[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

but...I can make a debate first.

So what are you saying? You'll do this week's debate and then drop out? Or you're dropping out now?

Let me know ASAP so I can make the adjustments... AGAIN.

You guys are ridiculous. Why commit to the League and then back out last minute, thus causing TONS more work for Phoenix and myself?
That would be nice. But I don't abuse my wonderful G-power.

It won't be that hard. Just one little push with the ban hammer, and we're all so much better for it.

Sigh.. If only JMT would follow their lead
JMT would agree with me. Just because we've got some lazy fucks that joined this from the beginning doesn't mean I'm going to start banning people.
JMT would agree with me. Just because we've got some lazy fucks that joined this from the beginning doesn't mean I'm going to start banning people.

LOL I know. I'm more saying JMT is a hell of a man to debate. Makes for fun, though.

Question... Is there any possible way I can win the punctuality point if I wasn't the home debater
The punctuality point comes to the debater that was more...well... PUNCTUAL in their debate. Home or away debater doesn't matter. But that's why it's in everyone's best interest to post their replies as quickly as possible.
The punctuality point comes to the debater that was more...well... PUNCTUAL in their debate. Home or away debater doesn't matter. But that's why it's in everyone's best interest to post their replies as quickly as possible.

Fair point. I assumed from the post made in Papa Grande/Insano thread that the home debater starts with the punctuality point, and if they meet the 24 hour requirement, the home person at least ties that point. Or some thing like that
Exceptions are only made when posters no-show in their debates. Then we must do what's fair in that situation.
D, I wasn't talking about banning people. No I'm more of the type of guy that encourages others to reach through the Internet to rip the other persons head off. I'm sure with a little bit of effort you could join the ranks of people to have done it.

Feel the powah within my friend. Just do it.
Exactly my point. How come the moderators on here doesn't master this? Crave must have some kind of telepathy implementation available.
Hey guys,

I'm not entirely sure I have the time at the moment to participate in the Debator's League. As it's been lately work has been brutal and after work I've been mostly running after my daughter and trying to be the good family man.So I either will concede this week to Falkon and see if next week works better, or I may just drop out of the league all together. I apologize to y'all who were looking forward to debating me, but at this time right now I just ain't got the time to sit down, research, and write up a debate.

So much apologizes guys, but if I do drop out completely I feel that it would be more deserving to someone who has the time to put up a worthwhile debate, and especially apologizes to Falkon as I was looking forward to debating you.
10 Minutes and the first round is finished, get your final posts in!

EDIT: Round One has finished!
I will judge as soon as I get off work. With my medicine I can not drink or operate heavy machinery. And that's usually what my Friday nights consist of. So yeah I'll be here to judge..
Everyone, thanks for a great first round. As for everyone that no-showed of bowed out, I'll try to have the alternates invited in to take their places either tonight or tomorrow.

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