[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

Indeed I did my Scottish laddie. It's obvious that Scottish pipe music has gotten to your head, made you all dizzy and confused. Obviously you do not see the great Danish threat that lures.

The epitome of a word fort is something even Tenta and I could never imagine reaching. Game Rage is the epitome of word forts.
Indeed I did my Scottish laddie. It's obvious that Scottish pipe music has gotten to your head, made you all dizzy and confused. Obviously you do not see the great Danish threat that lures.

The epitome of a word fort is something even Tenta and I could never imagine reaching. Game Rage is the epitome of word forts.

If you say so... Boy.
I'm resisting the urge to comment on a lot of arguments so that I don't influence the replies and/or judging. So difficult, but I'm a man of honor.
I know. But I also know that could give people ideas for responses, which in turn could affect the score, which in turn could affect the very course of the tournament. My thoughts are powerful like that. I don't want to risk it until after the round.
Wait...Falkon's in this thing now?

Indeed I am.

I'll be sure to post my arguments sometime within the next few hours, after I run a couple of errands. Should be a good match considering me and Ty Burna have never faced each other one-on-one. Last time this happened, Doug Crashin was on my team and Lars Reidar was on his... with Ty Burna being a judge. The outcome wasn't pretty.

I'll try to refrain from WZCW references from this point on. Trust me, I'm a doctor... ah fuck.
Just a reminder to all participants:

Each debate will be posted every Sunday at 2pm Eastern Standard time beginning Sunday (August 1st) at 2:00pm!!!

Each debate will end on the following Friday at 2pm EST!

Posters with the CHOICE option must submit their decisions by the Saturday morning prior to the next debate, otherwise they will automatically take their bye for the week.
Ugh, Captain Insano has been on this week yet hasn't made an argument against me. So am I just gonna have to sit here and wait out the week?
Pretty much I'm afraid. But if he doesn't post anything by Friday, you get 20 points for free and would effectively top your table :)

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