[Official] Itty Bitty Titty Committy

It's not that simple of a premise.

It's a big Freudian conundrum. In theory, our personalities are cemented by the age of six, and everything that has happened to us up until that point leaves an imprint on the mind. Up until that age, our behaviors are not decisions, but reactions to our environment. During this phase, parents reinforce certain behaviors and end certain behaviors, and through the thousands of little imprints and myriad combinations of encouraged behaviors, one's personality and decision making skills are cemented.

For instance, according to the Fruedian school of though, kids who were breastfed for too long tend to have an oral fixation, which is manifested through smoking, over eating, drug use. People have fecal fixations which have correlated to lying (covering up socially unacceptable behavior, and certain deviance, and lack of social skills).

It isn't out of the realm of possibility that a child can learn these behaviors.

So, no matter what my reaction to the first pair of tits I saw, you can't pin it on genetics anymore than you can on developmental psychology.

And no, I am not saying that parents can train kids to be straight or gay. There are thousands of variables that add up to the adult person. It's not like giving a kid a doll will make him gay or anything, but exposure to certain stimuli having lasting effects on children.
Elizabeth Banks

Let's ignore 'you got turned on when you first say tits/dick'.

They've conducted studies where homosexuals react even on the pheromone level. It's not a choice. It's chemistry and a lot of other factors.
Let's ignore 'you got turned on when you first say tits/dick'.

They've conducted studies where homosexuals react even on the pheromone level. It's not a choice. It's chemistry and a lot of other factors.

even though its the most logical, very very very obvious answer.

and yes. Ive said this about 19 times already though Murf
Oh, I guess you're scared.

...or maybe I'm wasting my time...

I wish someone were still riled over the bible/gayness stuff. I have some things to say on both sides.
But it can be not a choice and not genetic too.

My whole point is that the "gay gene" or "genes" all occur in every facet of the population, but happen to have higher occurences in gay people.

The gene for baldness control the body's susceptibility to cancer. Genes have multiple purposes.

Developmental psychology argues that genetics control eye color, hair color, hair density, and the like, but environmental factors can change even these (I.e. stress) and that the environment of a young child affects him, outside of eye color and the like, more than most genetic predispositions do.

I think I'm starting to sound like I'm gay bashing, which I'm not. I don't care. I'm just saying that the evidence of a genetic cause is flawed and the research into early child development seems far more plausible.

Furthermore, if gayness was genetic, wouldn't it have worked it's way out of the gene pool by now? I mean centuries of men not reproducing.....not passing their genes?
But it can be not a choice and not genetic too.

My whole point is that the "gay gene" or "genes" all occur in every facet of the population, but happen to have higher occurences in gay people.

The gene for baldness control the body's susceptibility to cancer. Genes have multiple purposes.

Developmental psychology argues that genetics control eye color, hair color, hair density, and the like, but environmental factors can change even these (I.e. stress) and that the environment of a young child affects him, outside of eye color and the like, more than most genetic predispositions do.

I think I'm starting to sound like I'm gay bashing, which I'm not. I don't care. I'm just saying that the evidence of a genetic cause is flawed and the research into early child development seems far more plausible.

Furthermore, if gayness was genetic, wouldn't it have worked it's way out of the gene pool by now? I mean centuries of men not reproducing.....not passing their genes?

Wel, obviously not since there are, ah, tons of gay people around.

as I said. you react to things how you react to them. you just...do. the example I used earlier. I grew up aroun all women. im about as far from gay as it gets.

to be honest, I have trouble comprehending even arguing that Homosexuality isnt a natural occurance. Like I cant belive this is still debated in the year 2009.

Like I dont know how you can say chemical and phermons and genetics are flawed, but you can simply tell a child "dont be gay!!" and THAT will work, thats right.

Southy, I <3 you. but you say some very very christian, Texas type things sometimes :lmao:
All this fucking bullshit about choosing to be gay/becoming gay as the result of your environment is just that, FUCKING BULLSHIT.

How the fuck do you explain homosexuality in the animal kingdom then? Millions of homosexual animals is just a coincidence/product of their environment? Please explain this.
Wel, obviously not since there are, ah, tons of gay people around.

I actually found the answer to this question. Apparently, the female relatives of gay men reproduce at a higher rate than other women. This must be genetic too.
as I said. you react to things how you react to them. you just...do. the example I used earlier.

There are hundreds of studies that show reactions to stimuli are learned. I find it funny that one's reaction to sweet foods, snakes, baseball, and green are all learned, but this one thing has to be genetic. The people who released the idea of gay being genetic were Colorado University professors who were lifelong advocates of gay rights. Several publications released data contrasting these claims, but were bashed as being anti-gay and quickly drowned out. Therefore, the last impression people got was republicans are terrible people and hate gays. Don't rely on your first impression of a situation as being fact as replications of the original experiments have given opposing results, which questions the validity of the experiment as a whole. I am going to have to find some articles that I don't feel like looking for. There is compelling research on both sides, and the pro-genetic side shows correlations, but the actual fact based side shows that these abnormalities exist in heterosexuals as well.
I grew up aroun all women. im about as far from gay as it gets.

And they probably told you that you were handsome as you grew up and you learned that seeking attention and favor from women was a rewarding quest, so you continued as you grew older and found that there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
to be honest, I have trouble comprehending even arguing that Homosexuality isnt a natural occurance. Like I cant belive this is still debated in the year 2009.

It's easy to debate being that there is no concrete proof of it's existence. I know that it is easy to pass something off as genetic, but why aren't serial killers afforded rights beyond that of regular criminals. There is plenty of evidence to show that the brain of a serial killer works differently than that of a regular person. This argument alone is enough to make some believe that serial killers are victims of genetic circumstance. However, when you actually look past the cosmetic details of the argument, you can see that there are very similar environmental factors in serial killers development.
Like I dont know how you can say chemical and phermons and genetics are flawed, but you can simply tell a child "dont be gay!!" and THAT will work, thats right.

I expressly stated that you can't just tell a child to not be gay and they won't be. I said that there are thousands of stimuli that imprint themselves upon the mind of a young child.
Southy, I <3 you. but you say some very very christian,

I am Jewish, a very liberal subset of the American populace. I am actually fighting against my upbringing. Do you think my conservative values are also genetic? I knew Bill Clinton was full of shit the first time I saw him. It was just a reaction. Funny huh?
Texas type things sometimes :lmao:

Which is funny because you keep saying California type things, proving that we are both products of our environment. :lmao:
All this fucking bullshit about choosing to be gay/becoming gay as the result of your environment is just that, FUCKING BULLSHIT.

How the fuck do you explain homosexuality in the animal kingdom then? Millions of homosexual animals is just a coincidence/product of their environment? Please explain this.

Animals don't make conscious decisions. We can establish this as fact.

Many animals are bisexual. They just want to stick it in whichever hole they can find. That doesn't make this a genetic trait. Animals seek food and seek pleasure and these are their only goals. I don't think that a homosexual animal proves anything more than if you have a tiny brain incapable of upper level thought you will do what feels good in spite of who it is with.
Let me just say that id being straight/gay/bi was based in environment I would be as straight as an arrow.

I'm gonna have to go with the messed up chromosome option NorCal gave earlier due to it being the only one that makes sense to me.
Here is a real world example. My buddy has two Schnauzers, both male, father and son. When there are no other dogs around, they play,a nd every so often try to mount each other. Is homosexual incest a genetic predisposition? I would argue no, because whenever there is a female around, they act like virgins at a strip club. They are all over the bitch.

So, in the animal kingdom homosexuality runs rampant until the desire to reproduce over powers it? Or, is the answer that a dog will put his dick anywhere to get his nut, and makes no decisions based on gender whatsoever?

Does this mean that we, as human-animals should just be fucking all day regardless of who it's with? If we use the animal kingdom as an example, I would argue that we are deviantly multi-sexual naturally, and that it isn't genetic so much as it is instinct.
Let me just say that id being straight/gay/bi was based in environment I would be as straight as an arrow.

I'm gonna have to go with the messed up chromosome option NorCal gave earlier due to it being the only one that makes sense to me.

dont call it messed up. its naturally occuring. you are NOT messed up.
Here is a real world example. My buddy has two Schnauzers, both male, father and son. When there are no other dogs around, they play,a nd every so often try to mount each other. Is homosexual incest a genetic predisposition? I would argue no, because whenever there is a female around, they act like virgins at a strip club. They are all over the bitch.

So, in the animal kingdom homosexuality runs rampant until the desire to reproduce over powers it? Or, is the answer that a dog will put his dick anywhere to get his nut, and makes no decisions based on gender whatsoever?

Does this mean that we, as human-animals should just be fucking all day regardless of who it's with? If we use the animal kingdom as an example, I would argue that we are deviantly multi-sexual naturally, and that it isn't genetic so much as it is instinct.

thats toatally different. dogs do that in order to establish dominance. Girl dogs do it too.
Animals don't make conscious decisions. We can establish this as fact.

So there goes the "homosexuality is a choice" argument, though I'm pretty sure you yourself weren't actually making that one.

Many animals are bisexual. They just want to stick it in whichever hole they can find. That doesn't make this a genetic trait. Animals seek food and seek pleasure and these are their only goals. I don't think that a homosexual animal proves anything more than if you have a tiny brain incapable of upper level thought you will do what feels good in spite of who it is with.

I'm not talking about bisexual, fuck-anything animals FTS, I'm talking about animals that are strictly homosexual, of which there are millions. They are biologically inclined to pursue their own sex.

To be honest FTS, and I'm sure that you in no way meant to give this impression, but your paragraph there comes off like you saying that gay people have tiny brains and are incapable of upper level thought, thus they fuck anything that moves. Pretty offensive, though I'm sure thats not at all what you meant.

Edit; Can we PLEASE stop fucking talking about this in THIS thread? Absolutely not the place, lets get some more tit action, someone go start a gay thread to talk about this shit.

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