[Official] Disco Nation

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10 things TNA needs to do

1. Out with Russo, Mantel and In comes Paul Heyman as head booker.

2. Out with Tenay, West and In comes Mark Madden for color commentary and bring in Scott Hudson or Kevin Kelly for play by play.

3. Fire whoever does the wrestler's theme music.

4. Move Disco from road agent to a jobber in the knockout's division.

5. Make Dixie Carter an on screen heel character.

6. Bring in some new voice over actors so we can get a break from the James Earl Jones wannabe voice over guy as he's used all the time.

7. Create a TV title

8. Make Slick Johnson wear regular referee pants

9. Hire Buff Bagwell

10. Come up with better PPV names as a lot of them sound like a bad porno title.
No to Heyman. Yes to getting rid of Dutch. Russo must be the sole only writer IMO

- I wouldn't mind Mark Madden and Scott Hudson/Tenay as commentators. Or just throw in Madden. but he's bitter, bashes TNA/Russo in recent columns and might have lost his magic that he brought to WCW back in the day

- I like a lot of TNA's current themes done by Dale Oliver. He has made thousands of songs for TNA since day one

- Disco jobbing to the Knockouts would be entertaining. But I think he can be in PJB with a goofy costume

- Dixie and Russo as on-air personas may work if Dixie is willing to do it, but the writing needs to be edgy and less watered down like it is now

- Barry Scott, aka James Earl Jones, is often strong at what he does. When the packages are great, they sound great with his voice, but TNA overuses his voice, but that doesn't bother me.

- ANother title wouldn't hurt, but they have used the gold medal as a "prop" to further the AJ/Kurt feud, which i find hilarious.

- That is Slick's "thing" - doesn't bother me..

- I like Buff Bagwell.. not sure how he's like bacsktage but i've read a lot about it. if he's cool and TNA is wiling to bring him in, i think he'll be a good addition, at least he won't no show events like Scott Hall

- I wouldn't mind changing a few PPV names every year: i wouldn't want the same 12 ppv names every single year like TNA is continuing to do. maybe the main ones like "LockDown, Slammiversary, Bound For Glory, Victory Road, Final Resolution" should be the ones kept, and they can make up new ones for the rest and maybe go to different sites, maybe outdoors like Road Wild / bash at the beach used to do.. i dunno.

Some of these ideas aren't bad.. lol
No to Heyman. Yes to getting rid of Dutch. Russo must be the sole only writer IMO

- I wouldn't mind Mark Madden and Scott Hudson/Tenay as commentators. Or just throw in Madden. but he's bitter, bashes TNA/Russo in recent columns and might have lost his magic that he brought to WCW back in the day

- I like a lot of TNA's current themes done by Dale Oliver. He has made thousands of songs for TNA since day one

- Disco jobbing to the Knockouts would be entertaining. But I think he can be in PJB with a goofy costume

- Dixie and Russo as on-air personas may work if Dixie is willing to do it, but the writing needs to be edgy and less watered down like it is now

- Barry Scott, aka James Earl Jones, is often strong at what he does. When the packages are great, they sound great with his voice, but TNA overuses his voice, but that doesn't bother me.

- ANother title wouldn't hurt, but they have used the gold medal as a "prop" to further the AJ/Kurt feud, which i find hilarious.

- That is Slick's "thing" - doesn't bother me..

- I like Buff Bagwell.. not sure how he's like bacsktage but i've read a lot about it. if he's cool and TNA is wiling to bring him in, i think he'll be a good addition, at least he won't no show events like Scott Hall

- I wouldn't mind changing a few PPV names every year: i wouldn't want the same 12 ppv names every single year like TNA is continuing to do. maybe the main ones like "LockDown, Slammiversary, Bound For Glory, Victory Road, Final Resolution" should be the ones kept, and they can make up new ones for the rest and maybe go to different sites, maybe outdoors like Road Wild / bash at the beach used to do.. i dunno.

Some of these ideas aren't bad.. lol

My lord, some of these ideas are horrible. This is why some internet fans are clueless. Why do you have such a borner for Russo? Dixie or Russo as a on-air characters? Russo as a character in WCW drew zero profit. Buyrates and attendence decreased when he ran WCW and appeared on TV. Dixie should stay backstage. TNA has done good making their company about the guys. Focus on the AJs & Joes of the world, not Dixie Carter. Jim Cornette doesn't flood the show, thats why he's great. TNA doesn't need Buff Bagwell. TNA brings in the profitable guys like Angle & Sting, not Buff Bagwell. It's 2008 and the more TNA focuses on the newer guys, the happier a lot of fans are. Disco Inferno jobbing to the knockouts? Stupid. The ladies in TNA draw ratings, they don't need stupid 2000 Russo booking where all their potential will be damaged if he starts booking Disco w/ the ladies. Disco is fine in his backstage role. Add another title? 4 titles is enough, you gotta understand they can't push 5 titles in one 2 hour show every week.
TNA should bring in Scott Hudson for play by play and go to a three man announce booth.

TNA has focused on Tenay & West as their team for six years, why would add Scott Hudson to the team and make it 3? Theres a reason Vince McMahon talks about branding and marketing so much. TNA has branded Tenay & West as their main team, they must stick with it for at least a few more years. WWE has branded JR & King well. They've branded Vince McMahon, Rock, Austin. You don't change what works and makes money so well.
10 things TNA needs to do

1. Out with Russo, Mantel and In comes Paul Heyman as head booker.

2. Out with Tenay, West and In comes Mark Madden for color commentary and bring in Scott Hudson or Kevin Kelly for play by play.

3. Fire whoever does the wrestler's theme music.

4. Move Disco from road agent to a jobber in the knockout's division.

5. Make Dixie Carter an on screen heel character.

6. Bring in some new voice over actors so we can get a break from the James Earl Jones wannabe voice over guy as he's used all the time.

7. Create a TV title

8. Make Slick Johnson wear regular referee pants

9. Hire Buff Bagwell

10. Come up with better PPV names as a lot of them sound like a bad porno title.

Actually TNA needs to do more of what they did last week. The matches they had actually told a story, you didn't rely on cheesy backstage segments, tranny and poop jokes or gimmick matches to get over what needed to be over. Last weeks show did not wreak of Russo at all, and that's probably why it was actually good. TNA has the best roster in the world, with the wrestlers who have the ability to put on great matches and tell stories without ridiculous gimmick matches. Case in point - HBK/Jericho will probably be my first WWE PPV I have bought in over 5 years, based on the fact that their feud was built well, with little gimmick matches and the one they are going to have is one of the simple ones you can have. A ladder match. I guarantee you that this match will get 5 stars, if not close.

Here's my own top 10 though...

1. Take iMPACT!'s on the road.
-I honestly do not buy "TNA doesn't have the budget", because if you're doing house shows 3-4 times a week, there is no reason why you can't simply build a stage that is mobile, and simply bring cameras. Will it cost a little extra? Sure, but by exposing your product to so many more people on a weekly basis you not only make your product look more professional, but more people will be watching HENCE increasing your ratings/buyrates.

2. Bring back the X-Division.
-The X-Division is an afterthought now. It's what made TNA unique in the first place, and we need major X-Division players, going for titles and we need it to be made one of the more important aspects of the show.

3. More focus on WRESTLING.
-You don't have to have a 2 hour show packed with nothing but wrestling, but a considerable amount is needed to properly put over your talent and to separate TNA from the rest. Set out to make a 15+ minute main event every week. You don't need it to be your World Title feud, one week it could be the X-Division, the next Tag Team, Heavyweight, etc... Once TNA starts to whip out great main events week after week that produce great wrestling, they will become known for it, and I promise more people will tune in even simply for the main events.

4. Get rid of the gimmick matches.
-Kurt Angle isn't the only one sick of these. I made an analogy on another board about how horror movies seldom ever win Academy Awards, and this is mostly because of a high murder rate, mostly used for shock value with little plot or story behind it PLUS rarely do you ever attach yourselves to said characters being murdered. It's the same with gimmick matches. When the viewer gets too much of it, it's not special anymore.

5. Put over your future!
-Which I HOPE TNA is in the process of doing right now. The Guns, Kaz, Styles, Joe, Roode, Storm, Morgan, Tomko, these are all names that can carry this company and offer a refreshing look to the new fan who has already seen Angle and Booker in WWE, and Sting in WCW. Push your new stars, and then market them to the moon. There is no reason why Samoa Joe vs. Tomko couldn't headline a PPV in the next year.

6. Tweak your gimmicks.
-Yes Prince Justice Brotherhood this means you! Now I don't know if PJB was a poor attempt at trying to get internet fans to like them and compare them to CHIKARA wrestlers or what, but it's horrible. It doesn't stop there either. Consequences Creed needs to stop being a version of Apollo Creed, and become a legitimate athlete who comes out with an entourage - much like a real boxer would. Petey needs to go back to the "Maple Leaf Muscle" and drop the Steiner gimmick, and the same goes for Lethal and Daniels who should be headlining the X-Division, if not Daniels in the Heavyweight Division. Jimmy Rave can become a great heel if he drops his Guitar Hero gimmick as well. If you want to create "gimmicks" then hire a marketing guru and a good writer who is actually WITH THE TIMES.

7. Refresh your veterans.
-Ever notice how McMahon keeps refreshing his big stars every few years? Triple H had a makeover as "King of Kings", The Undertaker is now sort of a hybrid with his former two gimmicks, Jericho has a new and fresh look. It keeps the veterans fresh. In TNA, Sting looks like he did 10 years ago. WHO CARES? Not the casual fan. Booker T, Team 3D, Kevin Nash, Rhino, Jarrett, they look the same. It's boring. The one "veteran" who was made over well was Christian Cage.

8. New announcers.
-They just do not have it anymore. You can notice a large difference in Mike Tenay 2 years ago and Mike Tenay now. They have kept quiet during in-ring promos more which is good, but some new blood after 6 years would be great. An actual heel presence like Simon Diamond, Don Callis, even Kevin Nash.

-Enforce your rules. I've seen it too many times where a heel gets a win by cheating, and then a face cheats and gets his decision reversed. If you want to present a different, more serious product, and make TNA a more competitive wrestling oriented show, then abiding by the rules is a must. It makes your product look better, more professional.

10. (last but not least) NEW WRITERS.
-This one is obvious. It's just not Russo, it's Mantell and Jarrett. TNA needs some new blood, new ideas and a unique direction in terms of writing and booking. it doesn't matter if it's Lance Storm, Raven, Paul Heyman, an Internet Wrestling Fan, it doesn't matter. Now I say this in regards to the past, because so much of the writing and booking in TNA has been below par. Last weeks show was done very well, but my confidence that last weeks show will be continued is very low. New ideas, new people, new writing, it doesn't hurt.
I pretty much agree with what Disco Sucks said.

1. Take iMPACT!'s on the road.
-I honestly do not buy "TNA doesn't have the budget", because if you're doing house shows 3-4 times a week, there is no reason why you can't simply build a stage that is mobile, and simply bring cameras. Will it cost a little extra? Sure, but by exposing your product to so many more people on a weekly basis you not only make your product look more professional, but more people will be watching HENCE increasing your ratings/buyrates.

I don't agree. I think that for now, iMPACT is good in Orlando. They aren't gonna increase buyrates or Ratings going to new towns. I have a question, do you buy a TNA/WWE PPV only based on the city they are held.

What I would like to see is TNA change around the iMPACT Zone. A new set, a couple logo spotlights and some other things. The iMPACT Zone needs a fresh look.

With that said I also think TNA should differentiate the look of their PPV from the other ones. Why not have a different set, different ring apron, or ring ropes with different color. I know TNA has nothing like the budget WWE has but you can give a minor change to make the PPVs look more regal.

2. Bring back the X-Division.
-The X-Division is an afterthought now. It's what made TNA unique in the first place, and we need major X-Division players, going for titles and we need it to be made one of the more important aspects of the show.

Depending on what degree you mean by this, I might agree. Let's face facts everybody, the X Division will never be the caliber of the World Heavyweight Championship, casual fans would never believe it. The only reason the X Division was so prominent during the Pioneer Days of TNA was because TNA has an incredibly weak Heavyweight Division, now that they don't, this should be the bread and the butter of the show.

In 2005, people praised the three way feud between AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels, all three which were breakout stars and were total packages in TNA. It wasn't because the X Division, it was just the combination of the three. How did the X Division look when none of the three were involved?

There are things that could improve the X Division to the status it needs to be. I would like to see a little build towards X Division Matches, a possible main event X Division match on TV and once in a lifetime (in the build and history and value is big enough) another main event of a PPV which can be the case for the Tag Team and Knockouts Division). Give us a few more serious faces and we should be good.

The biggest thing that could help the X Division concept though is having stars of the X Division hold their own against the Heavyweights. Let's look at WWE with Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio and The Brian Kendrick. All are being pushed, all can hold their own. TNA should mix heavyweights and X Division stars and allow the X Stars to get the rub and look better than some of the Heavyweights. Guys like Jay Lethal, Kaz and Petey could be much bigger stars.

3. More focus on WRESTLING.
-You don't have to have a 2 hour show packed with nothing but wrestling, but a considerable amount is needed to properly put over your talent and to separate TNA from the rest. Set out to make a 15+ minute main event every week. You don't need it to be your World Title feud, one week it could be the X-Division, the next Tag Team, Heavyweight, etc... Once TNA starts to whip out great main events week after week that produce great wrestling, they will become known for it, and I promise more people will tune in even simply for the main events.

I would be fine with one PPV Quality Match per week on TV. However the constant interference hurts the wrestling. I like my wrestling to tell a story which to be brutally honest doesn't happen alot in TNA.

4. Get rid of the gimmick matches.
-Kurt Angle isn't the only one sick of these. I made an analogy on another board about how horror movies seldom ever win Academy Awards, and this is mostly because of a high murder rate, mostly used for shock value with little plot or story behind it PLUS rarely do you ever attach yourselves to said characters being murdered. It's the same with gimmick matches. When the viewer gets too much of it, it's not special anymore.

I am in complete agreeance, but this is actually a three part solution. I am old school and believe most match should be standard singles matches or tag team matches with all other matches considered gimmick matches. TNA overuses gimmick matches way too much.

1) Tone down the use of gimmick matches. The matches need reason, build, hype and perfect context of use. The less you see the gimmick matches, the more important they are.

2) Simplify match rules. Last Man Standings don't require pinfalls for a 10 Count. King of the Mountain is very convoluted. Why do TNA Matches have so many rules and why does TNA see fit to combine matches (examples: Gauntlet for the Gold, Black Tie & Brawl Match etc)

3) Eliminate the stupid matches that won't sell. Blindfold Matches aren't good on PPV. Rats on Pole Matches aren't good. A Tuxedo Match is a bad idea. MMA Matches aren't good for Wrestling Fans.

5. Put over your future!
-Which I HOPE TNA is in the process of doing right now. The Guns, Kaz, Styles, Joe, Roode, Storm, Morgan, Tomko, these are all names that can carry this company and offer a refreshing look to the new fan who has already seen Angle and Booker in WWE, and Sting in WCW. Push your new stars, and then market them to the moon. There is no reason why Samoa Joe vs. Tomko couldn't headline a PPV in the next year.

TNA at times has done that but the character/wrestler development can be so inconsistent that nobody is helped. Right now WWE has the New Talent Initiative where many new faces are getting big time opportunities. There are cycles in wrestling: Old Wrestlers with no use get shown the door, high midcards either don't get over and used in other ways or are elevated to the main event. New main eventers continue trying to get over while old main eventers are used to get newer stars over.

TNA has often used their veterans to put over the younger guys. Angle put over Joe, Kaz and Lethal. Team 3D put over the Machine Guns and LAX. Jarrett and Booker put over Robert Roode etc.

Every few times a year a new star needs to be made. TNA made Samoa Joe into the big time star he is. AJ and Abyss are in the main event and who else. TNA needs to keep on elevating new stars.

6. Tweak your gimmicks.
-Yes Prince Justice Brotherhood this means you! Now I don't know if PJB was a poor attempt at trying to get internet fans to like them and compare them to CHIKARA wrestlers or what, but it's horrible. It doesn't stop there either. Consequences Creed needs to stop being a version of Apollo Creed, and become a legitimate athlete who comes out with an entourage - much like a real boxer would. Petey needs to go back to the "Maple Leaf Muscle" and drop the Steiner gimmick, and the same goes for Lethal and Daniels who should be headlining the X-Division, if not Daniels in the Heavyweight Division. Jimmy Rave can become a great heel if he drops his Guitar Hero gimmick as well. If you want to create "gimmicks" then hire a marketing guru and a good writer who is actually WITH THE TIMES.

I agree with most of what you said. I love the PJB and think they are great for the younger audience. I think TNA could bring back the Fallen Angel while keeping Curry Man around. TNA needs to tone down the Rock N Rave Infection gimmick making them more serious. I like the idea of Creed being a serious athlete. Petey should only be Maple Leaf Mucle and drop the hair dye/chain mail and Rhaka Khan being his own man. The Black Machismo character has tons of shelf life if used right and currently gets him over. Abyss/Samoa Joe and LAX need to be more edgy and vicious. Matt Morgan needs character and so much more.

7. Refresh your veterans.
-Ever notice how McMahon keeps refreshing his big stars every few years? Triple H had a makeover as "King of Kings", The Undertaker is now sort of a hybrid with his former two gimmicks, Jericho has a new and fresh look. It keeps the veterans fresh. In TNA, Sting looks like he did 10 years ago. WHO CARES? Not the casual fan. Booker T, Team 3D, Kevin Nash, Rhino, Jarrett, they look the same. It's boring. The one "veteran" who was made over well was Christian Cage.

At one time, Sting was hybrid Sting but he went back to the old school way. Booker T has an African Accent and I think he should become Royal T but nobody else agreed with me. Nash is the man about the money and is interesting as a character. I think TNA should change Rhino because he is boring. Jarrett should play a slightly different role as well.

I think TNA should just phase out some of the veterans forcing the younger guys to take their spots. This would allow new stars to be made.

8. New announcers.
-They just do not have it anymore. You can notice a large difference in Mike Tenay 2 years ago and Mike Tenay now. They have kept quiet during in-ring promos more which is good, but some new blood after 6 years would be great. An actual heel presence like Simon Diamond, Don Callis, even Kevin Nash.

It isn't the announcers, its the content. Tenay and West are told to be cheerleaders and have scripts telling them what to say. Tenay and West have proven they can be good back in 2006 when things were different.

-Enforce your rules. I've seen it too many times where a heel gets a win by cheating, and then a face cheats and gets his decision reversed. If you want to present a different, more serious product, and make TNA a more competitive wrestling oriented show, then abiding by the rules is a must. It makes your product look better, more professional.

I agree to the fullest. Disco wrote a column a while ago talking about how you can't do straight up finishes all the time because people won't pay for the loser etc. With rule enforcement, this can be improved. Referees need to enforce the rules and shouldn't be manhandled by the wrestlers. Security should be protected as well. COuntouts and DQ's should be enforced. Add in TV Time Limits and you have a way to protect upcoming face vs face feuds having matches end in a draw.

10. (last but not least) NEW WRITERS.
-This one is obvious. It's just not Russo, it's Mantell and Jarrett. TNA needs some new blood, new ideas and a unique direction in terms of writing and booking. it doesn't matter if it's Lance Storm, Raven, Paul Heyman, an Internet Wrestling Fan, it doesn't matter. Now I say this in regards to the past, because so much of the writing and booking in TNA has been below par. Last weeks show was done very well, but my confidence that last weeks show will be continued is very low. New ideas, new people, new writing, it doesn't hurt.

I disagree. Vince Russo is a proven commodity when he is limited to dialog, character development and storyline development (interviews/some backstage segments. All TNA needs is a true traditional filter who could weed out the crap. I would hire consultants like Scott D'Amore or maybe Court Bauer but most of all they need a truly skilled editor
I remember a few months ago you were on a tour of New Zealand. I was wondering if you were going to be back in the ring anytime soon on indy shows, and if so if you knew who you would be working with.
No to Heyman. Yes to getting rid of Dutch. Russo must be the sole only writer IMO
How do you not understand this. Even at his most successful points in his career, Russo wasn't solely responsible for the product making its way to television. If anything his worst product came about when he was allowed free reign. Really, I don't care if Russo works for TNA or not. It's just my belief that no one man can write an entire television show, and have it be any good. There isn't a single TV show that does it.

(Waits for Marty's "But this is Rus$o" rants, barf bag at the ready)

- I wouldn't mind Mark Madden and Scott Hudson/Tenay as commentators. Or just throw in Madden. but he's bitter, bashes TNA/Russo in recent columns and might have lost his magic that he brought to WCW back in the day
Just because he points out the faults of your idol doesn't mean he's "lost his magic". If you've read his columns or listened to him on the radio then you know that isn't the case. The TNA announce team is missing something, and I think that something is someone like Mark Madden, heelish, loud, yet smart and makes good points.

I like a lot of TNA's current themes done by Dale Oliver. He has made thousands of songs for TNA since day one
And every single one of them sounds like it was done on the keyboard I got for my 8th birthday.

- Disco jobbing to the Knockouts would be entertaining. But I think he can be in PJB with a goofy costume
I'd prefer it if Disco showed up dressed as the Joker and knifed them all. Actually, he wouldn't even have to dress as the Joker. As long as he knifed them, I'd be satisfied.

Dixie and Russo as on-air personas may work if Dixie is willing to do it, but the writing needs to be edgy and less watered down like it is now
Russo on-air is an obnoxious bag of hot wind, and not in a good, entertaining heelish kind of way. Dixie as an on-air character might work, but I have no idea how good an actress she is, so I reserve opinion on her.

Barry Scott, aka James Earl Jones, is often strong at what he does. When the packages are great, they sound great with his voice, but TNA overuses his voice, but that doesn't bother me
TNA should just hire Christopher Walken to do the voice-overs. He wouldn't even have to talk bout the storylines, just let him talk. The quality of TNA's show instantly increases ten-fold.

ANother title wouldn't hurt, but they have used the gold medal as a "prop" to further the AJ/Kurt feud, which i find hilarious.
I also found it hilarious... when WWE did it with Eugene.

That is Slick's "thing" - doesn't bother me..
I agree. Who says the Knockouts are the only sex appeal on the show?

I like Buff Bagwell.. not sure how he's like bacsktage but i've read a lot about it. if he's cool and TNA is wiling to bring him in, i think he'll be a good addition, at least he won't no show events like Scott Hall
Buff Bagwell always made for a good mid-carder, but I really think the sun has set for him. I don't see him making a big splash in any major promotions. He never made a huge one in his prime, so why would it be different now. He's like the WCW version of Val Venis. At best, I could see him being used to put over younger guys.

I wouldn't mind changing a few PPV names every year: i wouldn't want the same 12 ppv names every single year like TNA is continuing to do. maybe the main ones like "LockDown, Slammiversary, Bound For Glory, Victory Road, Final Resolution" should be the ones kept, and they can make up new ones for the rest and maybe go to different sites, maybe outdoors like Road Wild / bash at the beach used to do.. i dunno.
I think TNA needs to change a lot of the names of the PPV's. I understand that it's probably hard to come up with good names that aren't already trademarked, but stuff like Destination X, No Surrender, they just don't sound like anything. And if it's called Genesis, and I don't get a heaping helping of Phil Collins or Peter Gabriel, I get a bit cranky.
I just read Disco Infernos new column and I think it was pretty good. One thing I really agree with is his assessment that he would probably get a better reaction than 80% of the guys there.

It's really true and how sad isn't that???

Anyway one thing I was wondering about is this:

"Are there really people out there that actually want to hear what this guy has to say? He's a laughing stock in the industry, but I guess since he wants to see russo fired he deserves to be heard. "

Is that true? Could you explain what you meant with that Disco? I always saw Lance as an ok wrestler, his lack of charisma made him a nobody but I mean he at least seems to know what he's doing, even though he's a ROH mark. Why is he a laughing stock? Does everyone think so?
Glenn wrote a new column today and said:

*Check out spin cylcle. My return to tv, er, internet tv. Russo, Terry Taylor, Simon Diamond, and myself are the guests. Funny stuff, but don't take us too seriously.
Russo and Glenn as guests?? that'll be interesting. too bad i dont see a link to this anywhere on the site.

*I would respond to Mark Madden, but I already have repeatedly in the forums previously. You could've copied and pasted his fire russo rant off of the message boards. I guess I'll take his word that he's not bitter, that he's happily content sitting at home doing nothing right now instead of announcing, especially since one of his previous articles talked about how bad he thinks the announcing is.

I liked madden's announcing in wcw. i thought it was gold. i just can't believe madden has written the stuff he has said about tna, russo, foley.. this guy has lost it

*Some wierd stuff on the site this week. I tried to log-in and I couldn't, because someone kept trying to log-in under my name and couldn't get the password right. So I got locked out. Did this happen to anyone else? Who would have such a useless life to try to get into my wrestlezone account??
Probably just for you... i guess someone is styring to hack your account

*I've decided not to be contraversial anymore, since the site doesn't even promote when my articles are up. It's good to see that Lance Storm gets alot of pub on the internet still, which in itself should speak volumes of the type of fan you can find on the web. Are there really people out there that actually want to hear what this guy has to say? He's a laughing stock in the industry, but I guess since he wants to see russo fired he deserves to be heard.
Did they promote your columns before>?

Maybe you need to do some audio interviews.

I agree that lance's articles are bullshit.. and people like believing what he has to say.

nothing super on this article.. but i want to see spin cylce. Russo hasn't done an interview since his tnawrestling.com interview when he first got 're-hired' in september 2006... that's two freakin years
I just read Disco Infernos new column and I think it was pretty good. One thing I really agree with is his assessment that he would probably get a better reaction than 80% of the guys there.

It's really true and how sad isn't that???

Anyway one thing I was wondering about is this:

"Are there really people out there that actually want to hear what this guy has to say? He's a laughing stock in the industry, but I guess since he wants to see russo fired he deserves to be heard. "

Is that true? Could you explain what you meant with that Disco? I always saw Lance as an ok wrestler, his lack of charisma made him a nobody but I mean he at least seems to know what he's doing, even though he's a ROH mark. Why is he a laughing stock? Does everyone think so?
To start off with, love your columns Disco. I usually agree with the things you are saying.

Some wierd stuff on the site this week. I tried to log-in and I couldn't, because someone kept trying to log-in under my name and couldn't get the password right. So I got locked out. Did this happen to anyone else? Who would have such a useless life to try to get into my wrestlezone account?? I bet it was Bryan Danielson.

Well WZ has been going up and down lately, and I think it affected the main site a bit as well, so it might've been that. And it wouldn't have been Bryan Danielson. It would have been Mark Madden.

I actually think that, whether you're joking or not, teaching wrestlers to sell like the soccer players is a good idea. Some of those soccer players could be movie stars, they are so good at acting.

I probably don't know as much about wrestling as I actually do, but I THINK that I know more than I do. There. I admitted it. Now if the schmucks in the message boards can follow suit...

Well everybody knows less than they do at everything, everybody knows that all thbe people on the forum knows less than they do. Except for a couple of people, cause they don't know much at all and don't pretend to know a lot.

Jeremy Borash is an under the radar star in this business. You won't believe how much work this guy actually does.

Could you explain this a bit more? I could've guessed he does a lot more than what people think, but i'm pretty sure not many people here actually know what he does. So could you tell us the different sorts of things he does?
Russo and Glenn as guests?? that'll be interesting. too bad i dont see a link to this anywhere on the site.
Really, Marty? You need the link? Really? Cuz you don't know where to go to watch it? It's not like the site posts a link to WWE.com every time they mention an article from there. Hell, if we're gonna start being sent links to the Spin Cycle, then we should also be getting links to The Dirt Sheet. Now THAT'S entertaining.

I liked madden's announcing in wcw. i thought it was gold. i just can't believe madden has written the stuff he has said about tna, russo, foley.. this guy has lost it
He's lost it? Why? Because he doesn't like TNA? So anyone who dislikes TNA or Vince Russo has "lost it"? Yeah, that makes sense, :rolleyes:

Probably just for you... i guess someone is styring to hack your account
The whole site has been messed up for like a week now. They switched the forum to new servers, and now there are a bunch of glitches. A lot of people are having a hard time logging in, because of the glitches, and that's why the traffic has plummeted on the site the last couple of days.

The easiest way to bypass the log-in glitch is to check the little "Remember Me" box in the corner under your log-in info. Of course, you'll have to wait to do this until you've successfully logged in at least once, and apparrently, this has been extremely difficult for a lot of users.

Glenn, no one is trying to hack into your account. Well, maybe Marty.

Did they promote your columns before>?
Most of the "name" columnists get direct links off the main highlights and news section, but lately you have to scroll aaaaaaalllllll the waaaayyyyy dooooowwwn to the editorials section to read Glenn's articles. It's such a hassle, the extra second and a half of scrolling.

Maybe you need to do some audio interviews.
Yeah Glenn, when are you gonna do more audio? I miss the sound of your voice.

I agree that lance's articles are bullshit.. and people like believing what he has to say.
Lance Storm was about as successful as Glenn. Hell in some ways, Lance Storm was more successful than Glenn. Therefore, Lance Storm has as much right to his opinion as Glenn. Actually, as a former Intercontinental Champion, Lance technically is MORE entitled to his opinion than Glenn. Actually, by that logic, A-Train, Test, and Santino Marella are also more entitled to their opinions than Glenn. My logic is flawed. Hey look, a blue car!!

nothing super on this article.. but i want to see spin cylce. Russo hasn't done an interview since his tnawrestling.com interview when he first got 're-hired' in september 2006... that's two freakin years
The best two years of my life...

No seriously, and it has nothing to do with Russo, the last two years of my life have been fantastic. I just felt like throwing that out there. I met Jimmy Fallon, Gnarls Barkley released two fantastic albums, I've had sex with a gymnastics instructor (THAT was a fun night!), and I lived my life long dream of playing Oscar Madison in a production of The Odd Couple.

Russo keeping his mouth shut has just been gravy.
In regards to the last column by disco. PLAY ISSAC BRUCE. I never had much faith in Ike and Stucky is a total #3 receiver who will get looks but not as many as old ass Issac Bruce. While Favre looks to cothery and coles J. T. will be slinging right to Bruce.
Well Disco, you never answered Sir Madden's question: "What is Russo doing that’s working? Don’t tell me what’s good, because that’s just opinion. Tell me what’s working."
i read a news tidbit that the most recent spin cycle hyped next week's show and russo will be on.. however, the youtube clip has been taken off and there's no spin cycle to be seen on youtube.com/tnawrestling or tnawrestling's website

im sure it'll be posted next week. i hope it's a long spin cycle and that they mention the russo sucks chants. should be interesting to hear glenn and russo's opinions..

i dont agree with mark madden... i didn't think he'd say this stuff because when he was doing commentary it seemed like he got it.. the stuff he'd say on air was totally against the traditional commentary role and it seemed as though his and russo's views were similar. when he crapped on russo and tna the way he did, he sounded like any other traditionalist out there, for the most part.

i never knew they promoted the columns on the site.. has wrestlezone had any good audio guests lately

does being a more successful wrestler mean they know more about the business than another wrestler? lance storm may have been champion in wwe, but does that mean he's smarter than glenn in terms of what the business needs? both glenn and lance have their own opinions on what is right/wrong, we can choose to side with who. i read lance's columns and i just don't agree with most of what he has to say

As for what Russo is doing that's working.. I know you asked glenn.. i dont think russo is writing all the shows completely. the current angle seems to be a super watered down version of the new blood storyline.

- Stories make more sense, characters are developed, the flow of the show is better, pre-tapes lead to matches and progress feuds, entertainment is better, most if not everybody has a role on the shows, dialogue and promos are cleaned up significantly, pay per views are actually hyped better, the shows can be funny, dramatic, unpredictable and intriguing - something they really couldn't do prior to him being signed. this is all working in my eyes.. ratings have hit 1.2 early in the year but have remained consistent throughout the year. tna has been profitable

- i'd say that's working. but i'd want them to up the anty on the shows and make it more exciting.. i think i fht eonline fans like jason powell start going "it's too confusing", they're moving in the right track.. because they're challenging the morons on the internet that can't comprehend anything more complicated than "wrestler a hates wrestler b"
I remember a few months ago you were on a tour of New Zealand. I was wondering if you were going to be back in the ring anytime soon on indy shows, and if so if you knew who you would be working with.
Does TNA have any plans in opening up a training school similar to WCW's Power Plant, or more recently, WWE's Florida Championship Wrestling? I think it would give the TNA product opportunities to gather new young talent, with training in the TNA style. What are your opinions on this?
Glen...I love TNA and usually get most of the PPVs, I'm getting Bound for Glory, cause TNA usually does great PPVs, but sometimes TNA does the dumbest sh*t.

On Impact, in the storyline, Jarrett showed Angle's anti-Vince promo from 2006 to piss off Angle because he was mad about his UK Sun comments. And he was building Bound for Glory. OK so in the next segment, Angle was pissed that Jarrett showed that.

So Kurt Angle was PISSED THAT JEFF IS RUINING HIS CHANCES TO GO BACK TO THE BIGGER COMPANY!! This is aired on TNA IMPACT! Think about that for a second. TNA creative booked this to where it came off as Angle was mad because TNA is messing up his chances to go back to WWE!! How did TNA creative not see that this is exactly how it would come off? The whole angle on this show was, TNA fined Angle $25,000 because Angle hates working there and tells the truth about what many people say about TNA, and TNA fines him because he bashed his own company in the press. That was the angle aired on Impact last night. You say the internet has no relevence, yet Russo and TNA are booking this whole angle around internet shoot comments and internet opinions.

Then Mick Foley promoted some of WWE's great fueds the past few months. Taker/Edge and Shawn/Jericho. In his debut Impact promo, he's PROMOTING WWE.

WWE never mentions TNA for a reason, because how would mentioning TNA benefit their business?

The "I'm not the only one who lost his wife" line was so wrong. OK Glen, I get it, Russo, who probably writes a lot of the promos as evidence by the script that was put up on the net in Janurary 08, is trying to be "real" and "shock fans" because Angle said that. That was just wrong and stupid. Why bring up real-life stuff like a death in wrestling entertainment? This is just as dumb as when WWE had Randy Orton talk about Eddie Guerrero's death in an angle.

Just wanted to get your opinions on this. Again, TNA usually has great PPVs and I don't bash TNA as much as PWTorch or the Observer might, but this was just so stupid I had to comment.
a lot of the promos as evidence by the script that was put up on the net in Janurary 08

You sure about that? Anybody could just write a script, post it on the internet, and claim it as being somebody else's work. It's not that hard.
You sure about that? Anybody could just write a script, post it on the internet, and claim it as being somebody else's work. It's not that hard.

Uhh, yeah except 1) The script matches the show's format outline and almost everything on the show 2) The leaked script was released prior to the air date of the episode of iMPACT the script was for!
dzone.. the Jarrett/Angle thing was played of the reality comments that Angle made on The Sun - not the Internet. Jarrett summarized what Angle said on the paper, and then showed the clip, and Angle was pissed. It had nothing to do with the Internet and Jason Powell/Wade Keller will be imbeciles if they say the casual fans are too stupid to understand it because it was explained in big letters. The crowd ate it up and the segment got over.

I didn't think Foley needed to mention all the WWE stars and I think there should have been some action at the end. I think he made some good comments but it could have been better. Russo needs to book the show 100% in order for the shows to really start growing. It's watered down right now a bit.

WWE never mentions TNA for a reason, because how would mentioning TNA benefit their business?

You're a moron. WWE doesn't need to mention TNA. TNA has a lot of wrestlers that have a history with WWE and it's no secret that WWE is the top dog in town. Jeff answered this question on an interview way back.. and said something similar.

you need to shut the fuck up about the lost his wife line.. just watch the show and if you're getting heat over Kurt.. that's your beef with Kurt Angle's character. He's a heel.. If you disliked what he said, you disliked his character.

"I'm not the only one that lost his wife" built some heat and the audience reacted.

He didn't say anything further and kinda kept it subtle...

Russo really scripts the shows with dialogue.. it's obvious...

Since nobody commented on Disco's 10/1/2008 column, i will:


- Disco talks about mic workers
- Talks about Madden
- Stories backstage at TNA with foley/cornette. I dont think I'd enjoy hanging out backstage. I was kinda jaded after seeing New Blood Rising live.. and then Raw.. it's not that great.. and i dont think i'd enjoy the backstage environment of a wrestling show. i just want some good entertainment
- Disco commented on Storm putting over tna and took a shot at storm:

"*I was shocked to see Lance Storm put over the TNA product for a change, especially since he supposedly swore off watching it as long as Russo was involved in the creative process awhile back. I heard that he still uses his,"If I could be serious for a minute" line at shows, a line Russo gave him. To this day, I still can't believe how someone can be as hypocritical as he is.

Maybe I'm loyal to a fault, but I could never stab somebody in the back that had given me that much of a push during my career. The only push. "


Yeah, Lance's only big push was his run in WCW 2000, which was great IMO

Mark Madden's 10/2/2008 column:

bashes wwe and does say it's easy to bash tna/russo but wwe has its faults too

- rants on other stuff and challenges disco:

* Note to Disqo: I DID copy my “Fire Russo” rant off one of the message boards. Saves time that way. As for you getting a better reaction than 80 percent of the wrestlers on TV today, I suppose that’s true if you count retching violently as a “reaction,” or if you count lack of recognition. I recently challenged Disqo to point out anything booked by Vince Russo that is working, that is making a positive impact on TNA’s bottom line. That challenge remains unanswered. TNA drew crowds of 500 and 600, “respectively,” to house shows at large arenas in Florida last weekend. Based on that, I’m going to assume not too much is working

500/600 was pretty low turnout for those markets i read... that's like an RoH turnout, lol

Anyways.... Disco has debated Konnan, Chris Cash, Chris Schultz via audio.

I think that since a disgruntled former journalist has joined wrestlezone... I think Chris Cash needs to arrange a "Glenn Gilbertti vs Mark Madden" audio debate.. I think this would be Glenn's biggest challenge yet. Glenn, would you back down from a Mark Madden audio debate?

If Lance Storm would like to debate TNA/WWE/Russo against Glenn, I'd love to see that too. Not sure if they can arrange this one.. but Mark Madden vs Glenn Gilbertti is a given.. this needs to happen as this "feud" is starting to escalate as every column goes by

Give me a shell yeah if you want to see madden vs gilbertti debate
I am all for a Madden/Disco Debate, I kinda miss the audio debates. I would like it to only pertain to TNA though because thats what I come to this site for.

There are things that shouldn't be touched upon. When somebody is killed outside of the wrestling business to something that has nothing to do with wrestling, that is off limits. This rule pertains to good people. Go ahead and make comments about Saddam being brutalized because he is a common enemy. However for the sake of this argument if I made a comment about someone being punished like an American Prisoner of War, that would cross the line in a bad way.

The comment about Jarrett's wife was extremely cheap heat. If Kurt Angle couldn't get heat without that comment he shouldn't be a heel. Cancer is a very real thing and when someone makes a comment which had nothing to do with the context of the situation (please explain how if it did) attacking a good person, that is wrong.
You and your post-Russo comments: I think Russo is a great writer, but his writing comes at the cost of booking. He doesn't understand the concept of the basics of sensical booking, which is why he can't have one hundred percent control.
talon, there should be no limits. i liked that angle said "jarrett is full of shit" in the impact zone. the dialogue needs to be cleaned up. angle never shat on jarrett's wife.. he could have taken it much further... all he said was he wasn't the only one that lost his wife. that's all.

He doesn't understand the concept of the basics of sensical booking,

That's your opinion only. 100% russo will get them past that dreaded 1.2 and i'm willing to bet on it contrary to all the naysayers online. TNA is too chickenshit to let him write because of the fear of backlash on the net. McMahon/Russo never got scared of Meltzer/Keller's "negative reviews" when they dominated the ratings back during the attitude era. Perhaps TNA should do the same instead of attempting to cater to the online fans at times.

THere's no edge.. there is too much wrestling, not enough focus on characters. Bashire, a controversial character, won the x belt. He made all those promos on USA> ever since winning, he did a few backstage promos.. but he never said or done anything controversial. Why is everything in the ring? Why can't they take us out of the ring like they did a while back. You have 2 hours to fill every week and you're just going to put out wrestling and wrestling-like angles every week? how is that going to draw new viewers when it's been seen a million times.

MMG have been on a losing streak and all they really do is flip off the wrestlers. maybe this is leading somewhere... but it hasn't done anything. beer money comes out and talks like losers.. nothing compelling on the mic. I admired the jarrett segment because it was "based" on reality.

Where are the factions? Wouldn't be crazy to see Christian, Kurt, Sting, Booker, 3D, Rhino, Kip/BG, Jarrett, Nash, Steiner - coming to the ring every week together as the heel faction. Wouldn't be insane to see Foley as one of those guys as well who turns heel down the line.

Maybe AJ, Beer Money, Abyss, Morgan, Joe, MMG, LAX, Shark Boy should have their own faction as well and every week there'd be shit that goes down to make the show a hell of a lot more compelling than it is now.

As for audio debates.. i agree with it should pertain to TNA>. most of the debates glenn was on - vs cash, konnan and schultz were pertaining to TNA> I think Madden vs Gilbertti will be the biggest one.. because Madden is pretty opinionated and he would probably know how to debate against glenn here..
dzone.. the Jarrett/Angle thing was played of the reality comments that Angle made on The Sun - not the Internet. Jarrett summarized what Angle said on the paper, and then showed the clip, and Angle was pissed. It had nothing to do with the Internet and Jason Powell/Wade Keller will be imbeciles if they say the casual fans are too stupid to understand it because it was explained in big letters. The crowd ate it up and the segment got over.

I didn't think Foley needed to mention all the WWE stars and I think there should have been some action at the end. I think he made some good comments but it could have been better. Russo needs to book the show 100% in order for the shows to really start growing. It's watered down right now a bit.

You're a moron. WWE doesn't need to mention TNA. TNA has a lot of wrestlers that have a history with WWE and it's no secret that WWE is the top dog in town. Jeff answered this question on an interview way back.. and said something similar.

you need to shut the fuck up about the lost his wife line.. just watch the show and if you're getting heat over Kurt.. that's your beef with Kurt Angle's character. He's a heel.. If you disliked what he said, you disliked his character.

"I'm not the only one that lost his wife" built some heat and the audience reacted.

He didn't say anything further and kinda kept it subtle...

Russo really scripts the shows with dialogue.. it's obvious...

Since nobody commented on Disco's 10/1/2008 column, i will:


- Disco talks about mic workers
- Talks about Madden
- Stories backstage at TNA with foley/cornette. I dont think I'd enjoy hanging out backstage. I was kinda jaded after seeing New Blood Rising live.. and then Raw.. it's not that great.. and i dont think i'd enjoy the backstage environment of a wrestling show. i just want some good entertainment
- Disco commented on Storm putting over tna and took a shot at storm:

"*I was shocked to see Lance Storm put over the TNA product for a change, especially since he supposedly swore off watching it as long as Russo was involved in the creative process awhile back. I heard that he still uses his,"If I could be serious for a minute" line at shows, a line Russo gave him. To this day, I still can't believe how someone can be as hypocritical as he is.

Maybe I'm loyal to a fault, but I could never stab somebody in the back that had given me that much of a push during my career. The only push. "


Yeah, Lance's only big push was his run in WCW 2000, which was great IMO

Mark Madden's 10/2/2008 column:

bashes wwe and does say it's easy to bash tna/russo but wwe has its faults too

- rants on other stuff and challenges disco:

500/600 was pretty low turnout for those markets i read... that's like an RoH turnout, lol

Anyways.... Disco has debated Konnan, Chris Cash, Chris Schultz via audio.

I think that since a disgruntled former journalist has joined wrestlezone... I think Chris Cash needs to arrange a "Glenn Gilbertti vs Mark Madden" audio debate.. I think this would be Glenn's biggest challenge yet. Glenn, would you back down from a Mark Madden audio debate?

If Lance Storm would like to debate TNA/WWE/Russo against Glenn, I'd love to see that too. Not sure if they can arrange this one.. but Mark Madden vs Glenn Gilbertti is a given.. this needs to happen as this "feud" is starting to escalate as every column goes by

Give me a shell yeah if you want to see madden vs gilbertti debate

I know the Sun is a paper, but only a handfull of people read the Sun article on the internet. It had nothing to do with the internet? In that interview, Angle bashed TNA's gimmicks matches and stupid booking, which is the same opinion probably 98% of paying internet fan customers have about TNA. Considering you defend Russo in 500 posts a day on the net and the quota of people shooting you down, I don't think I'm the moron. WWE doesn't need to mention TNA, but why does TNA need to mention WWE? Did VKM's skits in 2006-2007 make TNA money? Is Vince McMahon a character in the show? Why hype WWE's fueds when you could hype your own Bound for Glory PPV?

You didn't understand why people were offended by the wife line. That was not wrestling heat that was generated. That crowd collectively said "how the fu*k can Jeff write that line in his own show?". That type of thing shouldnt be fodder for wrestling heat. When WWE did it with Guerrero it was sick just as much.
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