[Official] All Zack Ryder Discussion (DO NOT SPAM!)

Best in the World 79

2 fingers round. 3 fingers down.
Zack Ryder

What in THE FUCK is so special about this guy. His left eye pisses me off to the utmost extent. He says the same shit all the time. He is a fucking guido. TNA rip off? Except WWE pulls is off to it's grandest scale cause it's wwe.

Wasn't this guy one of edge's doubles and he was getting chokeslammed by taker through everything imaginable. Now all of a sudden his face is all over my tv cause cena supports him.

WTF is so great about him. He isn't that good in the ring. Average. I hate his fucking entrance and his theme song. And he's the US champion.

I will stop watching wrestling completely when two things happen.
1. John Cena breaks Flair's major WHC total
2. Zack Ryder becomes a Heavyweight Champion

Please let me be aware of your thoughts on this. Hate it or love it. It has to be discussed
He worked his ass off to get somewhere, anywhere, that isn't the unemployment line back at Long Island (if that is where he really lives). He was so nearly future endeavored, and what did he do? Start a YouTube show and pull himself out of that particular abyss and into whole arenas chanting WE WANT RYDER (see Survivor Series).

He might not be a ring technician, he might not be an indy darling, but he's very very over - you gotta respect that, at least.

He has done something no wrestler, not even the great Ric Flair, has done

He has managed to get somewhat over, on his own admission. He is working for the most inept wrestling promotions, a WWE which is a shadow of is former self, being the jobber b***** for months wearing a stupid attire with one leg covered and one naked

And he still managed, to make something out of it, he has done more with a webcam than 99.9999% wrestlers have in WCW, AWA, WWF/WWE, AJPW, TNA combined, that is impressive.

How many people could possibly get a gimmick as crappy and lousy as his over? And he isent even a good wrestler, hell he may not even be "average" and he still did it, with limited to no TV time?

Zack Ryder is in alot of ways a miracle in that he managed so much with so little, in a industry that has been losing popularity, a creative team led by Stephanie McMahon which has done nothing but utter **** the last 10 years, a Vince McMahon that does not seem to know what he wants and changes his mind constantly.

Forget his gimmick, he didnt chose it, but respect the man for doing what nobody else has been able to, especially in these dark days of pro wrestling that rival those of mid 90s
First off I think you deserved to get repped and GTFO.

"TNA ripoff" Really? You are an idiot for thinking him or the WWE ripped off stupid. He debuted the gimmick before Jershy Shore. Yeah he was an Edgehead but look where he is now. He went from being so close to future endeavored to U.S. Champ.

The reason he got to such a level was by doing something everyone is afraid to do and that is grow some balls and standout. He deserves everything he has now cause he earned it. Hell he can put up at least a decent something more than half the locker room can't do.

You call yourself Best in the World No!!!! more like DPiTW (Dumbest Person in The World) #WWWYI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have to respect the guy he busted his ass to get where he is and he did it with a little video camera, he's earned everything he's gotten and had his gimmick a full year before TNA stole it, the guy had madison square garden, MADISON SQUARE GARDEN chanting his name during every match at survivor series, he may not be kurt angle or shawn michaels in the ring, but he's top 5 most over people in wwe id say and he did it all on his own
He is loved because he got over by himself. He stands out and he was able to stand out by himself. He took his own ball and is running with it. Vince obviously saw nothing special in him, but Ryder refused to accept it that.

Personally I find him very entertaining. I'll agree that his in-ring skills are average at best, but that's okay. I enjoy him for what he is...and that's an upper-midcard talent. He is decent on the mic, decent in the ring, and got himself over. And as far as "saying the same shit all the time" Most wrestlers do. They have their catch phrases and they stick to it. Not all the talent will have the mic skills that a CM Punk or a Chris Jericho possess. Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!
First, I want to say Ryder in the ring is pretty damn good. Is he on Bret's level? No, but give the guy time to polish his skills especially now he's in the spot light. He and Ziggler put on a hell of a show at the last WWE PPV.

Second, before you trash him for being a jobber as an Edge Head, remember this, most wrestlers start out as jobbers and such. You think Undertaker started out just choke slamming people all the time? Then you need to go back and look at his early days in WCCW from Dallas and look again. Yes, even 'Taker had to start out eating the mat sometimes. So learn some history of what many guys, especially the old school guys, had to go through in their early careers to get to where they ended up.

Third, Ryder took what he was given and ran with it when he saw the end days coming. Other people have posted this on this thread, but that's because many of recognize the work he put into getting noticed and taking a chance. Ryder working on his own time to get noticed is something special in this day and age of instant stars here today gone tomorrow.

Fourth, when you hear Ryder's name chanted by the crows at another company's PPV, it's hard to ignore the fact the guy has made an impact (no pun intended).

In closing, I want to say that you should rethink your statement of giving up on wrestling if Ryder ever wins the World title. Be thankful if he does, because that will mean that hard work and self promotion along with a never say die attitude still holds up in an industry where many stars are disposable.
Well I agree on with the OP on several points. First off people defending ryder in this thread have said 2 main things supporting him. 1: He BUSTED HIS ASS to get where he is. Well yeah, who hasn't? Everyone has paid their dues. Even Super Cena did his time in the bingo halls. 2. He's got himself over on his own momentum. No he didn't. CM Punk got him over. Anyone remember the comicon incident where CM Punk crashed a HHH Q & A with a megaphone after "leaving" WWE? The first thing he said was "Yeah, I have a question, why aren't you pushing Zack Ryder?". Since then he's been pushing hard for ryder. That "internet petition" crap didn't have ANYTHING to do with Ryder's push. If the wwe didn't want to push ryder do you honestly think they'd allow it to even be mentioned on air? Hell knowing Mcmahon, he'd probably tell ryder to shut down his youtube account. I'm sick of ryder but as long as he's midcard, let them do what they want.
Quick Fact for ignoramuses:

- Robbie E. was doing his guido, flamboyant, overselling dumbass gimmick in the indies either before Ryder repackaged himself or at the same time. There is zero correlation between the two. TNA is not copying the WWE. WWE is not copying TNA. Both companies hired or repackaged a wrestler based on that gimmick and the way he performs in that role due to Jersey Shore's popularity.


On to the topic at hand - Zack Ryder is absolutely talentless. He's cheesy, he cannot act, therefore he can't say his lines properly and that adds to the cheesiness. It's not like his lines are that hard. He says two in total. "Woo Woo Woo, You know it" and "Are you serious, bro?". Frankly, it's the only thing he knows how to say. He is mildly athletic and he looks like a dumbass.

I don't know what today's measuring stick is, but throwing random clothing on yourself in colors that don't go together at all is not genius. You don't stand out because you look cool, you stand out because you were in a clown *******. Lady GaGa can say she's an artist all she wants, but all we see is some whack bitch who wears meat.

Case and point, yes, Ryder got himself over. Really? You're glad he did that? This is a huge red sign that the WWE is in crisis mode. When wrestlers have to get themselves over because creative is so creatively constipated - your company is in dire need of help. Zack Ryder also busted his ass - the main reason WWE fans love him, yet somehow everyone shits on Cena about the same damn reasons. I just think it's sad that they'd rather cheer and riot for someone that doesn't have a lot of talent, than cheer and riot for someone who is actually talented like a Dolph Ziggler or a Cody Rhodes. They are supported but their support is not even a fraction of what Zack gets, and that just isn't right.

Zack Ryder is an act, and a bad one. Congratulations that you put yourself over, few people care that much about their careers or have the balls to do it. But at the end of the day, if you had the prowess in the ring, outside of it, on the stick and backstage, you wouldn't have to start lame YouTube shows to capture the bottom of the barrel in the WWE, known as the US Championship. You can't talk, you can't wrestle at the level that you should, you have no "it" factor, your gimmick cannot possibly make money long term and you're another 2 Cool, Hurricane, Eugene and any other quirky, colorful and energetic dude or dudes that stepped foot in the WWE. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Zack Ryder sucks sweaty donkey balls at the things he should be good at. I'm not even hating, it's on tape. Show me one great promo, show me one great match that wasn't good because of his opponent who sold his ass for him, show me another great match which told a compelling story, show me his latest interesting storyline. Those are the things that make a great professional wrestler. Headbands, flashy clothes, crappy catchphrases and plastic accessories do not. Sad, but true.
I will stop watching wrestling completely when two things happen.
1. John Cena breaks Flair's major WHC total
2. Zack Ryder becomes a Heavyweight Champion

Please let me be aware of your thoughts on this. Hate it or love it. It has to be discussed[/QUOTE]

One less hater watching WWE then....you have about 3 to 4 more years of viewing then. Zack Ryder is the epitome of a hard working person. He took his own fate in his own hands by publicly challenging his WWE subordinates by calling them out with his show.
Please let me be aware of your thoughts on this. Hate it or love it. It has to be discussed?

you've been on this board since august, you've participated in 60 threads and you need to start this one as if nobody has said this but you? you're insane! this is 20% of every forum since september, right behind CM punk overrated, Ziggler needs to be in the main event, john cena sucks, and where is the tag division?

did you honestly think you were going to come across some new information starting this thread again? Ryder is what he is. you earn your spot in wrestling by being an incredible wrestler, or character. he got to where he is by being the latter. shit happens. I hope he does win the title, maybe than you can come back after a week away from wrestling and start a thread about this 1/2/12 promo that nobody is talking about except you.
I don't like Ryder mainly because he couldn't get over due to in-ring ability or mic skills, so he went to the lowest common denominator and made himself a Youtube show to get fans. To me he's "The Office" of the wrestling world - unfunny, untalented, and worthless, but insanely popular because he appeals to the low-brow demographic.
I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but if you arent, TNA ripped of the Zack Ryder character that existed before TNA's version and the Jersey Shore craze. Hes not a guido, hes a broski. Guidos are italians that act black.

What has he done to get where he is? Well hes gotten himself over with no help of the WWE whatsoever. He bulked up from the last time he was relevant. WWE was impressed by this and the fact that many people backstage, not just Cena, supported the idea of pushing him. Has he gotten stale now, yes, but its mostly because theres nothing for him to do right now. He was everyones favorite underdog and now that hes relevant its only common sense for there to be a lul in his career. To be honest hes the most tolerable of the internet darlings. You mention Ric Flairs streak as if it were relevant. Unlike that washed up waste of space whos only contribution outside the ring was partying, Cena has been an exemplary employee and has a lot more years left in the business. As far as Ryder winning a world title, if you're not in the business to win a world title you should just retire right now. So I suggest you find something else to do on Monday nights, and soon.
John Cena sucks sweaty donkey balls at the things he should be good at. I'm not even hating, it's on tape. Show me one great promo, show me one great match that wasn't good because of his opponent who sold his ass for him, show me another great match which told a compelling story, show me his latest interesting storyline. Those are the things that make a great professional wrestler. Headbands, flashy clothes, crappy catchphrases and plastic accessories do not. Sad, but true.

I made that one change to your quote, because a lot of what you said applies to the early days of John Cena. His rapper gimmick wasn't ever going to last long term. He had crappy catchphrases, the armbands, the clothes, the foam hands. His wrestling ability is constantly in doubt, he can't act very well, and his promos have been more or less the same for years now.

Cena's a lot like Ryder in those regards, but here's the thing a lot of people seem to be missing with Ryder. They've taken him and made him into a HOT midcarder. Zack Ryder, Long Island Iced Z, will never be World/WWE champion, not with that gimmick, not while McMahon draws breath. Jack Swagger would be a 5 time Champ before Ryder sniffs a Heavyweight Title. The IWC seems to think the midcard is purgatory, but for a guy like Ryder, it's where he belongs. If Cena was Ryder's size or had Ryder's gimmick he'd have been dangerously close to the Future Endeavored line too. But Cena's got the look, yes, but he had to work just as hard, hell even harder, than Ryder to get where he is now. The Miz fits the same mold, another guy who wouldn't have gone anywhere if he didn't go the extra mile. The Miz might even be the better comparison since he doesn't have the McMahon main event look and he was respected about as much as Edgehead Ryder in his early days.

As for a match with a compelling story, and interesting storylines overall? That's 95% on WWE Creative. Honestly, in my opinion, Ryder's struggle to get on RAW on a regular basis, remove the comedy jobber/future endeavored chip off his shoulder, and finally capture a real single's title WAS the most interesting storyline at the time it was happening. Though, WWE's shoddy writing in general these days is a major reason for that.

People don't support Cody and Ziggles? They're heels, the crowd isn't supposed to. The IWC is all over them like 12 year old girls at a Bieber concert though. And it's obvious to people that WWE knows that they're both great talents, so what do Ziggler and Rhodes need Ryder-type support for? They're already on their way.

The people flocked to Ryder for a few simple reasons; 1) The YouTube videos endeared him to people, they had character and they're funny enough. 2) The perception that Ryder was being held back by the WWE deliberately. These two things combine and you've got a snowball of support starting on the internet.

The internet is a fickle thing, soon as something's mainstream, they'll have their hipster glasses on and act like they've hated it the whole time. So Ryder won't last too long in the spotlights, not without changes to his characters or support from creative. But he doesn't have to. He's the hot hand now, you should always play your hot hand. WWE isn't that dumb. I'm sure most of creative and VKM think Ryder's an even bigger joke than you do, but it's a business.

Which takes us to the biggest reason your post sucks sweaty donkey balls; Zack Ryder is currently one of the top ten best at the ONLY thing he's supposed to do.



Wrestlezone reported in early October that Ryder's in the top ten for merchandise sales. If Ryder's even more over now than he was then, then it is obvious that Ryder makes the WWE money.

So, while we can both agree that Ryder is a flash in the pan, or list our personal dislikes about anything Ryder does, this isn't a real sport and Ryder isn't Tim Tebow. Tebow's a pretty similar guy to Ryder when you get down to it. (though I think Ryder is better in the ring than Tebow is on the field) However, Tim Tebow can't keep being a terrible quarterback and win games like he was doing, but Ryder can be a 'terrible' act and keep making the WWE serious money. John Cena can be boring and predictable in many fan's eyes, he can have his crappy catchphrases, be subpar in the ring, have brightly colored shirts and armbands, and big foam hands, but he's the one that takes in the most cash at the end of the day. And that's all that really matters to the WWE.

Could the WWE do better than Ryder, Miz, or even Cena? Sure, but the WWE doesn't have to, and that's an entirely different topic.

Ryder's made himself into a solid midcarder, and that's respectable. The overreactions in this thread, not so much.
Its been proving you don't have to have wrestling ability to get over in wrestling.. Hogan Couldn't wrestle for sh*t an look how popular he was.. All show no skill. the one good match i ever saw him have was with the great muta in 93.... Cena don't have great in ring ability in my opinion nor duz orton.. but in the business they prefer you to have 1 or the other Cena Orton hogan all have charisma.. HBK Bret hart an flair jericho guererro had both.. and then u got the guys who are better wrestlers then talkers who didnt get a shot because of no personality Lance Storm, Dean Malenko jus had wrestling ability... they prefer charisma over wrestling ability. cuz charisma of hogan is what really got wrestling over the top.. as some ppl have said. I mean had triple H kept the snot nose blue blood gimmick would he be were he is today... Dunt see it happening..
Dude If you want to flame someone at least get your facts right he debuted the gimmick when Robbie was also using it in the indies stop trying to connect the dots when there is non to connect he worked his ASS off to get anywhere he was happy that he jobbed to kofi to get on raw now he is the us champion you are a mouthy idiot who thinks he is "Mr Internet Smark 10 year old"

Sure he isin't on the levels of Punk,Bryan,Ziggler etc but he is decent and he has something that most of the roster doesn't have and that is the crowd he is over he earned it deal with it
Christ, panties in a bunch much boys.

Ryder should be lauded for his achievement, however he is riding a fad of the present and will be unbearable in the next 2 years if he doesn't enhance himself. He got himself a gimmick that's popular, got himself noticed through cyber space, got TOP DOGS to endorse him and voila!

He's ok for me. I don't get all the broski phrases but he is colorful and I do see charisma, I kinda await what he does to trancend and evolve from this.
Oh man another flamboyant idiot who is happy for everybody else to get over rather then somebody who wants it and has achieved an awful lot.

Its not easy getting recognised on wwe TV ,let alone Monday Night Raw.
Give him a chance.Im pretty sure the same people supporting him now and have helped him out storyline and US championship wise will let him know when its getting too much and annoying.
Ryder is awesome you gotta love someone who completely made something of himself!! He sure as hell wasnt vinnie Macs idea Zack is where hes at because of Zack. Granted he is not the most talented wrestler but he puts asses in seats fans chant his name buy his merch. At the end of the day thats what matters! Zack is an orginial gotta give him that. Him being the U.S. champ is fine with me hard work does indeed pay off
:banghead: For one even if you do consider acting a fool on camera for YouTube hardwork, that doesn't mean the guy should be a champ. What about the guys who worked hard at their wrestling and promos? Everyone talks about how he took a crappy gimmick and still got over. What about Dolph Ziggler? He was a male cheerleader. At least Ryder's character is faddish. A male cheerleader is never cool. But Ziggler worked on his wrestling, he worked on his promos and he deserves the U.S. title. Ryder was crappy at wrestling and at promos, so he made a YouTube show instead of working on it. If you were a manager would you promote someone who sucks at their job just because they are good at something completely unrelated? Not if you're smart. And even if the guy "worked hard" and "busted his ass", I'm not obligated to like him. Justin Bieber works hard too, I'm sure. I don't like him. Zack Ryder "worked hard" at the wrong thing. I watch wrestling to see wrestling and good wrestling promos. I don't care about internet celebrities or special guest hosts. They have nothing to do with the business. David Arquette did movies and commercial, which is way harder than making a corny YouTube show. So, does that mean the guy deserved to win the WHC?
Zack Ryder

What in THE FUCK is so special about this guy. His left eye pisses me off to the utmost extent. He says the same shit all the time. He is a fucking guido. TNA rip off? Except WWE pulls is off to it's grandest scale cause it's wwe.

Wasn't this guy one of edge's doubles and he was getting chokeslammed by taker through everything imaginable. Now all of a sudden his face is all over my tv cause cena supports him.

WTF is so great about him. He isn't that good in the ring. Average. I hate his fucking entrance and his theme song. And he's the US champion.

I will stop watching wrestling completely when two things happen.
1. John Cena breaks Flair's major WHC total
2. Zack Ryder becomes a Heavyweight Champion

Please let me be aware of your thoughts on this. Hate it or love it. It has to be discussed
Your Hatin on zack ryder are your serious bro he's good in the ring good on the mic the fans love home and he got him self noticed by making YouTube videos
Ryder is in some ways someone I admire, cos he has taken shit and made it stick to the wall long enough to get over... Look at it logically, he didn't WANT that gimmick originally, it was given to him... for a long time it sucked, enough for him to be on the at risk list...

A lot of people who were actually making crap gimmicks work better than he was got released... Guys like Murdoch, Burchill and Kendrick...

BUT the guy though of something on his own... went and did it, probably practiced it for quite a while before he put that first video up... so he basically sat in front of a camera and learned to talk... same way as guys in the past have done, sure it wasn't a "WWE is coming to your town" type deal... but for a guy who clearly had NO mic skills or charisma, to be where he is off of his own initiative, even if he is talking gibberish is why he is being put over by guys like Cena... Guys like Taker will see that he has gone the extra mile to avoid his release so they will back him... Old school guys will see the Modern Ultimate Warrior in him, someone who could make incoherent gibberish get over...

Ryder is also making them shit loads of money right now, he is drawing people to WWE via Youtube, which brings in casual viewers... Hell I have a friend who gets on a bus with the same friend every day... she knows nothing about wrestling, hates it.. but they call each other Broski's cos the other one is a Ryder fan... When the girls on the bus are using your phrase, you have done good!
Zack Ryder

What in THE FUCK is so special about this guy. His left eye pisses me off to the utmost extent. He says the same shit all the time. He is a fucking guido. TNA rip off? Except WWE pulls is off to it's grandest scale cause it's wwe.

Wasn't this guy one of edge's doubles and he was getting chokeslammed by taker through everything imaginable. Now all of a sudden his face is all over my tv cause cena supports him.

WTF is so great about him. He isn't that good in the ring. Average. I hate his fucking entrance and his theme song. And he's the US champion.

I will stop watching wrestling completely when two things happen.
1. John Cena breaks Flair's major WHC total
2. Zack Ryder becomes a Heavyweight Champion

Please let me be aware of your thoughts on this. Hate it or love it. It has to be discussed

My comment was taken down yesterday, for calling you a word that I won't say again. However, let me say this. You're completely ignorant and just like the other 85% that comes on here to post because he thinks he's some WWE creative genius. Want the job bad enough? Go out and get the education, and do something about it. Don't sit and constantly bitch on an internet forum like it's going to get anything done. You're the number one stereotypical moron on these boards. And before anyone thinks I'm mad. Not even. On the flip side, I am standing up for what is right and not just sitting to the side and complaining about anything imaginable. Even more so, you don't even back up your thoughts or accusations. No, you call the other person a "fucking douchebag" and act like you're better than them but eventually show that you're a hypocrite.

Why is Zach Ryder where he is? The same reason Mark Henry is where he is. They worked for it. But again, let me reiterate my thoughts. THEY DID SOMETHING AND NOT JUST SAT TO THE SIDE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT IT LIKE SOME, i.e - You.

Best in the World? Hardly. Given your name you're a CM Punk mark. Good for you, wanna know who also pushed for Ryder? CM Punk. He's in the bigs, and he see's talent a lot more than what you do. He knows what effort he puts in. Are you going to hate on CM Punk for saying Ryder deserved the spot too? Change this dude's name to "Coleminer's Bitch Fits".

Edit: Also, I didn't use any derogatory words, that he has not used himself and not gotten in trouble for. So if this is removed given the fact that he swears every other sentence then you're being completely biased.
Dude everything you say here is completely stupid. Honestly even if you don't like Ryder you should respect how far he's come in WWE but honestly he never really did that bad. When he debuted in the Major Brothers they were a hot tag team but they fizzled so they were repackaged as The Rated-R Entourage where they were always seen with Edge, who was red hot at the time, and were doing work with the Undertaker and even got a tag title run. After getting drafted to ECW Ryder worked to make the best out of a bad gimmick and got over as a top heel in ECW in its final days even "retiring" Tommy Dreamer. During all this time he was slowly getting over with his Youtube videos which lead to his face turn and subsequent success.

Not sure about anyone else but I'd say that overall Zack Ryder has had a fairly decent career so far and especially recently has been getting what he deserves.

Also to correct the OP it was CM Punk who originally stuck up for Ryder not John Cena although recently Cena has been a big help.
I have to agree with the OP, I have said it since the beginning RYDER SUCKS. Why are people acting like he worked so hard to get to where he is. Seriously does anyone know how hard he hits the gym or how often he trains to better his in ring skills or promos ( stuff that actually matters ) nobody knows that yet they say he worked his ass off cause he took a cheap camera and made an internet show and got the 2 most popular guys to support him. Come on people how hard is that.

Yes it was something different but really the shows were never good, now all of a sudden you have guys saying Ryder has good in ring skills and good mic skills, thats the dumbest thing ever heard. If he had these great in ring skills or mic skills he wouldn't need to do the youtube stuff and he would have been noticed.
If he was not tight with Cena and Punk he would not be where he is today.
He is as The Rock would say " Hot Garbage"
Ryder will not make it past 2012 being over, that stock will drop before summerslam. To those who talk about Ryders gimmick and all of a sudden say they like it ( after the youtube stuff ) and he has been doing that gimmick since what about 2006-7. How is it that they didnt like the gimmick back then or like his in ring skills and all these people saying they love him now all once upon a time called him a joke.Yes you the guy shaking your head while you read this YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE.

And last thing VKM is playing everyone right now, he knows it wont last but hey why not make money while its hot and then the fans will go look for a new flavor of the month when they realize this guy has absolutely nothing.

Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Zach Ryder you can only pick 2 to put on a show which 2 are you going with to watch a great match or actually want to hear talk. Hell I can put more mid carders here and Zach still wouldn't be chosen by REAL wrestling audiences. Zach Ryder = Santino whereas he is a comedy act. ( Remember there was a time when the crowd was chanting for Santino ) yeah how long did that last and Santino did it without the help of the 2 largest cash cows in the company

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