[Official] Mr. McMahon Memorial Thread

You do know that this is all fake right? That Mr. McMahon is NOT dead right? It's called an "angle", and like all of pro wrestling's stories, they are scripted and fake. You do know that right?

I laughed my ass off reading that article, did that website honestly think that wrestling fans think Vince McMahon is dead? That's hilarious---you'd have to be fuckin ******ed to believe that.
I hope mr mcmahon returns, but i don't know how they are going to explain he survived . You could see he was in the car and he had no time to escape in any realistic program he would be dead.
ok obviously theres an endless list of suspects on this thing but i think sgt slaughter got the C4 , austin made the bomb , eugene planted the thing because lets face it no1 would suspect poor eugene what with the shaved head, and to cap it all off the whole thing was masterminded by pat patterson and brisco(cant member his 1st name) because of that whole dressing in an evening gown for the hardcore title, remember an elelph.... i mean legend never forgets.
Last on Vince death....
from wwe.com...complete note here:http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/partinganalysis

Mr. McMahon is presumed dead, the victim of an apparent limousine explosion moments before Raw signed off the television waves Monday night.
No shit! an APPARENT explosion?? so id must dreamed the whole fucking scene....

The rest of the article talks about how Vince "felt" that the end was near, some kind of Sixth sense shit, and again, they give us the start of the Whodunit storyline...
...However, it is possible that something or someone provoked a fatalist mentality within him…made him believe that no matter how much he kicked and screamed, he couldn’t change his fate.”
some kind of Cerebral Assasin i would say...who could be that smart to lead Vince to his Last Ride?
Man, this is like your favorite Mystery tv series, but funnier! (have you watched the Feds Press Conference?? LOL! )
well i think that the mr mcmahon dead isnt dead because if you looked closely at the video when vince got in the limo his foot went in then a split second foot out then placed the edited tape in then KABOOM so vince pulled the best storylines ever in wwe history
well i think that the mr mcmahon dead isnt dead because if you looked closely at the video when vince got in the limo his foot went in then a split second foot out then placed the edited tape in then KABOOM so vince pulled the best storylines ever in wwe history

We know that.

One week ban for next person to tell us he isn't really dead.
well i think that the mr mcmahon dead isnt dead because if you looked closely at the video when vince got in the limo his foot went in then a split second foot out then placed the edited tape in then KABOOM so vince pulled the best storylines ever in wwe history

Anyways, here's a question to ponder, is this STORYLINE (yes, it's fake... i found that out about the same time i found out that a fat guy wasn't sneaking into the house and leaving my gifts every december) a sign Vince has finally gone crazy or a sign he's finally figured out what wrestling fans like?

If you check the poll on the homepage well over two-thirds of the visitors say that this storyline interests them at least a little. Compare this to the past polls of storyline interest, as far as I can remember over two-thirds of visitors were DISINTERESTED in what WWE was producing. Food for thought.

So, Has VKM finally gone bat-shit bonkers? Depends on what you mean by crazy. The man shows that he is willing to do ANYTHING for his business. Would you bare your ass in front of thousands in the stands and millions at home? Would you stand to have your face shoved into Big Shows fat ass? Yeah, the man is by all terms a little... out there. However, his goal has always been the same... make the WWE king of Sports Entertainment. Is he perfect? No. Is he Christ? Hopefully not. Is he the Anti-Christ? More than likely. Is the WWE successful? Yeah.

Here's the point. Vince is probably crazy, but for all the right reasons. He's doing what he thinks is best for the WWE, even if it more than likely isn't.
I find that story with the psychiatrist WWE posted very interesting. It suggest Vince knew that, at the very least, someone was after him. I don't think there's any way we can know who is it, but we will be treated to some investigations in the next few weeks that would lead to a clarification of where this is going. Possibly a new authority figure (Bischoff? Heyman?) in WWE that would arounse suspicion. Mick Foley putting himself in main events all of a sudden for no reason ? What?

There's so many ways WWE could go with this it's amazing.
Nah, he's not dead. The story about this posted on wwe.com was too unproffessional. Theres no way they would disrespect vince with such an uproffessional story.
i have more information about vince and the ministry. i was told that kevin thorne of ecw is being asked about his possible role in the ministry. this could all come together by judgement day or survivor series with the latest being at wrestlemania. i will update more as i receive more info. i have info saying that on raw they will be interviewing wrestlers backstage and that stonecold will be on raw via satelite being interviewed by coach. they will start the who killed vince story on RAW this Monday. Enjoy.. more info soon.

Well I have information that states that it turns out to be Norman Smilely who blew up the limo, of course Vince was in on it. He wanted to be "dead" so he and Stephanie can raise their 'love' child (anyone see that idea on the VM DVD?) but then Shane comes in saying that the child is his, blah blah blah, they end up on Maury to do a paternity test and the father turns out to be..... EUGENE!! Who turns out to not really be ******ed, but really Kane and Undertaker's 'other' brother, and then Eugene falls in love with Triple H, and they move to Vermont to live happily ever after.

Anyway, my thoughts on this storyline is that they really have something good going here. Reminds me a lot of the attitude era, when was the last time that RAW ended on such a cliffhanger? The writers have better pull out all the stops on this one so it won't fall flat on it's face. I dont want to speculate whodunnit because I just want to see what happens next.
Latest WWE.com article said:
WWE.com believes that Jonathan Coachman, Mr. McMahon’s Executive Assistant, surely has to know something. However, efforts to reach Mr. Coachman since Monday night have continually fallen on deaf ears, as no one has been able to contact him.

A clue!!!

Where's coach? What if we find out coach went missing after monday night as well?

But did he cause the explosion? Or did someone simply remove him because he knew too much.

I saw this on myspace a bulletin from WSX i don´t know if it´s true but take a look of what it says it shocked the hell out of me!

From the desk of Fabian Kaelin...

As of today, Fathers Day Sunday June 17, 2007, Ricky Banderas, the Wrestling Society X Champion has been stripped of the Championship due to unsportsmanlike activities unbecoming to a champion.

Early last week, Mr. Banderas was held by police in Wilkes-Barre, PA and is a "person of interest" in the limousine explosion which may or may not have killed Dr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon, Chairman of the World Wrestling Entertainment. Banderas was apprehended after a long struggle involving several chokeslams, and illegal fireballs, subjected to five hours of questioning in which three translators were called in, along with a criminologist who swore Banderas was speaking his an unknown dialect which required close captioning to understand.

Detective Colin MacNiff of the Wilkes-Barre Special Crimes Pro-Wrestling division remarked upon releasing Ricky Banderas from custody due to lack of evidence and comprehension "Mr. Banderas has some priors involving fire and pro wrestling. Hell, he won the WSX title by rigging a coffin with explosives. Even so, what part do explosions play in the wonderful world of pro wrestling? Can someone please explain to me why so many tax dollars are wasted on fruitless pro wrestling investigations?"

Wrestling Society X wishes Ricky Banderas all the best in his future endeavors. We have sent a delicious Hickory Farms summer sausage gift basket to his hospital room in Mexico City as he's is recuperating nicely after his long awaited plastic surgery for his horrific burns courtesy of Vamprio and waiting for the heat to die down.

Details involving the future of the WSX Championship and Wrestling Society X are forthcoming.
I think it's funny how McMahon's body is completely gone, even the skeleton haha, even though bones don't melt unless it was some radioactive special goo. Maybe there was a body snatcher too!
hey guys take this for what its worth but i was browsin the net last night and i went to wsx's myspace page and it read ricky banderas stripped of the title b/c of him being a strong suspect in the mcmahon angle its kinda weird how wsx would say that i dunno if it was a stab at wwe or a spoiler
It was Coachman who 'killed' Vince, you mark my words. Some point down the line Vince will come back with a lame ass story on how he survived his death, or faked it, and gets revenge on 'Coach' by saying Your Fired!! WWE is so predictable these days.

Now what should happen is it turn out to be Triple H who 'killed' Vince to take control of WWE again, and turn him back into a Super Heel, not the gay babyface he's turned into with DX. Triple H - Babyface dont mix, he's a Heel and we all know it.
I love how they pretty much ignored the death of Sherri Martel. It was like they were saying that Vince's ''death'' was more important. I think that wheneather a former WWE wrestler dies they should start the show with a short video and a few words from certain superstars. They only needed 5 minutes.
I just hope they dont blow this angle like they did with Austin getting hit by the car when it turned out to be Rikishi hey wwe one problem HE WASENT WITH THE COMPANY AT THE TIME!

I have a bad feeling its ether coach are one of his family members which would be a boar since he has already feud with all of them.

If i was the writer i would have it be the Undertaker leading up to a match at wrestlemania 24 Undertakers streak vs Vince firing him in public.
WWE Admits McMahon Death Angle Is A Work, More
06/20/2007 by Ryan Gray

Source - CNBC.com

Darren Rovell a reporter for CBNC called WWE headquarters yesterday and asked them whether they were irresponsible in issuing a news release that “Mr. McMahon” was “presumed dead” after his limo was blown up last Monday.

WWE released the following statement to Mr. Rovell:
To date, World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. has not received a single inquiry from a shareholder regarding the alleged demise of “Mr. McMahon.”

It is well known to our shareholders and our viewers that “Mr. McMahon” is a character portrayed by Vincent Kennedy McMahon, the founder and Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

As far as speculation as to who may have committed this heinous act against “Mr. McMahon,” the WWE has not ruled out any suspects, including CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell. The WWE would like to thank CNBC for its concern over the “Mr. McMahon” mystery and we would like to remind your viewers to continue to tune into WWE’s Monday Night RAW, cable’s top rated program on USA Network (a division of NBCU), to keep abreast of the latest developments in this ongoing situation.

WWE clearly admits that Vince’s “death” is a storyline and that there is a big difference between Mr. McMahon the character and Vincent Kennedy McMahon the found and Chairman of WWE.

Taken from WrestleZone.

I'm pretty surprised they would actually admit that it's a work--then again I doubt many kiddies are tuning into CNBC.
Wouldn't it be awesome that the culprit was Eugine taking revenge on Vince for shaving his head and all the times he was mistreated, this way they could get rid of his ******ed persona but still keeping him kind of crazy for trying to kill him.
From the moment his limo blew up I thought it was coach, but I have my fingers crossed that it is someone better than that. Even McMahon faking his death because he wanted attention or to watch how people would remember him would be better (and go well with how crazy he has been acting the last few weeks.) The only good thing is if it is coach, at least he will get fired, and we won't see him for a while.

I don't understand why media outlets are making such a huge fuss about how the story is in bad taste because Sensational Sheri died. People die every day. So everytime anyone dies in a movie its insensitive to some past movie star who died recently, yada yada yada. It isn't like the story was planned after she died, or took advantage of her death. Why wasn't the media going nuts when WWE took advantage of Eddie for storyline purposes.

The only way this was in remotely bad taste is that it had to be a car explosion, which is similar to what goes on in the middle east. I don't even agree with it being sick in that way, but thats the only reason I will except.
This is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_McMahon

"On June 11, 2007, WWE aired a segment at the end of RAW that featured McMahon (in character) entering a limousine moments before it exploded. The show went off-air shortly after, and WWE.com reported the angle as though it were a legitimate occurrence, proclaiming that McMahon was "presumed dead."[5] Although this was the fate of the fictional Vince McMahon character, no harm came to the actual person (that is, his death was part of a storyline).[6][7]"

I guess that answers it. Here are more links:


Vince was also seen backstage last monday giving Paul London a verbal beatdown for lauging at the replay of the limo exsplotion. So it looks like Vince is finding ways to still sneek into arenas during his death storyline. I think its only a matter of time before a few Mcmahon pictures hit the web during the death storyline.

On a side note count how many plugs Steph gives the 3 hour raw and Vegence ppv while he was upset about her fatheres death at the end of raw. It is funny as hell
Wrestlezone said:
It has been announced that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon will be among the names honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2008. There will be a special ceremony and a permanent star on the Walk of Fame in honor of McMahon.

I wonder if they would've given it to him if he hadn't died in that horrible accident. Good for him though, it's a great honor, one that will keep him remembered and his legacy going for a long time.

R.I.P. Vince, we truly miss you.

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