NXT LD will kick your fucking head in 3/02/10

OK, I didn't want to hate on you, even though I disagreed with all of what you said. However, the MINUTE, you disparage the should be great name of ZACK RYDER, you sir, can go anally rape yourself with a spear, and drop drops of hydrochloric acid on your eyeballs. Zack Ryder was fucked over last night, and him losing (without any offense) was a bunch of shit. So fuck you sir.

Not to mention Zack Ryder is one of the few people in wrestling with a uniquegimmick and look....it doesnt help his cause when he gets squashed for no reason and get mocked by cole and lawler for his trunks
Cole: "I got a great story to tell you about Regal and Sheffield's relationship"

Oh baby.
we just saw a RAW ad. Am I the only one who wishes that the 3/15 host was moved to 3/8, in order to combat the first Monday Impact?
It's saddening, isn't it KB? That we actually have to point these things out.

I blame how indestructible the wrestlers are portrayed now. You can't beat someone with a double axe handle, or a german suplex. You have to use the Double Spinning Sitout Electric Sodomy.

That being stated, people seem to think a chair shot is something you shrug off now (Unless it's done to your back by Kurt Angle) and that a simple rib injury wouldn't affect a superstar's performance.

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