[Official] Mr. Kennedy Thread - Keep it ALL in here!

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Mr. Kennedy To Smackdown

Now people can talk about how great Kennedy is again. Me included. I thought he was great until a year ago. How wrong I was. Best editing award to the Smackdown crew. Anyway this is a good draft. He shouldn't have moved last year. There was still plenty to do on that show for him. So having him move was pointless. Lost of great potential feuds to be had. Smackdown really has come out of this well.
I thought this was a dumb move. They have been building Mr K vs Burchill for a while now. I thought they have built both characters up well now they have to find a new feud for both.
The Birchill feud was finished. He defeated him last week. It's over and done. It was never going to be a main program. It was just something to do until after the draft. His Smackdown feud is already in place anyway. See the look on Edge's face? That's where it's going. Expect to see that at The Bash, and a Kennedy title win at Summer Slam. There are so many feuds for Kennedy it's unreal.
Whoa... easy there. While I'd love to see Kennedy go after Edge and the WHC,
1) We don't know that the WHC won't be on Raw after Sunday (well... yeah... I highly doubt Batista wins too)
2) Jeff Hardy.

Jeff is the guy meant to go after Edge IMO. Makes sense since he's so damn popular. It'll be interesting if Triple H loses the WWE Title though.
the next 1s going for the smackdown world title would be in my opinion jeff, kennedy, and mvp, gotta say i was disapointed when neither benjamin or burke werent drafted off ecw i wantd to see atleast 1 of them off there
Kennedy/MVP would be a great program. Two cocky wrestlers, both decently young with good talent. Great promos to be had, with some great matches to follow. It's a shame Kennedy never got into it with Y2J, but for now, this will do.
I can't wait for an Edge/Kennedy feud. They could feud over the Money in the Bank that Edge stole and cashed in last year. If I recall correctly, the two never had a match after due to Kennedy's injury. It would be a great way to build a feud around.
Great move. Kennedy was very stale on raw and accomplished nothing except for a face turn. I say keep him a face and put him into a direct fued with MVP. It would be a great way to get both guys career on track. Then when Triple H finally turns heel we all...or I should say I get the fued that I've been waiting to see for a long time now. This was a great move for the career of Mr.Kennedy.
Kennedy is not going to be the WHC anytime soon. How would that make Edge look losing his belt to a guy who has been a midcarder for the past year? The most likely feud for Mr.Kennedy is with MVP
I can't see how this helps Kennedy at all. As a face, he'll be stuck behind Hardy, who is still stuck behind HHH, who is tied or above Undertaker in terms of chances that he'll be dominating the brand's championship. Now, if they turn HHH heel, it boosts Kennedy up to the third main face on the brand, but that pushes Edge, MVP, and Umaga down further and leaves them with nothing to do. Also, there's Big Show, but he might be going to ECW anyway.

Also, where does Regal fit into this? Are they going to completely ignore the Burchill + Regal vs Kennedy story when it had some good potential behind it?

If Kennedy wants to get himself out of simply filling in Matt's US title reign (which would suck not because Matt's anything great, but because it hurts Kennedy's chances at a main event push), then Kennedy needs to find himself on ECW's main event and FAST. Now we aren't going to be able to see a Kennedy/Jericho feud, which I was really looking forward to. :( Sucks.
Nofate, its pretty much a fact that 'Taker will be goin to RAW, so, Kennedy would then be 3rd fiddle to Trips and Hardy, and even then, 3rd fiddle aint to bad, since he will prolly still get a shot or two.

Now, in my opinion, I think MVP isn't ready to be a "main event" heel. I could really see him as what he is now, no title needed, just on the lower side of the high card. This would clear a spot for Trips to be # one heel, thus, Hardy Trips and Kennedy Edge. Those would be decent matches, mainly because you could swap it, and they'd still be good.

Now, I'll admit, 4 main eventers isn't enough, so just swapping people here and there would work fine, too.
This is awesome. Really though. Its pretty much routinely agreed that Kennedy was much better on SD!, and he was pretty much buried in the lower card on RAW. It was a decent move at the time, becuase Kennedy had an epic amount of momentum on his side at the tme, but things change, with the injury and the roid scandal. So now, with some good momentum, here he comes back. And if anyone can elevate him, Edge will. And this move makes me just slightly feel as if Trips may be staying on SD!, becuase of were we may be going to a Trips Vs Kennedy WM showdown. Maybe not WM, but something of the sort.
I like this move, I've allways been a kennedy fan and I still am, I hope i get to get the channel that smackdown is moving to whenever so I can actually see him wrestle a good match. He has great potential in sd because like its been said he never really got to do everything over there. And face it he was a jobber to the stars and a midcarder at best. Lets just hope and pray trips and hardy over there don't kill him, Because it would be a shame for wwe to waste tallent like ken. Because along with alot of tallent on shamckdown he is the future of wwe.
If SmackDown pushes Kennedy like they did before he was drafted to Raw, pretty much starting where he left off before, this will be one of the best moves in the draft. However, if they put him in the undercard, this will be horrible. Kennedy was buried pretty badly on Raw (much of it his own fault), but had been picking up momentum as of late. I just hope that they keep that momentum going and push him into the Main Event picture. This guy is gold, and they need to push him as a legitmate contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
This one kind of bothers me. They finally start to move a guy into the top middle tier and then they move him. He was a heel on SD! and turned face on Raw, so why send him back to the program where he was buried as a heel? Kennedy has the potential to be a top guy on either program (remember Cena when he first started? limited abilities but great on the mic) and with HHH move to SD! this could have been his time. Now he gets to get buried by the backstage antics of Hunter and Taker.
i see kennedy in a fued with edge real soon seeing as though when he came out he was pointing at edge saying "im coming for you" over and over hopefully this push wont get messed up like his past experiences, when he had the money in the bank case, he was saposibly injured bad and the surgery would put him out awhile 5+ months i believe, thus him losing the case and come to find out the injury wasnt as bad as thought, then it was rumoured he was sapose to be mr. mcmahon bastard son, that woulda ben a good push but the wellness policy got him so maybe this time hell be a certified ME on smackdown with edge and triple h and maybe MVP and Jeff in the mix too.
This will be great. Mr Kennedy returning to friday night's. I think like most people he will be put straight into the ME status, And he deserve it imo. He got buried on raw but in the last month or so he has started to come back so it must mean that a title run is foreseeable in the near future for Mr Kennedy.
and with HHH move to SD! this could have been his time. Now he gets to get buried by the backstage antics of Hunter and Taker
First of all triple H likes Mr Kennedy. so i can't see hunter holding him back and Mr Kennedy vs Undertaker has allready happend and he might of lost but it still made him a better star then what he was. I think they brought him over to Friday nights becouse they might be turning HHH heel and they will need a worthy Face to challenge him.
Im not so sure on this move. He has plenty to do on Raw still, and he was just starting to break out especially with his new face turn in my opinion. On Smackdown he will be stuck behind guys like HHH, Taker, Edge, Jeff Hardy and possibly even Umaga.

Its now or never to turn Kennedy into a main eventer. Either Kennedy or Jeff Hardy should headline Wrestlemania 25 on the Smackdown side of things. Id personally prefer Kennedy instead of Hardy to win the World title at Mania.

My Wrestlemania 25 main event is Triple H vs Mr. Kennedy for the World Heavyweight Championship with Kennedy finally winning the title.
Mr Kennedy to Smackdown once again..... Smackdown. This will definately be a good thing for the loudmouth. Although Mr Kennedy isn't really the kind of material at the moment to be at the top of RAW or SD! Don't hate, I speak the truth.

Well going the SD! will probably be a good thing. The guy has so many fueds in him, as well as being able to pull of interesting feuds and matches.

I think that on SD! Mr Kennedy will be able to at least get contendership for the title by next year. I am not sure if I am being hopeful or not but at least the guy is now further up there.
Mr. Kennedy Vs Edge. This is something I am really excited about happening in the future. I am big fans of both, and I think Edge could really bring out the best in Kennedy in a long feud. I don't expect it to happen straight away, as Kennedy is receiveing a gradual push, one which fans generally prefer. I do, as I see the person really working for what they want, and Kennedy is definitely doing that.

Edge as champion vs a competitor Kennedy would be amazing in my opinion. Maybe at WM25 depending on what is happening. I think he'd make a good champion, even if he didn't win it in that particular match. His fan base keeps changing though. It seems many people hate him and then love him, hate him..etc.

He needs to get a consistent fan base, keep his gimmick as it is, and continue entertaining as he does best, and I can see a title shot for him.
At first this sounded great. While I don't know that I would agree that Mr. KK..K got buried on Raw. I don't recall him really losing too many matches aside from one or two stupid losses like vs super crazy and I think legit losses to HBK and Jeff hardy, who he also beat anyway. He was -DEFINETLY- under utilized on Raw regardless of it was his fault to a degree the guy never did anything horrible. Randy Orton's push came shortly after he was about to be fired and look how many chances Hardy has had. The biggest burying of him was less then main event quality losses to Cena but lets face it, that's a due pretty much everyone has paid at this point.

*Ahem* back to the point at hand.. Mr. Kennedy had a impressive smackdown run beating just about every name on the roster. The only problem is now after the draft Smackdown is the new Raw and vice versa. Doesn't this essentially leave Kennedy in the same position he was just in? Edge vs HHH is going to be happening for most likely months to come.. there goes Kennedy vs Edge as many were hoping for. He's already had numerous matches with Jeff Hardy. Umaga vs Kennedy in anything more then a one off match is bad booking imo and definetly not the kind of feud Kennedy needs right now. Kennedy vs Matt hardy? It's been done to death on his previous smackdown runs and I really don't like anything involving Matt hardy, he's supposed to be ECW now but w/e. So where does all this leave Kennedy? Either doing repeat feuds of the not so distant past or fighting MVP.

Best case scenario: Kennedy wins the US title from matt hardy.. short feud follows. Kennedy goes on to have feuds with Jeff Hardy, MVP, Shelton Benjamin ect. with him dropping the belt somewhere around the time of royal rumble. Kennedy wins the belt at wrestlemania which then sets up for main event feuds with the likes of HHH, Edge and possibly Undertaker all of which would keep me interested.

Hmm.. Edge vs HHH vs Kennedy would make for a nice WM ME. It also sets up the post WM rematch nicely since it's not like you just saw them fight 1v1. Kennedy managed to win the belt in a triple threat against HHH. Now can he do it one on one?! ..it's too early to really start speculating about this stuff though and i've rambled on way too long.
I don't understand this. Apparently he isnt going to be recieving a massive push On Smackdown but will be remaining in the same place he was on raw. Hovering between upper midcard and ME. why send him to raw last year only to have him return back a year later. Mr Kennedy hopefully will get something out of this sooner or later. I Think a Mr Kennedy now he is a face vs MVP i feel that it has alot of potential and could improve both superstar's. I just hope he go's back to pre Raw stage like his fued with the undertaker. that for a while there was the only reason i watch smackdown. but as long as Mr Kennedy get's used more on smackdown then he did on raw i know i will be happy.

gotta say i really dont understand this they move him to smackdown only to keep him in the same position as raw, evrybody was anticipating a kennedy vs edge fued or possibly a kennedy edge triple h fued but apparently that wont be happening yet another wwe star to add to the under-rated/under-used list
Of all the unpredictable feuds they could have had on Smackdown, they chose Edge vs Triple H. Edge NEEDS to be in the title picture as a heel and is great. However, the events of the last week, (Edge cheaply beating Batista followed by Triple H retaining against Cena fairly, than having Edge turn up on RAW just so CM Punk can cash in his opportunity prematurely just to bring a title back to RAW) all seem to have been done to keep the title on Triple H. In the long run he's the only one who'll benefit from all this.

They should have had Cena win. Edge feud with Kennedy, and then maybe Hardy, before Triple H. Save it for a major PPV atleast, instead of using your biggest match straight away, especially as most fans would rather see Kennedy in it.

In short, Kennedy has followed lots of big stars to Smackdown, and along with Hardy, finds himself in the same position as before.
I know this has already been said earlier in the thread, but I am going to vent my frustrations anyway

Mr. Kennedy to SD was A TERRIBLE MOVE!!!!! I mean awful
Look at the ME rostor: Edge, HHH, Hardy, (possibly Taker), and Big Show. I'm gonna assume Triple H isn't moving away from the WWE title picture. Next in line is Jeff Hardy, since he is WAAAY over with the fans


WWE creative I'm assuming is putting Kennedy's main event future on hold by putting him on SD. He would have been much better on RAW going for the World title. I for one would rather have the belt on him than CM Punk.

I have to admit, Kennedy/Edge and Hardy/Edge should be awesome feuds. But I don't see the Kennedy Edge happening unless Triple H turns heel and gets out of the babyface title picture

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