Obama Signs Executive Orders on Gun Control

A doctor, actually. I'm a regular Patch Adams.

And yes, the overuse, abuse, and expansion of executive authority is frightening, especially considering that Americans can still be detained indefinitely without standing trial. Why Barry O renewed that one was a head scratcher.
...............You remind me of someone.
You did, whether you meant to or not. You responded to a joke with a response about abuse of power.

Maybe it was unintentional, but it was there.
Not uncommon to respond to a joke with explaining common complaints with the orders. I never had any myself, not sure why executive orders no matter the scope never bothered me much.

Slyfox696 said:
No, you look like an alt.
I was actually thinking that, I was going to ask whose alt he was.
Today, something unimagineable happened.

Today, my mother, grandmother, father and myself all agreed that what Obama had to say this morning was in fact, a good thing. My mother and grandmother come from an extremely long line of pastors and right-wing religious crazy people. My father has a conservative CHristmas mother, and all his siblings are big democrats with hard-ons for Obama. I general fall independent, as I don't hate Obama, starting like like Biden, but would vote for a republican if he was the best candidate for the job.

THis has never happened before.
24. "Sneak into gun owners homes at night, take their guns, send guns to Mexico as part of a sting mission; call it 'Operation Slow and Careful.'"

Personally, I'd call it Operation Let's Do Something Already.
Sorry, it's true.

England has zero guns and the highest violent crime rate in the world. I can't imagine why.

They also had a grand total of roughly 100 gun deaths in the last two years. As opposed to the 25,000 homicides in America.

I can't imagine why. But really, that's a great argument. Being vandalized is TOTALLY the same as being shot repeatedly in the head.
Allow me to rephrase...

"Could it be somehow related to the fact that over 30,00 Americans are killed every year from being shot?"


Incredibly skewed numbers. Most of those deaths are criminal on criminal violence associated with illegal activity.

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