[OFFICIAL] Justin Gabriel / Matt Hardy Discussion Thread


Pre-Show Stalwart
Matt Hardy is mentoring Justin Gabriel. We didn't get to see anything on Gabriel on the premiere of NXT, which pissed me off, but we'll see him on the next episode.

Whether you like it or not, Matt Hardy is considered a veteran in the WWE, despite how many in the IWC feels about Matt. He is also very over and popular with fans, so Gabriel does have an advantage being paired with Matt. Personally I don't know much about Justin Gabriel, but Matt Hardy states on his youtube account that he's been compared to AJ Styles.

If Matt's correct on that, then this should be interesting. I can't wait to see what this guy can do on WWE television. Your thoughts on this pairing?
Right after Danielson, Gabriel is the wrestler I will be backing in this. He's been compared to Styles. His move-set looks great. He has the look. I can see this South African native going far in the WWE.

I will be trying to catch every NXT looking for his first promo and match.
As a fellow Capetonian of Justin Gabriel (real name Paul Lloyd, jr) i hope he becomes nxt's breakout star. he is a 2nd generation wrestler and performed in SOUTH AFRICA as P.J.BLACK and in EUROPE under his real name. ths guy is a cross between evan bourne nd a younger hbk. Justin Gabriel 4 wwe champ
He's the current FCW champion and has the look, charisma and in ring skills. He probably needs a little more work on the mic. But other than that, Gabriel is a viable contender to become the NXT winner. Plus his finisher in FCW is the 450 splash, that's ridiculous for a guy his size. I see him as a future champion in the WWE.
Forget Daniel Bryan, David Otunga & Wade Barrett. Justin Gabriel is the man to watch on NXT, he has the charisma, the moveset, not to mention the size it takes to make it in the WWE. He has a look and personality that the fans will instantly attract to, doesn't have a shit voice and he doesn't blatantly play on his south african heritage to get over.

Give it 5 years, Justin Gabriel will be your new World Heavyweight Champion.

being paired with Matt Hardy sure as hell can't hurt him either, look at where it got Jeff...
Gabriel and Hardy is a good pairing. I think that being paired with Hardy can help him out. I was really impressed with Gabriel in the match on tuesday because he was a lot better than I thought he would be and his finisher is awesome! So far, Gabriel is one of the better rookies. He will probably do well on Raw or Smackdown in the future, depending on how things go for him in NXT.
He sure had an impressive outing tonight, getting the win over William Regal in tag team action. He may have one of the worst outfits I have eve seen, but the astronaut suit works, as he went up for big air tonight in his match. He has a lot of potential and I actually want to see him tag with Matt Hardy. Could he be the missing piece to Matt Hardy relevant.
I haven't seen any of this guy before he debuted and granted i only watched the video on the WWE site but he looked awesome! I'm a Hardy fan so I was watching out for him when i heard he was on this show and i honestly dont think they could have paired him with a better guy.
Twist of fate + 450 splash, brought back some memories. i mean granted jeff and matt never used that but jeff did a swanton instead so shut up!
Justin Gabriel is my pick and im gunna be following him in this NXT thingo.
I think they're going to start a Justin Gabriel/Matt Hardy tag team. Matt was at his most relavent in a team, and they've tried putting him with several partners, so what's one more?

Plus, Gabriel and Hardy used tag team moves and the Twist of Fate+450 Splash combo was very reminiscent to the Extreme Combination. As one of my friends (a major Hardyz mark) said to me while we were watching, the splash seems like a "Super Swanton".

He and Gabriel could be another tag team to make them both relevant and maybe they could compete for the titles after the end of the season.
Honestly, I think that hardy and Gabriel are going to go tag together when this is
done, and go far. The Twist of Fate/450 splash combo was great, and Gabriel honestly looked impressive to a very critical wrestling fan, me. He looks good and I see this pair going far.
These two have been plodding along now, looking very good in the process.

Truth be told, I knew very little of Justin Gabriel before NXT and now that he is on the show, I am a very big fan. He seems like a nice guy and I think that the fans have really taken a liking to him. The only problem that I see with him is that his accent is quite overbearing. I know that is silly but people get onto Jack Swagger enough for having a speech impediment and the accent is very strong. That being said, I think he is one of the better superstars on NXT. This is saying a lot because I rate a lot of them very highly for the future. The moment that he first pulled off that 450 flip, won me over and I haven't looked back.

To me, he fits Matt Hardy perfectly and both of them seem to be developing a chemistry that is really working. If I had to put my money on someone to win NXT, I think that my smart money would be on Gabriel. They already have planned for Daniel Bryan and I think that Bryan is going to get a contract either way. However, someone like Gabriel could really use this push and I think that he is the most deserving so far.
Just came in here to say that Justin Gabriel is hands down my favorite NXT Rookie.

He's a great guy, great work ethic, loves his fans, he's great on the mic (that accent of his is awesome) and above all else he's a GREAT in ring worker. Honestly he, to me, is what Jeff Hardy would've been if he could've stayed clean. But better in the ring with slightly less charisma. That's probably why they've paired him with Matt tbh.

But yeah, Justin Gabriel is awesome.
being paired with Matt Hardy sure as hell can't hurt him either, look at where it got Jeff...
So Kahli is gonna make it big because he teamed up with hardy!?! FML
back on topic, If justin gabriel wins. which he'll come second IMO. I hope he isnt gonna end up like Evan bourne.
I can see big things in the future for Gabriel. Great entertainer. Gabriel+used well=World Champion

Nah, I am kidding. He is the future Evan Bourne. Good guy, nice in the ring, good flow. But I cant see much for this guy that I don't see in Bourne, who as we all know is... teaming with someone or something? Can't remember.

He is being pushed hard, bet Matt Hardy wishes he was the rookie. Two wins in a row, and now with a chance to get the Chris Jericho push, I see positive things on NXT for him. But he wont be chosen.

Nah, I am kidding. He is the future Evan Bourne. Good guy, nice in the ring, good flow. But I cant see much for this guy that I don't see in Bourne, who as we all know is... teaming with someone or something? Can't remember.

He is being pushed hard, bet Matt Hardy wishes he was the rookie. Two wins in a row, and now with a chance to get the Chris Jericho push, I see positive things on NXT for him. But he wont be chosen.
He isn't the future Evan Bourne. You can't see much for him that you don't see in Bourne? How about the fact that Bourne is 5'9 and Gabriel is 6'1. Gabriel is a great mix of size, speed, and athleticism, where as Bourne just has the speed and athleticism. Obviously I mark for Justin but I also like Evan Bourne just as much as the next guy and think he deserves a push, but just because they both have top rope finishers doesn't mean they're anything alike. Honestly, Gabriel has a more similar moveset to RVD than Bourne. Besides, the biggest thing Bourne has against him is his size, and Justin doesn't have that problem. :)
Maybe the fact that Gabriel has only impressed the fans so far with that one move, the 450. A spectacular high risk that he lives or dies with.

And he died from it tonight. He hit the move, and of course, he missed it setting up the offense by Young that led to his team losing. It is going to be a good storyline for him for the weeks ahead, living of dying by that move. He is 1-2 after this week, so I say he should go into a singles match now after losing with Hardy.

He should at least get some support as a top rookie when the poll happens. He has had some impressive wins, but has not had the chance to get down a potential feud yet.

However, I liked his pairing with Slater this week. I thought it leveled him a lot more. However, I was disappointed in him for really fucking up the finish of the match this week. He sort of just fell of the top rope instead of going for a high spot.
Justin Gabriel did well on NXT this last week. He started things off with a respectable time in the keg carry. Beat Barrett, although a few others did in that event. One thing about him, is everytime I watch, its almost like he has a shit stain in his shorts, and I hate it.

He had a bit of a promo this week, but it did little for him I think. He got to meet up with the guy who has been dropping each and every week in my mind, to around 13th on NXT.

Gabriel did well in his match, didn't mess up the spots, but did little to wow me besides the same old 450 splash. He does little to better his spot in my mind.
Gabriel is reminding me more of guys like Yoshi Tatsu or Evan Bourne every week. He's over for an impressive finisher, is always far too happy, and is awful on the mic. His promo during tonight's contest had to have been the worst out of the bunch, and that includes the infinitely annoying promo done by Sheffield. I like Gabriel's in-ring ability, but other than that he's beginning to get annoying because he's always so happy and he sucks on the mic.
I think something people need to keep in mind is that Gabriel isn't likely to be cutting a lot of promos even if he was on the main roster. Just based off his character and his mannerisms, he does not seem like someone that is going to talk a lot. I mean think about it: other than the very big time guys and comedy characters, who gets to talk a lot? They're VERY rare. Gabriel being fairly weak on the mic isn't going to mean much of anything in the long run. He'll be fine with some seasoning.
I think something people need to keep in mind is that Gabriel isn't likely to be cutting a lot of promos even if he was on the main roster. Just based off his character and his mannerisms, he does not seem like someone that is going to talk a lot. I mean think about it: other than the very big time guys and comedy characters, who gets to talk a lot? They're VERY rare. Gabriel being fairly weak on the mic isn't going to mean much of anything in the long run. He'll be fine with some seasoning.
Wade Barrett was colour commentator on FCW. Making him niether a big time guy, nor a comedy character.

And Gabriel is probably the rookie who's best after Bryan in the ring. He Really let himself down on the mic tonight though. He didn't so much blow chunks. He more like blew chunks whilst taking a lie down and proceded to choke on it. Like all of them (except Barrett, Otunga and Bryan) he suffered when they were removed from their comfort zone to cut a live promo on a seemingly random topic. None showed it worse than Gabriel. Which is a shame, because I'd be shocked if a lot of lines in promos weren't spontaneous. Mainly because someone mught forget their lines leaving the other person to quickly act to cover for them. It's like theatre, where someone will mess up but the audience wont realise it.

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