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[Official] General TNA Complaints Thread

How would you change TNA

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Rayne said:
You can't say anything negative about TNA on these forums without it turning into a shitfest, so let me try to put it in a frame of reference first for people who'd otherwise (and probably still will) hit me with the standard canards.

1) This has nothing to do with the WWE.
2) This has almost nothing to do with TNA plotlines, once you get past that we'll have to talk about TNA actors.
3) If you're here, you're part of the IWC. If you're talking about wrestling here in anything but strict kayfaybe, you're an IWC smark. Don't bother using the term here to try to insult someone else.

First, some background on me and TNA. I first started watching TNA in mid-2007, when as part of a job I held I was given comp tickets to a WWE event. I hadn't watched wrestling in a while; throughout the early part of the decade, I was pretty much totally turned off to the product. Watching it made me realize that I still had interest in professional wrestling, and outside of the show, people were papering for a card to benefit a high school band (maybe not the band, but a high school organization) featuring Kurt Angle and some guy named Christian Cage. (The association between Cage's ring name and the "Christian" I had known earlier was not immediate upon name recognition.) I asked people I knew who still watched what the hell Kurt Angle had done to be performing in a high school gym, and that's how I found out about TNA.

The product was different. It wasn't love at first sight. The six-sided ring threw me off a bit. But what I grew to love was that it was unabashed wrestling. It was hokey at times, without being self-conscious about being hokey. There were characters like Shark Boy and later Curry Man; something you would think no self-respecting wrestling promotion would promote. They weren't presented as jokes, or comedy bits; one thing I liked about the show was that the comedy bit was a rarity.

But one thing I really loved about TNA is that they strove to be different. They failed- sometimes miserably (Frank Trigg, AJ says "hi!"), but they weren't afraid to try things to see if they worked, like the Ultimate X match. They weren't different in a "our competition won't do this, so we will" sense; they were different in a "let's open some new ground" sense.

It wasn't always pretty, but it was always honest with me. 2009 was a fond year for me and TNA; the Main Event Mafia was one of the better played gimmicks of the decade. (It was a Millionaire's Club that was heel, like the original should have been. That's why it worked that time around.) Eric Young got to drop the goofiness and show everyone what he was capable of, given the chance.

Then came 1/4. I had very high hopes. Professional wrestling, like any business, needs competition to be good. Otherwise, there's no point in improving your product. Eric Bischoff had struck gold once before, and Hulk Hogan had some residual curiousity appeal after his tour of Australia. But my worst fears quickly came to be recognized. Instead of the show being about Hogan and Bischoff promoting the wrestling stars TNA had, it became about the wrestlers TNA had becoming vehicles to promote Bischoff and Hogan. There were high spots- at first, I really liked AJ's development into his heel character. But Hogan was appearing in up to six segments a night. I've been tired of Hulk Hogan for running on two decades now. In limited doses he's still great. But I was overdosing on Hogan, fast.

It was during RVD's title win that I gave up on trying to be supportive of TNA. RVD, fresh into the company, the hot shit, wins the title and becomes the face of TNA- except the confetti that fell was red and yellow. (If you're going to say "but that was the Deception angle!", spare me. It's not like an image can have only one meaning, and it's not like you can have only one intent when you pitch an idea.) Instead of being about RVD, it was about Hogan. Again.

But still I tried to watch. Even though the product was growing less interesting to me by the week, I still tried to give it a chance. Soon, it became like a cheap episode of a serial drama. Veiled references to how something big was going to happen, without building the angle. Dixie Carter repeatedly making an ass of herself on Twitter and driving expectations to points TNA couldn't hope to satisfy. The "they" angle got to me the worst; it was a writer's trick I had learned in high school, and got chastised for using in college- I was told it was "beneath what I was capable of".

What got to me was the predictability of the big reveal. Hardy wasn't a big surprise; they'd need someone totally out of left field, and he was probably the only person with the star power to make it work. Everyone saw the Hogan/Bischoff turn coming; the real question was if they'd actually go through with something so predictable. But one thing I did like was that it put Jeff Hardy on center stage for a moment. Not because it was Jeff Hardy- I have no particular strong emotions towards him, positive or negative- but because it wasn't Bischoff and Hogan. And so we went into last night's Impact.

The Hogan show continued. Jeff Hardy got all of about 90 seconds on the microphone in the follow-through segment to their biggest pay-per-view of the year, in what, as far as TNA is concerned, should be the biggest moment of Jeff Hardy's career. The segment wasn't about Jeff Hardy doing what it took to become a champion; the segment was about why Bischoff and Hogan 'did what they did'.

I give up. Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, you killed something great for me. I would love you guys as secondary characters. You still have a place in the wrestling industry, and a large one. But I just don't want to watch a show that's about you anymore. The highlights of TNA are too few and far between these days that I'm no longer willing to force myself to watch you self-promote just to get to those parts. I don't want to see the faces give you your comeupance; I want the plot development where you just disappear.

Under your reign, TNA has become a pale WWE imitation, trying to differentiate themselves from the WWE by doing what the WWE won't do, and copying the rest. The TNA set is a late 1990's RAW set with a smaller 'titantron'. WWE won't do blood? We'll give you buckets full. When you try to be different by doing what someone else won't do, you inevitably remind people of who you're trying to differentiate yourself from. We stopped seeing fresh angles which went on despite their potential to fail; in the past year, we've had a Four Horseman rehash, an ECW Originals rehash, and now an nWo rehash. They aren't losing angles, but what's special about them?

For me, you killed off everything that made you different from a company which was stale and boring, and became a stale, boring imitation, publicly led by two people more interested in self-promotion than the business itself. (As an aside, you can't blame them. Money talks, bullshit walks, and they'll still want jobs after TNA.)

I'm all out of give-a-fuck. I've no interest in seeing the Hulk and Eric show, and it's time to stop pretending I do, just for the sake of there being a good #2 competitor. I wanted to like you, and I still do; but I'm not willing to pretend to enjoy a product that offers me so little I find interesting.

Folks may now proceed to tell me how my opinions are wrong, and that I only have them because I'm a brainwashed WWE zombie.

Boo-fucking-hoo. "Oh, I tried. I really did. I gave it all my effort but failed". Melodramatic, much. Give me a fucking break. Like I haven't heard that one before.

TNA has become a pale WWE imitation, trying to differentiate themselves from the WWE by doing what the WWE won't do, and copying the rest.
Nice way to contradict yourself in just one sentence.

It was during RVD's title win that I gave up on trying to be supportive of TNA. RVD, fresh into the company, the hot shit, wins the title and becomes the face of TNA- except the confetti that fell was red and yellow.
If these details bother you, then you are quite the easy catch to offend. I never gave two shits about confetti colors. And given the fact that the objective of Hulk Hogan is to give TNA a more mainstream appeal, which is needed to expand the audience, I still fail to see why I should bitch about such lousy details.

TNA is a WWE rip-off? Why? It's a wrestling company. Parallels are bound to present themselves. Especially when trying to appeal to a broader audience.TNA's ratings seem to be going up and it's possible that they reach record levels. Main storyline? Hogan and Eric take over TNA for "real". But clearly that repels people away, so what the hell do we know.

The product was different. It wasn't love at first sight. The six-sided ring threw me off a bit. But what I grew to love was that it was unabashed wrestling. It was hokey at times, without being self-conscious about being hokey. There were characters like Shark Boy and later Curry Man; something you would think no self-respecting wrestling promotion would promote. They weren't presented as jokes, or comedy bits; one thing I liked about the show was that the comedy bit was a rarity.

But one thing I really loved about TNA is that they strove to be different. They failed- sometimes miserably (Frank Trigg, AJ says "hi!"), but they weren't afraid to try things to see if they worked, like the Ultimate X match. They weren't different in a "our competition won't do this, so we will" sense; they were different in a "let's open some new ground" sense.
Damn. This is probably the period where TNA gets most of it's criticism from. Exaggerated amount of gimmick matches (Reverse Battle Royals, Fish Market Street Fights, Last Rites Match, Electrified Steel Cage). Not to mention some pretty terrible gimmicks in Rellik (That's Killer backwards so you know), Black Reign, Chris Harris as a whiner, The PJB, Stone Cold Shark Boy, The Angle family dressed as Pilgrims. Original is not always good. Sorry.

Veiled references to how something big was going to happen, without building the angle. Dixie Carter repeatedly making an ass of herself on Twitter and driving expectations to points TNA couldn't hope to satisfy. The "they" angle got to me the worst; it was a writer's trick I had learned in high school, and got chastised for using in college- I was told it was "beneath what I was capable of".
I don't think TNA invented Twitter. I also wish it never existed.

I give up.
They say quitters never win.

I think you are wrong. What should matter is the effectiveness of what's happening instead of who's doing what. So Hulk Hogan is in charge again. First off, he can't get in the ring because that will probably kill him, second, he's drawing attention to the show. And finally TNA want's to expand it's market to a mainstream audience. There is no way to do that if you don't have the means to draw mainstream attention. It could take years, maybe decades to establish TNA's homegrown talent for a mainstream audience to relate. Therefor TNA needs a relative figure in the world of pop culture to get there faster. Enter Hulk Hogan. The most mainstream figure to also double as a pro wrestler. Which is why he's the "center" of TNA.
2) Hogan and Bischoff also happen to be two of the biggest names in wrestling history. They're also featuring a ton of younger guys. So Daniels got pushed out? Boo hoo. Right now, TNA's featuring a ton of quality young guys while bringing in some guys that WWE would love to have back (Hardy, Anderson, RVD, Angle, etc). Hogan and Bischoff are GOOD FOR TNA.

They used to be some of the biggest names. Now they are garbage. Vince doesn't want anything to do with them, what does that tell you. Dixie hired Hogan and Bischoff because they were broke. Hogan spent it on all and Bischoff who knows.
1) TNA is on the verge of shooting up in the ratings and their name recognition is at an all-time high. I love AJ and Joe as much as anyone but I think bringing in so many big names is starting to pay off. Doesn't everyone want TNA to become legit competition for WWE?

Oh God. Not this crap again. They've been 'on the verge of shooting up in the ratings' for years now. And if were talking PPV buys they are at an all time low.

YES! Everyone does want TNA to become legit competition to WWE. Its just that they're doing a shitty job of doing just that.
TNA can't win. no matter what they do, people hate.
Dixie should not run the company because she doesn't know wrestling. Hogan/Bischoff do know wrestling and they are now in charge, but they suck too?

the way they did Tara laying down for Madison was great. clearly Tara did not want to lay down. Madison beat Tara before to put her out of TNA. it was Madison who then brought Tara back to TNA. Madison had to yell at Tara to do the right thing over and over before Tara finally did lay down. it made it seem that because Madison beat Tara before and brought her back that she has control over Tara and could have her removed again.
No offence to anyone threads but it is ur opion and if u don't like the peoples opions don't read it that is our rights as wrestling fans both sides have good points was tna a good show this week yes have we seen it before yes no one has the right to bash other people for there opion and it is the right foe us as wrestling fans to critize and praise that's how it gets better. I like tna it is a different view as the wwe but the shoots r the old wrestler and not having the young guys talk pope Anderson aj can all talk and who does the talking hogan bishoff flair Jarrett angle. And pope gets 1 min Anderson gets 2 aj none. Most of us who watch tna loved it for what it was when aj was champ fighting pope I have always said pope Anderson and aj are the future pope could easly be the next rock Anderson can be the next Austin. I love tna but I loved wcw and u don't want it to take the same road. No offence to anyone but if u don't like reading the complaints then don't read the complaints thread
This is my first TNA post but I have been watching it for a couple of years now and can say that I do like the talent that TNA has to offer but their biggest problem is the horrible and inconsistent booking. I believe that TNA should do a complete transformation of the roster but have it be gradual. All of the older talent, including Kurt Angle, should leave TNA eventually (ie before the start of 2011). I have enclosed an ideal roster of TNA. In it there will be only three titles, TNA, Tag-Team, and Knockouts. I have also specified which characters are faces and heels. Anyone that does not appear on the roster will not have an active wrestling role. Some like Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett can remain but only have a BACKSTAGE influence. Some talent I did not include on purpose: Robbie E, Eric Young, and Hernandez do not really fit anywhere on this potential roster and Abyss, who I think doesn't fit in TNA because there are no other "big" men in TNA for him to face and his face run with Hogan really screwed him over. Nevertheless, here is the potential TNA roster...

TNA Roster

Main Event

‘The Pope’ D’Angelo Dinero- Heel
AJ Styles- Heel
Desmond Wolfe- Heel
Jay Lethal- Face
Jeff Hardy- Face
Kazarian- Face
Matt Hardy- Face
Matt Morgan- Heel
Mr. Anderson- Face
Rob Terry- Heel
Samoa Joe- Heel

Tag-Team Division

Beer Money Inc. (James Storm and Robert Roode) - Heel
British Invasion (Brutus Magnus and Douglas Williams) - Heel
Generation Me (Jeremy and Max Buck) - Heel
Ink Inc. (Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore) - Face
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) - Face
The Red Dragons (Kiyoshi and Okada) - Face
Thunder and Lightning (Amazing Red and Brian Kendrick) - Face

Women’s Division

Angelina Love- Face
Brook Lynne (Cookie)- Heel
Draculetta (Daffney)- Heel
Katie Lea Burchill- Heel
Lacey Von Erich- Face
Madison Rayne- Heel
Mickie James- Face
Tara- Heel
Taylor Wilde- Face
Velvet Sky- Face

Please provide your thoughts, comments, opinions, and suggestions. I know this post will cause a lot of uproar, all I ask is that you respect my opinion and I will respect yours.
Despite its recent history getting rid of the X-division is a huge no-no, Its one of the unique things about TNA. Losing the 6 sides was bad enough losing the x division would really suck, not to mention TNA would look more like the WWE with the changes u have proposed in general.

I do agree about getting rid of the TV title, If all its gonna be is a trophy for one guy to hold on to and never defend.
getting rid of the 6 sided ring was the best thing TNA has ever done. has there EVER been any professional wrestling that wrestled inside a ring other than 4 sides? professional wrestling is done in a 4 sided ring, period.

I also have no interest in the X division. a division based on a style? yes I know, TNA original. still useless. maybe TNA could have wrestlers wear blow up fat suits and wrestle in a sumo division, that would be original and different and oh boy exciting.
you can still have all the same X style matches with excitement, but you don't need a title for that. you can still have smaller type wrestlers against anyone else regardless of size. you could have Jay Lethal against AJ Styles for the Global title and it would be just as exciting.
getting rid of the 6 sided ring was the best thing TNA has ever done.
Isn't TNA viewed as an alternative to the WWE? A six sided ring added something different to TNA and made it look unique. Without the six sided ring, you can't have the same type of matches you would with a six sided ring, like 6 sides of steel. It made them unique to the veiwer's eye, not just another wrestling company.
has there EVER been any professional wrestling that wrestled inside a ring other than 4 sides? professional wrestling is done in a 4 sided ring, period.
So you're saying there can't be a six sided ring because its not the norm? Who said the wrestling ring had to be 4 sided? It can be six sided, that wouldn't change the fact that its a wrestling company. In fact, it would make it stand out to other companies, which is a good thing.
I also have no interest in the X division. a division based on a style? yes I know, TNA original. still useless.
Cruiserweights had a style in WCW. What's wrong with having a division based on a style? Again, TNA had something no other company does, and that's the X-division. It made them different.
maybe TNA could have wrestlers wear blow up fat suits and wrestle in a sumo division, that would be original and different and oh boy exciting.
It wouldn't be the same, exciting, division as the x-divsion. Wrestlers who are in the x-division use that style all the time. Changing someones style into a sumo style wrestling is just foolish.
you can still have all the same X style matches with excitement, but you don't need a title for that. you can still have smaller type wrestlers against anyone else regardless of size.
Then why not make a title for a division like that so you can pout all these guys in a match against one another? Oh wait...that's the x-division title. What's wrong with having a division title? I mean there are Heavyweight, Middle Weight and Lightweight titles in UFC...because they are divisions. There nothing wrong with having an X-division title.
you could have Jay Lethal against AJ Styles for the Global title and it would be just as exciting.
It wouldn't be the same. The X-divsion title has history and pristige unlike the global or tv title. That's like putting two midcarders in a match for the heavyweight title and saying that's the same as putting them in a match for the midcard title. X-Divison title serves its purpose and isn't a waste. It put TNA on the map. Guys like Joe, Styles, and Daniels all held this title and put on great matches before moving on to better things. The X-Divison title is a great title.
"It's totally WCW circa 1996-1998, but without the ratings and pay per view buy rates," one top tier TNA star told WZ tonight. "They're talking about work-shoot and shoot-works, and they think that's the key to turning TNA around. They're obsessed with fooling the Internet Wrestling Community."

Impact this week was like watching The Rise and Fall of WCW. I have watched TNA since the very first Wednesday night PPV, but I can't apologize for them any longer. EVERYTHING has to be a swerve. Why can't one man wrestle another without twelve other people getting involved, both turning heel then face again...it's become ridiculous. There is so much potential that is getting wasted week after week.

I will admit that Jeff Hardy as a heel could be interesting, but I hate how they got him there...it makes no sense, it was just done to try to fool the IWC. The IWC doesn't care anymore, they need to move on and learn from WCW's mistakes, not repeat them.

If Sting & Nash are gone, they wasted a chance to have them really get someone over before leaving...and no, they didn't really do much for the Pope. Given more time, maybe, but they wasted it. What the heck was Sting doing hiding in the rafters, speaking in tongues, just to say "I told you so" and then leave? That isn't making me want to watch more. Someone give Russo a medal, tell him fine, he fooled everyone, now leave, and take Hogan and Bichoff with you. I just don't see myself watching all this again.
I don't think TNA needs to be that different to compete with WWE for viewers. TNA could do a lot of different things just to be different, and be an alternative to WWE. but I don't think in that case they would ever be competitive with WWE. the Arena Football League is different than the NFL and can be exciting to watch, but will never be in competition with the NFL.

I've never been a fan of the X division. I don't know if it's been a long weekend/I'm exhausted or what, but right now i feel like I can't think of exactly all the reasons why. :shrug:
people have always told me the X division was not a cruiser weight division, it was about no limits and size did not matter.

I have no problem at all with that style of wrestling. that style is very exciting.

if you watched the Rise and Fall of WCW you would have seen what put WCW on the map in competition with WWE at the time was when nWo started. TNA on this past Impact took A LOT of time covering this current angle, but I don't think it's something they are going to do on every Impact going forward. there will be more wrestling and there will be/should be other angles/feuds other than Immortal.
"Hulk & Eric (mostly Eric) have already run one company out of business. They will not do that to mine no matter what they think"

Could someone explain how they ran wcw out of business? Last time I checked, it was Vince Russo's shitty ideas and booking, along with Jamie kellner.
"Hulk & Eric (mostly Eric) have already run one company out of business. They will not do that to mine no matter what they think"

Could someone explain how they ran wcw out of business? Last time I checked, it was Vince Russo's shitty ideas and booking, along with Jamie kellner.

Actually there were multiple reasons why WCW shut down. Kevin Nash devaluing the WCW title with the fingerpoke of doom, Russo further devaluing it by letting David Arquette win it, Hogan continually lobbying for the WCW title and bringing in his past-their-prime friends, and Bischoff holding down the younger talent in favor of giving the belt to older established talent and recycling the NWO storylines left and right. Russo and Kellner put the final nails in the coffin but Hogan and Bischoff along with Nash put the lid on first in 1999.

I think the X division was\is great and needs to be more emphasised. I'm an old school fan, and in the end, it should ALWAYS be about the titles. Bischoff first popularized the use of the establishment vs. wrestlers without the need for the title. (Remember that the NWO had no belts when it began and didn't gain the World Title until a month later, and even Austin vs. the Corporation didn't start until Austin won the belt at WM 14) The X division has already done what the IC title did in the 90's and the Cruiserweight titles did in WCW: create top contenders. The IC title in the 90's gave us Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, HHH, Steve Austin, and Kurt Angle. The Cruiserweight title gave us Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit. Every wrestling promotion need a top title and a mid-card title (I've always liked two like a US and TV title, or a IC and a Cruiserweight title, but that's just me) and killing off the X division makes the smaller wrestlers cannon fodder for bigger guys like they are in the WWE. I've been wishing forever for the WWE to bring back the Cruiserweight title, especially now that they have a number of smaller guys. TNA already has a vast array of smaller wrestlers with Jay Lethal at the top currently, and they need to be showcased a lot more.

And FREE THE T.V. TITLE! A.J. Styles is using it to hold his tights up! Give it to somebody who needs credibility!
I watched TNA Impact for the first time last week since they tried and failed to restart the Monday Night Wars last spring, after watching Bound for Glory first. The main angle of the Immortals was pretty interesting. Eric Young was very funny. They have tag teams. They have some adult content. Ok, all good. What did they not have? Absolutely zero wrestling until the last 30 minutes of the show.

Raw has been pretty bad with lack of wrestling sometimes, but I found myself checking to make sure I was actually watching Impact on YouTube, and not Explosion or whatever it's called, some other interview/backstage promo show. So my question is, has TNA been doing this all year or was it a fluke?
The extent was a fluke IMO. They rarely go that far into the show without wrestling. They do tend to tell more stories on impact and then have more wrestling on the PPVs but will still have at least one above average match on impact and a "mainstream normal" amount of wrestling dispersed throughout the show. This was just a special case of playing up the big storyline coming out of BFG and laying out what is coming storyline wise.
I watched TNA Impact for the first time last week since they tried and failed to restart the Monday Night Wars last spring, after watching Bound for Glory first. The main angle of the Immortals was pretty interesting. Eric Young was very funny. They have tag teams. They have some adult content. Ok, all good. What did they not have? Absolutely zero wrestling until the last 30 minutes of the show.

Raw has been pretty bad with lack of wrestling sometimes, but I found myself checking to make sure I was actually watching Impact on YouTube, and not Explosion or whatever it's called, some other interview/backstage promo show. So my question is, has TNA been doing this all year or was it a fluke?

this was a one time thing. TNA just had one of the biggest angles at their biggest PPV. this angle had multiple tie ins. it took awhile to get through everything on the following Impact. they could have maybe done a better job and cut down on time to allow for more wrestling.
this should not continue and you should definitely have more wrestling on every Impact going forward.
I used to watch Monday Night Raw religiously up until about four to five years ago when I choose to walk away from the WWE product because I found that it was becoming stupid and immature and I just didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I had.

When I walked away from the WWE, I always continued to followed the results of all of their shows through websites such as wrestlezone.com. My main focus of attention became TNA. At the time, I loved everything they were doing, and found it to be an engaging and enjoyable alternative for my wrestling fix.

I still continue to watch Impact every week, but for the past several months, I find myself becoming less interested in the product TNA is producing on television. I'm shaking my head at the decisions and directions that they take. To me, TNA had lost almost everything that seperated itself from the WWE. As weeks go by, I'm wondering if I'll walk away from it, like I did WWE a few years ago. Sometimes it is very tempting. But it's harder than walking away from the WWE because I have always wanted TNA to (and believe that they have the ability to) succeed.

One of my main issues with TNA is that I feel like if I miss an episode of Impact of a PPV, I'm not really missing anything that makes me kick myself for not witnessing it unfold first hand.

I'm not talking about a big swerve that no one saw coming, I mean small things such as a potential match of the year candidate, or a storyline that draws me in like it used too and makes sure that I cannot miss next weeks episode because I could miss the next progression in such storyline.
WWE does alot of bad stuff too, b4 anyone starts calling me a mark. THis thread is about TNA though

History repeating itself all over again, same people different year.
if they keep going at current, at best they are gonna get there ratings up one notch for a year or 2.

at worst they will be bankrupt once again within 5 years. and then where will all these people they are saving gonna go?

they can't even come up with an original ideas based on there own original idea.
oh sorry we called it the New Reigime this time, completely different to NWO. was obvious from day 1 of Hogan/Bischoff taking over they were heading towards NWO v2 and Jarrett has no talent whatsoever except when he was in WWE and wasn't so self absorbed.

Fortune atleast had promise but they've completely screwed that up too

2) Hiring constantly with no idea of what they are gonna do with these people., probably offering them guarenteed spots and title matches which they get for the first few months then gotta make way for someone new thats gonna revolutionize the business

3) PPV's are plain awful every single month, with the exception of maybe 1 match
and it's not gonna change til they make them PPV's and not 1 hr longer Impact's

4) ok the following isn't feasable but, stop letting in people that just keep chanting the same shit every week, and everyone gets a 50/50 ping pong chant, or atleast dub something over the top of the audio that sounds remotely like a real wrestling crowd.

5) give someone a gimmick and "stick" to it, none of this one week someone's a face, the next for no apparent reason they turn heel then a month later they are face's again like little changed.

6) Endless cryptic promo's that go on for months, just so it drags out the suspense on something that 90% of people figured out on the first day well the one's that had even a slight idea of the history.

i could go on endlessly but it's pointless
Here is my real complaint for TNA. Why did they not sign Batista when they had a chance? I know many will argue and say that they need to push their own stars and that Batista does not represent their kind of wrestling, but here is a fact. Batista can draw.

I had read that they could not fiancially afford Batista, but that is probably because they invested so much money in Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy. Of those three individuals, only one has really ever been a draw on a big level, and that is Hardy. Rob Van Dam is a good talent, but he has never really flourished in the main event spotlight. And Anderson is still an unknown in my opinion.

Batista could have provided a major umph to the TNA product. Batista vs. Kurt Angle could definitely sell. It was also actually a match that WWE never produced. I understand that Batista is no miracle worker in the ring, but the guy could have brought so much credibility to TNA. Heck, along with Cena, he was the face of one of WWE's entire eras. I look at TNA's roster right now, and a star like Batista could do so much to immediately improve the product.
Here is my real complaint for TNA. Why did they not sign Batista when they had a chance? I know many will argue and say that they need to push their own stars and that Batista does not represent their kind of wrestling, but here is a fact. Batista can draw.

I had read that they could not fiancially afford Batista, but that is probably because they invested so much money in Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy. Of those three individuals, only one has really ever been a draw on a big level, and that is Hardy. Rob Van Dam is a good talent, but he has never really flourished in the main event spotlight. And Anderson is still an unknown in my opinion.

Batista could have provided a major umph to the TNA product. Batista vs. Kurt Angle could definitely sell. It was also actually a match that WWE never produced. I understand that Batista is no miracle worker in the ring, but the guy could have brought so much credibility to TNA. Heck, along with Cena, he was the face of one of WWE's entire eras. I look at TNA's roster right now, and a star like Batista could do so much to immediately improve the product.

You DO realize that it's not up to TNA to sign Batista, right? The guy just quit the WWE, I don't think he'll head down to TNA to work for a fraction of what he got payed back there. It's just obvious that Batista has no passion for the business like John Cena or Randy Orton. If he ever comes back, he'll come back to the WWE.

I'd like to see him in TNA one day, though. He's not as bad as people make him out to be, we all know WWE instructs their wrestlers to be slow and boring, so it makes you wonder -- what will TNA Batista look like?
I really seriously started watching TNA when Kurt Angle debuted back in October 2006. Been following it ever since and have since tried to watch as many of the matches prior to this time.

The only complaint that I have about TNA is that they are becoming too lost in trying to obtain their own identity. Right now they kinda feel like the old-WCW. Now at times the old WCW was great, but now it feels stupid. If they could focus on the current wrestlers that Would see them through to maybe 2015 in terms of competeting and physically being in the ring week in, week out rather than go to the guys who are 40 plus years of age, then the company could start creating its own identity. Pinch the top young stars from FCW, WWE, ROH, or whatever other independent promotions are out there.

Give the uniqueness of the talent and the ability they have already at their disposal and let them do what they do best - wrestle and put on Total Non-stop Action Wrestling.
I really seriously started watching TNA when Kurt Angle debuted back in October 2006. Been following it ever since and have since tried to watch as many of the matches prior to this time.

The only complaint that I have about TNA is that they are becoming too lost in trying to obtain their own identity. Right now they kinda feel like the old-WCW. Now at times the old WCW was great, but now it feels stupid. If they could focus on the current wrestlers that Would see them through to maybe 2015 in terms of competeting and physically being in the ring week in, week out rather than go to the guys who are 40 plus years of age, then the company could start creating its own identity. Pinch the top young stars from FCW, WWE, ROH, or whatever other independent promotions are out there.

Give the uniqueness of the talent and the ability they have already at their disposal and let them do what they do best - wrestle and put on Total Non-stop Action Wrestling.

That's all fine and dandy, but how in the HELL is TNA going to seem like a creidble promotion without star power? TNA had its own identity for 7 years. They had a ton of wrestling, hired a boat load of indy guys and all that. Where did that get them? Absolutely nowhere. Sure they got 2 hours of TV, but that's minor.

TNA was SUPER FUCKING GOOD a few years ago, but the problem was -- noone was there to see it. We, the TNA fans, thought it was the shit, but the regular wrestling fan is too used to the WWE's glitz, glam and star power, and perceives any other promotions which lacks these three second rate and chooses not to watch it.

I wouldn't care if the old farts are gone, I wanna see more wrestling as well, but they're still needed. Besides, it's not like their Champions and top guys are old farts. All the guys over 40 that we see constantly are Hogan, Bischoff, Angle, Flair. That's it. Four guys. Hogan and Bischoff are not wrestlers, they're staff. Complaining that they're there is like compaining that Vince runs the WWE. Hogan's rarely on TV with his bad back, Bischoff is always fun to watch, he's a great heel, Angle might be on his way back and who the fuck will compain about Angle. Flair on the other hand ... well he could go but personally I love Naitch and I think he's doing some of his best work in years.

Maybe they're lost at trying to find their own identity, but at least they're trying something new out. Unlike the WWE, they're not doing something that worked in the 70's and 80's. TNA lives in 2010 whether people choose to deny it or not. It only seems like WCW because Hogan and Bischoff are just there. Imagine TNA without them and see if you'll ever think of WCW. I doubt it.
That's all fine and dandy, but how in the HELL is TNA going to seem like a creidble promotion without star power? TNA had its own identity for 7 years. They had a ton of wrestling, hired a boat load of indy guys and all that. Where did that get them? Absolutely nowhere. Sure they got 2 hours of TV, but that's minor.

Where did that get them? It got them the same numbers they're doing right now. That's pretty hilarious, isn't it? :lol: So if that got them absolutely nowhere, then neither has all the changes they've made since and all the people they've brought in. That's more telling then any complaint I could make in this thread (and I have lots of complaints).
I don't follow the ratings all that much, but I think TNA has had some of it's highest ratings ever the night Hogan debut as well as the Impact after BFG.
how long was TNA is business BEFORE Hogan/Bischoff/ect came along? what were TNA ratings like back in their 1st year on TV? ratings with Hogan/Bischoff/ect are going to take time, they don't change over night.

I mentioned this is another thread. you can ahve all the young talent that are the greatest wrestlers in the world, but if people don't know who they are it's not going to matter because general fans are not going to tune into watch.
in order for TNA to increase it's ratings it is going to have to do something to make general fans want to watch. there are A LOT more general fans that hardcore TNA fans.

in order to get higher ratings, TNA has to be a show on TV WITH wrestling rather than a wrestling show on TV
Not too keen on Jeff Hardy's new moniker "Anti-Christ of Wrestling". Not because of it's religious tones but seriously? Every time I hear him say it, all I end up doing is changing the channel.

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