[Official] Mr. McMahon's Child Thread


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I think its obivous to assume Mcmahons son is Mr. kennedy. Its reported here that he was going to be involved in the angle and his last name being Kennedy (which is McMahons middle name) is interesting.Do you think this will be a good angle for Mr. Kennedy? Personally I'd rather see him keep the chracter he has and rise to the top without any help. But the story is fresh and interesting and does provide him a good stroyline.
umm it could be Mr. Kennedy but in real life, Vince has another daughter, besides Stephanie!

so yea it wouldnt make sense to just bring someone out of the blue!
Remember Stephanie shot down an incest angle?

Well the ratings have been down (2.5 and 3.4's etc.)

Maybe Stephanie agreed.

Now is the time.
This is some pretty weird shit, and I kinda' want it to be Kennedy but don't as I know an unusual storyline like this could MAKE or BREAK Mr Kennedy, and personally I find him entertaining/skilled enough right now with his current gimmick (If they only gave him something to do!!! GRRR)

I don't really know what to make of it, I was somewhat disappointed with the closure of RAW; Vinnie made it sound like he was doing something 'big' involving the McMahons (.eg.. Shane and Steph) only for Coach to babble something about a lost child.

I can't really work out what I think about this til' more becomes available. I think it's a good, innovative storyline to go with and should be interesting; but on a Wrestling front, RAW WAS CRAP. So I'm hoping they're seriously looking at their booking as well as storylines.
Ehh T-money I think they did as much wrestling as they could tonight. From a wrestling stand point we got to see a battle royal, Booker and Jerry Kings wrestling segement was pretty long and actually pretty entertaining besides the blown spot at the end, given there wasn't too much wrestling the only other real matchs being the squash for snitsky, the womens bout, and Cena and Umaga (umaga impressed me in this match for the short time it went on). Overall the show should still get an A. It set up many different angles. The only part of the show that wasn't entertaining was the diva segement but still neccessary because it helped jillians character. We got a new GM. Saw Umaga officially turn face setting up a possible match for the IC title with Carlito at summerslam. The continuation of the Cena/Orton feud. Even the game show segment was pretty funny simply because Ron said somehting else and Santino sucks. And to cap it all off we got a fresh storyline with the Mcmahon kid angle which this thread is all about.
they really could turn this storyline into something beautiful.
the attitude era was full of suspense. that's exactly what this storyline revolves around. its all about suspense and as long as they do it right and Cena is not involved it will bring ratings up. I have absolutely no idea who it would be but here is my idea:

They get a midget wrestler and make him the illegitamate son, and they make him out to look like Khali. Everyone can put together that (kayfabe) this guy is related to Khali, although Vince has to keep him around and just becomes frustrated. Because the son babbles and acts just like Khali and consistently bothers Vince, distracting him, messing up storylines, not being able to relay vital information.. so many possibilities.

btw.. what happened with Farooq and the Spam thing Ive been hearin about
umm it could be Mr. Kennedy but in real life, Vince has another daughter, besides Stephanie!

so yea it wouldnt make sense to just bring someone out of the blue!

since when what is this guy talking about i looked it up on wikipedia and it says he only had shane and steph.

well heres what i think it might be kennedy like you all said but are you sure the wwe is ready to make that jump to kennedy already or could it be for someone else who knows.
I too, thought Mr. Kennedy. Especially since he was supossed to get a fairly large push out of the death angle.

However, that might be a little too obvious. I'm hoping this surprises us, or at least doesn't turn to crap. Such as the wonderful angles of McMahonism.

This raw was pretty bad. I can't understand how they could have met for so long this week, coming up with ideas and produced this.

I miss the days of the Monday Night Wars.
i bet he meant granddaughter.. (steph-hhh)

..wait is he boy or girl

It's a girl, I don't think it's Kennedy, I'm thinking the child is still a child, why would someone sue Vince for a Paterinty suit if the Kid was already grown up?, why wait that long?, the real question is who is the mother?
Man, I really hope it isn't Kennedy. He's fine as he is. Too weird of a storyline like this could make him lose his credibility. Their idea of a more entertaining wrestling product was to write it like a soap opera? Bad move.
I think it is Kennedy. People saying he isn't ready have to understand they wanted this to last a LONG time, Kennedy developing along with it, to the point it would have made him a mega star, but they have to do it now. Lashley's out, Jeff's out, HBK's out, they are just going to have to go ahead with it. I can see them dragging it out, suspense over who it is, Vince initially not liking Kennedy, Kennedy trying to win over his dad, trying to get closer to his "family", eventually wins Vince's heart, Vince backs him, he becomes the new HHH, speaking of which i would put money on a HHH/Kennedy feud down the line. But yeah, Kennedy in title contention, with Vince's backing, that's a major heel gimmick right there, a new age HHH like i said. I hope they take their time with it and don't have this all unfold at once. It's got my interest anyway.

I liked the whole Raw, tho the number of matches seemed low, but i guess Battle Royals take time and they needed to put emphasis on this angle. Am i the only one seeing a very different Umaga from his debut? Just something about him has won me over recently, besides murdering Santino i mean. I dont think this show will be a ratings improvement, but it sets up nice future developments, job done.
I'm agreeing with the general majority who don't want Mr. Kennedy to be it, but sadly a lot of signs are pointing to Kennedy being the "it" man.

The first sign is Kennedy's weird interview that got cut off. All he did was come out, & say "Noone will ever forget.. KENNEDY." Then he just kept repeating his name, but not the "Mr." part.. which seemed weird at first, but made sense in the end.

The second sign is whats already been said.. McMahon's middle name, is Kennedy.

And finally, the last sign (thus far) is whats been rumored as a spoiler.. that Kennedy was expected to be the main heel character to be with McMahon.

So all in all, with the exception of WWE suddenly "swerving" its viewers.. which last time I checked.. Cena is still the champ, much like 98% of all WWE views hate to see, but never felt (until possibly Summerslam) that he would ever lose it. I highly doubt WWE would "swerve" its viewers with this, & not with Cena.. especially since a lot of their lost viewers are BECAUSE of Cena's never-ending reign.
here is an interesting twist, what if it's Triple H, that way they could bring in the whole marriage to Stephanie, and the fact that they have a kid, and turn this into something HUGE, the best way for this to work would to have Triple H act as if he never knew he was a McMahon, and lets keep in mind that Triple H is also from Greenwich, which is where the McMahons are all from
here is an interesting twist, what if it's Triple H, that way they could bring in the whole marriage to Stephanie, and the fact that they have a kid, and turn this into something HUGE, the best way for this to work would to have Triple H act as if he never knew he was a McMahon, and lets keep in mind that Triple H is also from Greenwich, which is where the McMahons are all from

This would be completely funny, just because it would turn into an insest angle with Stephanie being the main involved character.. (which she never wanted her daughter to be in the angle)

But instead of Mr. McMahon being the second character involved, it'd actually be Stephanie insest with Triple H. (Yeah, the daughter would slightly be involved, but the angle would be centered around Steph -- who has been rumored at returning to an on-air character, & Triple H.)

The only question to this is.. who'd be "filing the suit?" They'd almost need another slightly older female character to play Triple H's mom.. which I don't think they would do.
Oh cmon they need a ratings boost and need to bring in someone big so we find out that Mr Mcmahon slept with Shelton's omma and had a nother kid and his name is Michael Vick, I hear he aint playing football right now.
But seriously i dont see hwo itc ould be anyone but kennedy especially with the WWE not being known for giving us much for suprising storylines. Although I am suprised they havent started to feed us flase stories on the internet so taht epople would not know for sure waht is going on.
This would be completely funny, just because it would turn into an insest angle with Stephanie being the main involved character.. (which she never wanted her daughter to be in the angle)

But instead of Mr. McMahon being the second character involved, it'd actually be Stephanie insest with Triple H. (Yeah, the daughter would slightly be involved, but the angle would be centered around Steph -- who has been rumored at returning to an on-air character, & Triple H.)

The only question to this is.. who'd be "filing the suit?" They'd almost need another slightly older female character to play Triple H's mom.. which I don't think they would do.

I could see them bringing in someone to play Triple Hs mom, they could also keep her off camera, saying that she signed some sort of privacy agreement or something like that, this is the way I would personally like to see the angle go though, I think this is the most entertaining way to go
I could see them bringing in someone to play Triple Hs mom, they could also keep her off camera, saying that she signed some sort of privacy agreement or something like that, this is the way I would personally like to see the angle go though, I think this is the most entertaining way to go

I was also just thinking that. I can see them having Linda return, claiming she knew nothing about it. I can see Shane hating his Father for it. And I can see Triple H. & Stephanie being furious, yet uneasy with each other on camera. (which would be funny to see)

The only disagreements I have are this. Triple H. & Stephanie had an on-camera angle that ended. And while WWE isn't against destroying past angles.. (such as Kane being unmasked, mask only, at Summerslam 2000, yet later being unmasked completely to reveal he had 'fake hair.') This also wouldn't BUILD any new characters up to the main event role.

Triple H. to be put in this angle would only hurt his character, more than help him. And besides all that, HHH doesn't need help. Kennedy would be better off like he is.. but I can see Kennedy being it more, just because it would push Kennedy up to being a main eventer fully.
here is an interesting twist, what if it's Triple H, that way they could bring in the whole marriage to Stephanie, and the fact that they have a kid, and turn this into something HUGE, the best way for this to work would to have Triple H act as if he never knew he was a McMahon, and lets keep in mind that Triple H is also from Greenwich, which is where the McMahons are all from

what vince is from north carolina like me i wouldnt ever forget that and thats why he has many legenary matches there the invasion in my hometown greensboro and many more and so is linda and steph is from hartford connectitcut.

although shane might be from greenwhich i dont know about him?
umm it could be Mr. Kennedy but in real life, Vince has another daughter, besides Stephanie!

so yea it wouldnt make sense to just bring someone out of the blue!

Ummm, no...Vince has two children, Shane and Stephanie. Several years ago there was a rumor that they had another daughter, because there was a picture floating around of Vince, Linda, Shane, Steph, and another young lady. Funnily enough, that young lady turned out to be...SHANE'S WIFE! So unless you mean he has a daughter-in-law, you're wrong.

And yeah, Mr Kennedy seems like the logical choice. I mean, they cancelled the fued between him and Edge so he could come over to Raw and be involved in McMahon's death angle and get a huge push from it, and then he got screwed over because Benoit was a murderer, they really should make it up to Ken somehow. If they do this right, it could be huge and could launch Kennedy into superstardom. If not, he could end up on Heat and eventually on TNA.
I agree that all signs point to Mr. Kennedy being the illegitimate son. The only problem that I have with it is that it is very predictable. What WWE would have to do is focus more on the the ramifications of Vince having an illigitimate son than who is the actual son.
And yeah, Mr Kennedy seems like the logical choice. I mean, they cancelled the fued between him and Edge so he could come over to Raw and be involved in McMahon's death angle and get a huge push from it, and then he got screwed over because Benoit was a murderer, they really should make it up to Ken somehow. If they do this right, it could be huge and could launch Kennedy into superstardom. If not, he could end up on Heat and eventually on TNA.

Okay, there are several things that you said that may or may not get you blasted. But I'm going to stick to three..

1. Mr. Kennedy, regardless of whether you knew it or not, was already a "Super-star." He was originally set to be the Undertaker & win the World Heavyweight Championship. I doubt they'd pick too many losers to do that.

2. While if Kennedy turns out to be the "son" & this angle goes bad.. regardless of if Kennedy loses "superstardom" or not.. he won't drop out of sight. He's great on the mic, & he's a better overall wrestler than most of the big wrestlers & a good 70-80% of the E.C.W. roster. And should he fall off the WWE roster completely.. you act as if T.N.A. is a crap-hole to go to. When I can almost promise you, based on their current (T.N.A.) roster.. Kennedy, should he fall out of grace after a huge storyline of that calibar.. would be the new main event star.. in T.N.A.

Finally.. & this is mainly why I'm somewhat having an attitude with what you've said.

3. I understand Chris Benoit may of lost some fan-base because of his personal life.. but hes still going to be more important & mean more to this world, than you or I probably ever will.. so murderer or not.. show some respect.

I'm not trying to offend YOU by saying any of this.. but I'm sure I'm not the only one you'll offend by the Benoit comment you've made.. especially by claiming/blaming him even more, just because some wrestler didn't get to have some storyline go his way. Big deal, 3 people lost their lives.. & millions lost a great wrestler.
I'm thinking the child is still a child, why would someone sue Vince for a Paternity suit if the Kid was already grown up?, why wait that long?, the real question is who is the mother?

You hit the nail Justin..... WHO IS THE MOTHER?

I would love to see Trish stratus making a special appearance and faking a pregnancy or something, that way she could explain she retired from Wrestling.

But that's not gonna happen :( Sadly. (Imagine Trish again...mmhhmm! :boobies:!! )
so I will go with Kennedy, as he ran a promo stating that KENEDYYYYYY, Kee-NnEE-DDy would be the only thing everyone else would be hearing from here on out. So I guess he will be involved, and in a major way, either if vince support him, that would be a huge push, or if Vince turns on him, then Kennedy will have his anticipated face turn.
One thing is for shizzle: This was one of the worst RAW's EVER.
How was it one of the worst Raws?....i dont think so dude

Dateing game was funny as hell "Im in alot of pain" LMAO

I mainly agree.. This weeks Raw had its highest moments & lower moments. But by far, the best moment had to be the Raw debut of WWE Dating Game. I could not stop laughing at each one of the individuals. And I pin-pointed that Santino was going to turn into a heel/stalker toward Maria.. injury or not, it looks like thats what has happened.

Now, however.. the low point was Jillian Hall defeating Mickie James. This not only disgusted me, but made me ashamed of the Women's Division. At one time, Victoria was the (in my opinion) greatest psycho female of all.. & Mickie James was the second best, in her way of stalking Trish. Now.. you have a wannabe BROOKE HOGAN.. beating one of the few divas left that can actually hold claim to being more of a wrestling female, than a diva. And one final note for this.. why do they insist on explaining that Beth & Mickie have a somewhat hatred for each other due to a past (unknown) event.. then just.. NOT do anything with it?

The other low point is Snitsky completely going through Rory. I can understand anyone going through a HeAT main-stay-er.. but at least make it a handicap match, or something. And why Snitsky? What made him so special?!

On a final.. decent note.. Umaga's face turn was nice, but in my personal opinion.. he's the male version of Victoria & Mickie James.. IN THE UNDERSTANDING.. that once the two females turned face, they lost their edge.. Umaga isn't a "play nice" type of character, so this can't be good overall. I am, however, looking forward to the on-going stalking of Umaga to Santino.. **(Santino Quote from last week, will NEVER forget it -- "And What'a the hell is that'a?!" in reaction to Umaga's music hitting)**
I think it will be kennedy aswell. For a angle like this you need someone with boat loads of charisma. and atm there is no1 on RAW with as much charisma then Kennedy.

Could you just imagine it when it comes out with Kennedy shouting Daddy at Vince? That would be classic. Would his enterence go MRRRR KEEEEEENNEEEEDDYYY MMCCCMMMAAAHHHOOONNN?
Admitidly the Kennedy Angle was odd. But what youv'e got to realise it that it says that there is an iligetimate child , but that doesn't mean that it can't be Steph or Shane.

The reason I suggest this is that if it was one of the two , they might side with Linda and thus creating a divide in the McMahon ranks (oh god help us if there is a Shane vs Vince match again). But if it turned out to be Kennedy , where does the storyline go. Theres no real Villian.

I agree it was talked about Kennedy getting something out of the angle , but at the same time , Linda was involved. So why not that Steph (Most Probably) isn't Linda's and sides with Vince , and Shane with Linda , then set up some sort of Shane Vs Vince match.

I'm trying to figure it out , admitidly a slightly odd way to finish , but even so alot better than some of the crap recently.

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