[OFFICIAL] Lariat's Abstinence and Ice Cream thread


Team Finnley Baylor
In light of my sex life thread being closed, :shrug: I've decided to dedicate my posting life to promote abstinence and eating ice cream instead. I have Rocky Road. What's your faves, guys and gals?

Golly gee willickers, BTW.
Also, abstinence is the only 100 percent proven way to prevent STD's is to practice no sex at all. So this is the safest way to be healthy and clean.
Actually, not eating ice cream would be another thing to do it you're a big fan of your health.
Also, abstinence is the only 100 percent proven way to prevent STD's is to practice no sex at all. So this is the safest way to be healthy and clean.

I concur with you on that Lariat, if however you do feel the need to fornicate, it is very advisable to wear a condom. However abstinence is the best way to be safe.
Ice Cream > fornication.
Fine, you people can have your ice cream. But you'll never see me put that poison in my body because I don't need to get fat and become another unsightly slob, making society look weak and overly-consumptuous. And I think that allowing our children to think that putting ice cream in their body is "okay" sends the wrong message, because we know the mind of a child won't know when enough is enough. You people need to come to your senses about this.
Always a question I ask to people who I want to get to know is their favourite flavour of ice cream.

Mine is bubblegum.
Lariat, Rainbow Sherbet is awesome. Also regular chocolate. Or even Cookies and Creme. I want Dairy Queen, but I'm at work and can't leave. :icon_cry:
Sonic is epic in general for me. A classic road trip every two weeks for me and my friends. There used to be a Baskin Robbins near me, but they left too. But yes, Dairy Queen is the bomb diggity.

Also, Root Beer Floats, the A&W restaurant does excellent work with them.
Fine, you people can have your ice cream. But you'll never see me put that poison in my body because I don't need to get fat and become another unsightly slob, making society look weak and overly-consumptuous. And I think that allowing our children to think that putting ice cream in their body is "okay" sends the wrong message, because we know the mind of a child won't know when enough is enough. You people need to come to your senses about this.

My children will not be allowed to indulge into the wonderful world of Ice Cream until they learn moderation. Moderation is the key, a bowl a week is all that will be allowed for my children when I have some.

On topic... mmmm Bubblegum, I love bubblegum, the blue bubblegum is the best.
I love ice-cream... not as much as abstinence though. Any flavour of ice cream is great really, but the best is cookie dough & cream
Favorite Ice Cream: Graeter's (sp?) Double Chocalate Mint, or Vanilla, plain.

Thoughts on Abstinance: I'm legit abstinant, for about 8 yrs. now. Take that for what it's worth.

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