[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

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I'm seeing a complaint come up in this thread over and over I just don't "get", that being "TNA is t3h suck, they keep signing former WWE guys." The reason I don't get it is because look at the following:

Hulk Hogan(AWA)
The Honky Tonk Man(Memphis)
Randy Savage(Memphis)
The Ultimate Warrior(WCCW)
Roddy Piper(GCW)
Don Muraco(NWA)
Kerry Von Erich(WCCW)
King Kong Bundy(WCCW)
Ken Patera(AWA)
The Road Warriors(JCP)
The Brain Busters(JCP)
The Hart Foundation(Calgary)
The British Bulldogs(Calgary)
Bad News Brown(Calgary)
Jesse "The Body" Ventura(AWA)
Bobby Heenan(AWA)
Mean Gene Okerlund(AWA)
Sid Vicious(WCW)
The Undertaker(WCW)
Lex Luger(WCW)
Jerry Lawler(Memphis)
Jeff Jarrett(Memphis)
Ric Flair(JCP)
Harley Race(NWA)
Dusty Rhodes(JCP)
Marc Mero(WCW)
Steve Austin(WCW)
Brian Pillman(WCW)
Chris Jericho(WCW)
Mick Foley(WCW)
Rey Mysterio(WCW)
Chris Benoit(WCW)
Eddie Guerrero(WCW)
Booker T(WCW)
Rob Van Dam(ECW)
Al Snow(ECW)
Triple H(WCW)
Big Boss Man(JCP)
The Patriot(WCW)
Kevin Nash(WCW)
Scott Hall(WCW)
Waylon Mercy(JCP)
The Big Show(WCW)
Luther Reigns(WCW)
Giant Gonzalez(WCW)
Jim Ross(WCW)
Bill Goldberg(WCW)
Scott Steiner(WCW)
Molly Holly(WCW)
Stacey Keibler(WCW)
Torrie Wilson(WCW)

I could go on. I don't get that baseless complaint because as we can see above 95% of the talent the WWE ever had was guys established elsewhere before being swiped away. From their start until they owned all the competition in 2001 their entire existence was based off of signing the players everyone else built. Yet TNA and especially Bischoff gets endless hell for doing the same exact thing McMahon has done for two decades? Baffling.

Oh yeah, onto the TNA complaints. I don't have too many. They have some issues but overall it's minor stuff, but if I had to think of a few complaints..... One would be breaking up Ink Inc. They're a pretty cool young tag team i'd rather see get more time together and a good run as a tag team. I also wouldn't mind seeing Team 3D and The Hardys used as tag teams to pass the torch to TNA's teams. Maybe have a few TLC matches with MCM and/or Beer Money with the TNA talent coming out on top. I don't care for their singles runs and the wrestling fan community is starved for tag team wrestling and you have the two most epic tag teams of the Attitude Era/Tweenertude Era on the payroll, it makes sense to use them in that capacity.

My second complaint I guess would be not resigning ODB. I get they're trying to move away from that redneck 'rasslin program, but ODB is hilarious as a character as well as can work and I wish they would bring her back.
This is related to the promo that matt hardy said earlier before the match. Correct me if am wrong, wasn't it that Hogan that threw the belt outside the ring by sort of turning jeff hardy baby face supposedly or whatever they want to us to look at it. Now Matt hardy claims that Sting threw his brother's championship like it was nothing, I don't know about ya'll but they are confusing me with that issuse with the promo
This is related to the promo that matt hardy said earlier before the match. Correct me if am wrong, wasn't it that Hogan that threw the belt outside the ring by sort of turning jeff hardy baby face supposedly or whatever they want to us to look at it. Now Matt hardy claims that Sting threw his brother's championship like it was nothing, I don't know about ya'll but they are confusing me with that issuse with the promo

I could be wrong but I believe Sting threw Hardy's belt out when he introduced the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Yes, Hogan did it as well but I think Sting came out with both belts and threw the old one out.
I could be wrong but I believe Sting threw Hardy's belt out when he introduced the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Yes, Hogan did it as well but I think Sting came out with both belts and threw the old one out.

I know Sting gave it to Hogan, and Hogan threw the belt outside of the ring like it was garbage and tried to play it off buy kicking him out of Immortal, I was just confuse about how Matt hardy gave the promo like as if nobody paid attention to what happen couple weeks ago when the whole thing went down
Neither Hogan nor Sting threw the title in the garbage. Hogan threw the old TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a garbage can when he debuted the Egyptian Butterfly for Jeff Hardy, but when Sting brought Jeff's old belt out and tossed it to Hogan, Hogan was actually the one who then tossed it out of the ring.
Neither Hogan nor Sting threw the title in the garbage. Hogan threw the old TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a garbage can when he debuted the Egyptian Butterfly for Jeff Hardy, but when Sting brought Jeff's old belt out and tossed it to Hogan, Hogan was actually the one who then tossed it out of the ring.

Right! That's how it all went down. Memory fail. Also, Rondiesel2005 - I think you're nitpicking. He did mess up the facts, but that's what you get when you cut promos on the spot. Shit happens. Ask Karen Jarrett.
Neither Hogan nor Sting threw the title in the garbage. Hogan threw the old TNA World Heavyweight Championship in a garbage can when he debuted the Egyptian Butterfly for Jeff Hardy, but when Sting brought Jeff's old belt out and tossed it to Hogan, Hogan was actually the one who then tossed it out of the ring.

right, but didn't the whole promo at that impact with Hogan and Sting in the ring, it was like a way to remove jeff hardy from Immortal, but tonight Matt hardy blames Sting, and I thought it was a way for Jeff hardy if he was to come back, he would be brought back as babyface
right, but didn't the whole promo at that impact with Hogan and Sting in the ring, it was like a way to remove jeff hardy from Immortal, but tonight Matt hardy blames Sting, and I thought it was a way for Jeff hardy if he was to come back, he would be brought back as babyface

That he will. I'm sure if Hardy comes back, ever, he'll come back as a face and go up against Hogan for them ruining his life, blah blah blah. As far as Matt goes, I think he kind of wanted to say that he was insulted by Sting relinquishing the butterfly belt and spitting on his brother's "good" name, he just messed up who did what and I can't blame him, it was a while ago.

But I'm all for the idea of Jeff coming back as a face [if he's clean from drugs and the potential of starting it up again], it would be a good thing to see.
That he will. I'm sure if Hardy comes back, ever, he'll come back as a face and go up against Hogan for them ruining his life, blah blah blah. As far as Matt goes, I think he kind of wanted to say that he was insulted by Sting relinquishing the butterfly belt and spitting on his brother's "good" name, he just messed up who did what and I can't blame him, it was a while ago.

But I'm all for the idea of Jeff coming back as a face [if he's clean from drugs and the potential of starting it up again], it would be a good thing to see.

its going to take a looong time especially with Jeff hardy's court date being continued again and when he does return, i can't see how the storyline is going to be like with Jeff hardy blaming Hogan for ruining his life for storyline purposes when everybody knows the real story and its not gonig to be believable for the fans for hogan to ruin jeff hardy's life
its going to take a looong time especially with Jeff hardy's court date being continued again and when he does return, i can't see how the storyline is going to be like with Jeff hardy blaming Hogan for ruining his life for storyline purposes when everybody knows the real story and its not gonig to be believable for the fans for hogan to ruin jeff hardy's life
It doesn't have to be. It's pro wrestling, not everything is based on a real story. But he can pull it off. He could say that Hogan led him down a dark path of greed, money and glory and that ultimately drove him to use drugs and all that crap, and that now he's a changed man. It fits perfectly. Sure, it's not the official story but you don't want that anyhow. He could always come out and apologize to the fans but I don't think he'll get anything but loud boos.
It doesn't have to be. It's pro wrestling, not everything is based on a real story. But he can pull it off. He could say that Hogan led him down a dark path of greed, money and glory and that ultimately drove him to use drugs and all that crap, and that now he's a changed man. It fits perfectly. Sure, it's not the official story but you don't want that anyhow. He could always come out and apologize to the fans but I don't think he'll get anything but loud boos.

I think it depends on how he comes back. If he just gets announced as returning and talking to the fans, yeah, he might get the hardcore fans against him. If he comes out and saves a face from beatdown, like the obvious choice Sting, and later asks for forgiveness for his darkside moments, the fans will be more forgiving. (I could even see the inevitable Jeff vs. Matt feud coming out of saving Sting) Remember that we're a society that forgives people for drunk driving, child molesting and sometimes even worse crimes. Jeff Hardy's crime is that he's a constant fuck-up but storylines can do wonders.
I want to see more logic behind TNA. Honestly it seems a lot of their doings have no reason. I think they should get together one week and just plan out the entire year. Maybe not necessarily every episode or every single thing on the PPV however, they should have a basic idea on what feuds will happen, when there will be special episodes and when they are going to switch feuds. Also, I want them to really think out when they should do all their specialty matches. What is the difference between a PPV and a actual show? The truth is not much, or I will go as far as saying at least in a show you know you will be seeing something the entire show where at a PPV you're not guarenteed your money. (Sting vs Hardy).
Hi, my name is Nate and I am a wrestling addict.

I started with the small stuff, you know, early Saturday Morning and afternoon shows. Eventually, I was watching both Raw and Nitro every Monday night and even all of the monthly Pay Per Views. I never thought of it as a problem, so much so that I still do it to this day. Eventually, WCW went under and I was left with no other alternative but just watching WWF/E programming for several years.

Then one day, I heard of a new up and coming company that was going to do their best to rival the WWE, and the excitement grew immensely over time. I was excited of the potential to see new and exciting wrestling programming that came from the struggle to obtain the higher ratings. The company was called, "TNA," and I was ready to see it. Then, it premiered and I was blown away. The unique maneuvers performed by the guys in the X Division blew me away. Guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe became my favorite guys to watch as well guys like Sting and Kurt Angle who still had a lot left in the tank.

I proudly carried the banner of being a TNA Mark for a long time. Then came the day that it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were being brought in to help overhaul the company and bring out the best potential it had. I was cautious at first, but very optimistic, and the first show of the Hogan era had me absolutely hooked. They brought in some established guys like Flair and Hardy that I absolutely loved as well as putting on an incredible TV Main Event with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The company looked to be on an unbelievable roll.

Then, everything just kind of fizzled out. Sure, they were still having some relatively entertaining stuff with Angle and AJ, as well as introducing Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy full time, but they also did things that I couldn't get behind. Things like The Nasty Boys being brought in far, far, far out of their prime, or precious TV time being wasted Bubba The Love Sponge and "The Band." It was quickly becoming abundantly clear that Hogan was clueless and Bischoff was a one trick pony who had one good idea 15 years ago and he has been living off of reputation ever since. One of the boiling points for me was the exact duplication of the Montreal Screwjob that they did with Angle. I don't know if they were trying to fool us into thinking it was real or not, but it was a complete failure.

Nonetheless, there were still good things going on. Kurt Angle put on yet another fantastic series of matches, this time with Anderson. They introduced guys like Pope into the main event scene as well as Jeff Hardy and the in ring performances were outshining their shoddy at best writing. But then came the breaking point. 10-10-10, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, and Eric Bischoff turn heel, aligning themselves with Abyss and Fortune to form the super heel stable known as Immortal. It was around this time that iMPACT was quickly becoming a chore to watch. Nonsensical stories, directionless never-ending promos, shit wrestling, it was all starting to cause me physical pain to continue to watch. Then came the abomination of a PPV at Victory Road. One or 2 iMPACTs later, and I gave it up.

I am proud to announce that as of this afternoon, I am 3 weeks sober of TNA Wrestling. I was nervous at first as I thought it would be like it did when I tried to quit smoking. To my surprise, it wasn't. It was more like switching from water to soda, and lets not kid ourselves, soda>water. My mood got better, my mind was cleared, and frankly, I just feel like a happier person. No longer will I torture my brain with the incoherent ramblings of Mr, Anderson, the ego driven ******* promos of Hulk Hogan, or the ridiculous idea that Sting isn't completely useless as an in ring talent. I'm free, and it feels great.

I'll admit it, there were times when I was curious as to what was going on, so I read the reports and spoilers. I must say, I don't believe I'm missing anything so I feel that it was the right decision.

So why am I writing this? Well it's simple, in hopes that fellow "TNA HATERZZ" like me will read my story and realize that as long as TNA is maintaining the ratings it gets today, they will never attempt to better their program. They will continue to be content with the ridiculous horseshit they put out today. But if enough of us fans who truly want the best out of a wrestling product tune out, they will be forced to acknowledge that their product is absolute garbage and in need of some serious overhauling. We do have the power to change it, and it's much easier than you would think. Just turn off the TV and watch something worth watching.

I thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you consider my suggestion. If you truly want TNA to stop sucking so hard, you must stop watching.
Hi, my name is Nate and I am a wrestling addict.

I started with the small stuff, you know, early Saturday Morning and afternoon shows. Eventually, I was watching both Raw and Nitro every Monday night and even all of the monthly Pay Per Views. I never thought of it as a problem, so much so that I still do it to this day. Eventually, WCW went under and I was left with no other alternative but just watching WWF/E programming for several years.

Then one day, I heard of a new up and coming company that was going to do their best to rival the WWE, and the excitement grew immensely over time. I was excited of the potential to see new and exciting wrestling programming that came from the struggle to obtain the higher ratings. The company was called, "TNA," and I was ready to see it. Then, it premiered and I was blown away. The unique maneuvers performed by the guys in the X Division blew me away. Guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe became my favorite guys to watch as well guys like Sting and Kurt Angle who still had a lot left in the tank.
I can relate. I was also impressed with TNA at first sight in similar manner.

I proudly carried the banner of being a TNA Mark for a long time. Then came the day that it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were being brought in to help overhaul the company and bring out the best potential it had. I was cautious at first, but very optimistic, and the first show of the Hogan era had me absolutely hooked. They brought in some established guys like Flair and Hardy that I absolutely loved as well as putting on an incredible TV Main Event with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The company looked to be on an unbelievable roll.
I'll stop here with the praise for a bit. See in mid-2007, did a 180 to me and had me ignore the program for months. The combination of un-pushing Joe, the ridiculousness of Chris Harris, the Abyss/Mitchell feud and AJ turned into a goofy klutz just really killed it for me. Had Joe not won in Lockdown 2008, I'd still be ignoring them now. Their program had a far larger lack of order than now.

Then, everything just kind of fizzled out. Sure, they were still having some relatively entertaining stuff with Angle and AJ, as well as introducing Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy full time, but they also did things that I couldn't get behind. Things like The Nasty Boys being brought in far, far, far out of their prime, or precious TV time being wasted Bubba The Love Sponge and "The Band." It was quickly becoming abundantly clear that Hogan was clueless and Bischoff was a one trick pony who had one good idea 15 years ago and he has been living off of reputation ever since. One of the boiling points for me was the exact duplication of the Montreal Screwjob that they did with Angle. I don't know if they were trying to fool us into thinking it was real or not, but it was a complete failure.
I gotta agree, the first few months were pretty horrible. But the bad didn't eventually phase out and give us great things like the month of April and the MMG/Beer Money series

Nonetheless, there were still good things going on. Kurt Angle put on yet another fantastic series of matches, this time with Anderson. They introduced guys like Pope into the main event scene as well as Jeff Hardy and the in ring performances were outshining their shoddy at best writing. But then came the breaking point. 10-10-10, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, and Eric Bischoff turn heel, aligning themselves with Abyss and Fortune to form the super heel stable known as Immortal. It was around this time that iMPACT was quickly becoming a chore to watch. Nonsensical stories, directionless never-ending promos, shit wrestling, it was all starting to cause me physical pain to continue to watch. Then came the abomination of a PPV at Victory Road. One or 2 iMPACTs later, and I gave it up.

You gave up? Every company has it's off time. Look at WWE. 1994, 1995, 2003, 2006 and 2009 are not popular years. WCW was pretty lousy in 1995. ECW was the same until the international stars came in. I already mentioned my displeasure for TNA from 2007 to early 2008. Immortal hasn't been bouncing on all cylinders. But Fortune has. Yes Victory Road may have been a huge disappointment, but Lockdown wasn't. Shit happens. It's not like this was intentional.

I am proud to announce that as of this afternoon, I am 3 weeks sober of TNA Wrestling. I was nervous at first as I thought it would be like it did when I tried to quit smoking. To my surprise, it wasn't. It was more like switching from water to soda, and lets not kid ourselves, soda>water. My mood got better, my mind was cleared, and frankly, I just feel like a happier person. No longer will I torture my brain with the incoherent ramblings of Mr, Anderson, the ego driven ******* promos of Hulk Hogan, or the ridiculous idea that Sting isn't completely useless as an in ring talent. I'm free, and it feels great.
:disappointed: Really man. Your gonna get massive kidney stones with all that soda. I can't change your likings if that's what floats your boat. But what exactly is everyone deal with Sting? He had to squash Jeff Hardy twice and now everyone believes he's useless in the ring? Why is he getting the flack for what was Hardy's fault? He's wrestling every week. He keeps the crowd entertained. He's putting some good attention on Anderson. Do people just generally hate what's old in pro wrestling? Is the fact that it's in TNA magnifying it?

I'll admit it, there were times when I was curious as to what was going on, so I read the reports and spoilers. I must say, I don't believe I'm missing anything so I feel that it was the right decision.

So why am I writing this? Well it's simple, in hopes that fellow "TNA HATERZZ" like me will read my story and realize that as long as TNA is maintaining the ratings it gets today, they will never attempt to better their program. They will continue to be content with the ridiculous horseshit they put out today. But if enough of us fans who truly want the best out of a wrestling product tune out, they will be forced to acknowledge that their product is absolute garbage and in need of some serious overhauling. We do have the power to change it, and it's much easier than you would think. Just turn off the TV and watch something worth watching.
Whoa what? You think TNA's complaisant? So all these rumors of overhauls, issues with ratings, continuous talk of expanding, contract negotiations.... What? Do they mean nothing? You think a company that is considered as major as TNA (even if by default) enjoys filming in such a small venue like the Impact Zone? Do you think the wrestlers enjoy being complaisant? Simply put I strongly think you're wrong. Evidences shows the opposite. They want to expand and they want to expand now. Why film an episode of TNA outside of Orlando? Why did they commission Reaction? Why so much focus on getting media attention? Because they're complaisant? No.

I thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you consider my suggestion. If you truly want TNA to stop sucking so hard, you must stop watching.

Watch or not watch, it won't change the direction of a company. Some like it, some don't. I'll stick to watching what I like. TNA Wrestling. No hard feelings, of course.
Hi, my name is Nate and I am a wrestling addict.

I started with the small stuff, you know, early Saturday Morning and afternoon shows. Eventually, I was watching both Raw and Nitro every Monday night and even all of the monthly Pay Per Views. I never thought of it as a problem, so much so that I still do it to this day. Eventually, WCW went under and I was left with no other alternative but just watching WWF/E programming for several years.

Then one day, I heard of a new up and coming company that was going to do their best to rival the WWE, and the excitement grew immensely over time. I was excited of the potential to see new and exciting wrestling programming that came from the struggle to obtain the higher ratings. The company was called, "TNA," and I was ready to see it. Then, it premiered and I was blown away. The unique maneuvers performed by the guys in the X Division blew me away. Guys like AJ Styles and Samoa Joe became my favorite guys to watch as well guys like Sting and Kurt Angle who still had a lot left in the tank.

I proudly carried the banner of being a TNA Mark for a long time. Then came the day that it was announced that Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff were being brought in to help overhaul the company and bring out the best potential it had. I was cautious at first, but very optimistic, and the first show of the Hogan era had me absolutely hooked. They brought in some established guys like Flair and Hardy that I absolutely loved as well as putting on an incredible TV Main Event with Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. The company looked to be on an unbelievable roll.

Then, everything just kind of fizzled out. Sure, they were still having some relatively entertaining stuff with Angle and AJ, as well as introducing Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy full time, but they also did things that I couldn't get behind. Things like The Nasty Boys being brought in far, far, far out of their prime, or precious TV time being wasted Bubba The Love Sponge and "The Band." It was quickly becoming abundantly clear that Hogan was clueless and Bischoff was a one trick pony who had one good idea 15 years ago and he has been living off of reputation ever since. One of the boiling points for me was the exact duplication of the Montreal Screwjob that they did with Angle. I don't know if they were trying to fool us into thinking it was real or not, but it was a complete failure.

Nonetheless, there were still good things going on. Kurt Angle put on yet another fantastic series of matches, this time with Anderson. They introduced guys like Pope into the main event scene as well as Jeff Hardy and the in ring performances were outshining their shoddy at best writing. But then came the breaking point. 10-10-10, Jeff Hardy, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, and Eric Bischoff turn heel, aligning themselves with Abyss and Fortune to form the super heel stable known as Immortal. It was around this time that iMPACT was quickly becoming a chore to watch. Nonsensical stories, directionless never-ending promos, shit wrestling, it was all starting to cause me physical pain to continue to watch. Then came the abomination of a PPV at Victory Road. One or 2 iMPACTs later, and I gave it up.

I am proud to announce that as of this afternoon, I am 3 weeks sober of TNA Wrestling. I was nervous at first as I thought it would be like it did when I tried to quit smoking. To my surprise, it wasn't. It was more like switching from water to soda, and lets not kid ourselves, soda>water. My mood got better, my mind was cleared, and frankly, I just feel like a happier person. No longer will I torture my brain with the incoherent ramblings of Mr, Anderson, the ego driven ******* promos of Hulk Hogan, or the ridiculous idea that Sting isn't completely useless as an in ring talent. I'm free, and it feels great.

I'll admit it, there were times when I was curious as to what was going on, so I read the reports and spoilers. I must say, I don't believe I'm missing anything so I feel that it was the right decision.

So why am I writing this? Well it's simple, in hopes that fellow "TNA HATERZZ" like me will read my story and realize that as long as TNA is maintaining the ratings it gets today, they will never attempt to better their program. They will continue to be content with the ridiculous horseshit they put out today. But if enough of us fans who truly want the best out of a wrestling product tune out, they will be forced to acknowledge that their product is absolute garbage and in need of some serious overhauling. We do have the power to change it, and it's much easier than you would think. Just turn off the TV and watch something worth watching.

I thank you for your time and I sincerely hope you consider my suggestion. If you truly want TNA to stop sucking so hard, you must stop watching.
That's all cute, but I've got a question. If you stopped watching TNA because it's complete shit, does this mean that you'll stop posting in the TNA section as well, because I'm sick of your bitching to be honest. One whine machine less. Nothing against your opinion, it just takes a lot of effort from me to scroll your huge rants for three minutes on most threads. I do it too, but I'm a fan and us TNA marks like to read the overly-positive shit we post and sugarcoat even the things we know are not that good. We're marks, and we're proud of it! It makes us feel better about our beloved company that ain't goin' nowhere :laugh:. You hate the product, you just quit watching it, and you still go on. Makes me wonder if you're alright.

As far as your decision to stop watching and tell other people to do so as well - my friend, that's the first logical thought you've produced on these forums. See, it's real simple, I've done posts about it before. Bitching won't "fix" TNA. Posting on a forum won't make it better. It only makes it worse. You remind yourself of how crappy it is (translation: how it doesn't fit your taste. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's an absolute bag of shit for everybody else as well). Very unproductive.

People who do not like TNA but want to like it when it changes forget that TNA iMPACT is a TV Show. No TV Show - no TNA. Instead of voicing your complaints on a forum such as this and hoping that someone in TNA is reading it and follows your uneducated advice, you should realize that there's a better way to let TNA know you think their program isn't worth picking up the remote. DON'T WATCH IT!

You don't watch > Ratings plummet > TNA goes into panic mode > They're forced to change it up

So simple. If people don't buy a certain product, food, cosmetics, whatever, the company will be forced to improve the quality or scrap it. In this case, TNA would have to improve the quality because the fans don't give a shit. Easy as pie. However, what MOST disgruntled fans do is this.

They watch it/they watch a portion of it > They give TNA ratings > the ratings stay the same > the quality of the product stays the same with short outbursts of good and bad, mostly mediocre > you bitch when in fact, it's kind of your fault, you're not letting them know this sucks because you keep watching like a moron

So yes, TNA haterzzz, listen to Nate and please stop watching TNA Wrestling. I beg of you, don't even think of watching it ever again. Stop it. Go watch ROH or WWE, something you like. The world will be a much, much better place for us TNA fans without TNA forums being overcrowded by crybabies and WWE fanatics, and it your day will be much more stress-free if you didn't watch a program you don't like and then spend hours upon hours bitching about the fact that something on TV doesn't fit your personal preferences. Everything can be fixed with a little common sense. Let us mark the fuck out for every single thing they do. That's our department. Your department is staying the FUCK away from something you don't like. That's what I do with WWE. I don't like that shit, I don't watch it, I RARELY comment on it. Same goes with ROH. You don't see me shitting on WWE every single day in the WWE forums. Hell no. Instead I take cheap shots at it here just for the fun of it.

If you keep coming back, it's a bit like self-mutilation to me. You're a wrestling emo.
That's all cute, but I've got a question. If you stopped watching TNA because it's complete shit, does this mean that you'll stop posting in the TNA section as well, because I'm sick of your bitching to be honest.

Well if you haven't noticed, for the most part I have. I posted a couple of times in the Daniels being a potential main eventer thread(Who was right on that one?) which was the last episode of iMPACT I watched and on the Punk to TNA nonsense which doesn't necessarily have much to do with TNA as it does with Punk making stupid decisions, but for the most part, I steer clear of this area now. I don't watch anymore, so I have nothing to add.

One whine machine less. Nothing against your opinion, it just takes a lot of effort from me to scroll your huge rants for three minutes on most threads.

You do realize that 90% of my long posts are only long because I have to disect yours, right? Go look at the rest of my posts, they're usually fairly short and to the point. Sometimes I just have a lot more to say.

I do it too, but I'm a fan and us TNA marks like to read the overly-positive shit we post and sugarcoat even the things we know are not that good. We're marks, and we're proud of it! It makes us feel better about our beloved company that ain't goin' nowhere :laugh:. You hate the product, you just quit watching it, and you still go on. Makes me wonder if you're alright.

And on the other end of the spectrum, TNA Haters like myself enjoy reading long winded posts that others make who agree with them. It goes both ways.

As far as your decision to stop watching and tell other people to do so as well - my friend, that's the first logical thought you've produced on these forums. See, it's real simple, I've done posts about it before. Bitching won't "fix" TNA. Posting on a forum won't make it better. It only makes it worse. You remind yourself of how crappy it is (translation: how it doesn't fit your taste. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's an absolute bag of shit for everybody else as well). Very unproductive.

People who do not like TNA but want to like it when it changes forget that TNA iMPACT is a TV Show. No TV Show - no TNA. Instead of voicing your complaints on a forum such as this and hoping that someone in TNA is reading it and follows your uneducated advice, you should realize that there's a better way to let TNA know you think their program isn't worth picking up the remote. DON'T WATCH IT!

You don't watch > Ratings plummet > TNA goes into panic mode > They're forced to change it up

So simple. If people don't buy a certain product, food, cosmetics, whatever, the company will be forced to improve the quality or scrap it. In this case, TNA would have to improve the quality because the fans don't give a shit. Easy as pie. However, what MOST disgruntled fans do is this.

They watch it/they watch a portion of it > They give TNA ratings > the ratings stay the same > the quality of the product stays the same with short outbursts of good and bad, mostly mediocre > you bitch when in fact, it's kind of your fault, you're not letting them know this sucks because you keep watching like a moron

So yes, TNA haterzzz, listen to Nate and please stop watching TNA Wrestling. I beg of you, don't even think of watching it ever again. Stop it. Go watch ROH or WWE, something you like. The world will be a much, much better place for us TNA fans without TNA forums being overcrowded by crybabies and WWE fanatics, and it your day will be much more stress-free if you didn't watch a program you don't like and then spend hours upon hours bitching about the fact that something on TV doesn't fit your personal preferences. Everything can be fixed with a little common sense. Let us mark the fuck out for every single thing they do. That's our department. Your department is staying the FUCK away from something you don't like. That's what I do with WWE. I don't like that shit, I don't watch it, I RARELY comment on it. Same goes with ROH. You don't see me shitting on WWE every single day in the WWE forums. Hell no. Instead I take cheap shots at it here just for the fun of it.

If you keep coming back, it's a bit like self-mutilation to me. You're a wrestling emo.

This isn't really the route I'm going with this. I'm pleaing to those watching who have given up on TNA to just quit watching. If you're like me and you no longer have any hope that TNA is going to turn things around, I am recommending that you follow me and walk away.

However, there are some people who are critical of TNA who continue to watch who are confident that TNA still has enough in them to get the ship going in the right direction. I have no beef with those people who continue to watch and I certainly don't want them to stop watching just to please you hapless TNA marks. There are just as many of you that come into the WWE Sections and bitch as there are that come in here, and I certainly don't tell them to get out. Instead, I pick apart their posts and tell them why I disagree, not unlike you yourself.

I'm not saying that if you don't like TNA you need to stop watching, I'm saying that if you're like me and you feel that TNA has little to no chance of turning things around, just quit watching. It'll take a lot less out of you when the fail.
Well if you haven't noticed, for the most part I have. I posted a couple of times in the Daniels being a potential main eventer thread(Who was right on that one?) which was the last episode of iMPACT I watched and on the Punk to TNA nonsense which doesn't necessarily have much to do with TNA as it does with Punk making stupid decisions, but for the most part, I steer clear of this area now. I don't watch anymore, so I have nothing to add.
Good boy.

You do realize that 90% of my long posts are only long because I have to disect yours, right? Go look at the rest of my posts, they're usually fairly short and to the point. Sometimes I just have a lot more to say.
Yeah, I realize that, but what's with people "disecting" stuff on these forums. Honestly, it's creepy. I feel like every time some douche quotes me or anybody else and "disects" the post and finds all the errors they get a massive, massive boner. I found out a few weeks ago that there's a freaking "Cage" section on these forums where, apparently, my posts are being "disected" even more. Call me crazy, but that's just creepy and quite sad.

"Ha! He contradicted himself! Now I am a superior human! Take that ZevOn!"

And on the other end of the spectrum, TNA Haters like myself enjoy reading long winded posts that others make who agree with them. It goes both ways.
Then take some lotion, open the complaints thread and go to town, cowboy. There's plenty to read. Or did you read everything?

This isn't really the route I'm going with this. I'm pleaing to those watching who have given up on TNA to just quit watching. If you're like me and you no longer have any hope that TNA is going to turn things around, I am recommending that you follow me and walk away.
Who died and made you king of the crazy haters? WWEisLife2 is still alive, buddy. You'd have to fight for this one.

However, there are some people who are critical of TNA who continue to watch who are confident that TNA still has enough in them to get the ship going in the right direction. I have no beef with those people who continue to watch and I certainly don't want them to stop watching just to please you hapless TNA marks. There are just as many of you that come into the WWE Sections and bitch as there are that come in here, and I certainly don't tell them to get out. Instead, I pick apart their posts and tell them why I disagree, not unlike you yourself.

The ... "right" direction. Define that if you will. If you mean flawless product, you can stop watching wrestling altogether. If you mean more wrestling - you get that on Pay-Per-Views buddy boy. No promos, no nothing. Just wrestling. If you mean better wrestling, again, you can stop watching wrestling altogether unless ROH digs themselves out of their grave. If you mean better booking, forget about it.

And you're right. I never quote posts and tell them I disagree. That's low. Never, ever do that. Ever.

I'm not saying that if you don't like TNA you need to stop watching, I'm saying that if you're like me and you feel that TNA has little to no chance of turning things around, just quit watching. It'll take a lot less out of you when the fail.
I can't tell you how refreshing it is you see someone spell "you are" as "you're", not "your". Oh! Wait! You were in the midst of a movement. Yeah, have fun with that.
you know am just wondering if anybody in TNA is paying any attention to what is going on weekly on Impact. For example maybe couple weeks ago they had a decent show then next week goes back to the same old shitty booking. I wonder if they take the time to shit down and go over the bookings and the storylines to see if they make sense and obviously they don't do that. I read people's post on here weekly after they watching impact, i would see some same it was decent show but by next week, the same ones that say decent show would say it was a horrible show.

I Just wish somebody on here who work for the company to explain to me how everything goes because it seems like they just book whatever to see if it pleases the fans and if it doesn't they go to another direction and do the same thing. I didn't watch the show last night because after last week, i was like fuck it need a break from TNA. We all hear Eric Bischoff says he is not responsible for the stuff that goes on in the ring, but we know that's bullshit because him, Hogan and Russo probably work together on booker and still to this day dont have a clue on what they are doing.

I was looking through videos on youtube and there was this interview with Dixie Carter talking about the firing Russo chant. She claim that if she had her that chant she would fired somebody in the creative who responsible for that. So she saying if she fires one person, then two weeks later fires another person because of another fire Russo chant is going to fix the situation that the company is dealing with and clearly to me she has no idea how Russo books things around TNA and so is creative team. I am wondering if anybody can explain to me why aren't they paying any attention to the shit they write and present it to us and it looks like crap?
you know am just wondering if anybody in TNA is paying any attention to what is going on weekly on Impact. For example maybe couple weeks ago they had a decent show then next week goes back to the same old shitty booking. I wonder if they take the time to shit down and go over the bookings and the storylines to see if they make sense and obviously they don't do that. I read people's post on here weekly after they watching impact, i would see some same it was decent show but by next week, the same ones that say decent show would say it was a horrible show.

I think that the reason for this is that they tape 2 or even sometimes 3 impacts in one week. With this approach they make second or third impact, without really knowing if the first one was good, what people liked or not. If impact was live or made on weekly basis, they could make amendments to booking of the next show based on the success/failure of the previous show.
I think that the reason for this is that they tape 2 or even sometimes 3 impacts in one week. With this approach they make second or third impact, without really knowing if the first one was good, what people liked or not. If impact was live or made on weekly basis, they could make amendments to booking of the next show based on the success/failure of the previous show.
That's exactly right. I always noticed that if they tape two iMPACTs some week, and if they both end up being mediocre or nothing special, the two weeks pass, they tape a couple more and they're better. It's kind of shitty for management, having to wait half a month to find out if they fucked up or not, and if they did they can't do anything about it, they were shooting in the dark.

Thankfully TNA has found a formula that makes the shows much more enjoyable right now. The last month of iMPACTs was amazing, I loved all of them. All they need now is to tweak them, add more wrestling/add more quality to whatever wrestling they might have, and generally make things better. They got the right idea, though.
I have to say I really like Nates post. I have very similar feelings to him in regards to how TNA has fallen into the trap of producing average at best TV shows that have moved away from what made me interested in TNA in the first place. Where I differ from Nate is that I take mini sabaticals from TNA and give WWE another go. This year my sabatical came in time for me to pay attention to the Mania build up and Mania itself. Unfortunately WWE did not provide me with anything interesting inside or outside of the ring to keep my attention. While I enjoyed some of the Rock's promos I cannot say I enjoyed anything else as most of it revolved around the Cole vs King bollocks. To top all this off Mania was really bad (apart from Taker vs HHH) and therefore I returned to watching TNA.

While TNA is no way near as enjoyable as it has been in the past, for me TNA far outshines everything I see in WWE. I prefer the storylines, the promos and the wrestling. I still hate the Impact Zone and the same fans we see in the front row every week but it is still better than WWE.

Due to my love of Pro wrestling I need my fix. I have tried ROH and some Japanese shows, even shitty CZW but for now TNA provides me with the most enjoyment; even though they are not great they are still better than the rest (in my opinion).

Can they do better? Hell Yeah! Will they? Well I have enjoyed the past few weeks Impact episodes and I enjoyed Lockdown so hopefully they will continue to improve. In fact if they continue to keep Hogan off my TV for the majority of the shows and let him only do limited appearances then I think TNA can only improve.

Finally please leave the fucking Inept Zone as it is really pissing me off. I read in another post "What is the difference between Impact and TNA PPV?" The answer was not alot. I agree completely with this statement. The look sucks, the fans suck and TNA is constantly giving away major matches on free TV week in week out. Why should I buy a PPV when the next impact will also feature 3 cage matches. I wont!
The lack of wrestling has caused me to stop watching TNA on a weekly basis. I DVR it and either fast forward or just read the recaps to see if anyone worth while has occured. The Wrestling was what got me hooked into TNA about two years ago. The story lines are pretty bad, but after years of watching WWE, I'm used to bad story lines.
how many authority figures we going to have on one show that takes up a lot of time, the fans want to see wrestling matches, not 15 to 20 minute promos that keeps dragging the show for a long time. we got Mick Foley, Hulk hogan, and bishoff. How many more do we need. The roster is already crowded as it is.

I know this has been said over and over, but why have about what 9 matches for the pay per view from what i seen on the Impact wrestling website. They over booked the damn thing, plus some of the matches had no build up, why waste time. I thought maybe 6 or 7 matches but damn they really over booked the pay per view. speaking of pay per view, why aren't the wrestlers who are suppose to be in the pay per view this sunday aren't on television doing promos and give the fans a reason why we should watch their match this sunday
2 steps forward 5 steps back is all i can say after reading the PPV results and then Impact taping results
I just don't get it anymore. Judging by the TNA spoiler's it's just another Impact but with a different lighting scheme in the arena. That's it.

I think this is TNA's final try to do something big. If they fail here, might as well call Vince up and ask him to buy the company. Which probably will happen. The reason is because I doubt most of the casual fan's want to watch this product. Would wanna watch a 6 month power struggle with a group tha'ts going nowhere and has many people who can't wrestle anymore? Much less the sleazy bullshit (women acting like complete skank's) and terrible writing.

What are they trying to do by saying "Wrestling Matter's" Or having billboard's in Stanford like WWE give's a damn. Seriously, quite taking pot-shot's, grow a fuckin' brain, start establishing young guy's that won't by pushed down the card in a month, stop with the useless heel/face turn's, end Immortal becuase nobody give's a flying fuck about them anymore. Stop blaming Spike for your misfortune's, most people with a brain don't wanna see Sting/Hogan in 2011, get all the junkie's out of the company, it's just getting to old now.

Even with the rebranding over the weekend, some people still don't know what the company is called. The management is terrible.

Either become some sort of alternative or see the same fate of WCW.

Oh, and the TNA fanboy's, I wish some of you would be alittle more subjective and opinionated. Blindly loving TNA is just so boring.

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