Not Impressed With D. Bryan.


Occasional Pre-Show
Am I the only one that doesn't like Daniel Bryan? He's surely going to beat Triple H, which in itself is bull, Triple H is one of the best wrestlers in the company's history, he has a right to do a match or two a year, and win at least one of them. Daniel Bryan should just stick with his B plus activities, and stay out of Triple H's way and out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he's just like John Cena. At first he does a few moves, gets dominated most of the match, comes back at the end and wins, he does the same stuff every match. Not to mention he has terrible mic skills, he couldn't pull a damn good segment if his life was on the line. I hope Triple H kicks his short midget ass, but I doubt it, because it looks that's what Daniel Bryan is doing, getting a win and the title because he is popular and that's what the fans want, so that's how a champion is decided these days... pathetic.
Champions have always been decided on popularity. That's how you run a program like WWE has for decades. I understand your dislike for Bryan, and I know there are plenty of people here that feel the same way as you do, but at the end of the day it is always about selling tickets and putting asses in seats. Whoever can do that will always be your A-list superstar. Daniel Bryan and John Cena both have that ability to draw people in with what they are doing, and that is why they are the best wrestlers in the WWE right now.

Triple H is a terrific wrestler, no argument there, but as a Boss gimmick, the hard working underdog employee who's been cheated out of the title so many times deserves to gain the upperhand. It just makes good television.

And most wrestling matches have done that same cycle of do a few moves, get dominated, come back and win. That's been the thing since wrestling began. Check out any match that had a major face in it, and odds are that same pattern is there.
I'm of the school of thought that D-Bry is a B+ player as well. But B+ is pretty high on the scale.

His matches are great, high intensity will always work, even if he's just doing his kick, dropkick, flying goat, roll-around and finishers routine. His mic work is where i'd let him slip a bit, mostly on helpless stuff, his accent and pronunciations erk me a little. He's got great charisma, and is incredibly likeable, just not often saying things that impress me too much.

Popularity alone get's Daniel Bryan his match. Beyond that, I truly believe the two can throw together something great. Trips is good in his role, but the role begs for Bryan to get revenge after everything since winning the title. The heel gets his due, thats wrestling 101, and D-Bry is the guy most wronged.

Champs always decided by popularity, or at the very least by presumed popularity. Find me one guy who wasn't popular when they made him champ. I don't think Bryan will be on top for long though, screwing him over works great and I don't see his popularity lasting as a champ.
Does Stephanie McMahon have an account on these forums now?

Am I the only one that doesn't like Daniel Bryan? He's surely going to beat Triple H, which in itself is bull, Triple H is one of the best wrestlers in the company's history,

To an extent. He's an A- or at the very most an A player to be precise. And while Bryan isn't quite A+ yet, a victory over Triple H before winning the triple threat would set him on his way.

he has a right to do a match or two a year, and win at least one of them.

No he doesn't. His legacy is completely solidified in WWE, a loss to Bryan won't hurt him at all.

Daniel Bryan should just stick with his B plus activities, and stay out of Triple H's way and out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship,


So keeping someone who is getting some of the biggest pops in years out of the main event is a good idea to you?

I love how you not only believe HHH's kayfabe sentiments, but parrot them as well.

he's just like John Cena. At first he does a few moves, gets dominated most of the match, comes back at the end and wins, he does the same stuff every match.

And there's nothing wrong with this at all, because any semi-popular wrestler has a finisher sequence. Even Triple H has the knee facebuster, spinebuster and Pedigree combo.

Not to mention he has terrible mic skills,

Your lack of perception disturbs me.

he couldn't pull a damn good segment if his life was on the line.

I don't know, maybe the fucking acclaimed Occupy Raw segment from just 5 days ago?

I hope Triple H kicks his short midget ass, but I doubt it, because it looks that's what Daniel Bryan is doing, getting a win and the title because he is popular and that's what the fans want, so that's how a champion is decided these days... pathetic.

That's how it always has been. That's what has happened with many champions, the most notable of which was Stone Cold Steve Austin. If they're getting reactions and putting on stellar performances, they're going to be pushed.

You're a cretin. I can understand people not liking D Bry, but your reasoning is neither coherent nor correct.
I hated him as well, and i do think he is still bad on the mic. Now im a fan and i think he has the best WRASTLIN' matches week to week hands down. Just my opinion.

Bray Wyatt for champion though!!

Basically what Backstage Fallout said. Blind hatred of someone is no reason for them NOT to get the title. The most popular aka the one most people are there to see should de facto be the star of the show and in the wrestling world, that means being champion. To criticise his in-ring skills is to just show a complete lack of knowledge of wrestling and although hes not the greatest mic worker in the world, hes been involved in some of the most entertaining moments in WWE over the past few years, going back to his original WHC run and Team Hell No segments.

Also, how do you think your beloved HHH got to the top? Popularity? Or was it banging the bosses daughter? I know which one I'd prefer to be acknowledged for...
I'll never understand the issue that anybody can have with a wrestler having a sequence of signature moves that they use to set up their finish (even though that sequence rarely actually ends the match). Not only is it a very basic method of getting support on your side (by telling the fans: "Get excited! My finisher is coming!", but when you've got the intensity of Daniel Bryan that sequence can only add to the match. Bryan's Suicide Dive is one of my favourite things to mark out over at the moment.
I don't care what anybody says, I think Bryan being "over" is the result of more hardcore fans showing up to arenas to assert themselves in the wake of the 'Summer of Punk' in 2011. He gets these great reactions, yet when he's on top PPV buyrates and TV ratings sink. Something's not adding up. There has to be a 'Silent Majority' of fans out there that just aren't that into him. I think he will flop HARD as the top babyface, if they actually give him that opportunity.
There are two types of IWC people, children and ******s!!! They all want the era when anything and everything could and can happen but then they throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want...which happens to be the most scripted boring thing on planet earth...daniel bryan with the title. I hope he never gets it and is buried just to shut up all the nerds who believe they are fans. I'm a fan who has favs but when they lose I know its a show and I get over it. You are not alone in hating him I think anyone who likes him at this point is a childish mark.
^That's another problem. When WWE was at it's best, I didn't have any dog in the race, I just wanted to be entertained. I like to think that's how most normal people watch wrestling: To see a good interesting story that's unpredictable. Not going to hijack shows to force WWE to push your handpicked favorites.
Not everybody's gonna be into Daniel Bryan. I've yet to come across a pro wrestler that's been able to be all things to all people. Not everybody liked Sammartino, Hogan, Flair, Savage, Steamboat, Sting, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H, Kurt Angle, John Cena, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy or CM Punk; but enough people were impressed by them that they became some of the biggest stars in the history of pro wrestling. Some bigger than others, of course, but you get the point.

As far as Bryan goes, I just flat out like the guy. I like watching him in the ring, I like his passion & love for wrestling, I like the that he's not trying to be an over the top character because that in & of itself helps him to stand out. Different strokes for different folks.

When it comes to popularity, Bryan's the most over babyface on the roster right now. Whether it's men, women or kids; people WANT to cheer for Daniel Bryan and that counts for a whole lot. Personally, I don't care whether people say Bryan's too short, doesn't have enough muscle mass of whatever. Daniel Bryan has accomplished the single biggest task that can be asked of any pro wrestler: he's able to make people care and be interested in what he's doing. If a wrestler is unable to do that then, frankly, the fact that he might have the face to make women swoon and a physique that looks like its carved out of solid granite doesn't mean shit.

Daniel Bryan draws ratings, he sells merchandise, he puts butts in seats and he's able to do that because fans wanna see him to what he does. At the end of the day, it's all about making money and Daniel Bryan's doing that for WWE. Whether he'll be as over a year or so from now is anybody's guess, but that's then, this is now and WWE management is intelligent enough to strike while the iron's hot.

The way I look at it is this: if you're not a fan of Daniel Bryan, more power to you. Nothin' wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. However, when you look at the facts as they currently are pertaining to Bryan being a money maker for WWE, then it renders any sort of logical argument about him not "deserving" a title match or whatever moot. WWE wants to make as much money as they can and, as of this particular point in time, they stand a better chance of doing that with Daniel Bryan in a top spot.
Bryan is the total package when it comes to wrestling - he had the history in the independent leagues, adapted very well to the wwe style and can talk on the mic(maybe not the best but still better than most). His biggest problem is his size - 6 inches taller and he would be pushed hard. It is the classic reason in wwe - small guys can't be champ. Of course it happens but there is always a fight - Vince didn't think HBK could be champ but think of the classics he and Bret, another small guy, had. They got given the chance because the fans wanted it. Today, wwe is a different company and even though the fans are behind him, wwe doesn't need to make Bryan the champ. It is their company, they can do whatever they like but when they start losing viewers and people complain, they can't blame anyone but themselves. I haven't watched wwe regularly for about a year now as they are too insulting to the fans - storylined that make no sense and telling the fans which wrestler is hot instead of listening to the audience. Watching how they are dealing with Bryan now just pushes me farther away.
I don't care what anybody says, I think Bryan being "over" is the result of more hardcore fans showing up to arenas to assert themselves in the wake of the 'Summer of Punk' in 2011. He gets these great reactions, yet when he's on top PPV buyrates and TV ratings sink. Something's not adding up. There has to be a 'Silent Majority' of fans out there that just aren't that into him. I think he will flop HARD as the top babyface, if they actually give him that opportunity.

If Daniel Bryan is given time to develop at the top, then he will quickly become a formidable draw as long as he continues to improve on the microphone and put on quality matches. Also, I can tell you right now that HIAC 2013 had a significant increase over the previous year, to the point of where HBK can't be considered a factor in that increase, whereas Survivor Series 2013 (Show vs Orton) tanked.

I'll at least give you credit for having a decent argument.

There are two types of IWC people, children and ******s!!!

Which one do you or I fall under, because we're both members of the IWC.

They all want the era when anything and everything could and can happen but then they throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want...which happens to be the most scripted boring thing on planet earth...daniel bryan with the title.

I for one don't think the Attitude Era should return anytime soon. And neither is Daniel Bryan with the title boring, as he has consistently put on excellent matches, is more than good enough on the microphone and has a huge folliwng.

I hope he never gets it and is buried just to shut up all the nerds who believe they are fans. I'm a fan who has favs but when they lose I know its a show and I get over it. You are not alone in hating him I think anyone who likes him at this point is a childish mark.

You don't get it. Daniel Bryan is the hottest act in the company by a long shot right now, and he can appeal to both the IWC and casual audiences, something both Cena (IWC) and Punk (casual) struggle(d) with.
I don't care what anybody says, I think Bryan being "over" is the result of more hardcore fans showing up to arenas to assert themselves in the wake of the 'Summer of Punk' in 2011. He gets these great reactions, yet when he's on top PPV buyrates and TV ratings sink. Something's not adding up. There has to be a 'Silent Majority' of fans out there that just aren't that into him. I think he will flop HARD as the top babyface, if they actually give him that opportunity.

Yeah, I can pretty much poke holes into both these claims. During the same time period in WWE last year, when The Rock was the center of attention, the average rating for Raw was 3.325. For the first 10 weeks of 2014, they stand at 3.205. While not equal to The Rock, the ratings certainly aren't sinking in comparison by any stretch. Bryan's segments are among the most watched on Raw and SmackDown!, sometimes they're THE top draws on the show. Bryan's "Occupy Raw" segment was the top draw this past Monday on Raw, I think his segments were #1 last week as well and his segments came in 2nd the week before that to the confrontation between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar.

When it comes to ppvs, buyrates have shown mixed results. Bryan has been in the main event of two ppvs, namely SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell. SummerSlam drew 296,000 buys, which was down a lot compared to 2012 buys featuring Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H. His match against Cena was the very first ppv in which Bryan was the headliner, so it's not at all surprising a lot of fans didn't expect Bryan to win or for WWE to show much sustained interest.

Hell in a Cell, featuring Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton, drew 228,000 buys, which was up by roughly 30,000 buys from Hell in a Cell 2012. The only HIAC to draw higher was the first one at 283,000 buys. So, the notion of seeing if Bryan regained the title or was somehow screwed out of it again resulted in some significant buys for what's considered to be a "B" show.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Bryan is some sort of mega draw, but it's not at all accurate to paint him as some buyrate and ratings killer.
Bryan is over with all fans. He has entire arenas chanting YES and that is some feat. His popularity means he has to be taken seriously. His in-ring ability is what pushes him over, thus making him worthy of a spot in the main-eventers. He deserves it.

I think Cena, Orton, Punk are all more talented. I prefer other wrestlers as well but Bryan is ridiculously over and people will pay to see him and they want to see him win. Mania is usually where the WWE send the fans home happy and Bryan winning the belt will do just that (for the majority of fans)

In the long term, Bryan can be a fantastic asset for the company. He puts on good matches and will sell merch. It makes sense.
Am I the only one that doesn't like Daniel Bryan? He's surely going to beat Triple H, which in itself is bull, Triple H is one of the best wrestlers in the company's history, he has a right to do a match or two a year, and win at least one of them. Daniel Bryan should just stick with his B plus activities, and stay out of Triple H's way and out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he's just like John Cena. At first he does a few moves, gets dominated most of the match, comes back at the end and wins, he does the same stuff every match. Not to mention he has terrible mic skills, he couldn't pull a damn good segment if his life was on the line. I hope Triple H kicks his short midget ass, but I doubt it, because it looks that's what Daniel Bryan is doing, getting a win and the title because he is popular and that's what the fans want, so that's how a champion is decided these days... pathetic.

Oh, is this Bryan hate thread #653? I lost count.
WWE's wrestling style is 5 moves of doom. But guess what, that style is the typical one for the regular weekly matches. In high profile 30 minute matches, you have to step up, and Bryan can do that, because he is probably the best in ring performer at the moment.

You compare HHH to Bryan as far as in-ring skill goes? And say that HHH is better? What? Wait, what? Get serious mate, I understand your fetish with big guys, but this goes past the line.

You consider Bryan beating HHH bull, because why? Because he is small? Pal, wrestling isn't real shoot fighting, it is soap opera therefore the small guys win. After all, if you thought it was real, then how in hell did Cena and HHH beat Lesnar...? Oh wait, they are big guys right?

You IWC ret@rded fanboys and big man lovers are so stupid, really. Learn to appreciate talent like Bryan. These kind of guys don't come in bunches like some random no talent big guys. Enjoy Bryan until he lasts, because then you will all be b1tching about how we don't have any more wrestlers and how the show is unwatchable.
Am I the only one that doesn't like Daniel Bryan?

Is that a desperate cry for attention? Yeah, you know what dude; people of all kinds of varying tastes inhabit this world. You should get out and meet a few of them.

He's surely going to beat Triple H, which in itself is bull, Triple H is one of the best wrestlers in the company's history, he has a right to do a match or two a year, and win at least one of them.

Oh, I see. You're upset that Daniel Bryan is robbing HHH of the win he's due at Wrestlemania XXX, and not so much discouraged with Daniel Bryan's inability to impress you.

Daniel Bryan should just stick with his B plus activities, and stay out of Triple H's way and out of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he's just like John Cena.

You're obviously a huge fan of Daniel Bryan's B+ activities, so I see why you're so disappointed to see him engaged in something completely different.

Which way was HHH going again when Daniel Bryan got in it? Was HHH going to wrestle nobody for twenty minutes and pin thin air before Daniel Bryan got a match with him?

Daniel Bryan is just like John Cena for all that you described of Daniel Bryan so far? Whew. One thing I'll say is that you definitely belong here.

At first he does a few moves, gets dominated most of the match, comes back at the end and wins, he does the same stuff every match.

Yeah, that's a very basic formula for a pro-wrestling match. Very observant of you.

Not to mention he has terrible mic skills, he couldn't pull a damn good segment if his life was on the line.

Oh pish posh you silly goose, just because you're already a World Heavyweight Champion doesn't mean that you know everything. Daniel Bryan appeals to Daniel Bryan fans because he's Daniel Bryan, it is what it is what it is. That's show business kid. I enjoy Daniel Bryan's promos, that's not to say that you're wrong for finding them terrible. Que sera sera.

I hope Triple H kicks his short midget ass, but I doubt it, because it looks that's what Daniel Bryan is doing, getting a win and the title because he is popular and that's what the fans want, so that's how a champion is decided these days... pathetic.

Kicks were banned for HHH's match with Daniel Bryan?! I'd say that hurts Daniel Bryan's chances more than they do HHH's, you see Daniel Bryan has this spot where he kicks his opponent multiple times. The crowd loudly regales themselves during this with a chant of "YES!! YES!! YES!!", oh it's so much fun.

Where was I? Oh yes. It's pathetic that a champion is decided by someone being popular and by being so over with the fans that they can accept their title win? Whew. Yeah, let's hold Wrestlemania on April 1st instead. The April Fools Wrestlemania will have the exact opposite of what everyone wants if only to impress you. You're a mean one Mr. Grinch.
There are two types of IWC people, children and ******s!!! They all want the era when anything and everything could and can happen but then they throw a tantrum when they don't get what they want...which happens to be the most scripted boring thing on planet earth...daniel bryan with the title. I hope he never gets it and is buried just to shut up all the nerds who believe they are fans. I'm a fan who has favs but when they lose I know its a show and I get over it. You are not alone in hating him I think anyone who likes him at this point is a childish mark.

So where do you belong to a ****** or a child?

People getting upset because they are not happy with a product is nothing new. As I said it happens everywhere now and because fans have a bigger venue to voice out their concerns companies in general need to be more prompt to respond. If you are a gamer you would see this with Microsoft with their Xbox One controversies.

Heck I had a rant recently because I was disappointing in my experience in the restaurant. Does that make me an IFC or an Internet Foodie Community? Oh wait that term doesn't exist and neither does the IWC, it's a made up term that labels wrestling fans as casuals or nerds either being praised or vilified depending on a persons perspective.

Pushing someone in Wrestling is and was always about their popularity. Austin was pushed because fans loved him even if he was a heel, Bret Hart won the title at WMX because fans responded better to Hart than with Luger, and Batista was pushed over Orton at 2005 because of the fans.

Fans being upset with Daniel Bryan not being at the main event or at the Rumble would have happened anytime in any era. Perhaps not through online channels but you saw what happens when a promotion does not push the guy who is seemingly popular with the crowd. Hogan left AWA because the promotion refused to give him the title, he jumped to the WWF and in years time AWA closed down. Vince pushed Kevin Nash and decided to make him Champion over Bret Hart, and behold 1995 was one of the worst years in the company financially.

So yeah at least fans now are showing their displeasure that Bryan wasn't being the one pushed to WMXXX. Simply they were not entertained or excited at the thought of Batistia being the man to main event WM.

As for people not impressed with DB, that's your opinion and you are entitled to it but the big picture is that he is very over with the fans. Most common argument is that he's only popular with the internet crowd. But he's getting huge reactions from the crowd, and fans in live attendance being upset when he's not in the Rumble, and he is ranked #2 or #3 in merchandise sales. He must be doing something right.

There are critics that also say that DB won't be popular after awhile and his popularity will die down is not sustainable. Yes they could be right but we live in the now. Do Hollywood studios think about making a movie because they think it will be masterpiece in 20 years time? No, they make movies based on what can make money and what the fans want at this point in time. Same with the WWE, did the WWE know or even think that John Cena, and his rapper gimmick, and Batista, with his recent rise in popularity due to his teases with Triple H, would stay popular after 5 years when they decided to make them Champion at WM21? I don't think they just saw these guys as starting to get popular over the last year and decided to run with it, heck at that point both guys were less accomplished than DB.

I hope Triple H kicks his short midget ass, .

As said you are entitled to your opinion but I see no reason why you need to make fun of his height. Which is average by all standards. Anyways I wouldn't make fun of a guys physical appearance when he can nab a hottie like Brie Bella. I'm just saying.
To the OP,you do know that Daniel Bryan has arena after arena in his back pocket correct? I get you dont like him,thats fine.. No pro wrestler ever has had the backing of everyone. That in itself is impossible.. True Daniel Bryan is on the short side.. He is not the most muscular dude on the roster,but now with punk being gone,he is the best technician they have right now..

To further say trips should beat the holy hell out of him at WM,Trips understands the business aspect of entertainment. Would you really wanna piss off 80,000+ people just so you can have Triple H defeat D-Bry at WM? I am sure you could figure out how the audience would treat the ME after that happened.. While he isnt an A+ player he is a A-or a solid A!!

If he defeats HHH and wins the WWE WHC,then he is on his way to A+status. As far as PPV buy rates go,he is in the middle not bad at all. D-Bry puts asses in the seats,people are excited to chant YES,he sells merch. He is over with the women,men,kids! At the end of the day as with any company,WWE wants money and D-Bry makes that happen for them
I'm not sure where all this about not being good on the mic is coming from. The reason he's made it this far is because he has consistently turned all the stupid angles WWE has given him into great TV. The counseling sessions with Kane are a perfect example. With almost anybody else on the roster, those would have been awful and would've ended after 2 weeks. It is absolutely Bryan's skill in comedic timing and intuitive ability to play off Kane's character that made them work. He understands the nuances of what it takes to deliver a program as well as anybody I've seen in a while. Now if this was 1991 and he needed to deliver an epic promo in response to one of Hogan or Warrior's coked up rants, he's probably not your guy, but that's not what it's all about anymore. Everything he does feels genuine and believable, and he comes across like he's actually spent some time thinking about how to make whatever he's given work.

Edit: And can we stop using these kayfabe letter grades to describe his talents? It's a little markish.
It's not about you. It's about who's over. Vince might not like Daniel Bryan either, but Vince likes money, so Vince likes pushing Daniel Bryan. I don't like Batista, but he makes them money. So if I were Vince, I'd keep Batista on the show despite hating everything he does.

I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan. I'm not going to argue subjective merits. Bottom line is, your job as a pro wrestler is to A) get over and B) stay safe in the ring. Bryan does both, he's good at his job whether he appeals to you or not.
I don't care what anybody says, I think Bryan being "over" is the result of more hardcore fans showing up to arenas to assert themselves in the wake of the 'Summer of Punk' in 2011. He gets these great reactions, yet when he's on top PPV buyrates and TV ratings sink. Something's not adding up. There has to be a 'Silent Majority' of fans out there that just aren't that into him. I think he will flop HARD as the top babyface, if they actually give him that opportunity.

Wow, someone else finally noticed. Everyone says Bryan is the best thing since Stone Cold Steve Austin. But if he's so great should ratings and buyrates be through the roof? I agree with your silent majority point, I believe the people who love him just loudly voice how they feel about him while the rest of us couldn't care less and are just waiting for them to shut up. I think slowly but surely people will start to resent him the same way they did with John Cena. They'll get tired of Bryan soon enough and in a month or two after that happens someone else will be getting shoved down our throats and we will HAVE to like him because if we don't we will be told by all their fans that we "don't know the first thing about pro wrestling" just like we are right now about Daniel Bryan
Wow, someone else finally noticed. Everyone says Bryan is the best thing since Stone Cold Steve Austin. But if he's so great should ratings and buyrates be through the roof? I agree with your silent majority point, I believe the people who love him just loudly voice how they feel about him while the rest of us couldn't care less and are just waiting for them to shut up. I think slowly but surely people will start to resent him the same way they did with John Cena. They'll get tired of Bryan soon enough and in a month or two after that happens someone else will be getting shoved down our throats and we will HAVE to like him because if we don't we will be told by all their fans that we "don't know the first thing about pro wrestling" just like we are right now about Daniel Bryan
Again with the ratings lol. Ratings are only ONE way of measuring popularity and it is measuring an ever decreasing piece of the pie. Also, what buyrates are you talking about? You mean when Daniel Bryan was main eventing shows during and around the government shutdown? I know entire small towns that 70% of businesses temporarily shut down because business was so bad. NOBODY did good business during that time except the Democrats because of how stupid the Tea Party made the conservatives look.

Who does Daniel Bryan appeal to? Mostly people 15-25 I'd say. "Occupiers". Which demographic probably DOESN'T watch Raw on Cable? 15-25 year olds. Kids and their parents still watch cable. People my age and below, we prefer streaming/youtube. Bryan is over. He's selling a ton of merch and he's getting a great reaction.

I think more of you need to brush up on the business of media and entertainment. Cable is dying . There is a very well known "cable sports bubble". Everyone is acknowledging that it's a dying industry. You have to look at more than just one metric, especially when that metric is as narrow as cable ratings. I honestly can't remember the last time I watched a TV show on cable. I watch all my shows on streaming TV. Most people my age and younger do the same thing. My generation vegges out to 6 hours of Game of Thrones on Netflix. We don't watch 2 1/2 Men on cable.
Again with the ratings lol. Ratings are only ONE way of measuring popularity and it is measuring an ever decreasing piece of the pie. Also, what buyrates are you talking about? You mean when Daniel Bryan was main eventing shows during and around the government shutdown? I know entire small towns that 70% of businesses temporarily shut down because business was so bad. NOBODY did good business during that time except the Democrats because of how stupid the Tea Party made the conservatives look.

Who does Daniel Bryan appeal to? Mostly people 15-25 I'd say. "Occupiers". Which demographic probably DOESN'T watch Raw on Cable? 15-25 year olds. Kids and their parents still watch cable. People my age and below, we prefer streaming/youtube. Bryan is over. He's selling a ton of merch and he's getting a great reaction.

I think more of you need to brush up on the business of media and entertainment. Cable is dying . There is a very well known "cable sports bubble". Everyone is acknowledging that it's a dying industry. You have to look at more than just one metric, especially when that metric is as narrow as cable ratings. I honestly can't remember the last time I watched a TV show on cable. I watch all my shows on streaming TV. Most people my age and younger do the same thing. My generation vegges out to 6 hours of Game of Thrones on Netflix. We don't watch 2 1/2 Men on cable.

What the hell did I just read? You started on how ratings and buyrates don't measure popularity and then you went onto how you and people your age watch stuff on YouTube and Netflix. Did you get on the internet drunk today? Back on subject, you know who else sold tons of merchandise? Ryder and Ryback and we all have seen how they're doing. He's just the hot thing right now. Once people get tired of him and his merch. sales drop WWE will drop him back down to mid card for the rest of his career. Who knows? Maybe they'll have a storyline and put Team Hell No back together.
What the hell did I just read? You started on how ratings and buyrates don't measure popularity and then you went onto how you and people your age watch stuff on YouTube and Netflix. Did you get on the internet drunk today? Back on subject, you know who else sold tons of merchandise? Ryder and Ryback and we all have seen how they're doing. He's just the hot thing right now. Once people get tired of him and his merch. sales drop WWE will drop him back down to mid card for the rest of his career. Who knows? Maybe they'll have a storyline and put Team Hell No back together.
Comprehend what I wrote. Ratings only measure one slice of the pie as far as overness. People my age don't watch cable. Most people my age don't even have cable. So using ratings to measure our interests is pointless.

If you think Ryback (who was getting Goldberg chants from the beginning) or Ryder (who was over for about 3 weeks) is at all the same thing as Daniel Bryan who has been very over for 2 years, then you are trying to twist narrative to fit your perspective.

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