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[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

  • Production Value

  • Current Talent Roster

  • Management Personnel

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They get money from people coming into the park in general. I also have heard that as annoying as cancer crew is they do end up paying money in various ways to get the best opportunities to get better access to seats etc.

Disclaimer: Shattered Dreams, thank you for having a level head in this ridiculous forum. This discussion even got moved on a sill basis that my discussion covered too many topics. I'm guessing the moderator is a TNA fan who doesn't like people critiquing TNA (NOT criticizing because I pointed out plenty of TNA's strong points) but that might just be a guess.

Anyway, your statement surprises me, but if it's true at least they are doing what they believe to be the best business decision. I can't help but think if they took their cameras and piggy-backed on indy tours that they might get a bigger and less ridiculous audience that might actually cheer for more than stupid spots and Joe. Maybe I've just been a mainstream guy too long, but I can't help but feel this way.

Not sure exactly what happened in the Nash situation but even Nash has said he signed with TNA in mid January. What happened after that is tricky to figure out. Regardless something that was going to happen anyway is not desperation in my book. Especially when the only thing that changed that we know of is Nash backing out of his contract somehow. I like the Nash persona but he is not a big enough piece to change the whole puzzle by himself.

I agree that Nash, especially at this stage, isn't a big guy in this respect for the WWE. He is for TNA. They needed to know that if the MEM didn't fall through that they were ready for something else, however Crimson has been beating on Fortune like mad. When did they change their tune. When did they become "they"? Do you think they will answer those questions or will they just move on?

I just think TNA is on their death rattle... it might be me.

I don't know whether anyone of you have noticed or posted about this but i'll post it anyways...

The sound that a TNA ring makes......even when a wrestler is merely walking on it...is too much. I think they should remove those extra sound-maximizers or speakers or whatever those things are and are known as...

Another thing is about the quality of entrance themes and the way they are played.....doesn't make much sense/impact....and I believe this can be improved without having to spend too much money on it...may be you can avoid making new theme musics and all but you can surely bring an impact into a wrestler's entrance theme and can distinguishably identify a particular wrestler by that music/theme only without having to wait for the announcer to speak the name or before seeing that wrestler actually come out.

one more thing, I like TNA's vignettes...with moving camera angles....they do it really nice.....and it doesn't make your head spin...which is different from the movies that the Indian film-maker Ram Gopal Verma makes, that guy actually makes your head spin with those camera angles.
I watched impact last night and I personally think Tna is a joke. I mean did you see jeff hardy? When did he turn into an avatar? I really think his gimmick is stupid and think he could be more successful when he was considered a good guy. Eric Bischoff and hogan running Tna will run them straight in the ground just like they did Wcw. Don't get me wrong I liked hogan and bischoff, but come one he is not the best thing for Tna. Also what the heck is up with the new Tna world championship belt? To me it looks just like the Wwe's diva championship. I really like Tna for awhile and thought brining in hogan was a good idea when it first happened, but I think him and bischoff have over stayed their welcome. This is just one man's opinion but Tna is a joke and could do much better without hogan and bischoff at the reigns of the company.
I watched impact last night and I personally think Tna is a joke. I mean did you see jeff hardy? When did he turn into an avatar?
About a year and a half ago when some idiot in WWE told him he should as mystifying as possible. So he started painting his face. By the way, the Jeff hardy came before Avatar.

I really think his gimmick is stupid and think he could be more successful when he was considered a good guy.
You mean when he had to jump off a ladder every single PPV to get over as the top guy in the company? TNA want's a wrestler not a cripple.

Eric Bischoff and hogan running Tna will run them straight in the ground just like they did Wcw.
They've had Russo and Dutch Mantel who have proven to be a worse combo. They can last.
Don't get me wrong I liked hogan and bischoff, but come one he is not the best thing for Tna.
:confused: I think your confusing your singulars with your plurals.
Also what the heck is up with the new Tna world championship belt? To me it looks just like the Wwe's diva championship.
Your Avatar friend Jeff Hardy had it custom made and then lost it. I fail to see why a custom belt has to look like a work of art. It's supposed to reflect the wrestlers persona. It's Jeff Hardy's which should be explanation enough for the design.
I really like Tna for awhile and thought brining in hogan was a good idea when it first happened, but I think him and bischoff have over stayed their welcome.
It's been a year. What? Were they supposed to come in, say hi and walk out?
This is just one man's opinion but Tna is a joke and could do much better without hogan and bischoff at the reigns of the company.
So TNA's a joke? Because they hired the most recognizable figure in the history of pro wrestling and a man who at one point of his career as a producer had WWE reeling? Couldn't you find a better argument point? Like Matt Hardy or something? Something with actual substance and reason?
About a year and a half ago when some idiot in WWE told him he should as mystifying as possible. So he started painting his face. By the way, the Jeff hardy came before Avatar.
Well he's no longer in Kansas anymore so maybe he should put the crayola's down.

You mean when he had to jump off a ladder every single PPV to get over as the top guy in the company? TNA want's a wrestler not a cripple.
I guess they don't mind meth heads.

They've had Russo and Dutch Mantel who have proven to be a worse combo. They can last.
They still have Russo. The worse part is debatable.

They sure didn't last in WCW when they had a superior roster.

It's been a year. What? Were they supposed to come in, say hi and walk out?
Pretty much. Look at what they did for the last fed they ran.

So TNA's a joke? Because they hired the most recognizable figure in the history of pro wrestling and a man who at one point of his career as a producer had WWE reeling? Couldn't you find a better argument point? Like Matt Hardy or something? Something with actual substance and reason?
No, they're a joke because they let them do the same things in TNA that they did in WCW. BTW how did hiring the most recognizable figure in the history of pro wrestling work out for TNA? Ratings must be through the roof.
This is my first time posting in this thread but there are 2 things wrong with TNA that I need to complain about. Heels winning long term and the announcing.

TNA seems to love having heels win for a long time before the face even mounts some sort of comeback and gain any revenge. Which is really annoying. I have also noticed that even a face wins they wins means nothing because they get jumped by the heel afterwards and is made to look stupid later. Completely the destroying the heat they would gain from that win. I understand wanting make your heels looks strong but don't bury your faces. That's just dumb imo.

Now for announcing. I have said this many times that I prefered Don West to Taz. Say what you want about Don West at least he showed passion and brought some excitement to the announcing. He really knew how to sell the big moments and he was really getting good after his heel turn before he was replaced by Taz.

Speaking of Taz I don't understand him it's like he doesn't take anything seriously and his catchphrases just aren't funny to me. He seems to try to hard to be funny and I really hate his "Let the piegons loose" line. He was better in the WWE when he was a commentator on Smackdown with Michael Cole.

Mike Tenay used to better than what he is now idk if it's a case of him being told what to say or not caring anymore or a combination of both but he just isn't as good as he used to be on commentary. Plus Tenay just doesn't show any emotional what so ever on commentary. Which I think hurts the in ring action and a lot of the angles. Also like Taz he doesn't seem to take a lot of things seriously. Also both Taz and Mike need stop acting like they never seen a woman before it's really getting annoying during the Knockouts matches.

Basically TNA needs to do something about the commentary because it is getting to the point where I want to just mute the TV now.

Well those are my complaints for those 2 things.
I had the misfortune to stumble across tna the other day first time in months - promos were poor and the wrestling dreadful - a hint to wwe the only shinning lights Kurt Angle, Mr anderson/kennedy , Matt Morgan and scott steiner could all do a decent job - go get them . The rest .............. i was just dissapointed
Not really a TNA problem, but I'm not really digging the new Mr. Anderson. The past couple of weeks his promos have been far too cringeworthy, Cena cringeworthy almost. Yes, I saw the Kennedy/Austin thread a few weeks ago, but Ken really needs to calm down a tad....
Not really a TNA problem, but I'm not really digging the new Mr. Anderson. The past couple of weeks his promos have been far too cringeworthy, Cena cringeworthy almost. Yes, I saw the Kennedy/Austin thread a few weeks ago, but Ken really needs to calm down a tad....

i remember i mention this to a friend of mine, i said that Mr. Anderson looks as if he just rambling his promos and it looks like his promos aren't scripted but he just say whatever comes out of his mouth. Everybody knows his favorite wrestle is Stone Cold Steve Austin. I do think he needs to calm down just a little bit before he makes a promo that doesn't make sense. This whole asshole thing I think he trying to be another Austin, that's the way i see it
TNA drew a 1.25 rating this week. An episode with a lot more wrestling than usual, good wrestling, less talking, less Double J segment, almost none of the usual IWC complaints. Last week's episode was filled with storylines, some good, some bad. Segments, lots of Hogan, lots of Bischoff, less wrestling, and it drew a 1.5.

Should I draw any conclusions?
TNA drew a 1.25 rating this week. An episode with a lot more wrestling than usual, good wrestling, less talking, less Double J segment, almost none of the usual IWC complaints. Last week's episode was filled with storylines, some good, some bad. Segments, lots of Hogan, lots of Bischoff, less wrestling, and it drew a 1.5.

Should I draw any conclusions?

I think and am going to assume there are fans that were interesting to see how Sting comes out and there saw it and read the preview for last night's show to see what matches to expect on the show and probably weren't interesting to watch the show last night. They have a Pay Per View this Sunday right, half the matches weren't hyped up at all like Tommy Dreamer vs Bully Ray. they probably going to keep getting ratings between 1.2 to 1.5, am just assuming
TNA drew a 1.25 rating this week. An episode with a lot more wrestling than usual, good wrestling, less talking, less Double J segment, almost none of the usual IWC complaints. Last week's episode was filled with storylines, some good, some bad. Segments, lots of Hogan, lots of Bischoff, less wrestling, and it drew a 1.5.

Should I draw any conclusions?

No you shouldn't draw any conclusions because this weeks rating was a 1.25 which gets rounded up to a 1.3 The March 3rd show got a 1.37 rounded up to a 1.4 Not a 1.5 and on your point on there being more wrestling this week it was only 3 more minutes of wrestling between the two shows March 3rd had 18 minutes of wrestling This weeks show had 21 minutes of wrestling. The March 3rd show got the higher rating because it was Heavily Hyped
No you shouldn't draw any conclusions because this weeks rating was a 1.25 which gets rounded up to a 1.3 The March 3rd show got a 1.37 rounded up to a 1.4 Not a 1.5 and on your point on there being more wrestling this week it was only 3 more minutes of wrestling between the two shows March 3rd had 18 minutes of wrestling This weeks show had 21 minutes of wrestling. The March 3rd show got the higher rating because it was Heavily Hyped

The rating for March 3rd was 1.5 with the over-run. Count that if you wish.

And three more minutes is three more minutes. It's more wrestling and less of the Double J stuff that seems to turn everyone off, less Hogan, less Bischoff, more showcasing your wrestlers. AJ wrestled, Joe wrestled, Pope wrestled, Anderson wrestled, Gen Me wrestled, Ink Inc wrestled- people who did not wrestle last week, some of which didn't even make an appearance and are IWC darlings.

And as far as "March 3rd got the higher rating because it was heavily hyped" - well it wouldn't have gotten that rating if they didn't keep the audience throughout the whole thing, would they? I believe Jan.4th, 2010 started out with a 1.7 rating, yet the show got a 1.4 rating. Again, a show that was FULL of content and little to no wrestling.

My point is - contrary to what the IWC believes, more wrestling doesn't always mean bigger ratings or a better show, and more content such as promos, backstage and in the ring, doesn't equal complete and utter ratings fail. Both are bad only when they're done in a bad fashion - i.e the Jersey Shore stuff.
TNA lately has been going down the drain, their main show and superstars are not even whats drawing my attention any more. They need to stop undermining the abilities of the X Division and Tag Team Divisions because that's the real attention grabbers. They need to calm down with the shitty ass story lines, anyone else remember when TNA barely ever had a story line that was suppose to be a joke? Now they have like 20 of them... I tune in each week just to see The Anti Christ, listen to Anderson, then watch some great matches with MCMG, Gen Me, Ink Ink, Beer Money, Robbie E(But still needs to lose the gimmick), Eric Young, Aj Styles, and Kazarian. After that I really don't care. Just lose the crap please, it's not hard to do.
When is Vince Russo gonna give up?? I think the Attitude Era was all about timing. But all I've seen so far is a cheap rip-off of what once was. Give it up guy....your time is done.
I've actually written a letter to TNA Wrestling. I thought I'd post it here. So here it is...

Dear TNA Wrestling,

I do not always watch your show, iMPACT!. In fact, when I do, I fast-forward a lot. Sorry. But for your benefit, I have written down a few reasons why. Hopefully you can learn from them. Hopefully.

I'm a huge AJ Styles fan. Same with Samoa Joe and Beer Money. Do you know what these guys have in common? They are fantastic wrestlers. So are Jay Lethal, MCMG, Desmond Wolfe, Kurt Angle, Doug Williams and Magnus. However, do you know how much actual wrestling there was on last week's iMPACT? Nine minutes, give or take. Nine minutes. NINE MINUTES! You have a roster full of naturally gifted wrestlers, play too that strength.

Secondly, why does every show need to start with a 10-20 minute promo about Immortal and the World Championship? There is no need for 10-20 minutes. And there is certainly no need for it to be at the start of every episode of iMPACT!. Just mix it up a little. You have produced different and diverse segments before. It doesn't need to always be Mr. Anderson screaming that he wants his title shot.

Third on my list is how the wrestlers are used, and more importantly, the number of wrestlers you have. I just did a quick headcount of male TNA wrestlers. I got 43. That's a pretty big number for a promotion that only produces a two-hour TV show. Just trim the fat, TNA. Not only will it save you money, it will also mean that better, more in-depth story lines can be produced. Oh, and try to sign them to proper contracts, too. Not these ones which means you can only work so many appearances a year.

Fourth on the list is a very important one, well two as I will group two areas together. If you can improve in these areas, you'd be doing well. Creative and booking. When it comes to creative, what is it with you and your big heel/face factions, eh? I don't know what's bad about great one-on-one feuds. And by great, I mean actual great. Not 'Matt Morgan-Hernandez great'. Why are you into long convoluted angles, too? People just don't care after a certain point unless it's really good. And for the love of God, leave it with the "classic Russo swerve". No one cares for them or likes them. Just put out something good. JUST SOMETHING GOOD, YOU MASSIVE FUCKS! Erm... sorry about that, I got carried away. Sorry, Dixie.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the booking. Please give us clean finishes at pay-per-views. Or at the very least ones that haven't been done to death or ones that have never been done before because they're so stupid CHIKARA wouldn't touch them.

"Why do you care about TNA if you don't really watch it?", I hear you ask. Well, if you can change according to my problems, then you, TNA, will have won yourselves a fan.

Oh, and tell Ric Flair to stop blading. He looks like a dick.
I've actually written a letter to TNA Wrestling. I thought I'd post it here. So here it is...

Dear TNA Wrestling,

I do not always watch your show, iMPACT!. In fact, when I do, I fast-forward a lot. Sorry. But for your benefit, I have written down a few reasons why. Hopefully you can learn from them. Hopefully.

I'm a huge AJ Styles fan. Same with Samoa Joe and Beer Money. Do you know what these guys have in common? They are fantastic wrestlers. So are Jay Lethal, MCMG, Desmond Wolfe, Kurt Angle, Doug Williams and Magnus. However, do you know how much actual wrestling there was on last week's iMPACT? Nine minutes, give or take. Nine minutes. NINE MINUTES! You have a roster full of naturally gifted wrestlers, play too that strength.

Secondly, why does every show need to start with a 10-20 minute promo about Immortal and the World Championship? There is no need for 10-20 minutes. And there is certainly no need for it to be at the start of every episode of iMPACT!. Just mix it up a little. You have produced different and diverse segments before. It doesn't need to always be Mr. Anderson screaming that he wants his title shot.

Third on my list is how the wrestlers are used, and more importantly, the number of wrestlers you have. I just did a quick headcount of male TNA wrestlers. I got 43. That's a pretty big number for a promotion that only produces a two-hour TV show. Just trim the fat, TNA. Not only will it save you money, it will also mean that better, more in-depth story lines can be produced. Oh, and try to sign them to proper contracts, too. Not these ones which means you can only work so many appearances a year.

Fourth on the list is a very important one, well two as I will group two areas together. If you can improve in these areas, you'd be doing well. Creative and booking. When it comes to creative, what is it with you and your big heel/face factions, eh? I don't know what's bad about great one-on-one feuds. I by great, I mean actual great. Not 'Matt Morgan-Hernandez great'. Why are you into long convoluted angles, too? People just don't care after a certain point unless it's really good. And for the love of God, leave it with the "classic Russo swerve". No one cares or likes them. Just put out something good. JUST SOMETHING GOOD, YOU MASSIVE FUCKS! Erm... sorry about that, I got carried away. Sorry, Dixie.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the booking. Please give us clean finishes at pay-per-views. Or at the very least ones that haven't been done to death or ones that have never been done before because they're so stupid CHIKARA wouldn't touch them.

"Why do you care about TNA if you don't really watch it?", I hear you ask. Well, if you can change according to my problems, then you, TNA, will have won yourselves a fan.

Oh, and tell Ric Flair to stop blading. He looks like a dick.
Shit, really? My honest opinion? That letter sucked. I don't mean to offend, but some formality and professionalism would be nice. This is no better than writing "TNA sux, fix it" to Dixie on Twitter. Do you honestly expect anybody to take this seriously? Writing down jokes and one-liners doesn't exactly sound like the way to go when you want a programs format to change.

There are damn good reasons why guys like Lethal, BM and Joe are not the main stars. One being they can't hold a mic. With the exception of BI, most of TNA's homegrown talent lacks the "it" needed to grasp a mic and grab a broad TV audience's attention. Just look at Joe. He has to yell his lungs out to sound serious. Pope, as unique as he is can't tell a story and beyond that. And don't get started on Lethal's personality disorders.

20 minute promos are not a rarity in wrestling. Not by a long shot. They were norm back in the late 90's and early 2000's. They help establish both the show as well as PPV matches and characters. TNA needs lots of character development. Matches don't do that. Promos do.

The number of wrestlers shouldn't matter. What should matter is which one's are used. TNA can worry about it's own finances. You worry about the show.

Creative and booking go par on par. And as far as the last paragraph, that's subject to personal opinion. I have little issue with the stories and... well, there goes the rest of the professionalism. Sorry, but this letter will not be taken seriously.
Shit, really? My honest opinion? That letter sucked. I don't mean to offend, but some formality and professionalism would be nice. This is no better than writing "TNA sux, fix it" to Dixie on Twitter. Do you honestly expect anybody to take this seriously? Writing down jokes and one-liners doesn't exactly sound like the way to go when you want a programs format to change.

Wasn't really a letter. I just thought it would be a good way of making a post a bit more entertaining than straight-up complaining.

There are damn good reasons why guys like Lethal, BM and Joe are not the main stars. One being they can't hold a mic. With the exception of BI, most of TNA's homegrown talent lacks the "it" needed to grasp a mic and grab a broad TV audience's attention. Just look at Joe. He has to yell his lungs out to sound serious. Pope, as unique as he is can't tell a story and beyond that. And don't get started on Lethal's personality disorders.

I don't see how the guys you listed are any worse on the mic than TNA's main stars at the moment. RVD, Jeff Hardy and Sting aren't any better at talking than the guys you listed (except for Lethal who is pretty bad). I understand the need for good talkers. Especially considering how much of iMPACT! contains people talking.

20 minute promos are not a rarity in wrestling. Not by a long shot. They were norm back in the late 90's and early 2000's. They help establish both the show as well as PPV matches and characters. TNA needs lots of character development. Matches don't do that. Promos do.

I understand that they're not a rarity. But 20 minutes? Of people talking about the same old shit? Every week? I wouldn't mind it if there was character development. But there isn't. It's formulaic in what they're saying and when they're saying it. TNA needs character development, sure. But it also needs wrestling on account of it being a wrestling company. You can't defend 9 minutes of wrestling in a 2 hour wrestling show, can you?

The number of wrestlers shouldn't matter. What should matter is which one's are used. TNA can worry about it's own finances. You worry about the show.

The number of wrestler doesn't really matter, I get that. It just annoys me. The thing about it's finances was just embellishment. I don't care. But trimming the obvious fat on the roster could buy them a new world championship belt. So swings and roundabouts and all that.

Creative and booking go par on par. And as far as the last paragraph, that's subject to personal opinion. I have little issue with the stories and... well, there goes the rest of the professionalism. Sorry, but this letter will not be taken seriously.

Of course it's subject to personal opinion. It's my post and it's my personal belief (and that of many others) that the booking and creative suck. Look through this thread and see how many people are unhappy with Russo. Lots.
For 2 months I've been timing TNA's shows and for 2 months not one show has hit over 20 min of wrestling, even when they had TV TIME REMAINING! Russo needs to go. This formula is old, outdated, it sucked in the late 90s/early 2000s and it sucks now! Wrestling shows used to average 36-38 min of wrestling with less than 25% of the show going to promos and angles in a 2 hour show. Now the show goes to less than 20 min of wrestling with 3 min matches and 7 min main events! I see no reason to do this. It doesn't work. The PPV with the biggest buyrates was Samoa Joe-Kurt Angle a few years ago surrounding an MMA style match. Personally, I can't stand Joe, but if that's what is making money, then they need to do more of it, not less. I feel as if Russo is daring me not to watch the show. The Pope was one of the best babyfaces in TNA and now nobody cares.

Sorry, that's my TNA rant, but I'm done. When they fire Russo (which they wont) or Vince buys them and we get a "Rise and Fall of TNA" dvd, I'll tune in again. For now, I'm done and will no longer contribute to whatever success they get from me tuning in.
Recently there have been more than a few that have me say, "huh," when it comes to TNA. Now I'm not a "hater" by any means. In fact, I'm probably more like one of those dreaded, awful, intolerable "TNA apologists" you hear so much about. But despite being pro-TNA, I'm still objective enough to acknowledge when there are some problems. For today's thread, I'm going to focus on some inconsistencies and some wasted opportunities.

1. Jesse Neal... Handshaker

Last time I checked, people with mohawks who like to stick their pierced tongues out aren't big on things like respect and sportsmanship. Not trying to be prejudiced about it, but you don't make "punk" your gimmick and then start being a goodie-goodie. I know the Road Warriors had a similar look but their gimmick was more bad-ass biker types than claiming the "punk" lifestyle. I guess I could buy it if Neal changes his gimmick after Moore turns on him, saying he tried to look the part but never felt it deep down unlike Captain DILLIGAF. It just seems weak at the moment.

2. Abyss returns for revenge... against Fortune?

After coming out to turn the tide in the Immortal/Fortune brawl, the returning Abyss was shown backstage explaining his actions. Now really, no explanation was needed. He's a member of Immortal and he showed up to help his allies against the rival faction. Had we left it at that, it would have been much better. But alas, Abyss cut a promo and explained that he was coming for revenge after what Fortune did to him.


Didn't Crimson stick "Janice" in Abyss' back? I know the "THEY" Crimson was heralding ended up being Fortune, but usually vengeful wrestlers returning from "injury" tend to want to take out the guy who put them on the shelf. It'd be one thing if there was still any connection between the Angle/Steiner/Crimson trio and Fortune, but apparently that alliance is over considering none of them ran down to help. Like I said, we'd have been better off with Abyss just being Immortal's enforcer than forging this weak vendetta.

3. Vacated Television Title

Not to keep harping on Abyss, but why did Bischoff hand the title to one of the three weakest guys in the stable if Abyss was returning a week later? If Immortal's goal is to hold all the belts in TNA, wouldn't Abyss do that far better than Gunner or even Rob Terry? I like that they moved the TV Title down the roster to be used to hopefully put some spotlight on fresh faces, but just didn't make much sense. In keeping with my first issue, why not have Abyss and Crimson feud and have Crimson take the title off Abyss? He could do way more with it than Gunner could.

4. No Gunner on Last Week's Impact

So now you've put the title on a virtual nobody... and you leave him off the next show? Not only that, but he's not even going to be on THIS WEEK'S show either! What the hell is the point of obviously trying to give a new guy an opportunity if you're going to make him disappear the minute he wins a title? It was a good thing to have Gunner surprisingly win the belt in what everyone assumed would be a squash win for Rob Terry. But now he won't be seen again until sometime in April, and by then I'll have quit caring. Interest is tough to get these days, and wasting it like this is just stupid.

5. Immortal vs. Fortune at Lockdown

So it's going to be (assuming nobody gets added) a handicap match at Lockdown; Fortune w/o AJ Styles vs. Flair, Bully Ray, Matt Hardy, and Abyss. Great... so the Tag Team AND X-Division champions are all in a match with no titles on the line? This after a PPV where they were defended in lackluster, unhyped matches against the likes Robbie E and Ink Inc?

I have no problem with the gang war match considering the storyline and the setting Lockdown provides. However, especially considering Bischoff's goal to grab all the titles, I find it pretty ridiculous that this match would have no title implications. You could easily threaten to have Bully Ray and Abyss become Tag Champs and Hardy the X-Division champ if they win the match. Fortune carrying 3/5 of the men's titles should be getting more attention.
1. I think all your other ideas were good, except this one. people who are punk cannot be good? wtf??? i am not a punk, but i have known many, and while many are assholes, there are tons who are just anti-authority, or just really like punk music and the lifestyle, but they are still nice to people. its like saying people into metal cannot be religious, its a dumb stereotype, and your other ideas show you are better than that.

2. i agree that it would make more sense to go against crimson. he was getting a pretty decent push. a good fued with abyss can put the guy over. i hope that they dont forget that and just have abyss continue after fortune, but they have done dumber things.

3. i agree completely. gunner and murphy still seem like low level thugs to me. not someone who should get the tv title. made the title look like shit imo.

4. again, completely agree. tna's problem isnt the wrestlers (they have practically as many big names as wwe) they just cannot get their own guys over, or carry out a good storyline. bischoff is just creating chaos, which will hurt them in the long run.

5. i thought he would have said that if immortal won, they would win all 3 titles, but again, tna is currently making no sense at all.

im like you, i like tna, but the storylines recently has made it hard to really get into the product.
yeah none of this really makes sense its like just choas in TNA :wtf: and immortal vs fortune im perfectly fine with BUT could immortal really not find better people then fatt hardy,bully ray,abyss and ric flair to face fortune in lethal lockdown? even if aj styles doesnt come back to help fortune its still advantage fortune because there better then their opponets all around (flair was GREAT back in the day now every time he steps in the ring hes just ruining his legacy :disappointed: he really thinks hes god doesnt he? :suspic: )
You know since Sting won the TNA world Title it seems as if he looks weak as a champion. I thought wrestlers who are champion looks strong, strong enough to last 10 minutes in the ring. Last night I don't know what they are doing with Sting. Last night, it seems as if Sting either doesn't want to wrestle longer than 10 minutes or TNA creative team made the match 3 minutes. Whatever they are doing with Sting is making him look really weak and am sure there a lot of people here see the same thing
yeah none of this really makes sense its like just choas in TNA :wtf: and immortal vs fortune im perfectly fine with BUT could immortal really not find better people then fatt hardy,bully ray,abyss and ric flair to face fortune in lethal lockdown? even if aj styles doesnt come back to help fortune its still advantage fortune because there better then their opponets all around (flair was GREAT back in the day now every time he steps in the ring hes just ruining his legacy :disappointed: he really thinks hes god doesnt he? :suspic: )

Yeah Fortune is better but the Immortal guys a bigger! If you guys haven't noticed and obviously you haven't Tna is going with a more realistic style in ring for the winners and loser!

For example! Aj is better than Bully Ray but bully will have the Advantage because he's bigger and stronger! George Saint Pierre is Quicker,faster and Probably more talented than Brock Lesnar but if they fought brock would kill him! And that's where I see TNA going right Now!
I like TNA, I really do but there's one thing I can't stand... they ALWAYS take too long to make a point. Okay RVD ambush Anderson 30 seconds and we're done, that's how it should be we get it he was ambush, fine.

But no TNA make it last 5 minutes and then after the break they replay it... WTF? You just lost 5 mins of your show, that could have gone to a match.

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