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[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is the new WWE United States Champion


Gone but never forgotten.
I'm assuming that there will be about a million threads created on this subject or spamming up the Raw Aftermath discussion, so I've decided it should get its own thread here.

Therefore, live from Canada on a commercial-free episode of Monday Night Raw, the Miz is going to challenge Bret "The Hitman" Hart and defend his United States championship.

This should be very interesting. There's nothing like seeing Canada pop for Bret Hart competing in a WWE ring, which hasn't been seen since the Montreal Screwjob. I'd imagine that the roof is going to blow off that place... especially if Bret actually pulls it off. However, I really can't see any reason why they would have Miz drop his title, especially to Bret.

Let's keep all of the discussion in here.

EDIT: As it says in the title, Bret was victorious in this match and is now the current United States Champion. What do you all think is going to happen now?
Hopefully there will be some plan ahead of time rather than just "let's give Bret the US title in Canada. That should make for any (perceived) wrongdoing." It would really help this small feud if Miz destroys Bret but having Bret win would stack all cards in favor of the faces, which WWE seems to be going for these days.But honestly, Bret has nothing to gain whatsoever by winning and Miz could gain a bit by having a win over Bret, even in his current state.
Hopefully there will be some plan ahead of time rather than just "let's give Bret the US title in Canada. That should make for any (perceived) wrongdoing." It would really help this small feud if Miz destroys Bret but having Bret win would stack all cards in favor of the faces, which WWE seems to be going for these days.But honestly, Bret has nothing to gain whatsoever by winning and Miz could gain a bit by having a win over Bret, even in his current state.

one word: disqualification..Bret leaves with a "win", on his last night on WWE TV..does his Sharpshooter and salutes Canada with his hand held high

I wouldn't expect much from this fight..considering how disappointing the Bret/McMahon Street Fight was..
Say what now?! I haven't watched RAW in... well, a long time. Are you serious, Bret Hart Vs The Miz for the US title? After the abomination that was the Wrestlemania match?
OK putting aside my disbelief for a moment, why are they doing this? If Bret wins, the credibility of Miz is ruined, it doesn't help the belt and Bret then has to drop the belt. If Miz wins.. well what's the point in that, besides a bit more heat for Miz. This strikes me as striving for a moment of glory that's long gone and a cheap ending to a great career (that should have ended at Wrestlemania)
I think the Miz will win. Think about how it'll help his ego saying he beat the Hitman! Sadly, I see the Miz holding on to the title for a while. He either needs to stop doing tag teams or start defending his US title more. I hate how he is doing both.
This is pretty stupid... Why would they even give the title to him in the first place. This is just for hype, and they dont really need the ratings anyway.

Also, your having a CANADIAN fight for the US title in CANADA...really dumb on wwe part.
I have a huge problem with this one. May 17th was supposed to be Bret Hart's swan song and I was perfectly content in going to Raw and seeing Bret Hart being given the opportunity to say goodbye to the fans. Now, all that's been tarnished with a match against the Miz; a match I can't see Bret winning, because it would serve no purpose. Once again, WWE will screw the fans out of a special moment. If this is, indeed, the case, next week's Raw will be a shitfest especially with the announcement of Buzz Aldrin being guest host. (Who, by the way, is an AMERICAN hero and has absolutely nothing to do with Canada OR wrestling. WTF is that? What idiot thought it will be a good idea? I, for one, will be booing the Hell out of Aldrin as a f*** you to the WWE for feeding us this crap)
Botchamania springs to mind for this match although we shouldn't judge it too quickly.. This won't be a ratings draw IMO, just a way for WWE to reward or repay Bret in a little way by giving him one more match involving gold in Canada.
first post!

what about this, guys:
Bryan Danielson is shockingly eliminated from NXT tomorrow night.
Bret gives him his place in the US Title Match, and he wins.
Daniel Bryan, U.S Champion.

I would love to see Bret win one more time. I'm from T.O and i'm gong to the show, so if Bret won it would be a raw to remember since its his last day. Yeah so looking forward to it.
what?? U guys cant see it?

Chris Jericho is Miz's new "partner"..

Bret WILL WIN this match!

..via DQ from jericho

jericho"s reasons for DQ will be because hes from canada and bret was stepping in his spotlight in his country.. simple as that:lmao:
Bret Hart Vs The Miz, name wise it looks good on paper, a legend against the new breed, but fans have to see this for what it truly is, Miz totally toying with Bret, until Bret nails the sharpshooter, only for Jericho to run in and cause a DQ then Smith & Kidd run down and help Bret get the sharpshooter on Jericho for his salute.

Saying that is what I think will happened, but remember Miz has held the US title since October so a title change could be around the corner, and if that were to be the case, WWE could pull an IC title, and hold a 4 man tournament for the championship.

I'm interested in this storyline but I honestly think it will be a major let down, unless Bret can actually wrestle a decent 5 minute match, either way I think it's a good move by WWE to match Miz up with Bret regardless, it's making Miz look like a legit heel going after a guy who can't physically wrestle nowadays.
Ugh... WHY!!?? as if Bret and Vinces bomb at WM wasn't enough of a travesty Bret is now going to step into the ring again?! The wrestlemania match at least made sense.. the story was there.. people didn't expect it to be a great match just a great moment. This on the other hand has no hope of any redeeming qualities. Bret should have let his last in ring performance be at wrestlemania.. this just damages his legacy even further
I think this is a ridiculous match, sorry. Bret is awesome and I'm a huge fan of his, but he cannot wrestle anymore and if he's planning to finally wave goodbye to WWE, he should be allowed to do so with dignity. The ONLY reason this match should be used for is to bolster the Miz's heel heat, when he hits a beatdown on Bret Hart, adding fuel to the fire of the feud between Jericho/Miz and the Hart Dynasty. Bret should not beat Miz as it would harm Miz's credibility that has been built up so well thus far.

Miz does need to drop the US Championship though as it has become irrelevant to his character. Maybe they'll have Bret win it so that he can relinquish it, but even that would just plainly suck.
Ugh... WHY!!?? as if Bret and Vinces bomb at WM wasn't enough of a travesty Bret is now going to step into the ring again?! The wrestlemania match at least made sense.. the story was there.. people didn't expect it to be a great match just a great moment. This on the other hand has no hope of any redeeming qualities. Bret should have let his last in ring performance be at wrestlemania.. this just damages his legacy even further

Not unless the whole point is Bret wins via DQ and Jericho/Miz double team him, until the Dynasty run down make the save, and Bret becomes their manager.

I believe Bret has a lot to offer WWE not in a wrestling aspect but from using his head, and helping enhance up and coming stars, Dynasty have looked pretty good in ring since they've been aligned with Bret, maybe Bret would help others in a backstage role, along with playing a on air role as a manager.
Not unless the whole point is Bret wins via DQ and Jericho/Miz double team him, until the Dynasty run down make the save, and Bret becomes their manager.

I believe Bret has a lot to offer WWE not in a wrestling aspect but from using his head, and helping enhance up and coming stars, Dynasty have looked pretty good in ring since they've been aligned with Bret, maybe Bret would help others in a backstage role, along with playing a on air role as a manager.

I'd be more than up for that, if Bret is planning to stick around (which I don't know). If he is, then he'd be perfect for the GM role. He single-handedly put over the Hart Dynasty and made them fan favorites. I'm sure he'd be a great influence on other young talent and he would make a good GM.
Not unless the whole point is Bret wins via DQ and Jericho/Miz double team him, until the Dynasty run down make the save, and Bret becomes their manager.

I believe Bret has a lot to offer WWE not in a wrestling aspect but from using his head, and helping enhance up and coming stars, Dynasty have looked pretty good in ring since they've been aligned with Bret, maybe Bret would help others in a backstage role, along with playing a on air role as a manager.

I still don't like Bret winning by DQ.. There is just a big difference between the last time we see Bret in the ring being him putting Vince in the Sharpshooter infront of 72,000 at wrestlemania... and Bret wrestling the Miz on Raw.. If Brets WM match went better and surprised everyone (like Steamboat @WM24 or HBK @SS02) I'd be all for it.. but the truth is the guy can't do it anymore..and its not his fault he had a stroke but he just can't handle a match anymore..sometimes you need to know when to walk away and walk away on a high note..

I agree that he can be used well but not in the ring anymore..
This match is just a way to get a JeriMiz-Hart Dynasty feud brewing, while giving Canadians their beloved hitman back for one more night in the ring. Good on them, looking forward to the feud.
I don't think this will be an actual match. I think somehow the Hart Dynasty will interfere, or the guest host will make the match a handicapped match with Bret, Tyson, and Smith against Miz and maybe Jericho. I wouldn't be surprised if Miz came out on the losing end though. I don't think Bret would keep the title, but he would probably give it to the dynasty or retire it all together.

The US Title is pretty useless now anyways. When was the last time it was defended or there was a good feud for the title? I don't think Bret Hart will lose a match in Canada on his last Raw appearance.
I find it funny that so many of you are so upset over ONE MATCH on Raw. The U.S. title has been basically pointless for quite some time now anyhow, so what's the problem?

This will not turn out to be some clean win for Bret, so all of you new-school, Bret-hating fans can just calm down. Don't worry, the "old, washed-up" guy isn't going to win. If he does win, it won't be clean.

The real point I am trying to make is we have NO CLUE what is going to happen with this, and half of you are crying your eyes out. Just relax. This is more than likely Bret's final send-off. I do agree it should have been over with at Mania, but it's worked out pretty well for the Hart kids, having Bret around.

I get so annoyed with so many of you. Does this match NEED to happen? No. But we also didn't need to see Meatloaf catch an RKO (one of the WORST things I have EVER seen in wrestling). But it was a POINTLESS segment. This will not be pointless, but how much does it really matter? Even if, by some miracle Bret wins the title, it's not like he's going to keep it. And I don't want to hear any crap about how Miz losing to Bret is going to hurt Miz. Give me a break. No one would take it seriously, and it would be forgotten about the next week. Saying it will hurt Miz is just a cover for you newer fans to bash an older guy, that's all that is.

No matter how it turns out, it's going to be one small portion of ONE episode of Raw. Also, it's going to be commercial free, so there will be time for you to see Evan Bourne, Santino, Mark Henry, etc. do some pointless segment or get squashed. People are reading WAYYY too much into this. Just let the guy have his night in Canada. Really not a big thing to complain about.
the u.s. tittle hasent been defended in weeks. ever since show-miz became unified champs they forgot all about the u.s. tittle. now that miz and jericho are team they are still focus on the unifed tag belts. they need to put the u.s. tittle on the scene on raw every week. i saw bret wins tittle then forfits it and have a tournament for it like sd is doing with the i.c. tittle. have dibase, bourne, r-truth, zach ryder, mark henry, yoshi, kozlov and morrison go after it with truth and morrison ending in the finals and having an awsome match to end it. new u.s champion john morrison
first post!

what about this, guys:
Bryan Danielson is shockingly eliminated from NXT tomorrow night.
Bret gives him his place in the US Title Match, and he wins.
Daniel Bryan, U.S Champion.


You know what, I had all kinds of ideas in my head, mainly a "Bret wins, thanks everyone, drops the belt & retires for good" scenario. Thus creating another mid-card title tourney... But I never, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever, thought of this. And you know what? I kinda like it, & even scarier... I can kinda see it happening!
This is how I think this match will happen. (No I don't EXPECT it to happen, this is how I could see it happening.)

I can see Bret winning the title from Miz in some way, shape, or form. Probably some outside shenanigans involving D.H. Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Jericho. Heck, it would probably even be a quick match.

But he would not keep the title. He would relinquish the title, and give his send off. The send off he was going to do the raw after Survivor Series. It would rectify what happened that night.

Then Raw would have a vacant title that would have to be up for tournament.

I could even see a segment the next week between the Miz and Jericho, where he convinces Miz to not worry about going after the U.S. title again, as the have the Tag titles to concentrate on.

Just how I could see it happening.

EDIT: Dang, I took too long to reply, and others have already mentioned this idea.
Not only is Bret physicaly unable to wrestle he is not allowed to due to his lloydds of London insurane policy.

The way I see this going is Bret gets "attacked" backstage putting him out of the match leading to Miz v Hart-Smith or Kidd. That match ends in a dq through Jericho and Jericho and Miz procede to beat down the hart dynasty. Then Brets music hits and out comes a pissed off Bret who makes his way to the ring and scuffles with Jericho and Miz until the Dynasty recover and help him. Then Brets music plays and he is left in the ring alone (Dynasty leave out of respect) as the Canadian crowd goes nuts and shows Bret there appreciation.

This is purely a guess of course.

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