[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
We're going to be running another Debaters League again this year. While TM did a very good job of running it last year, I honestly believe that Phoenix and I can do just as good of a (if not better) job than last year.

We'd like to know who would like to participate in the tournament? We'd also like a few of you to volunteer as judges. Based on the list of names that we get and limited number of spots, the participants will more likely be chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis while the judges will be subject to Phoenix and my approval.

So, who's in?

We just need to see who's interested. I can see a high interest in judging, but would like to see more for participants. So atm, I'm just looking for participants given the eagerness to judge.

Currently I have:

  1. GC
  2. The Crock
  3. Tenta
  4. Disarray
  5. Ferbian
  6. Blue Cardinal
  7. Барбоса (?)
  8. Mr. Angel (?)


Possible Judges:
  1. Phoenix
  2. Tdigs
  3. CH David (for fears of rape)
  4. Morris Dewey
  5. Numbers
  6. Dave
We already have four mods in, and only five minutes in?

Will you be defending your title?
Are you going to be editing any of the topics after you already posted them in order to screw any of the debators?
I'm not getting back into it, GD. What happened happened. And I didn't change a thing. It was TM. You know this.
Yeah, the Debater's League is about 75 threads deep into the wrestling archives right now. They are scattered to shit though.

Good luck finding them right now.

Also, I'll be judging. I've already said that.

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