Not Impressed With D. Bryan.

Comprehend what I wrote. Ratings only measure one slice of the pie as far as overness. People my age don't watch cable. Most people my age don't even have cable. So using ratings to measure our interests is pointless.

If you think Ryback (who was getting Goldberg chants from the beginning) or Ryder (who was over for about 3 weeks) is at all the same thing as Daniel Bryan who has been very over for 2 years, then you are trying to twist narrative to fit your perspective.

If you're counting the stat of the "Yes" chant as the start of him being over, that wasn't people getting behind him, that was people mocking him because it was a stupid chant with a stupid gimmick. It wasn't until the beginning of summer that people started ACTUALLY getting behind him. Bryan is massively overrated. He may have his entertaining seconds in time but he isn't the "total package" that everyone labels him as. WWE lost the total package when CM Punk said "screw this" and went home. The Rock and Stone Cold were the total packages (back in their prime). And I will add this before it gets thrown out there, I don't hate "over" guys because they're over, I hate guys who are over when they aren't entertaining to me. I'm big on Reigns, I think Cesaro is great although I didn't like him at first. I don't know, maybe DB fans are seeing something I'm not but I just don't see Bryan as entertaining. Never have.
Daniel Bryan is a very good Technical Wrestler, and deserves some credit. However I find Daniel to be a little weird looking to be a "Top Guy". I mean Daniel is a good upper-card guy, but not a main event guy. His look is scruffy and his body frame is all but intimidating.

Saying all this, I am happy to see a guy like Daniel become popular. I want to see this Cena Era end and have someone else claim the top spot, and to me Daniel would be just fine for now... but not for the long term.

So do I hate Daniel? No, but I just don't see him as a top guy. He is perfect as upper-card guy, but that is it.
If you're counting the stat of the "Yes" chant as the start of him being over, that wasn't people getting behind him, that was people mocking him because it was a stupid chant with a stupid gimmick. It wasn't until the beginning of summer that people started ACTUALLY getting behind him. Bryan is massively overrated. He may have his entertaining seconds in time but he isn't the "total package" that everyone labels him as. WWE lost the total package when CM Punk said "screw this" and went home. The Rock and Stone Cold were the total packages (back in their prime). And I will add this before it gets thrown out there, I don't hate "over" guys because they're over, I hate guys who are over when they aren't entertaining to me. I'm big on Reigns, I think Cesaro is great although I didn't like him at first. I don't know, maybe DB fans are seeing something I'm not but I just don't see Bryan as entertaining. Never have.

Exactly!!!! I couldn't have said it with as much precision, accuracy or aptness. Some of the points you made are enlightening. "Total package" ! That's what Bryan isn't. Nor entertaining. Unfortunately, guys like you and me aren't really going to get Austin, Rock or Punk any more and until someone like Cesaro or Roman Reigns becomes the focus of WWE TV , it's going to suck bad. I've given up anger and taken up silence and resilience and patience until the Daniel Bryan ship sinks never to rise again.
I think this is first anti bryan thread. Hats off.

I dont like DB, bcoz he is popular of his underdog persono. When sheamus beat bryan in few seconds, he got sympathy from fans. Thereafter people cheer him with his yes or no chants and boo sheamus for his quick win.

You guys compare DB to cena? They why most of you cheer DB and boo Cena.

Most of people like the wrestlers only for sympathy. Wrestlers like bryan, ziggler, cesaro, ryder, punk. IWC wining about not getting proper push and burried. It makes you to boo the opposite wrestlers.

Former non wwe title winners like steamboat, perfect, rick rude are jealous about DB. Bcoz they wont have IWC on their time to win the wwe title.

The fans who cheer DB and boo cena, rock, batista, sheamus, del rio as a face, rey are pure pundais and nara koothis.
You know something. I will declare myself here.

I actually like Daniel Bryan. Always have. He has an engaging personality, and brings more to the table as a future superstar than Dolph Ziggler ever did (who I never understood the hype towards).

Also, I agree that Bryan needs to win this feud with the Authority in the end. It is Wrestling 101. Someone who is held down by management on-screen, needs to overcome.

Those were never my issues. My issue has never been with Bryan, but some of his fanboys. The way some of them have conducted themselves is appalling.

A lot of people were angry that Bryan was not in the Rumble. Do you know what made me angry? That a veteran like Rey Mysterio, who has sacrificed his body and entertained for many years, was booed for being No 30 and not being Daniel Bryan. Hey, I get that it was not personal against Rey, but it was still disgusting, and I think Rey is owed an apology, since he didn't book not to put Bryan in the Rumble.

DB fans have forced WWE to change the Daniel Wyatt storyline, the Randy Orton-Batista feud, and WMXXX itself. There would have been plenty of things WWE have done over the years the fans haven't liked, but crowds have never hijacked and manipulated storylines and PPVs to the same extent. To be honest, the fans have TOO much power these days.

I have said it before, and I work in retail, but the customer is not ALWAYS right. If they were, they would be doing your job. They would be serving ypu, not you serving them. The fans don't always know what they want, and can't have everything they want, or the WWE would go under. Vince McMahon must balance giving the fans what they want with what makes money, and sells, and the two aren't always the same thing.

People complain about how Bryan has been dominated by the Authority, yet it was okay when "Stone Cold" got one up on Vince McMahon nine times out of ten (the only times I can think of Austin being vulnerable in that feud was the Royal Rumble 1999, the Higher Power reveal, and a Gauntlet Match on Raw where Vince pinned Austin, and then spat beer in Austin's face when Raw went off air, every other time, Austin was the one standing over Vince, not vice versa). Both protagonist and antagonist have to have small victories along the way, to keep the feud going. A one-sided feud (even if it is the side you like) winning makes the feud predictable.

I got it. The wrestler sticking it to the man turns you on. You all hate your bosses, so want to see the wrestler beat up on the boss, and live vicariously through that (I don't know why some of you don't have cool bosses who you get along well with).

I think wrestling these days is about picking a side. I think DB is right, Triple H is right, and Stephanie is right. All three are right, and wrong, in certain arguments. It is up to the fan to pick a side. But if someone wants to side with the Authority to put a wrestler back in his place, that is their prerogative, without being shouted down for it.
To the people that claim we should be satisfied with what the WWE provides and not "hijack" and claim that Bryan in the main event is only becausing of hardcore fans whining, I would have to compare that to fans cheering Austin as a heel. Fans couldn't get enough of Austin even though he was supposed to be a bad guy. Should fans have stopped "hijacking" and booed Austin? That would've changed your beloved attitude era for the worse, I'm pretty sure. What about the fans were sick of Hogan, should they have kept cheering? That would have changed the NWO a whole lot I'm pretty sure.

People who say it is just the "YES" chant also don't get it as, if Zach Ryder had started the chant it would be dead. Yes got over because of Bryan and then it feeds back into Bryan, just as any chant should.

Bryan is is #3 seller in merchandise online and #2 at live events. Now I'm assuming this data is collected over time and I would have to assume Punk's merchandise sales are probably dropping and Bryan will overtake him as #2 online if he hasn't already. Furthermore as of late his segments have been the top rated segments. As far as buyrates go Summerslam promoted the Punk Vs Lesnar match a lot more than Bryan vs Cena and most casual fans probably didn't see Bryan as having a chance and most hardcore fans saw the finish coming and may not have wanted to see Bryan lose it in 2 minutes, so I'd blame punk for the low buyrates similar to his title run, of which Punk consistently couldn't draw. I personally flew out to see it all though.

I notice most of this hate started when Punk left. I guess most of the punk fans can't handle that the #2 spot is now Bryan's even though it's been that way since Summerslam, they must accept it now. It doesn't help that he's going to main event something Punk never got.

Also he's two inches shorter than Punk and I notice many of the people who think he's too small have Punk avatars or mention punk which I find mildly amusing. Also his wrestling ability is far greater as he can have a good match with anyone, where as punk could only do it with other good wrestlers. I admit his mic work isn't the best but it's consistently improving.

Face it guys Bryan's going to be this generations Bret Hart. He's over in every sense, ratings, merch, crowd reaction, he's not leaving the main event for a very long time.
If you're counting the stat of the "Yes" chant as the start of him being over, that wasn't people getting behind him, that was people mocking him because it was a stupid chant with a stupid gimmick. It wasn't until the beginning of summer that people started ACTUALLY getting behind him. Bryan is massively overrated. He may have his entertaining seconds in time but he isn't the "total package" that everyone labels him as. WWE lost the total package when CM Punk said "screw this" and went home. The Rock and Stone Cold were the total packages (back in their prime). And I will add this before it gets thrown out there, I don't hate "over" guys because they're over, I hate guys who are over when they aren't entertaining to me. I'm big on Reigns, I think Cesaro is great although I didn't like him at first. I don't know, maybe DB fans are seeing something I'm not but I just don't see Bryan as entertaining. Never have.
You can spin it to fit your opinion however you want. At the end of the day, people are loudest when he comes out. Louder than Punk ever got. Punk is very good, but Punk will never get over as a babyface like DB has. Punk is a much better heel. Bryan is very over, and has been very over for about 2 years now. A chant doesn't stay over that long without something behind it. I'm sure you'll twist that narrative somehow too with "good booking" or whatever.
ok, i dont see how anyone cant be impressed by Daniel Bryan. everyone who doesnt like him complains about his finishing sequence, but then fail to realize that, EVERY WWE wrestler has that!!! Cena has his five moves of doom, Triple H has his, CM Punk had his and so do others. the difference with Cena and Bryan is that Bryan has other moves he can use in a longer match and to top it off, he's one of the best at selling moves. his match with Bray was gold and he helped get Bray over. Bryan can wrestle an hour long match and not lose interest in many wrestling fans eyes. as for his mic work, no, he's not a CM Punk, but i disagree with the whole "he doesnt have a segment to remember." i will name one that i really enjoyed even if it was small. the night after elimination chamber in a backstage segment where Bryan confronts Triple H, screaming at him and challenging him. that match showed that when serious, he can cut a promo. like i said, he's not Punk on the mic, but he can cut a promo. his best work is in the ring and while the yes chants helped get him over, the real fans love him because he can actually wrestle.
To be honest, the fans have TOO much power these days.

Three words for you - Lack...of...competition. The WWE will either listen to its fans, or they will lose money, plain and simple. And I don't wanna hear the typical B.S. that "oh they're big and rich enough that they won't ever have to worry about losing people/money". If they get lazy enough, eventually, they'll have to worry about it. Nobody likes to watch a stale product.

Orton vs. Batista at Mania...hate to say it...but that would be a MASSIVELY stale product. Those two guys would be on their hands and knees, with tears in their eyes, thanking McMahon from the bottom of their hearts for launching the WWE Network...cuz if it wasn't for that, Mania XXX would have become (one of) the WORST Mania(s) as far as buyrates and such goes. I don't know if it's sunk in to Batista's brain yet, but a big enough chunk of the Universe does NOT wanna see him with the Title anymore...ever. Heck, I'm sure I'm not too far in the minority when I say that I don't even wanna see Orton with the Title anymore.

It's time to pass the torch. Daniel Bryan IS that new torchbearer. There are enough potential heels and babyfaces in the "new/next generation" of superstars that the PG Era faces (Cena, Orton, Batista, Lesnar) can simply sit on their riches, do some compelling angles every now and again that have nothing to do with them holding any more titles, and let the new blood captivate the crowds just as they once did.

I stood (I had a chair, but chose not to use it much of the show) inside a very small arena in Revere, MA nearly 10 years ago and watched Bryan Danielson (who's only 2 years younger than me) compete in an awesome match against Jushin "Thunder" Liger (THE best cruiserweight to ever set foot in a Japanese wrestling ring) as part of a weekend tour in Ring of Honor. I stood there, cheering two of the best technical high fliers in the world, all the while thinking "Wow, how sweet would it be if Danielson made it to the WWE and became champ?"

I didn't think for a SECOND that it would happen, cuz I knew damn well how things worked in that company...especially now that there's no solid and consistent competition to push them to really put on the greatest show they possibly could. But NOW...with guys like Bryan, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns...upcoming NXT'ers such as Zayn, Dallas (yes, the BO-lieving is starting to grow on me little by little), Neville, Paige...I can't WAIT to see the next 3 or 4 years flash in front of me. Of course, I don't have a DeLorean, so I have to be patient and wait.

I wish others would give these fantastic competitors a chance to have their moments...instead of putting them down as "vanilla midgets", "B+ players" cuz they don't know the difference between kayfabe and not-kayfabe, and calling us who cheer them on and defend them "IWC nerdlings". I'm not all knowing, but I do know that these haters have very little clue what they're talking about...and have just become content to spew their toxic junk as if opinion somehow trumps fact.
"You're nobody until someone hates you"...I don't recall who said that, or I may be riffing off that Biggie song, but it's pretty accurate, and as Hulk Hogan told Big Show "If nobody hates you, you aren't making any money brother!" and he would know a thing or two I guess.

I like Daniel Bryan, I like John Cena, so I dunno, maybe I'm just off base. My Dad doesn't like Bryan, he doesn't think he looks like a champion, but even he says the undeniable popularity means the storyline currently works and is the right choice, of course he also loathes Triple H and did so long before it was a net thing, so who knows! :shrug:
Yeah, I can pretty much poke holes into both these claims. During the same time period in WWE last year, when The Rock was the center of attention, the average rating for Raw was 3.325. For the first 10 weeks of 2014, they stand at 3.205. While not equal to The Rock, the ratings certainly aren't sinking in comparison by any stretch. Bryan's segments are among the most watched on Raw and SmackDown!, sometimes they're THE top draws on the show. Bryan's "Occupy Raw" segment was the top draw this past Monday on Raw, I think his segments were #1 last week as well and his segments came in 2nd the week before that to the confrontation between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar.

When it comes to ppvs, buyrates have shown mixed results. Bryan has been in the main event of two ppvs, namely SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell. SummerSlam drew 296,000 buys, which was down a lot compared to 2012 buys featuring Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H. His match against Cena was the very first ppv in which Bryan was the headliner, so it's not at all surprising a lot of fans didn't expect Bryan to win or for WWE to show much sustained interest.

Hell in a Cell, featuring Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton, drew 228,000 buys, which was up by roughly 30,000 buys from Hell in a Cell 2012. The only HIAC to draw higher was the first one at 283,000 buys. So, the notion of seeing if Bryan regained the title or was somehow screwed out of it again resulted in some significant buys for what's considered to be a "B" show.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Bryan is some sort of mega draw, but it's not at all accurate to paint him as some buyrate and ratings killer.

What I'm most interested in seeing are the ratings AFTER Daniel Bryan wins the belt. Will the ratings stay high or will they fall off? That's the going to be the key for DB. He's over now as an "underdog" and a "chaser" but when he actually has the belt for a run, where will the ratings be then? That will be very telling.
I like Daniel Bryan, I like John Cena, so I dunno, maybe I'm just off base. My Dad doesn't like Bryan, he doesn't think he looks like a champion, but even he says the undeniable popularity means the storyline currently works and is the right choice, of course he also loathes Triple H and did so long before it was a net thing, so who knows! :shrug:

I agree with your dad. I think Daniel Bryan looks like a homeless bum and I believe that's one of the reasons why he'll never get as over as The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, etc: Guys who were over with the "mainstream" audience.

If he came out to do an interview on Sportscenter for example, people that have no idea who he is would laugh their asses off just at his look alone.
I agree with your dad. I think Daniel Bryan looks like a homeless bum and I believe that's one of the reasons why he'll never get as over as The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, etc: Guys who were over with the "mainstream" audience.

If he came out to do an interview on Sportscenter for example, people that have no idea who he is would laugh their asses off just at his look alone.

I think there was at least one guy who looked like a homeless bum yet got over pretty well...

What was his name... Foley something?
I think D-Bry deserves it! I admit his mic work does need improvement but that promo he cut on Raw Backstage Pass was pretty solid. Anyway, he's not my favorite though, Bray is. I thought Punk should have won the Royal Rumble though. I really don't care what happens at Mania as long as Bray goes over clean. It's time for Cena to step the f*** down.
I think there was at least one guy who looked like a homeless bum yet got over pretty well...

What was his name... Foley something?

Good point but Foley had a much, much better gimmick. His gimmick was all the alter-ego characters.

Even so, I don't know how over Mankind is or was with mainstream audiences.
Good point but Foley had a much, much better gimmick. His gimmick was all the alter-ego characters.

Even so, I don't know how over Mankind is or was with mainstream audiences.

The thing about that though is Daniel Bryan has already appeared on the NFL network once and the people there were happy to have him and his face has even appeared in an issue of USA today so I dont think people are as hung-up on appearance as they might have been a decade ago.

Guys like Foley and Bryan are likely over because in a way they represent the Every Man that doesnt have super huge muscles or movie star looks. They are more relatable to the public at large.
Guys like Foley and Bryan are likely over because in a way they represent the Every Man that doesnt have super huge muscles or movie star looks. They are more relatable to the public at large.

Yeah that's true relating it somewhat to Hollywood. Sure there are more A-Lister that have this larger than life look and personality like Tom Cruise, Paul Newman, Michael Douglas, and Brad Pitt but once in awhile someone who looks more like your everyday guy like Tom Hanks and Dustin Hoffman that can also be huge Hollywood stars.
The thing about that though is Daniel Bryan has already appeared on the NFL network once and the people there were happy to have him and his face has even appeared in an issue of USA today so I dont think people are as hung-up on appearance as they might have been a decade ago.

Guys like Foley and Bryan are likely over because in a way they represent the Every Man that doesnt have super huge muscles or movie star looks. They are more relatable to the public at large.

Good points. More people can "relate" to the Daniel Bryan character, I do agree with that. This is just my opinion but I think he should ditch the beard (I know it's part of his gimmick) and go back to his shorter hair, more clean-cut self, once he wins the title. I believe it would be easier for him to start getting over with mainstream audiences which would skyrocket him into the "stone cold" and "Rock" categories as far as how over he is.
Good points. More people can "relate" to the Daniel Bryan character, I do agree with that. This is just my opinion but I think he should ditch the beard (I know it's part of his gimmick) and go back to his shorter hair, more clean-cut self, once he wins the title. I believe it would be easier for him to start getting over with mainstream audiences which would skyrocket him into the "stone cold" and "Rock" categories as far as how over he is.

The only problem with cutting his facial hair is that well......His fiancee loves it lol.

Plus according to some people without the beard he looks "vanilla" and honestly keeping the beard gives him a more Distinguished look IMO.
Good point but Foley had a much, much better gimmick. His gimmick was all the alter-ego characters.

Even so, I don't know how over Mankind is or was with mainstream audiences.

I wasn't talking gimmick, just strictly "looking like a hobo."

And Foley was fairly well over with the mainstream as his first book was a best seller.

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