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[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is the new WWE United States Champion

Bret winnning hasn't discredited it at all. Having Bret lose in CANADA AGAIN, when he is also CANADIAN, it would be a huge kick in the teeth for 'The Hitman'. It was just a way for him to not feel as if he let down the fans and leave as a legend with his pride intact.
As for the match though, it was obvious what would of happened (apart from Kozlov & Regal, but they did naff all), Dynasty and jericho interferes, Miz gets Hart Attacked and Ended with a Sharpshooter...even a 7 year old Cena Fan could of knew what would of happened. It was poor, i know Bret can't do much due to the injuries and the stroke, but if he couldn't do much, why make the match? It was a pretty nice Sharpshooter that was executed though, i'll give that!...God knows what gonna happen with the U.S Title now, because Bret isn't in a state to defend it, but i do want The Miz to regain somehow...I'm Just Sayin...
I'm sure just like the majority of posters here it was a bitter sweet thing to watch.

On one hand you're glad to see Bret Hart leave on a High Note in Canada to make up for the MSJ (well nothing will make up, but they did do a lot for the man to try to get him to forgive)

On the other you just had Bret Hart make the Miz (one of you're most over stars) submit within 2 seconds of the move being applied. This is the same finisher that guys like Austin and Owen stayed in for close to a minute before tapping/getting to the ropes/going unconscious. I just think the spot should of been better done.. in my mind it was a cluster...

So many questions of mine were going on during it..

A) What happened to Kozlov and Regal? It's almost like the Hart's came out and hit them with a couple rights and they went down for the rest of the segment?

B) Once again just like Kozlov and Regal... why was Jericho down that long..

I personally thought they had so much more to gain with Bret pulling the swerve and announcing the debut of Bryan Danielson (not Daniel Bryan) as his replacement.

I agree with your first two paragraphs.

You honestly have a problem with how quickly the Miz tapped? First off all, it's his gimmick to tap that quickly. Miz is a coward (kayfabe). Miz would tap that quickly to any hold he was put in, the Sharpshooter being no exception. The Miz isn't a "tough guy" heel like Austin, or even to some extent, Owen Hart. Austin didn't tap because that was his character; he was too much of a bad ass to tap. Owen didn't tap right away because he would have rather died than lose to Bret. Can't compare the characters of Miz, Austin, and Owen. They are far too different. The spot was fine.

Who cares what happened to Kozlov and Regal. But just to satisfy your curiousity, let's speculate. Maybe The Harts hit them with a bus. Maybe they locked them in a cage. Maybe aliens came down from the heavens and took them to Mars. We don't know, because they didn't show it. They didn't show it, because it wasn't supposed to be the focus of our attention. I am glad they didn't show what happened, because I don't care. They got hit with chairs, eaten by the Cloverfield monster, who knows.

Same thing with Jericho. This is nothing new. You see it all the time, especially during matches like MITB and the Royal Rumble, where guys are hit with seemingly nothing, and do not recover for several minutes....it's fake. If this were something new, I might agree with you. But seeing this has been happening as far back as I can remember, I think it's a bit petty.

They have something planned for Danielson, without a doubt. But this was Bret's night in Canada. Remember, this storyline isn't over yet. Bret may give the title up, and it goes to a tournament. Hell, he may HAND it over to Danielson (no, I don't think that will happen). What I'm trying to say is we have no clue how this is going to turn out, except for being fairly certain Bret will not be United States champion after Raw next week.

I just don't get how having Danielson come out of nowhere and beat Miz last night could have been better than having Danielson (or another mid card guy like him) win an entire tournament filled with guys who are tougher/as tough as the Miz. If Danielson wins a tournament for the US title, will that not make him look stronger than beating a surprised Miz??
It's bitter-sweet. Bret goes out on a high but The Miz submits to a move that others have stayed in for long periods of time. However, this gets the belt away from the Miz who hadn't defended it in a while. I'm looking forawrd to seeing how the next guy (I assume it's going to be Danielson) will win the belt. Tournament is the most obvious option but then again there are other ways of it occcuring. It'll be interesting to see in the coming weeks how they handle this situation.
My first question would be..

Why in the world would WWE give the United States title to Bret in Canada?

Is it because Vince is just trying to right a wrong 13 years ago? Because if Vince would have never screwed Bret when he was leaving he would have left a champion...

I really think it's a slap in the face to the Miz, and to all the other great wrestlers who've had matches for that title since Miz has won it. It reminds me of the Nash, and Hogan world title sham.

Why does Bret deserve the US title? He never earned it. He can't even physically wrestle to defend it.

Personally I think Vince give him the title to right the wrong 13 years ago. Now more than likely Bret will retire officially in the next Raw, or upcoming week's, and the title will go up for grab's in a tournament probably.

Where's that leave The Miz?? He could have worked on being the longest reigning US champion in history, and solidified him in history. Instead WWE makes him hand the title over to a 60 year old who can't wrestle anymore..

If this were Flair or Hogan winning the title over on TNA, I am pretty sure there would have been a thread up to Bash how TNA is giving title's to washed up has been's. Oh yeah there was one already when Foley won the title... and he's only 42...
I'm not overly thrilled with Bret Hart winning the title. However, I did enjoy the overall match between him and The Miz because it hyped the tag title match that The Miz and Jericho will have against The Hart Dynasty at the ppv. Also, it raises some interesting questions about what Bret Hart is gonna do with the title as he can't wrestle.

I would have preferred that Bret Hart stepped aside and they'd done an angle in which Bret Hart asked Bryan Danielson to compete against The Miz, but I can't complain all that much. It could have been A LOT worse than it was. All things considered, it wasn't bad and it gave long time fans of Bret Hart a great mark out moment. Sometimes, it's just fun to revel in a good mark out moment and not worry about all the stuff that comes later.
Seeing Hart win the US title was a great moment, and it's surely something that will be remembered for a long time. Bret was able to ride off into the sunset this time around, and I don't have a big problem with him being US champion.

We all know Bret won't be able to defend the title, and he will have to vacate it. Still, seeing the Hitman win gold again was one of those rare goosebump moments in wrestling history, and it's something that should be cherished.
I was a huge Hitman fan ten years ago when he was the excellence of execution. I didn't feel goosebumps when he won the title. I didn't feel happy for him, it felt like a cheap "apology" for the screw job. I held my face in my hands as Hart tried to get on the turnbuckle and hold the title up for the fans, only to slip and fall on his knees on the middle rope.

It wasn't feel good to me, it wasn't a great way to go out. It was just bad television. The entire comeback has featured Bret doing everything EXCEPT what he was great at. He's been on the mic saying things like "put that in your pipe and smoke it" and been on his back after an awful pulled punch to the midsection. He isn't someone that can come back and give the fans what they've missed. He was never great on the mic. He was an amazing wrestler, and he can't wrestle anymore. Period.

They should have left it where it was at Wrestlemania, with Vince in the sharpshooter. I'd even argue Wrestlemania shouldn't have happened, but you can't fault the man for trying. Now it's time to cut your losses and end this farce of a comeback. Let me remember you for your amazing technical wrestling of the 90's.
Aye, bittersweet. I was in shock that he actually won. I thought Miz was going to score a cheap pin with the aid of Jericho (or Jericho give a solid and nasty looking Codebreaker to Bret. Bret can still sell any move like its death...). Then Miz could brag and brag about how he beat the best and now he IS the best. Would have been great for his character. But taking the title off of Miz wasn't the right move.

But we got a clusterf*ck of a match. Kozlov and Regal being taken out was a given, but we didn't even see it. One shot of the action would have helped, but I think the cameramen missed it. Miz did kind of tapped out too quickly. If he just held on a little longer, let the crowd pop for longer with the anticipation...and get the thought that Brets win wasn't a given...then it would have done something more for the match. And the sharpshooter was the only move Bret did...It would have been nice to see Bret execute at least one other move. Drop an elbow, throw a good looking punch, something/anything. But whatever.

The win lets Bret leave as a champion. The title can be vacated and a tournament can be set up. I imagine the Miz will win the tournament too. I don't know why everyone is so up on Bryan Danielson. The title is definitely not going to him anytime soon.

And ya, I do find it ironic that Bret won the US Title in Canada...but hey, if the Intercontinental Championship was still on Raw, he would have won that instead, which kinda would be more fitting.

But meh, as a Bret fan, I'm proud of him. But now he has to bow out, and do it right...

Or...the Miz will get a rematch and pin Bret quickly and get the title back...then he can brag...then Miz and Jericho will get destroyed by the Hart Dynasty for revenge. Good build. Keeps me watching and puts interest/contraversy in the US championship.
My first question would be..

Why in the world would WWE give the United States title to Bret in Canada?

Is it because Vince is just trying to right a wrong 13 years ago? Because if Vince would have never screwed Bret when he was leaving he would have left a champion...

I really think it's a slap in the face to the Miz, and to all the other great wrestlers who've had matches for that title since Miz has won it. It reminds me of the Nash, and Hogan world title sham.

Why does Bret deserve the US title? He never earned it. He can't even physically wrestle to defend it.

Personally I think Vince give him the title to right the wrong 13 years ago. Now more than likely Bret will retire officially in the next Raw, or upcoming week's, and the title will go up for grab's in a tournament probably.

Where's that leave The Miz?? He could have worked on being the longest reigning US champion in history, and solidified him in history. Instead WWE makes him hand the title over to a 60 year old who can't wrestle anymore..

If this were Flair or Hogan winning the title over on TNA, I am pretty sure there would have been a thread up to Bash how TNA is giving title's to washed up has been's. Oh yeah there was one already when Foley won the title... and he's only 42...

What did Miz do with the title? Absolutely nothing. He maybe defended the title only two or three times. His long title reign was about as worthless as MVP's was. If the Miz is as good as everyone thinks he is, then he will be fine. Him being in another thrown together tag team shows me that the WWE doesn't think he can be a consistent singles superstar yet.
idk if this shud be in a different thread but
i think bret winning the title was so miz can come out nd complain bout how brett isnt a superstar anymore because i srsly doubt theyd put brett in a real match i think they will vacate the title where either miz wil regain it, he wil fued with whoever wins it or brian danielson wins it nd fueds with the miz
In the days leading up to the match, I think we were all expecting DB/BD to save the day because, this was exactly what we feared we'd get out of Bret Hart. That being said, it was nice to see Bret win gold one last time (even though you could hardly say he won it).

As far as the guy in here who thought Bret could sell a codebreaker, Bret couldn't even climb the turnbuckle to hoist the belt in the air, you think he could take a wrestling move?
man i can see it right now

bret hart, u.s champion

the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be

a former u.s champion before himself

here to bring prestige to the championship................... since the miz hardly defended it

''boys, come summerslam, or maybe another ppv later in the year, do you think you will have what it takes to step in the ring with master of the sharpshooter''?

vince: bret, your deal runs out, way before that!

bret: i know, but since no one else gives a shit about the u.s belt, i thought i'd cut a promo, reminding everybody the history of this great belt, and all the great past champions to wear it, even if david flair is one of them, lol.

in all seriousness, glad bret got one last title reign before he decides to leave wwe, a classy move indeed, enjoy it bret.
I quite liked Hart picking up the United States title. The end to a nice little angle. But I hope they don't dwell on it.

Hart WAS a great performer, but that's the point, he isn't any more. And I think if they let him run with this it would be to the detriment of the title, because realistically at his age everyone could run rings around him.

Have him vacate the title on Raw, and have a tournament for the new champ.
I think Dibese will buy the title from Bret, Bret has no need for it really, and Dibese made that promise of being a singles champion this year, makes sense he'd buy his first title given his current storyline. That and the fact that in a few future show adverts there is the promise of a triple threat for the title between r-truth, miz and Dibese i think him buying it makes the most sense, i mean Truth would need to win at Over The Limit, thne later in the night Dibese buys title, then Miz points out he has a rematch clause, there you get your triple threat...job done, no need for Bret to be in future shows
Bret Hart is confirmed for Raw tomorrow night and I'm eager to see what's going to happen with the United States Championship. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Ted DiBiase attempt to buy the title because it fits right in with the pattern of having him adopt a few of the more memorable aspects of his father's character.

Ultimately, I look for the title to be declared vacant. I expect Bret Hart to make a speech that goes something along the lines of him having a week to think long and hard about this situation. I think he'll admit that because of his age and his past health problems, he's simply not what he once was and doesn't want to risk hurting his legacy or the legacy of the title by holding onto it.
Bret Hart is confirmed for Raw tomorrow night and I'm eager to see what's going to happen with the United States Championship. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Ted DiBiase attempt to buy the title because it fits right in with the pattern of having him adopt a few of the more memorable aspects of his father's character.

While it wouldn't surprise me if this happened, I don't think it should. This would be too much too soon. I think Ted needs to establish himself a little bit more with this new heel run. I know we're not talking about the WWE championship here, but still, I think Ted needs a little more time.

Ultimately, I look for the title to be declared vacant. I expect Bret Hart to make a speech that goes something along the lines of him having a week to think long and hard about this situation. I think he'll admit that because of his age and his past health problems, he's simply not what he once was and doesn't want to risk hurting his legacy or the legacy of the title by holding onto it.

This is what I fully expect to see happen tomorrow night. This makes perfect sense, and I would there should be a tournament held to crown the new US champion. It'll be similar to what recently happened on Smackdown with the IC title, except this time, there will be a new champion. I just hope who ever wins the belt will actually be on the road to a push of some kind. I think Zack Ryder or John Morrison would be perfect candidates.

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