NXT will be stale and repetitive by the end of the season


WZCW Veteran
I have seen both of the 2 NXT episodes so far, and while I have enjoyed the show for the most part, I am already getting some what bored with the exact same storylines. Let's look at the 8 pairs of NXT, and what we have with them right now:

Miz/Bryan - Miz trying to teach Bryan respect, and doesn't care about him at all.

R-Truth/Otunga - Just started the respect angle after the 2nd episode, heading same path as Miz and Bryan.

CM Punk/Darren Young - CM Punk and Young don't get along do to different styles ( I know Punk, helped him out last week but still shows no interest in Young).

William Regal/Skip Sheffield - Regal and Skip have different styles and they don't get along, haven't seen too much but Regal seems not to interested in Skip.

Christian/Heath Slater - This is the team that where the mentor actually respects his pro and the pro is trying his best to help him.

Matt Hardy/Justin Gabriel - Same thing as Christian and Slater.

Chris Jericho/Wade Barett - Heel/Heel team where both actually care for each other, and both promote each other as they are the best.

Carlito/Michael Tarver - Heel/Heel team haven't seen much of them but both seem like they are on same page and respect each other.

So we have 8 teams yet as you can see on the 8 teams, they way WWE set this up is 4 pairs of the exact same teams just with diffrent people. I have seen the same angle set up twice with the two heel mentor and face rookies, fighting against each other in brawls.

So do you think NXT will get stale?
It's possible, but it's far too early to tell one way or the other. I'm enjoying the show, it's something different and fresh in my opinion. While the overall reaction to last night's episode hasn't been as positive as the first one, it's still gotten good reviews overall.

The WWE is revealing the inner workings of the show bit by bit each week and, for me, it keeps me tuning in to see what happens. There are vast numbers of potential twists and turns that can be used on the show. Will the Rookies participate in gimmick matches against one another? Maybe against other Pros? Could Rookies be traded with other Pros potentially? Could other WWE stars from Raw or Smackdown! be brought in on occassion to speak to the Rookies or wrestle against them in matches? Could Rookies potentially earn opportunities to participate at ppvs or appear on Raw or SD! as part of stipulations for winning their matches?

There are simply too many things that can happen, some I've probably not even remotely considered, with NXT for me to predict that it's going to be stale by the end of the first season.
It's under the WWE brand name, of course the concept will get stale after a while. Remember Tough Enough? How about the Brawl for All? Or something a bit more recent: the many MANY Colin Delaney squash matches?

And I really don't think that Jericho cares as much for Barrett as the OP said. He does seem to secretly enjoy the sucking up though lol
I have seen both of the 2 NXT episodes so far, and while I have enjoyed the show for the most part, I am already getting some what bored with the exact same storylines. Let's look at the 8 pairs of NXT, and what we have with them right now:
honestly no. with a couple of exceptions the stars themselves are capable of making the similar storylines entertaining despite their similarities, and also that the cases are dissimilar enough that they can easily be booked in a way that puts off staleness.
Miz/Bryan - Miz trying to teach Bryan respect, and doesn't care about him at all.

R-Truth/Otunga - Just started the respect angle after the 2nd episode, heading same path as Miz and Bryan.
the difference in this one is that Bryan doesnt feel he needs to earn the Miz's respect. He should have earned it when he was being indieking. He knows how good he is and so does Miz. However Miz thinks he doesnt have the personality to make it, or that his experiences before now have prepared him for the big time. Otunga on the otherhand is an egocentric, dick whose arrogence is justified. He's an A (more like B) lister, whose met the president and went to harvard. He's better than you and he knows it. R-Truth wants to show him that his egocentric nature wont get him anywhere in the buisness. WHile Miz is occasionally outright cruel to Bryan, R-Truth isnt. However he also wont tollerate Otunga being a dick to him.
CM Punk/Darren Young - CM Punk and Young don't get along do to different styles ( I know Punk, helped him out last week but still shows no interest in Young).

William Regal/Skip Sheffield - Regal and Skip have different styles and they don't get along, haven't seen too much but Regal seems not to interested in Skip.
Just doesnt care about the 'southbeach partyboy' (yet), and he may end up joining the SES anyway (at which point he will care). Regal simply dispises Sheffield. there's a differnce between loathing and indifference.
Christian/Heath Slater - This is the team that where the mentor actually respects his pro and the pro is trying his best to help him.

Matt Hardy/Justin Gabriel - Same thing as Christian and Slater.
you have a point here. However because Christian is, ya know charismatic, capable and entertaining, he'll make his work stand out from Matt's.
Chris Jericho/Wade Barett - Heel/Heel team where both actually care for each other, and both promote each other as they are the best.

Carlito/Michael Tarver - Heel/Heel team haven't seen much of them but both seem like they are on same page and respect each other.
With Jericho and Barrett you've got two charasmatic egomaniacs who, think they're the best in the world at what they do. Carlito's a flippant cool dude, Tarver's a no nonsence ass kicking machine. Those differences between the latter will probably end up causing a rift between them. As for the other two, you've got two of the three best promo cutters in NXT. I think they'll find a way to make themselves different from Tarver and Carlito.
So we have 8 teams yet as you can see on the 8 teams, they way WWE set this up is 4 pairs of the exact same teams just with diffrent people. I have seen the same angle set up twice with the two heel mentor and face rookies, fighting against each other in brawls.
I've seen one brawl that I remember. Miz's beatdown hardly counted as a brawl. He was picking a the carrion and telling Bryan that he wont tollerate him losing again.
So do you think NXT will get stale?
no. It's got a 4 month life. I think that the writers and tallent can keep it fresh for that long. after that, the winner gets a Raw contract and the others go back to FCW, for an undetermined period of time.
I've never been a fan of pessimism. Never have, never will. Always with the doom and gloom and how 'something will fail' always manages to come into the spotlight. The fact is, this is an innovative concept by the WWE that actually makes sense. I know, right? That's something the WWE hasn't done in a wee little bit.

But to already give the death knell to NXT is foolish. There are NEW wrestlers being built into potential superstars. The fact that Danielson is wrestling in this should be enough to keep this afloat and have less choppy waters than ECW did. So I think that NXT will be fine and will surprise a lot of us.
I've never been a fan of pessimism. Never have, never will. Always with the doom and gloom and how 'something will fail' always manages to come into the spotlight. The fact is, this is an innovative concept by the WWE that actually makes sense. I know, right? That's something the WWE hasn't done in a wee little bit.

But to already give the death knell to NXT is foolish. There are NEW wrestlers being built into potential superstars. The fact that Danielson is wrestling in this should be enough to keep this afloat and have less choppy waters than ECW did. So I think that NXT will be fine and will surprise a lot of us.

I never gave the death knell to NXT, I just think that the way they are heading, I see the show becoming repetitive.

The 8 rookies are all trying to gain respect, and out of the 8 pairs, I see the same 4 angles just being run differently, so it is not exactly the same.

I liked the show so far, but I am worried about the future of the show, as we don't know how long it will last, and knowing WWE it can get stale quick.
Like I say we only get each seasen for 17 weeks, so it doesnt have a massive amoint of time to get stale. If Creative really is that dimb as to make the smae exact angles we'll have to trust the tallent to keep it fresh. Barrett'll (both due to his own and Jericho's charisma) be fine as will Bryan (Miz's with his own contribution), Skip (Regal's charisma feuling their own tension), Otunga (R-Truth's Charisma, with his own being thrown in), Young (Straight Edge Society), Slater (they call Christian captina chariama for a reason). So Gabriel and Tarver are fucked. The Hardyz are an uncharasmatic breed and Carlito cant keep himself from getting stale (but that's because he's a lazy shit) let alone Tarver

However can I just say that you're basing this off of two episodes. you really cant get that much of a feel for things after such a short period of time.
The short time period is actually benefitial to keeping it non stale, so I don't see it as a problem at all. And really, its pretty much a show with 16 superstars, 8 rookies and 8 new wrestlers. If each rookie only fights another rookies twice, then the show is over. So I cannot see it getting repetitive, and after two weeks, we haven't had the chance to see them grow as wrestlers.

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