NY Region, Kentucky Subregion: First Round: (12)Kane vs. (21)Pedro Morales

Who Wins This Match?

  • Kane

  • Pedro Morales

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The following contest is a first round match in the New York Region.

This match takes place in the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky.


#12 Kane



#21 Pedro Morales


This contest is one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

Voting is open for four days and all posts must be non-spam.​
Doesn't really matter what incarnation of the Big Red Machine one uses to justify the "prime' of the character, whether it be the unstoppable masked juggernaught of 1997 or the dangerously insane raging psychopath of 2004.

This is a character that was booked to look a step down from near omnipotence. This is a character who nearly destroyed the entire faction of DX by himself, who single handidly eliminated 11 men in the Royal Rumble 2001, who bodyslammed a 500 pound man over the top rope in the next. A character that took three Tombstones at Mania 14to beat and still had the power to grind the Undertaker into a pulp afterwards. A character who was booked to look dominate over fucking Goldberg of all people, and who powered out of Chris Beniot's crossface like childsplay. And a character that can always be built to look like a credible threat to anyone at anytime.

How in God's name would Pedro Morales even have a hope in Hell of beating this man? He wouldn't... easy match for Kane.
Pedro Morales was a world champion in the days when ten a penny monster heels would come along, wrestle the champion, and then lose. While Kane isn't exactly in that category, it's certainly fair to say he has spent the majority of his career being a man that can be a credible opponent for just about any level. His relative lack of Championships is proof enough that while he has a lot of opportunities, he loses a lot of matches.

So, you have a man who essentially didn't lose for two years, wrestling against formidable opponents who never really won big matches, against a formidable opponent who never really wins big matches. This is so far up Morales' street it's untrue, and as big as Kane is, he's not significantly bigger than guys like Blackjack Mulligan and Stan Stasiak, who Morales beat for fun. Morales would win this match at the peak of his career, but I appreciate it's probably better for the tournament if he doesn't.
Pedro Morales was a world champion in the days when ten a penny monster heels would come along, wrestle the champion, and then lose. While Kane isn't exactly in that category, it's certainly fair to say he has spent the majority of his career being a man that can be a credible opponent for just about any level. His relative lack of Championships is proof enough that while he has a lot of opportunities, he loses a lot of matches.

So, you have a man who essentially didn't lose for two years, wrestling against formidable opponents who never really won big matches, against a formidable opponent who never really wins big matches. This is so far up Morales' street it's untrue, and as big as Kane is, he's not significantly bigger than guys like Blackjack Mulligan and Stan Stasiak, who Morales beat for fun. Morales would win this match at the peak of his career, but I appreciate it's probably better for the tournament if he doesn't.

Don't discount kane because his win/loss record at PPV's is horrible; that's what happens to monster heels after they've been built up for a certain amount of time...they lose...and usually on big stages.

Think about this objectively, do you really think a character like Morales [a face champion that never really fought anyone formidable] would win the very first time he faced a character like Kane [a monster heel that rarely ever loses any matches during the regular weeks he's being built as an unstoppable force?] Logic says no...
Doesn't really matter what incarnation of the Big Red Machine one uses to justify the "prime' of the character, whether it be the unstoppable masked juggernaught of 1997 or the dangerously insane raging psychopath of 2004.

This is a character that was booked to look a step down from near omnipotence. This is a character who nearly destroyed the entire faction of DX by himself, who single handidly eliminated 11 men in the Royal Rumble 2001, who bodyslammed a 500 pound man over the top rope in the next. A character that took three Tombstones at Mania 14to beat and still had the power to grind the Undertaker into a pulp afterwards. A character who was booked to look dominate over fucking Goldberg of all people, and who powered out of Chris Beniot's crossface like childsplay. And a character that can always be built to look like a credible threat to anyone at anytime.

How in God's name would Pedro Morales even have a hope in Hell of beating this man? He wouldn't... easy match for Kane.

I have to agree with almost everything in this post. However, Morales' achievements show he was no slouch in the ring, but neither is Kane. The Kane character has been a legitimate threat to anyone he has faced since his debut. Even after times of being out of the main event scene, he is always a credible challenger for the title.

I am voting for Kane purely for the sheer awesomeness of his initial debut, he was legitimally terrifying with the body suit, mask, voice box and the size of the guy. He looked a genuine threat to the Undertaker which is something that most wrestlers cannot pull off.

Kane returning as a christmas present to the Corporation is one of my favourite memories of wrestling days gone by, and the Brothers Of Destruction tag team, where Taker and Kane would both ride motorbikes to the ring, and deliver simultaneous powerbombs...was another great memory for me.

Kane with a tombstone piledriver after 15 minutes.
I voted for Pedro Morales and I advise all the people who are coming into this thread just to vote for Kane to do just a bit of research.

Pedro Morales was the first triple crown champion in the WWF. He was the first man to hold the WWF Championship, the Intercontinental Championship and the WWF tag team championship. He held these championships in an era in which very few guys got the opportunity to do so. He was very popular among the Puerto Rican contingent and in his later years he showed that he was more than an able mic worker in his feud with "The Magnificent" Don Mucaro over the IC title in the WWF. He won the PWI wrestler of the year award in 1972 and was also a part of the first ever face vs face title match in the WWF when he faced off against Bruno Sammaritino on September 1, 1972 at Showdown at Shea.

Now we come to Kane. He has won two World Championships in an era where it has been easier to win World Championships. The first time he won he held the title for a single day( compare that to Morales holding the title for over three years) and the next time he won, it was after a gap of 12 years as a part of one of the weakest Smackdown roster in years. Another thing that is worth noting is that each time Kane has won a title, he has been involved in some sort of a storyline with The Undertaker. It is just when he is feuding with Undertaker is Kane able to envince the interest of the fans. He is boring to watch when he is feuding with others.

Kane is no doubt popular but that is more due to the way in which his character was debuted, his sweet entrance theme and most importantly due to his cool looking mask. In the WWF there was talk of doing away with his character once his feud with Undertaker had ended in 1998 but they kept it because it had gotten popular. Now don't misunderstand me, he sure was popular but he wasn't popular or good enough to be a World Champion unlike Pedro Morales was at his peak. He has been a career midcarder and has a plethora of meaningless midcard belts to his name. That might sound good on paper but no one has ever given a damn about him.

Kane has been a part of some of the worst feuds that we have had to endure in recent times. Pedro Morales' feud with Muraco is one of the best feuds for the Intercontinental Title.

Morales was a success as a tag team guy, as a midcarder and as a World Champion. Kane has had a bit of success as a tag team guy and as a midcarder but no one gives a fuck about his title reigns. He was a pretty boring as a World Champion.

So don't be hypnotized by the awesomeness of his mask. Glenn Jacobs is a pretty mediocre wrestler.

Vote for Pedro "The Rock" Morales!!!
I'm picking Kane without knowing much about Morales, and not feeling like I'd need to know more than this..

Kane has kicked out of 2 Stunners, before a 3rd put him down. He has kicked out of 2 Tombstones, questionably 3, from the Undertaker on a Wrestlemania stage. I don't know much about Morales; but I can tell you nothing the guy has ever done in any historical match I've seen him in - has told me he has anything that matches the power of those two moves, that could put Kane down.

The ideal understanding of Kane is that of a guy who was equal to the Undertaker, and somehow even better through different levels of evil. Now I get back during Morales' time period gimmick characters were not very in-depth such as this, but I can tell you if they were - Kane would be as close to Wrestling God-like as humanly possible.
It doesn't matter what finishers Kane has kicked out of... he still never had a good overall win/loss record. He was booked as an unstoppable monster for two main feuds: with Austin and Undertaker. He beat Austin with the help of outside interference and he was the Taker's bitch in the beginning stages of their feud.

Pedro Morales was a world champion during a time period when men like Bruno Sammartino were reigning on the throne as the WWWF's champion. Most know nothing about him because his prime happened while 50% of the posters' grandparents on this forum were children. But that shouldn't take away from what he accomplished and what he did for the sport at that time. Wrestling was different back then... it was booked as being real. Pedro was made out to be a REAL, LEGITIMATE champion and defeated legends of the sport while Kane was getting his ass handed to him for 80% of his career.

Morales should win here by a landslide but we all know it won't happen.
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I voted for Kane. As good as Morales is, I think Kane would beat him. If this match was for a World Title, I could actually see Morales getting the victory. But, it isn't for a Title, so it just seems more likely Kane would win.

Morales would do his general signature moves and get the crowd going. But, sooner or later he makes some mistake and Kane nails him with The Chokeslam and beats him clean.
Kane has been a pretty dominant guy over his entire WWE career. He has reinvented himself numerous times, but he has always been an intense force, physically and psychologically. I see him emerging victorious here without too much trouble. Fire and brimstone, and a tough adversary for Morales no matter how you look at it.
you are right kane is the guy who is the 7 feet tall and sill so active with the huge size,its hard to beat him.

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