Official Hall Of Fame 2007 Thread.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
There's already H.O.F. thread's but put all new post's in here.

It was just announced on RAW in Canada that Dusty Rhodes would be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.

A new name is expected to be announced each week on RAW leading to WrestleMania 23.

We'll keep you posted on more names as they are announced.

There usually is a spot for a deceased wrestler. Owen Hart? Mr. Perfect (I heard mentioned along with a DVD)? Someone I never hear suggested, but in my opinion would be great is Yokozuna.
I hope that they do induct Owen and even Mr Perfect into the HOF. Those 2 were great back in the day. Its a shame that they are gone
JR and the King, though WWE have yet to officailly anounce it

As noted earlier, Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. However, WWE has yet to officially announce this, but they most certainly will within the next few weeks on RAW. There are six more editions of WWE RAW to go until WrestleMania 23. WWE will be announcing a new entrant, or entrants if they are part of a group or tag team, each week on RAW during the ensuing weeks. If you add Ross & Lawler in, that leaves four spots left.

The tag team of Afa & Sika is a lock to go in considering that WWE recently called them about it. Two other likely entrants are The Shiek and the Von Erich family. One of the reasons that Sabu wasn't fired back in the fall when he probably would have been was because they wanted him to induct The Shiek into the HOF this year. Also, The Shiek was a native of Detroit, the site of this year's WrestleMania. Kevin Von Erich is currently on board with WWE for two projects. He hosts a World Class Championship Wrestling show on WWE 24/7 with Michael Hayes. Also, WWE plans on releasing a DVD on the WCCW this September, The Triumph and Tragedy of World Class Championship Wrestling. This deal would be similar to last year's deal with Verne Gagne and the subsequent AWA DVD release.

All i have to say is tha King and JR damn well deserve as JR has been one of the best at what he has doen and King for his days as a great wrestler
So JR & King getting inducted, that'll be a good thing. Who do you suppose will induct Lawler?
I would say that Jimmy Hart induct Lawler because when Hart was inducted it was him who did it, I also think that it will be Steve Austin who inducts JR in the HOF but I guess we shall have to wait and see. Both are highly deserving of the honour and both would make it have a bit more character as such. Doesn't that mean though that both will be retiring or is that me just speculating? I think that Owen Hart should be inducted also so that they can honour him for giving the ultimate gift to the company - his life

pastie out
Still kind of suprised somewhat to see it happen considering they're still the announcing team on Raw. Now granted a few of the Hall of Famers have wrestled since their induction (Orton Jr., Hogan, Piper, etc.), but I didn't think they would induct announcers while they're still active.

Then again Lawler should be in there for his wrestling career mainly (though he's become one of WWE's all-time great announcers as well).

Either way I can't complain as they both deserve it, and it's fitting that they both get inducted together considering how great of friends they've been over the years.

Even with Dusty and JR/King in, there still needs to be a "Main Event" inductee. Someone that is a huge star that'll be the main inductee. Dusty is of course a legend, but I don't think he'll draw in many newer fans as he wasn't ever really a major star in WWE. He was more of an NWA guy. So there still needs to be that "headline" inductee. I think the only real options are Savage, Flair, or Bruno Sammartino. Now Bruno isn't probably as well known to newer fans as Savage or Flair, but Bruno would still definitely be the top inductee as it would be an enormous coup for the WWE to get him inducted.

The next few weeks should be quite interesting though.

Isnt it too Early for Jim Ross and King Lawler to be Inducted I mean they Sure do Deserve the Hall Of Fame but isnt the Hall of Fame for only Retired WWE Legends?
Well The Lineup is Great till now lets see who else is in!

Dusty Rhodes: I wanted him to be Indeucted 2 years ago but they didnt induct him, last year they didnt and that made me Angry but this year Finally one of my Child hood Heros The American Dream Dusty Rhodes is in the hall Of fame

Jerry Lawler and JR: I have been listening to Joey Styles,Tazz,Mean Gene,Gorilla Moonsoon,Shane Mcmahon,Todd Grisham,Micheal Cole but nobody and I mean nobody can compare to the Style and Amazing Commentary of King and Good Old JR' they are Simply Awesome Both of them Deserve the Honour!
I imagine Austin will induct J.R. as there good friend's in real life. I'm not sure about The King though. Maybe they will have J.R. and Lawler inducted at the same time, and induct each other.
JR and King were meant to be inducted last year but they thought that they werent ready for it and that the fans would see that they didnt deserve it.
Everyone has mentioned the deceased Owen Hart and Mr.Perfect but I am really surprised no one has mentioned The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. It would be great to see Harry and TJ induct him.
I love it, Mr. Perfect will finally be inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.
I was just wondering what everybodys thoughts on Curt were, and if anybodys lives were changed because of him?
Arguably one of the 5 best in-ring technicians that ever lived. Id also say he is possibly the best WWE superstar never to hold the world title (him or jake). Whos inducting him? What about bret hart, there matches were amazing!
Makes you wonder who else will be inducted this year (jr,king,the sheik...and?)
Without a doubt one of the best ever in the history of the sport...I miss him...and like a previous post said...the best wrestler to never hold the WWF Title
Very happy about this, one of the most deserving wrestlers worthy of a HOF induction. He had very memorable feuds, with Bret, Hogan, etc., fantastic in the ring and on the mic, and simply one of pro wrestling's all time greatests. So yes I'm happy about this.
My sister and I decided tonight that we're going to try to get tickets and make a trip up to Detroit for the Hall of Fame ceremony this year. I failed last year at getting tickets, so here's hoping it works out this year.

With that said, I'm really excited that Mr. Perfect is going to be inducted. That's a big deal for me as he's always been one of my all-time favorite heels. He was one of the greatest talents of the last 25 years and is up there in the list of greatest wrestlers to never hold the World Title (others including Ted Dibiase, Dynamite Kid, Greg Valentine, Jake Roberts, Brian Pillman, Owen Hart, etc.).

Here are some possbilities I thought up of who might induct Curt Hennig.

Larry "The Axe" Hennig

Why?: He's his father. He'd be an obvious choice.

Ric Flair

Why?: Hennig was Flair's "Executive Consultant" during his run in 91/92 and was great friends with Flair in real life. At one point in time, many wrestling insiders considered Hennig and Flair to be the two best wrestlers in the world. They were friends and peers. Flair would be a great choice.

Bret Hart

Why?: They were very close and had many classic matches. They were great rivals and put on a clinic anytime they wrestled. Bret has said that he always envisioned being old sitting on the porch of his home and discussing "the old days" with Hennig and Owen, Bret thought that highly of Curt. Bret would also be a great choice. Whether Bret would be willing to return for one night again is a tough question. But if anyone could get Bret to come back, it would be Curt Hennig.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

Why?: He was Curt's manager during his peak in the WWE and one of his closest friends in the business.

Shawn Michaels

Why?: Curt was a mentor to Shawn which Shawn has stated on many occassions. Curt also came up with Shawn's nickname in "The Hearbreak Kid." I'm sure Shawn would be more than happy to induct Curt.

I would say Jerry Lawler would also be a possbility, but it looks like Jerry will be inducted himself, so then he won't be available.

But yeah I think it'll come down to either Flair, Heenan, Hart, HBK, or Larry the "Axe" who will induct Curt.

This is going to be great!


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