyed. Overall, I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see which way the wind blows but I'll give the guy a shot.
I think this guy is going to go far. He had a good gmmick in fcw and if he does get elminated early maybe sd or raw general manager would hire him and darren young as a tag team.

But as of right now he seems pretty good and got a good pro.
I'm really not too hyped on him, he seems way too energetic, kinda like a Darren Young and Heath Slater mix.

I couldn't help but notice the fact that he reminds me a lot of Eddie Murphy to be honest, just bald, and a little too much over the top, he's gonna have to work hard to impress me to be honest, because I'd most likely just hate him rather quickly like I did with Heath Slater.
This guy fucking scares me, he looks like someone who would rape you, i hope he's eliminated first. If WWE wants a pary boy, then use Darren young because at least he looks somewhat normal
How can you guys possibly compare him to Darren Young? I see them both as apples and oranges.

At first, Darren Young looked like a crazy party animal, but he chilled out almost a few weeks after the season began. Maybe it was Punk as his pro or something, but he really wasn't as "animated" as you're all making him out to be.

Watson, on the other hand, is COMPLETELY over the top with his personality. From his big glasses to his squeaky voice, the guy has tons of charisma. I'm just not sure if it's the kind of charisma that's going to get booed out of the building or cheered incessantly.

Either way, those two men are very different, in my eyes.
How can you guys possibly compare him to Darren Young? I see them both as apples and oranges.

At first, Darren Young looked like a crazy party animal, but he chilled out almost a few weeks after the season began. Maybe it was Punk as his pro or something, but he really wasn't as "animated" as you're all making him out to be.

Watson, on the other hand, is COMPLETELY over the top with his personality. From his big glasses to his squeaky voice, the guy has tons of charisma. I'm just not sure if it's the kind of charisma that's going to get booed out of the building or cheered incessantly.

Either way, those two men are very different, in my eyes.

Yes of course they're different, but in the start of everything they really do resemble each other a lot, I'm certain you watched the promo video's for wrestlers, and the Darren Young ones from his FCW time had him entering in a huge fur coat and huge ski glasses.

But yeah I do hope that he just like Darren Young, calms (the fuck) down because I'm not gonna care for him if he continues the insane act, and I have to admit I started to care a little more for Darren Young when he actually went on to become more calm.

It might just be me that don't like over the top energetic guys, but even he is too much for my liking to even consider adapting to it.
I compare the two because they (A) have the exact same gimmick and (B) are tag team partners in FCW. Other than that, they are different beasts. You're right, Watson is rediculously OTT. Which given that he's probably generic as hell in the ring is a good thing. He'll at the very least be memorable.

Here's the South Beach Boyz in action.

Percy Watson was one of the rookies who stood out to me, not necessarily for the right reasons. He is going to find it very hard to be taken seriously by the WWE Universe if he is constantly like the guy we saw in the vignette.

Although tag partners with Darren Young, it looks like they're gonna be totally different guys on NXT. They played down Young's fur coat-wearing, glitter sprinkling gimmick. But it looks like they are going to play up Watson's. I fear that he may become a Santino-esque comedy jobber because of this.

I'm still undecided on my feelings about his pairing with MVP. The pair could either mesh well or bomb completely, it's still up in the air. It's nice to see MVP doing something, however. I've just come round to liking him.
They'll definitely chuck him on Raw to entertain the kids in funny segments like Santino and Goldest, but career wise, he won't go anywhere.

When I first saw Percy, Rico was the wrestler that came to my mind.
When I saw this guy I fucking loved him. He's very exciting, very energetic and seems to be a lot of fun and that's something I like. I'm very suprised they're letting him go all out with his "party boy" gimmick as they didn't give Darren Young the chance. Either way I am very excited to see what he's like and see how he does on the show.

His partnership with MVP doesn't really do much for me. It should be solid as MVP is very capable on the mic and should hopefully get Watson over but I'm not sure if it will be as good as the other pairs. Anyway I'm sure they'll be fine and will produce some good television.
I just saw this cat on WWE.com.WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW...I cracked up.I can't wait to see him on NXT,he'll definitely shake things up

How are you guys hating on this guy, he was hilarious. He has the funniest and most awesome video package out of all of them. He almost reminds me of a black Bad Ass Billy Gunn but even more over the top.

Why would you want him to calm down? Look at how well that worked out for Darren Young, who in my opinion, was the most forgettable and boring of all the NXT Rookies of season 1.
Let me say this. I fucking love this guy already. His vignette had me dying laughing, and hopefully he's a good wreslter. As for his future, I see him re-teaming with Darren Young at some point, but as a singles competitor I don't see much. He's funny, but his gimmick can't be taken seriously in my opinion.
I couldn't help but notice the fact that he reminds me a lot of Eddie Murphy to be honest.

Very good comparison there Ferbz, and one I didn't really notice until you said it. I really like that he's over-the-top and goofy, which is very refreshing when compared with all the "realistic" and toned-down characters we've gotten used to in recent years.

He really, really reminds me of Disco Kid from Punch Out!

Percy's gimmick can really work as heel or face. I personally think he'd be a good face but it all depends on how the rest of the live crowd responds to his antics.

I hope he interacts with some of the pros. Hitting on LayCool or going to Zack Ryder for fashion advice could make for some very funny moments.
Percy seems to be different if nothing else. Not sure what exactly he's supposed to be. They say a party boy, but he just seems like your generic flamboyant guy, if you ask me. Those glasses also look ridiculous.

They couldn't have picked a worse pro to be on this show than MVP. Seriously, the guy sucks. I've even given up hopes that a heel turn will save him at this point. He's just plain awful. Not looking forward to seeing him on my TV Tuesday nights.
Yeah, he's awesome. He had a GREAT personality and tons of charisma, and the crowd ate it up. He is a definite sleeper hit if his act doesn't get tiring. He was fun on the mic, and just really, really likeable and funny. Great look, too. He could become a very popular upper midcarder. I don't see him as a superstar, but you never really know.
Percy Watson...from the beginning he seems to have something of a, shall we say, milktoast sort of name. The kind of thing you'd expect to hear a chartered accountant introduce himself as. His mannerisms and the fact he wrestles in his specs kind of put forth that image. That being said, he's not bad. He can take a hit and sell it, his shots are a little weak but he can improve, and he's certainly different. Still...what is with his facial expression? It seems as if he constantly looks as if someone is holding a very small turd under his nose. Maybe that's just part of his character, I don't know.

The fact he's paired with MVP should work for him, though. MVP's a great talker and should help to elevate his rookie. Again, he just might be a little too strange to win NXT, but he should be entertaining while he's there.

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