Official Hall Of Fame 2007 Thread.

Y 2 Jake is hogan not already in the HOF also i dont think it is right for jr to be inducted this year as well as king as in my opinion the king is much more worthy of it and i want to know what jr has actually done to get a spot in the HOF when other like british bulldog, yokozuna, owen hart have yet to be inducted i just dont think he deserves it is all
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As noted here before on the site, Jerry "The King" Lawler isn't too happy about being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. He thinks that you shouldn't be in a Hall of Fame until you retire. Also, WWE producer Kevin Dunn turned down his request for long time Memphis announcer Lance Russell to induct him. He also really wanted to go to a Cleveland Indians spring training game on the 31st that was taking place in Memphis, but he obviously can't go now. WWE wanted actor Jim Carrey to induct him, but he turned the request down. WWE is now trying to get William Shatner to do the induction.

WWE are stupid for thinking Jim Carrey would even consider inducting Lawler. All they did was star in a film together. It's not like having Stallone induct Hogan. Carrey still has a career. While Stallone was trying to get Rocky Balboa made at the time. He probably needed the money.

yeah, well reading Lawler's book, it seems the two neer got on anyway. That could be another reaon why he refused.
Bobby "The Brain" Heenan will induct Nick Bockwinkel into WWE's hall of fame on 3/31. Steve Austin will induct Jim Ross. Samu will induct his father Wild Samoan Afa. Sika's son Ro-Z (Rosey, now of All Japan) will induct his father, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. At this point, it appears the ceremony will not air on USA and will be broadcasted on WWE's web site.

Don Muraco will induct his former manager, Mr. Fuji, into the WWE hall of fame on 3/31. Fuji (real name Harry Fujiwara), 72, now works as a ticket taker at a Morristown, TN movie theater.

Don Muraco inducting Fuji will suck. He does'nt have the personality to carry of a good introduction. His speech a few year's ago bored the fuck out of me.
On ECW They Just announced the newest inductee in to the wwe hall of fame

The Original Sheik an excellent induction if i say so my self the father of extreme wrestling.

look for either sabu or rvd to induct him or mabye both never know
The New Inductees were revealed and the inductees are The Wild Samaons(Afa and Sika)
3 Time WWE Tag Team Championship

Congratulations to the Wild Samoans
JR is the newest inductee, and Good God Almighty did he deserve it. I am taking a stand here and I may not have heard all the great announcers in history, but JR is the greatest announcer to have ever called anything inside the squared circle. Anyone who has anything negative to say about JR can shove their comments straight up their asses, because this guy has come in night in and night out to call this business and every night, his commentary has come straight from the heart and he has put his heart and soul into calling the business that we love.

Not to mention that the guy has Bells Palsy, which makes his job even harder, and he deserves every shred of respect that he has damn sure earned over the years. Yes he is declining right now, but Good Ol' JR is still one hell of a commentator, and no one can deny that Raw would never have been the same without JR calling the greatest moments. That standing Ovation he received was beyond touching, and that would have brought a tear to the eye of the toughest wrestling fan. This is long overdue and now that JR is in the Hall of Fame, his effort calling the WWE night after night for the past years is going to be rewarded, and it is disgraceful that people may shit on him and all he has done for the business because his skills are dwindling. What crap.

He is in a league of his own in the wrestling commentary today, and he deserves this award as much as any other guy in the Hall of Fame. His legacy is beyond fantastic, and it won't be the same without him. I would like to challenge anyone to find a single fault in JR's commentary during the big moments, because no one else has been able to keep the passion he has for the business that long, and just because he is missing a few words here or there or mixing up a few moves is nothing because JR's commentary is absolutely amazing, and that is putting it lightly, and if you want to badmouth his legacy, you are not a fan at all.

To deny the fact that JR put his heart and freaking soul into calling the big matches and being considered far and away the best commentator of the past 30 years is a joke. JR is long overdue to be inducted in the hall of fame, and it showed how much it felt to him when he shed a tear or two when King announced him as the newest inductee. The crowd rightfully stood for 2 minutes in appreciation for the man, and that was the greatest Raw moment I can remember for a while. JR is very deserved of this induction, and I hope he is remembered well after he has passed away because he has made the business special, and he is just an announcer.

As God is my witness and everybody elses, Jim Ross is one of the greatest announcers ever and I and hopefully others will stand by that. Well done JR. You deserve every accolade you get, and here's hoping that you keep on calling Monday Night Raw for years to come.

Boomer God Damn Sooner!!!!!

"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes will be inducted by his sons Cody & Dustin Runnels (Goldust).

"Mr Perfect" Curt Henning will be inducted by MLB Hall Of Famer Wade Boggs.

Jerry "The King" Lawler will be inducted by William Shatner.

Nick Bockwinkle will be inducted by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Mr Fuji will be inducted by Don Muraco.

The Original Sheik will be inducted by his nephew Sabu.

The Wild Samoans (Afa & Sika) will be inducted by their sons Matt Anoa'i (Rosey) and Sam Anoa'i (Samu).

Jim "JR" Ross will be inducted by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

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