[Official] KB Bitches About TNA Thread

Silly KB, wanting explanations and endings to his stories.

I like to look at not mentioning Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, and Rosie as a positive sign for TNA actually though, as all three are fucking worthless.
So that whole playing card on the laid out guys in the back.....that's not getting explained either is it?

I was under the impression the playing cards on the laid out guys in the back was a hint at the Extreme Faction thats coming in.

How I believe thats a connection is the better question. The answer, unfortunately, is unknown.
Jordan I agree with, Rosie I agree with to an extent, but Terry I like as the tough guy that is unstoppable. Of course they managed to screw that up for the sake of making Jordan look good.
Rob Terry isn't even a wrestler. He's a haircut and a workout plan. The less clumsy bafoons in the ring like Terry, the better.
WHich was the point: make him have a bunch of short matches so he can get experience a bit at a time. Instead of that though which could work, let's have him work long matches with Orlando Jordan, because, you know, he's GREAT right?
WHich was the point: make him have a bunch of short matches so he can get experience a bit at a time. Instead of that though which could work, let's have him work long matches with Orlando Jordan, because, you know, he's GREAT right?

You can't throw him in there with AJ Styles and expect him to get any better. AJ would just carry the match and I doubt he would learn anything. Put him in there with Orlando and he has to actually do some of the work.
It doesn't work though when Jordan might actually be worse than Terry. The shock value he tries to use is horrid also.
Name one good match he's had or one time when he has delivered a promo that was interesting or made you more interested in his character.
Name one good match he's had or one time when he has delivered a promo that was interesting or made you more interested in his character.

Woah calm down there big guy, I was agreeing with you. For the sake of having something to do right now, he was slightly useful in the WWE as part of JBL's cabinet..
No...not really. He got the US Title through cheating and then constantly set records for fastest tapouts in history.
In a completely forgotten reign where I can't even remember a single defense other than the one where he lost the title. For a 6 month reign, that's fairly pathetic.
He didn't hold the title because he was good or because he could put on amazing matches though, he held it because he was part of a stable and it was to make the stable look stronger.
He held it for three months after the Cabinet broke up. I remember nothing about it at all. Jordan was a guy with a bad haircut that has NO business being on a major show now yet he got hired anyway and put over Terry who is at least unique. That makes no sense at all, but then again it's TNA.
He held it for three months after the Cabinet broke up. I remember nothing about it at all. Jordan was a guy with a bad haircut that has NO business being on a major show now yet he got hired anyway and put over Terry who is at least unique. That makes no sense at all, but then again it's TNA.

:shrug: I didn't even know he held the title, I was making shit up to pass the time.

Hiring him makes no sense, but using him with Terry isn't the worst way to use him. There really isn't a good way to use him though.
Which is one of TNA's biggest issues: their roster. Take Jordan for example. He makes a salary (every time he's on TV that is), the writers have to figure ways to get him on TV, he takes a spot that people could use (Generation ME/MCMG anyone?), he isn't good in the ring, he's not a good talker, he doesn't elevate anyone else, and yet he keeps a spot. Why? Someone give me one reason why he deserves a spot in a major organization.
I agree, TNA either needs to get a legit second show iMPACT! sized or cut out a good number of their roster. Good people like the Guns aren't the my TV often enough even though if I remember correctly they were on commentary last week during the Beer Money match. I haven't seen GenMe since they got killed by Morgan several weeks ago and I like Homicide but he gets no TV time.
Someone give me one reason why he deserves a spot in a major organization.

Other than the usual "culprits" of Hogan and co, maybe TNA are afraid that if they decide to get rid of Orlando, he can claim that they are insensitive to his sexuality/lifestyle choices. I don't see any other reasons they could have for keeping him.
So why was he hired in the first place? If he wants to sue them for that, I'd love to see him try. "Your honor, I was unjustly fired from TNA. My skills as a wrestler are......they are.....well you see I......oh screw it. Even I know how much I suck."
In some thread (don't remember which) you said you'd be going to iMPACT! sometime, take a sign that says "WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU SIGN OJ ERIC?!" or something like that.
He hasn't been acting bisexual (I know how awkward that sounds and it's the best I've got) but just creepy. Goldust was a perfect archetype for what they're trying with Jordan. He just isn't interesting like Rhodes was. He's just annoying.

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