I'd be open to mental health evaluations for gun ownership. It wouldn't solve everything but it's a good start.
If people were responsible with their guns things like Sandy Hook and Columbine would be less likely to happen. Would it phase out all school shootings? Certainly not but having easy access like the people in those events had certainly made it easier for them to carry out those attacks. Those guns should have never been in reach of those shooters.
Plus you hear/read so many stories about small children who get their hands on guns because they're left laying out. That's ridiculous.
A couple years ago my dad had some sort of mental breakdown. I'm not really sure of all the details but he was hospitalized and while he was there my step mom, aunt and uncle went to my dad and step mom's house and took all his guns out of the house and locked them up somewhere so he wouldn't have access to them. Because that was the responsible thing to do.
Background/mental health checks and responsibility would go a long way to help prevent people being shot.
As far as getting illegal guns I may not be able to get one on my own but I know some people that could probably get me one if I really wanted it.
That's fair enough but at the end of the day, it still kind of glosses over the insanity of so many guns even being slightly difficult to access. It's crazy.